2017-10-13 14:43:17 -07:00
use std::{self, io, ptr};
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
2017-11-10 13:08:15 -08:00
use std::net::SocketAddr;
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
use std::time::Duration;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
use actix::Arbiter;
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
use httparse;
2017-10-27 22:19:00 -07:00
use http::{Method, Version, HttpTryFrom, HeaderMap};
2017-11-06 16:23:58 -08:00
use http::header::{self, HeaderName, HeaderValue};
2017-11-02 12:54:09 -07:00
use bytes::{Bytes, BytesMut, BufMut};
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
use futures::{Future, Poll, Async};
use tokio_io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite};
use tokio_core::reactor::Timeout;
2017-10-27 22:19:00 -07:00
use percent_encoding;
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
use task::Task;
2017-11-04 12:33:14 -07:00
use channel::HttpHandler;
2017-11-15 20:06:28 -10:00
use error::{ParseError, PayloadError, ErrorResponse};
2017-11-06 01:24:49 -08:00
use h1writer::H1Writer;
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
use httpcodes::HTTPNotFound;
2017-10-14 22:52:38 -07:00
use httprequest::HttpRequest;
2017-11-06 16:23:58 -08:00
use encoding::PayloadType;
2017-11-15 20:06:28 -10:00
use payload::{Payload, PayloadWriter, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE};
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
const KEEPALIVE_PERIOD: u64 = 15; // seconds
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
const INIT_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 8192;
2017-10-08 20:16:48 -07:00
const MAX_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 131_072;
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
const MAX_HEADERS: usize = 100;
const MAX_PIPELINED_MESSAGES: usize = 16;
2017-11-02 12:54:09 -07:00
const HTTP2_PREFACE: [u8; 14] = *b"PRI * HTTP/2.0";
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
pub(crate) enum Http1Result {
2017-11-04 13:49:05 -07:00
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
2017-11-10 13:08:15 -08:00
pub(crate) struct Http1<T: AsyncWrite + 'static, H: 'static> {
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
router: Rc<Vec<H>>,
2017-11-10 13:08:15 -08:00
addr: Option<SocketAddr>,
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
stream: H1Writer<T>,
reader: Reader,
read_buf: BytesMut,
error: bool,
tasks: VecDeque<Entry>,
keepalive: bool,
keepalive_timer: Option<Timeout>,
h2: bool,
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
struct Entry {
task: Task,
req: UnsafeCell<HttpRequest>,
eof: bool,
error: bool,
finished: bool,
2017-11-10 13:08:15 -08:00
impl<T, H> Http1<T, H>
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
where T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + 'static,
H: HttpHandler + 'static
2017-11-10 13:08:15 -08:00
pub fn new(stream: T, addr: Option<SocketAddr>, router: Rc<Vec<H>>) -> Self {
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
Http1{ router: router,
addr: addr,
stream: H1Writer::new(stream),
reader: Reader::new(),
read_buf: BytesMut::new(),
error: false,
tasks: VecDeque::new(),
keepalive: true,
keepalive_timer: None,
h2: false }
2017-11-10 13:08:15 -08:00
pub fn into_inner(mut self) -> (T, Option<SocketAddr>, Rc<Vec<H>>, Bytes) {
2017-11-04 12:33:14 -07:00
(self.stream.unwrap(), self.addr, self.router, self.read_buf.freeze())
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
pub fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Http1Result, ()> {
// keep-alive timer
if let Some(ref mut timeout) = self.keepalive_timer {
match timeout.poll() {
2017-11-08 19:31:25 -08:00
Ok(Async::Ready(_)) => {
trace!("Keep-alive timeout, close connection");
return Ok(Async::Ready(Http1Result::Done))
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
Ok(Async::NotReady) => (),
Err(_) => unreachable!(),
loop {
let mut not_ready = true;
// check in-flight messages
let mut io = false;
let mut idx = 0;
while idx < self.tasks.len() {
let item = &mut self.tasks[idx];
if !io && !item.eof {
if item.error {
return Err(())
// this is anoying
let req = unsafe {item.req.get().as_mut().unwrap()};
match item.task.poll_io(&mut self.stream, req)
Ok(Async::Ready(ready)) => {
not_ready = false;
// overide keep-alive state
if self.keepalive {
self.keepalive = self.stream.keepalive();
2017-11-04 12:33:14 -07:00
self.stream = H1Writer::new(self.stream.unwrap());
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
item.eof = true;
if ready {
item.finished = true;
Ok(Async::NotReady) => {
// no more IO for this iteration
io = true;
Err(_) => {
// it is not possible to recover from error
// during task handling, so just drop connection
return Err(())
} else if !item.finished {
match item.task.poll() {
Ok(Async::NotReady) => (),
Ok(Async::Ready(_)) => {
not_ready = false;
item.finished = true;
Err(_) =>
item.error = true,
idx += 1;
// cleanup finished tasks
while !self.tasks.is_empty() {
