//! - `opentelemetry_0_13`: attach [OpenTelemetry](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-rust)'s context to the root span using `opentelemetry` 0.13;
//! - `opentelemetry_0_14`: same as above but using `opentelemetry` 0.14;
//! - `opentelemetry_0_15`: same as above but using `opentelemetry` 0.15;
//! Check out [the examples on GitHub](https://github.com/LukeMathWalker/tracing-actix-web/tree/main/examples) to get a taste of how [`TracingLogger`] can be used to observe and monitor your
//! `tracing-actix-web`'s documentation provides a crash course in how to use [`tracing`] to instrument an `actix-web` application.
//! If you want to learn more check out ["Are we observable yet?"](https://www.lpalmieri.com/posts/2020-09-27-zero-to-production-4-are-we-observable-yet/) -
//! it provides an in-depth introduction to the crate and the problems it solves within the bigger picture of [observability](https://docs.honeycomb.io/learning-about-observability/).
//! # The root span
//! [`tracing::Span`] is the key abstraction in [`tracing`]: it represents a unit of work in your system.
//! A [`tracing::Span`] has a beginning and an end. It can include one or more **child spans** to represent sub-unit
//! of works within a larger task.
//! When your application receives a request, [`TracingLogger`] creates a new span - we call it the **[root span]**.
//! All the spans created _while_ processing the request will be children of the root span.
//! [`tracing`] empowers us to attach structured properties to a span as a collection of key-value pairs.
//! Those properties can then be queried in a variety of tools (e.g. ElasticSearch, Honeycomb, DataDog) to
//! understand what is happening in your system.
//! # Customisation via [`RootSpanBuilder`]
//! Troubleshooting becomes much easier when the root span has a _rich context_ - e.g. you can understand most of what
//! happened when processing the request just by looking at the properties attached to the corresponding root span.
//! You might have heard of this technique as the [canonical log line pattern](https://stripe.com/blog/canonical-log-lines),
//! popularised by Stripe. It is more recently discussed in terms of [high-cardinality events](https://www.honeycomb.io/blog/observability-a-manifesto/)
//! by Honeycomb and other vendors in the observability space.
//! [`TracingLogger`] gives you a chance to use the very same pattern: you can customise the properties attached
//! to the root span in order to capture the context relevant to your specific domain.
//! [`TracingLogger::default`] is equivalent to:
//! ```rust
//! use tracing_actix_web::{TracingLogger, DefaultRootSpanBuilder};
//! // Two ways to initialise TracingLogger with the default root span builder
//! let default = TracingLogger::default();
//! let another_way = TracingLogger::<DefaultRootSpanBuilder>::new();
//! ```
//! We are delegating the construction of the root span to [`DefaultRootSpanBuilder`].
//! [`DefaultRootSpanBuilder`] captures, out of the box, several dimensions that are usually relevant when looking at an HTTP
//! API: method, version, route, etc. - check out its documentation for an extensive list.
//! You can customise the root span by providing your own implementation of the [`RootSpanBuilder`] trait.
//! Let's imagine, for example, that our system cares about a client identifier embedded inside an authorization header.
//! We could add a `client_id` property to the root span using a custom builder, `DomainRootSpanBuilder`:
//! ```rust
//! use actix_web::dev::{ServiceResponse, ServiceRequest};
//! use actix_web::Error;
//! use tracing_actix_web::{TracingLogger, DefaultRootSpanBuilder, RootSpanBuilder};
//! use tracing::Span;
//! pub struct DomainRootSpanBuilder;
//! impl RootSpanBuilder for DomainRootSpanBuilder {
//! Furthermore, if you have not disabled the `opentelemetry_0_13` or `opentelemetry_0_14` or `opentelemetry_0_15` feature flags, `tracing-actix-web` automatically
//! performs trace propagation according to the OpenTelemetry standard.
//! It tries to extract the OpenTelemetry context out of the headers of incoming requests and, when it finds one, it sets
//! it as the remote context for the current root span.
//! If you add [`tracing-opentelemetry::OpenTelemetryLayer`](https://docs.rs/tracing-opentelemetry/0.12.0/tracing_opentelemetry/struct.OpenTelemetryLayer.html)
//! in your `tracing::Subscriber` you will be able to export the root span (and all its children) as OpenTelemetry spans.
//! Check out the [relevant example in the GitHub repository](https://github.com/LukeMathWalker/tracing-actix-web/tree/main/examples/opentelemetry) for reference.
//! You can find an alternative integration of `actix-web` with OpenTelemetry in [`actix-web-opentelemetry`](https://github.com/OutThereLabs/actix-web-opentelemetry).
//! Parts of this project were heavily inspired by their implementation. They provide support for metrics