diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 908044127..a69ce1881 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -33,27 +33,12 @@ before_install:
# Add clippy
- - |
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION" == "nightly" ]]; then
- ( ( cargo install clippy && export CLIPPY=true ) || export CLIPPY=false );
- fi
- export PATH=$PATH:~/.cargo/bin
- |
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION" == "stable" ]]; then
- cargo clean
- USE_SKEPTIC=1 cargo test --features=alpn
- else
- cargo clean
- cargo test -- --nocapture
- # --features=alpn
- fi
- - |
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION" == "nightly" && $CLIPPY ]]; then
- cargo clippy
- fi
+ cargo clean
+ cargo test --features="alpn,tls" -- --nocapture
# Upload docs
@@ -61,8 +46,6 @@ after_success:
if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" && "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" && "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "master" && "$TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION" == "beta" ]]; then
cargo doc --features "alpn, tls, session" --no-deps &&
echo "" > target/doc/index.html &&
- curl -sL https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/mdBook/releases/download/v0.1.2/mdbook-v0.1.2-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz | tar xvz -C $HOME/.cargo/bin &&
- cd guide && mdbook build -d ../target/doc/guide && cd .. &&
git clone https://github.com/davisp/ghp-import.git &&
./ghp-import/ghp_import.py -n -p -f -m "Documentation upload" -r https://"$GH_TOKEN"@github.com/"$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG.git" target/doc &&
echo "Uploaded documentation"
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9eb11248c..6e07e57c1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -12,17 +12,17 @@ Actix web is a simple, pragmatic and extremely fast web framework for Rust.
* Multipart streams
* Static assets
* SSL support with OpenSSL or `native-tls`
-* Middlewares ([Logger](https://actix.rs/actix-web/guide/qs_10.html#logging),
- [Session](https://actix.rs/actix-web/guide/qs_10.html#user-sessions),
+* Middlewares ([Logger](https://actix.rs/book/actix-web/sec-9-middlewares.html#logging),
+ [Session](https://actix.rs/book/actix-web/sec-9-middlewares.html#user-sessions),
[Redis sessions](https://github.com/actix/actix-redis),
- [DefaultHeaders](https://actix.rs/actix-web/guide/qs_10.html#default-headers),
+ [DefaultHeaders](https://actix.rs/book/actix-web/sec-9-middlewares.html#default-headers),
* Built on top of [Actix actor framework](https://github.com/actix/actix)
## Documentation & community resources
-* [User Guide](https://actix.rs/actix-web/guide/)
+* [User Guide](https://actix.rs/book/actix-web/)
* [API Documentation (Development)](https://actix.rs/actix-web/actix_web/)
* [API Documentation (Releases)](https://docs.rs/actix-web/)
* [Chat on gitter](https://gitter.im/actix/actix)
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--- a/guide/book.toml
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@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-title = "Actix web"
-description = "Actix web framework guide"
-author = "Actix Project and Contributors"
-google-analytics = "UA-110322332-1"
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@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# Summary
-- [Getting Started](./qs_2.md)
-- [Application](./qs_3.md)
-- [Server](./qs_3_5.md)
-- [Handler](./qs_4.md)
-- [Errors](./qs_4_5.md)
-- [URL Dispatch](./qs_5.md)
-- [Request & Response](./qs_7.md)
-- [Testing](./qs_8.md)
-- [Middlewares](./qs_10.md)
-- [Static file handling](./qs_12.md)
-- [WebSockets](./qs_9.md)
-- [HTTP/2](./qs_13.md)
-- [Database integration](./qs_14.md)
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@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Quick start
-## Install Rust
-Before we begin, we need to install Rust using [rustup](https://www.rustup.rs/):
-curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
-If you already have rustup installed, run this command to ensure you have the latest version of Rust:
-rustup update
-Actix web framework requires rust version 1.21 and up.
-## Running Examples
-The fastest way to start experimenting with actix web is to clone the
-[repository](https://github.com/actix/actix-web) and run the included examples.
-The following set of commands runs the `basics` example:
-git clone https://github.com/actix/example
-cd examples/basics
-cargo run
-Check [examples/](https://github.com/actix/examples/tree/master/) directory for more examples.