if self.tasks[0].eof && self.tasks[0].finished {
} else {
// no keep-alive
if !self.keepalive && self.tasks.is_empty() {
if self.h2 {
2017-11-04 13:49:05 -07:00
return Ok(Async::Ready(Http1Result::Switch))
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
} else {
return Ok(Async::Ready(Http1Result::Done))
// read incoming data
2017-11-15 20:06:28 -10:00
while !self.error && !self.h2 && self.tasks.len() < MAX_PIPELINED_MESSAGES {
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
match self.reader.parse(self.stream.get_mut(), &mut self.read_buf) {
Ok(Async::Ready(Item::Http1(mut req, payload))) => {
not_ready = false;
2017-11-10 13:08:15 -08:00
// set remote addr
2017-11-10 13:26:12 -08:00
2017-11-10 13:08:15 -08:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
// stop keepalive timer
// start request processing
let mut task = None;
for h in self.router.iter() {
if req.path().starts_with(h.prefix()) {
task = Some(h.handle(&mut req, payload));
Entry {task: task.unwrap_or_else(|| Task::reply(HTTPNotFound)),
req: UnsafeCell::new(req),
eof: false,
error: false,
finished: false});
Ok(Async::Ready(Item::Http2)) => {
self.h2 = true;
Err(ReaderError::Disconnect) => {
not_ready = false;
self.error = true;
for entry in &mut self.tasks {
Err(err) => {
// notify all tasks
not_ready = false;
for entry in &mut self.tasks {
// kill keepalive
self.keepalive = false;
// on parse error, stop reading stream but
// tasks need to be completed
self.error = true;
if self.tasks.is_empty() {
if let ReaderError::Error(err) = err {
2017-11-15 20:06:28 -10:00
Entry {task: Task::reply(err.error_response()),
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
req: UnsafeCell::new(HttpRequest::for_error()),
eof: false,
error: false,
finished: false});
Ok(Async::NotReady) => {
// start keep-alive timer, this is also slow request timeout
if self.tasks.is_empty() {
if self.keepalive {
if self.keepalive_timer.is_none() {
trace!("Start keep-alive timer");
let mut timeout = Timeout::new(
Duration::new(KEEPALIVE_PERIOD, 0),
// register timeout
let _ = timeout.poll();
self.keepalive_timer = Some(timeout);
} else {
// keep-alive disable, drop connection
return Ok(Async::Ready(Http1Result::Done))
2017-11-15 20:06:28 -10:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
// check for parse error
if self.tasks.is_empty() {
2017-11-04 12:33:14 -07:00
if self.h2 {
2017-11-04 14:07:15 -07:00
return Ok(Async::Ready(Http1Result::Switch))
2017-11-04 12:33:14 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
if self.error || self.keepalive_timer.is_none() {
return Ok(Async::Ready(Http1Result::Done))
if not_ready {
return Ok(Async::NotReady)
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
2017-11-02 12:54:09 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
enum Item {
2017-11-02 12:54:09 -07:00
Http1(HttpRequest, Payload),
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
struct Reader {
h1: bool,
payload: Option<PayloadInfo>,
enum Decoding {
struct PayloadInfo {
2017-11-06 16:23:58 -08:00
tx: PayloadType,
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
decoder: Decoder,
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
enum ReaderError {
2017-10-13 16:33:23 -07:00
2017-11-02 12:54:09 -07:00
enum Message {
Http1(HttpRequest, Option<Decoder>),
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
impl Reader {
pub fn new() -> Reader {
Reader {
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
h1: false,
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
payload: None,
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
fn decode(&mut self, buf: &mut BytesMut) -> std::result::Result<Decoding, ReaderError>
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
if let Some(ref mut payload) = self.payload {
2017-11-06 16:23:58 -08:00
if payload.tx.capacity() > DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE {
2017-10-08 20:16:48 -07:00
return Ok(Decoding::Paused)
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
loop {
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
match payload.decoder.decode(buf) {
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
Ok(Async::Ready(Some(bytes))) => {
2017-11-06 16:23:58 -08:00
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
Ok(Async::Ready(None)) => {
2017-11-06 16:23:58 -08:00
2017-10-08 20:16:48 -07:00
return Ok(Decoding::Ready)
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
Ok(Async::NotReady) => return Ok(Decoding::NotReady),
2017-10-13 16:33:23 -07:00
Err(err) => {
2017-11-06 16:23:58 -08:00
2017-10-13 16:33:23 -07:00
return Err(ReaderError::Payload)
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
} else {
return Ok(Decoding::Ready)
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
pub fn parse<T>(&mut self, io: &mut T, buf: &mut BytesMut) -> Poll<Item, ReaderError>
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
where T: AsyncRead
loop {
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
match self.decode(buf)? {
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
Decoding::Paused => return Ok(Async::NotReady),
Decoding::Ready => {
self.payload = None;
Decoding::NotReady => {
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
match self.read_from_io(io, buf) {
2017-10-13 16:33:23 -07:00
Ok(Async::Ready(0)) => {
if let Some(ref mut payload) = self.payload {
2017-11-06 16:23:58 -08:00
2017-10-13 16:33:23 -07:00
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
// http channel should not deal with payload errors
2017-10-13 16:33:23 -07:00
return Err(ReaderError::Payload)
Ok(Async::Ready(_)) => {
Ok(Async::NotReady) => break,
Err(err) => {
if let Some(ref mut payload) = self.payload {
2017-11-06 16:23:58 -08:00
2017-10-13 16:33:23 -07:00
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
// http channel should not deal with payload errors
2017-10-13 16:33:23 -07:00
return Err(ReaderError::Payload)
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
loop {
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
match Reader::parse_message(buf).map_err(ReaderError::Error)? {
2017-11-02 12:54:09 -07:00
Message::Http1(msg, decoder) => {
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
let payload = if let Some(decoder) = decoder {
2017-10-08 20:16:48 -07:00
let (tx, rx) = Payload::new(false);
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
let payload = PayloadInfo {
2017-11-06 16:23:58 -08:00
tx: PayloadType::new(msg.headers(), tx),
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
decoder: decoder,
self.payload = Some(payload);
loop {
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
match self.decode(buf)? {
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
Decoding::Paused =>
Decoding::Ready => {
self.payload = None;
Decoding::NotReady => {
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
match self.read_from_io(io, buf) {
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
Ok(Async::Ready(0)) => {
trace!("parse eof");
2017-10-13 16:33:23 -07:00
if let Some(ref mut payload) = self.payload {
2017-11-06 16:23:58 -08:00
2017-11-06 01:24:49 -08:00
2017-10-13 16:33:23 -07:00
// http channel should deal with payload errors
return Err(ReaderError::Payload)
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
Ok(Async::Ready(_)) => {
Ok(Async::NotReady) => break,
2017-10-13 16:33:23 -07:00
Err(err) => {
if let Some(ref mut payload) = self.payload {
2017-11-06 16:23:58 -08:00
2017-10-13 16:33:23 -07:00
// http channel should deal with payload errors
return Err(ReaderError::Payload)
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
2017-10-08 20:16:48 -07:00
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
} else {
2017-10-08 20:16:48 -07:00
let (_, rx) = Payload::new(true);
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
self.h1 = true;
return Ok(Async::Ready(Item::Http1(msg, payload)));
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
2017-11-02 12:54:09 -07:00
Message::Http2 => {
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
if self.h1 {
return Err(ReaderError::Error(ParseError::Version))
return Ok(Async::Ready(Item::Http2));
2017-11-02 12:54:09 -07:00
Message::NotReady => {
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
if buf.capacity() >= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE {
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
debug!("MAX_BUFFER_SIZE reached, closing");
2017-10-13 16:33:23 -07:00
return Err(ReaderError::Error(ParseError::TooLarge));
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
match self.read_from_io(io, buf) {
2017-10-13 16:33:23 -07:00
Ok(Async::Ready(0)) => {
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
debug!("Ignored premature client disconnection");
return Err(ReaderError::Disconnect);
2017-10-13 16:33:23 -07:00
Ok(Async::Ready(_)) => (),
Ok(Async::NotReady) =>
return Ok(Async::NotReady),
Err(err) =>
return Err(ReaderError::Error(err.into()))
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
fn read_from_io<T: AsyncRead>(&mut self, io: &mut T, buf: &mut BytesMut)
-> Poll<usize, io::Error>
if buf.remaining_mut() < INIT_BUFFER_SIZE {
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
unsafe { // Zero out unused memory
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
let b = buf.bytes_mut();
let len = b.len();
ptr::write_bytes(b.as_mut_ptr(), 0, len);
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
unsafe {
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
let n = match io.read(buf.bytes_mut()) {
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
Ok(n) => n,
Err(e) => {
if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock {
return Ok(Async::NotReady);
return Err(e)
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
2017-11-02 12:54:09 -07:00
fn parse_message(buf: &mut BytesMut) -> Result<Message, ParseError>
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
if buf.is_empty() {
2017-11-02 12:54:09 -07:00
return Ok(Message::NotReady);
2017-11-04 12:33:14 -07:00
if buf.len() >= 14 && buf[..14] == HTTP2_PREFACE[..] {
2017-11-02 12:54:09 -07:00
return Ok(Message::Http2)
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
// Parse http message
let mut headers_indices = [HeaderIndices {
name: (0, 0),
value: (0, 0)
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
let (len, method, path, version, headers_len) = {
let mut headers = [httparse::EMPTY_HEADER; MAX_HEADERS];
let mut req = httparse::Request::new(&mut headers);
match try!(req.parse(buf)) {
httparse::Status::Complete(len) => {
let method = Method::try_from(req.method.unwrap())
.map_err(|_| ParseError::Method)?;
let path = req.path.unwrap();
let bytes_ptr = buf.as_ref().as_ptr() as usize;
let path_start = path.as_ptr() as usize - bytes_ptr;
let path_end = path_start + path.len();
let path = (path_start, path_end);
let version = if req.version.unwrap() == 1 {
} else {
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
record_header_indices(buf.as_ref(), req.headers, &mut headers_indices);
let headers_len = req.headers.len();
(len, method, path, version, headers_len)
2017-11-02 12:54:09 -07:00
httparse::Status::Partial => return Ok(Message::NotReady),
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
let slice = buf.split_to(len).freeze();
let path = slice.slice(path.0, path.1);
2017-10-27 22:19:00 -07:00
// manually split path, path was found to be utf8 by httparse
let uri = {
if let Ok(path) = percent_encoding::percent_decode(&path).decode_utf8() {
let parts: Vec<&str> = path.splitn(2, '?').collect();
if parts.len() == 2 {
2017-10-29 06:03:51 -07:00
Some((parts[0].to_owned(), parts[1].to_owned()))
2017-10-27 22:19:00 -07:00
} else {
Some((parts[0].to_owned(), String::new()))
} else {
let (path, query) = if let Some(uri) = uri {
} else {
let parts: Vec<&str> = unsafe{
std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&path)}.splitn(2, '?').collect();
if parts.len() == 2 {
(parts[0].to_owned(), parts[1][1..].to_owned())
} else {
(parts[0].to_owned(), String::new())
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
// convert headers
let mut headers = HeaderMap::with_capacity(headers_len);
for header in headers_indices[..headers_len].iter() {
if let Ok(name) = HeaderName::try_from(slice.slice(header.name.0, header.name.1)) {
if let Ok(value) = HeaderValue::try_from(
slice.slice(header.value.0, header.value.1))
headers.append(name, value);
} else {
return Err(ParseError::Header)
2017-10-09 23:07:32 -07:00
} else {
2017-10-13 14:43:17 -07:00
return Err(ParseError::Header)
2017-10-09 23:07:32 -07:00
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
2017-10-27 22:19:00 -07:00
let msg = HttpRequest::new(method, path, version, headers, query);
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
let decoder = if msg.upgrade() {
} else {
let chunked = msg.chunked()?;
// Content-Length
if let Some(len) = msg.headers().get(header::CONTENT_LENGTH) {
if chunked {
return Err(ParseError::Header)
if let Ok(s) = len.to_str() {
if let Ok(len) = s.parse::<u64>() {
} else {
debug!("illegal Content-Length: {:?}", len);
return Err(ParseError::Header)
} else {
debug!("illegal Content-Length: {:?}", len);
return Err(ParseError::Header)
} else if chunked {
2017-10-09 23:07:32 -07:00
} else {
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
2017-10-09 23:07:32 -07:00
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
2017-11-02 12:54:09 -07:00
Ok(Message::Http1(msg, decoder))
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
2017-10-06 21:48:14 -07:00
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct HeaderIndices {
name: (usize, usize),
value: (usize, usize),
fn record_header_indices(bytes: &[u8],
headers: &[httparse::Header],
indices: &mut [HeaderIndices])
let bytes_ptr = bytes.as_ptr() as usize;
for (header, indices) in headers.iter().zip(indices.iter_mut()) {
let name_start = header.name.as_ptr() as usize - bytes_ptr;
let name_end = name_start + header.name.len();
indices.name = (name_start, name_end);
let value_start = header.value.as_ptr() as usize - bytes_ptr;
let value_end = value_start + header.value.len();
indices.value = (value_start, value_end);
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
2017-11-02 12:54:09 -07:00
/// Decoders to handle different Transfer-Encodings.
/// If a message body does not include a Transfer-Encoding, it *should*
/// include a Content-Length header.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
struct Decoder {
2017-11-02 12:54:09 -07:00
kind: Kind,
impl Decoder {
pub fn length(x: u64) -> Decoder {
Decoder { kind: Kind::Length(x) }
pub fn chunked() -> Decoder {
Decoder { kind: Kind::Chunked(ChunkedState::Size, 0) }
pub fn eof() -> Decoder {
Decoder { kind: Kind::Eof(false) }
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
enum Kind {
/// A Reader used when a Content-Length header is passed with a positive integer.
/// A Reader used when Transfer-Encoding is `chunked`.
Chunked(ChunkedState, u64),
/// A Reader used for responses that don't indicate a length or chunked.
/// Note: This should only used for `Response`s. It is illegal for a
/// `Request` to be made with both `Content-Length` and
/// `Transfer-Encoding: chunked` missing, as explained from the spec:
/// > If a Transfer-Encoding header field is present in a response and
/// > the chunked transfer coding is not the final encoding, the
/// > message body length is determined by reading the connection until
/// > it is closed by the server. If a Transfer-Encoding header field
/// > is present in a request and the chunked transfer coding is not
/// > the final encoding, the message body length cannot be determined
/// > reliably; the server MUST respond with the 400 (Bad Request)
/// > status code and then close the connection.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
enum ChunkedState {
impl Decoder {
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
/*pub fn is_eof(&self) -> bool {
2017-11-02 12:54:09 -07:00
trace!("is_eof? {:?}", self);
match self.kind {
Kind::Length(0) |
Kind::Chunked(ChunkedState::End, _) |
Kind::Eof(true) => true,
_ => false,
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
2017-11-02 12:54:09 -07:00
impl Decoder {
pub fn decode(&mut self, body: &mut BytesMut) -> Poll<Option<Bytes>, io::Error> {
match self.kind {
Kind::Length(ref mut remaining) => {
trace!("Sized read, remaining={:?}", remaining);
if *remaining == 0 {
} else {
if body.is_empty() {
return Ok(Async::NotReady)
let len = body.len() as u64;
let buf;
if *remaining > len {
buf = body.take().freeze();
*remaining -= len;
} else {
buf = body.split_to(*remaining as usize).freeze();
*remaining = 0;
trace!("Length read: {}", buf.len());
Kind::Chunked(ref mut state, ref mut size) => {
loop {
let mut buf = None;
// advances the chunked state
*state = try_ready!(state.step(body, size, &mut buf));
if *state == ChunkedState::End {
trace!("End of chunked stream");
return Ok(Async::Ready(None));
if let Some(buf) = buf {
return Ok(Async::Ready(Some(buf)));
if body.is_empty() {
return Ok(Async::NotReady);
Kind::Eof(ref mut is_eof) => {
if *is_eof {
} else if !body.is_empty() {
} else {
macro_rules! byte (
($rdr:ident) => ({
if $rdr.len() > 0 {
let b = $rdr[0];
} else {
return Ok(Async::NotReady)
impl ChunkedState {
fn step(&self, body: &mut BytesMut, size: &mut u64, buf: &mut Option<Bytes>)
-> Poll<ChunkedState, io::Error>
use self::ChunkedState::*;
match *self {
Size => ChunkedState::read_size(body, size),
SizeLws => ChunkedState::read_size_lws(body),
Extension => ChunkedState::read_extension(body),
SizeLf => ChunkedState::read_size_lf(body, size),
Body => ChunkedState::read_body(body, size, buf),
BodyCr => ChunkedState::read_body_cr(body),
BodyLf => ChunkedState::read_body_lf(body),
EndCr => ChunkedState::read_end_cr(body),
EndLf => ChunkedState::read_end_lf(body),
End => Ok(Async::Ready(ChunkedState::End)),
fn read_size(rdr: &mut BytesMut, size: &mut u64) -> Poll<ChunkedState, io::Error> {
trace!("Read chunk hex size");
let radix = 16;
match byte!(rdr) {
b @ b'0'...b'9' => {
*size *= radix;
*size += u64::from(b - b'0');
b @ b'a'...b'f' => {
*size *= radix;
*size += u64::from(b + 10 - b'a');
b @ b'A'...b'F' => {
*size *= radix;
*size += u64::from(b + 10 - b'A');
b'\t' | b' ' => return Ok(Async::Ready(ChunkedState::SizeLws)),
b';' => return Ok(Async::Ready(ChunkedState::Extension)),
b'\r' => return Ok(Async::Ready(ChunkedState::SizeLf)),
_ => {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
"Invalid chunk size line: Invalid Size"));
fn read_size_lws(rdr: &mut BytesMut) -> Poll<ChunkedState, io::Error> {
match byte!(rdr) {
// LWS can follow the chunk size, but no more digits can come
b'\t' | b' ' => Ok(Async::Ready(ChunkedState::SizeLws)),
b';' => Ok(Async::Ready(ChunkedState::Extension)),
b'\r' => Ok(Async::Ready(ChunkedState::SizeLf)),
_ => {
"Invalid chunk size linear white space"))
fn read_extension(rdr: &mut BytesMut) -> Poll<ChunkedState, io::Error> {
match byte!(rdr) {
b'\r' => Ok(Async::Ready(ChunkedState::SizeLf)),
_ => Ok(Async::Ready(ChunkedState::Extension)), // no supported extensions
fn read_size_lf(rdr: &mut BytesMut, size: &mut u64) -> Poll<ChunkedState, io::Error> {
trace!("Chunk size is {:?}", size);
match byte!(rdr) {
b'\n' if *size > 0 => Ok(Async::Ready(ChunkedState::Body)),
b'\n' if *size == 0 => Ok(Async::Ready(ChunkedState::EndCr)),
_ => Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "Invalid chunk size LF")),
fn read_body(rdr: &mut BytesMut, rem: &mut u64, buf: &mut Option<Bytes>)
-> Poll<ChunkedState, io::Error>
trace!("Chunked read, remaining={:?}", rem);
let len = rdr.len() as u64;
if len == 0 {
} else {
let slice;
if *rem > len {
slice = rdr.take().freeze();
*rem -= len;
} else {
slice = rdr.split_to(*rem as usize).freeze();
*rem = 0;
*buf = Some(slice);
if *rem > 0 {
} else {
fn read_body_cr(rdr: &mut BytesMut) -> Poll<ChunkedState, io::Error> {
match byte!(rdr) {
b'\r' => Ok(Async::Ready(ChunkedState::BodyLf)),
_ => Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "Invalid chunk body CR")),
fn read_body_lf(rdr: &mut BytesMut) -> Poll<ChunkedState, io::Error> {
match byte!(rdr) {
b'\n' => Ok(Async::Ready(ChunkedState::Size)),
_ => Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "Invalid chunk body LF")),
fn read_end_cr(rdr: &mut BytesMut) -> Poll<ChunkedState, io::Error> {
match byte!(rdr) {
b'\r' => Ok(Async::Ready(ChunkedState::EndLf)),
_ => Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "Invalid chunk end CR")),
fn read_end_lf(rdr: &mut BytesMut) -> Poll<ChunkedState, io::Error> {
match byte!(rdr) {
b'\n' => Ok(Async::Ready(ChunkedState::End)),
_ => Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "Invalid chunk end LF")),
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
mod tests {
use std::{io, cmp};
use bytes::{Bytes, BytesMut};
use futures::{Async};
use tokio_io::AsyncRead;
use http::{Version, Method};
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
use super::*;
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
struct Buffer {
buf: Bytes,
err: Option<io::Error>,
impl Buffer {
fn new(data: &'static str) -> Buffer {
Buffer {
buf: Bytes::from(data),
err: None,
fn feed_data(&mut self, data: &'static str) {
let mut b = BytesMut::from(self.buf.as_ref());
self.buf = b.take().freeze();
impl AsyncRead for Buffer {}
impl io::Read for Buffer {
fn read(&mut self, dst: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, io::Error> {
if self.buf.is_empty() {
if self.err.is_some() {
} else {
Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock, ""))
} else {
let size = cmp::min(self.buf.len(), dst.len());
let b = self.buf.split_to(size);
macro_rules! not_ready {
($e:expr) => (match $e {
Ok(Async::NotReady) => (),
Err(err) => panic!("Unexpected error: {:?}", err),
_ => panic!("Should not be ready"),
macro_rules! parse_ready {
($e:expr) => (
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
match Reader::new().parse($e, &mut BytesMut::new()) {
Ok(Async::Ready(Item::Http1(req, payload))) => (req, payload),
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
Ok(_) => panic!("Eof during parsing http request"),
Err(err) => panic!("Error during parsing http request: {:?}", err),
macro_rules! reader_parse_ready {
($e:expr) => (
match $e {
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
Ok(Async::Ready(Item::Http1(req, payload))) => (req, payload),
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
Ok(_) => panic!("Eof during parsing http request"),
Err(err) => panic!("Error during parsing http request: {:?}", err),
macro_rules! expect_parse_err {
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
($e:expr) => ({
let mut buf = BytesMut::new();
match Reader::new().parse($e, &mut buf) {
Err(err) => match err {
ReaderError::Error(_) => (),
_ => panic!("Parse error expected"),
2017-11-06 01:24:49 -08:00
_ => {
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
panic!("Error expected")
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
fn test_parse() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new("GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n");
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
let mut readbuf = BytesMut::new();
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
let mut reader = Reader::new();
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
match reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf) {
Ok(Async::Ready(Item::Http1(req, payload))) => {
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
assert_eq!(req.version(), Version::HTTP_11);
assert_eq!(*req.method(), Method::GET);
assert_eq!(req.path(), "/test");
Ok(_) | Err(_) => panic!("Error during parsing http request"),
fn test_parse_partial() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new("PUT /test HTTP/1");
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
let mut readbuf = BytesMut::new();
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
let mut reader = Reader::new();
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
match reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf) {
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
Ok(Async::NotReady) => (),
_ => panic!("Error"),
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
match reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf) {
Ok(Async::Ready(Item::Http1(req, payload))) => {
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
assert_eq!(req.version(), Version::HTTP_11);
assert_eq!(*req.method(), Method::PUT);
assert_eq!(req.path(), "/test");
Ok(_) | Err(_) => panic!("Error during parsing http request"),
fn test_parse_post() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new("POST /test2 HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
let mut readbuf = BytesMut::new();
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
let mut reader = Reader::new();
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
match reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf) {
Ok(Async::Ready(Item::Http1(req, payload))) => {
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
assert_eq!(req.version(), Version::HTTP_10);
assert_eq!(*req.method(), Method::POST);
assert_eq!(req.path(), "/test2");
Ok(_) | Err(_) => panic!("Error during parsing http request"),
fn test_parse_body() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new("GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: 4\r\n\r\nbody");
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
let mut readbuf = BytesMut::new();
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
let mut reader = Reader::new();
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
match reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf) {
Ok(Async::Ready(Item::Http1(req, mut payload))) => {
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
assert_eq!(req.version(), Version::HTTP_11);
assert_eq!(*req.method(), Method::GET);
assert_eq!(req.path(), "/test");
assert_eq!(payload.readall().unwrap().as_ref(), b"body");
Ok(_) | Err(_) => panic!("Error during parsing http request"),
fn test_parse_body_crlf() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"\r\nGET /test HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: 4\r\n\r\nbody");
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
let mut readbuf = BytesMut::new();
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
let mut reader = Reader::new();
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
match reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf) {
Ok(Async::Ready(Item::Http1(req, mut payload))) => {
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
assert_eq!(req.version(), Version::HTTP_11);
assert_eq!(*req.method(), Method::GET);
assert_eq!(req.path(), "/test");
assert_eq!(payload.readall().unwrap().as_ref(), b"body");
Ok(_) | Err(_) => panic!("Error during parsing http request"),
fn test_parse_partial_eof() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new("GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n");
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
let mut readbuf = BytesMut::new();
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
let mut reader = Reader::new();
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
not_ready!{ reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf) }
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
match reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf) {
Ok(Async::Ready(Item::Http1(req, payload))) => {
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
assert_eq!(req.version(), Version::HTTP_11);
assert_eq!(*req.method(), Method::GET);
assert_eq!(req.path(), "/test");
Ok(_) | Err(_) => panic!("Error during parsing http request"),
fn test_headers_split_field() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new("GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n");
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
let mut readbuf = BytesMut::new();
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
let mut reader = Reader::new();
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
not_ready!{ reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf) }
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
not_ready!{ reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf) }
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
not_ready!{ reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf) }
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
buf.feed_data("t: value\r\n\r\n");
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
match reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf) {
Ok(Async::Ready(Item::Http1(req, payload))) => {
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
assert_eq!(req.version(), Version::HTTP_11);
assert_eq!(*req.method(), Method::GET);
assert_eq!(req.path(), "/test");
assert_eq!(req.headers().get("test").unwrap().as_bytes(), b"value");
Ok(_) | Err(_) => panic!("Error during parsing http request"),
fn test_headers_multi_value() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\
Set-Cookie: c1=cookie1\r\n\
Set-Cookie: c2=cookie2\r\n\r\n");
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
let mut readbuf = BytesMut::new();
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
let mut reader = Reader::new();
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
match reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf) {
Ok(Async::Ready(Item::Http1(req, _))) => {
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
let val: Vec<_> = req.headers().get_all("Set-Cookie")
.iter().map(|v| v.to_str().unwrap().to_owned()).collect();
assert_eq!(val[0], "c1=cookie1");
assert_eq!(val[1], "c2=cookie2");
Ok(_) | Err(_) => panic!("Error during parsing http request"),
fn test_conn_default_1_0() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new("GET /test HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
let (req, _) = parse_ready!(&mut buf);
fn test_conn_default_1_1() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new("GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n");
let (req, _) = parse_ready!(&mut buf);
fn test_conn_close() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\
connection: close\r\n\r\n");
let (req, _) = parse_ready!(&mut buf);
fn test_conn_close_1_0() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.0\r\n\
connection: close\r\n\r\n");
let (req, _) = parse_ready!(&mut buf);
fn test_conn_keep_alive_1_0() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.0\r\n\
connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n");
let (req, _) = parse_ready!(&mut buf);
fn test_conn_keep_alive_1_1() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\
connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n");
let (req, _) = parse_ready!(&mut buf);
fn test_conn_other_1_0() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.0\r\n\
connection: other\r\n\r\n");
let (req, _) = parse_ready!(&mut buf);
fn test_conn_other_1_1() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\
connection: other\r\n\r\n");
let (req, _) = parse_ready!(&mut buf);
fn test_conn_upgrade() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\
connection: upgrade\r\n\r\n");
let (req, payload) = parse_ready!(&mut buf);
fn test_conn_upgrade_connect_method() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"CONNECT /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\
content-length: 0\r\n\r\n");
let (req, payload) = parse_ready!(&mut buf);
fn test_request_chunked() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\
transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n");
let (req, payload) = parse_ready!(&mut buf);
if let Ok(val) = req.chunked() {
} else {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\
transfer-encoding: chnked\r\n\r\n");
let (req, payload) = parse_ready!(&mut buf);
if let Ok(val) = req.chunked() {
} else {
fn test_headers_content_length_err_1() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\
content-length: line\r\n\r\n");
expect_parse_err!(&mut buf)
fn test_headers_content_length_err_2() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\
content-length: -1\r\n\r\n");
expect_parse_err!(&mut buf);
fn test_invalid_header() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\
test line\r\n\r\n");
expect_parse_err!(&mut buf);
fn test_invalid_name() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\
test[]: line\r\n\r\n");
expect_parse_err!(&mut buf);
fn test_http_request_bad_status_line() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new("getpath \r\n\r\n");
expect_parse_err!(&mut buf);
fn test_http_request_upgrade() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\
connection: upgrade\r\n\
upgrade: websocket\r\n\r\n\
some raw data");
let (req, mut payload) = parse_ready!(&mut buf);
assert_eq!(payload.readall().unwrap().as_ref(), b"some raw data");
fn test_http_request_parser_utf8() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\
x-test: тест\r\n\r\n");
let (req, _) = parse_ready!(&mut buf);
fn test_http_request_parser_two_slashes() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET //path HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n");
let (req, _) = parse_ready!(&mut buf);
assert_eq!(req.path(), "//path");
fn test_http_request_parser_bad_method() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"!12%()+=~$ /get HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n");
expect_parse_err!(&mut buf);
fn test_http_request_parser_bad_version() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new("GET //get HT/11\r\n\r\n");
expect_parse_err!(&mut buf);
fn test_http_request_chunked_payload() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\
transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n");
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
let mut readbuf = BytesMut::new();
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
let mut reader = Reader::new();
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
let (req, mut payload) = reader_parse_ready!(reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf));
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
not_ready!(reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf));
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
assert_eq!(payload.readall().unwrap().as_ref(), b"dataline");
2017-10-14 00:28:49 -07:00
fn test_http_request_chunked_payload_and_next_message() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\
transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n");
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
let mut readbuf = BytesMut::new();
2017-10-14 00:28:49 -07:00
let mut reader = Reader::new();
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
let (req, mut payload) = reader_parse_ready!(reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf));
2017-10-14 00:28:49 -07:00
POST /test2 HTTP/1.1\r\n\
transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n");
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
let (req2, payload2) = reader_parse_ready!(reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf));
2017-10-14 00:28:49 -07:00
assert_eq!(*req2.method(), Method::POST);
assert_eq!(payload.readall().unwrap().as_ref(), b"dataline");
fn test_http_request_chunked_payload_chunks() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\
transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n");
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
let mut readbuf = BytesMut::new();
2017-10-14 00:28:49 -07:00
let mut reader = Reader::new();
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
let (req, mut payload) = reader_parse_ready!(reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf));
2017-10-14 00:28:49 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
not_ready!(reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf));
2017-10-14 00:28:49 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
not_ready!(reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf));
2017-10-14 00:28:49 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
not_ready!(reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf));
2017-10-14 00:28:49 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
not_ready!(reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf));
2017-10-14 00:28:49 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
not_ready!(reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf));
2017-10-14 00:28:49 -07:00
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
not_ready!(reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf));
2017-10-14 00:28:49 -07:00
//buf.feed_data("test: test\r\n");
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
//not_ready!(reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf));
2017-10-14 00:28:49 -07:00
assert_eq!(payload.readall().unwrap().as_ref(), b"dataline");
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
not_ready!(reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf));
2017-10-14 00:28:49 -07:00
fn test_parse_chunked_payload_chunk_extension() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\
transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n");
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
let mut readbuf = BytesMut::new();
2017-10-14 00:28:49 -07:00
let mut reader = Reader::new();
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
let (req, mut payload) = reader_parse_ready!(reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf));
2017-10-14 00:28:49 -07:00
buf.feed_data("4;test\r\ndata\r\n4\r\nline\r\n0\r\n\r\n"); // test: test\r\n\r\n")
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
not_ready!(reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf));
2017-10-14 00:28:49 -07:00
assert_eq!(payload.readall().unwrap().as_ref(), b"dataline");
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00
fn test_parse_multiline() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new(
"GET /test HTTP/1.1\r\n\
test: line\r\n \
test2: data\r\n\
\r\n", false);
let mut reader = Reader::new();
match reader.parse(&mut buf) {
Ok(res) => (),
Err(err) => panic!("{:?}", err),
2017-11-03 11:29:44 -07:00
fn test_http2_prefix() {
let mut buf = Buffer::new("PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\n");
let mut readbuf = BytesMut::new();
let mut reader = Reader::new();
match reader.parse(&mut buf, &mut readbuf) {
Ok(Async::Ready(Item::Http2)) => (),
Ok(_) | Err(_) => panic!("Error during parsing http request"),
2017-10-14 00:11:12 -07:00