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-# Middleware
-Actix's middleware system allows us to add additional behavior to request/response processing.
-Middleware can hook into an incoming request process, enabling us to modify requests
-as well as halt request processing to return a response early.
-Middleware can also hook into response processing.
-Typically, middleware is involved in the following actions:
-* Pre-process the Request
-* Post-process a Response
-* Modify application state
-* Access external services (redis, logging, sessions)
-Middleware is registered for each application and executed in same order as
-registration. In general, a *middleware* is a type that implements the
-[*Middleware trait*](../actix_web/middlewares/trait.Middleware.html). Each method
-in this trait has a default implementation. Each method can return a result immediately
-or a *future* object.
-The following demonstrates using middleware to add request and response headers:
-# extern crate http;
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use http::{header, HttpTryFrom};
-use actix_web::{App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Result};
-use actix_web::middleware::{Middleware, Started, Response};
-struct Headers; // <- Our middleware
-/// Middleware implementation, middlewares are generic over application state,
-/// so you can access state with `HttpRequest::state()` method.
-impl Middleware for Headers {
- /// Method is called when request is ready. It may return
- /// future, which should resolve before next middleware get called.
- fn start(&self, req: &mut HttpRequest) -> Result {
- req.headers_mut().insert(
- header::CONTENT_TYPE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("text/plain"));
- Ok(Started::Done)
- }
- /// Method is called when handler returns response,
- /// but before sending http message to peer.
- fn response(&self, req: &mut HttpRequest, mut resp: HttpResponse) -> Result {
- resp.headers_mut().insert(
- header::HeaderName::try_from("X-VERSION").unwrap(),
- header::HeaderValue::from_static("0.2"));
- Ok(Response::Done(resp))
- }
-fn main() {
- App::new()
- .middleware(Headers) // <- Register middleware, this method can be called multiple times
- .resource("/", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok()));
-> Actix provides several useful middlewares, such as *logging*, *user sessions*, etc.
-## Logging
-Logging is implemented as a middleware.
-It is common to register a logging middleware as the first middleware for the application.
-Logging middleware must be registered for each application.
-The `Logger` middleware uses the standard log crate to log information. You should enable logger
-for *actix_web* package to see access log ([env_logger](https://docs.rs/env_logger/*/env_logger/)
-or similar).
-### Usage
-Create `Logger` middleware with the specified `format`.
-Default `Logger` can be created with `default` method, it uses the default format:
- %a %t "%r" %s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-Agent}i" %T
-# extern crate actix_web;
-extern crate env_logger;
-use actix_web::App;
-use actix_web::middleware::Logger;
-fn main() {
- std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "actix_web=info");
- env_logger::init();
- App::new()
- .middleware(Logger::default())
- .middleware(Logger::new("%a %{User-Agent}i"))
- .finish();
-The following is an example of the default logging format:
-INFO:actix_web::middleware::logger: [02/Dec/2017:00:21:43 -0800] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 302 0 "-" "curl/7.54.0" 0.000397
-INFO:actix_web::middleware::logger: [02/Dec/2017:00:22:40 -0800] "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.13; rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/57.0" 0.000646
-### Format
- `%%` The percent sign
- `%a` Remote IP-address (IP-address of proxy if using reverse proxy)
- `%t` Time when the request was started to process
- `%P` The process ID of the child that serviced the request
- `%r` First line of request
- `%s` Response status code
- `%b` Size of response in bytes, including HTTP headers
- `%T` Time taken to serve the request, in seconds with floating fraction in .06f format
- `%D` Time taken to serve the request, in milliseconds
- `%{FOO}i` request.headers['FOO']
- `%{FOO}o` response.headers['FOO']
- `%{FOO}e` os.environ['FOO']
-## Default headers
-To set default response headers, the `DefaultHeaders` middleware can be used. The
-*DefaultHeaders* middleware does not set the header if response headers already contain
-a specified header.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{http, middleware, App, HttpResponse};
-fn main() {
- let app = App::new()
- .middleware(
- middleware::DefaultHeaders::new()
- .header("X-Version", "0.2"))
- .resource("/test", |r| {
- r.method(http::Method::GET).f(|req| HttpResponse::Ok());
- r.method(http::Method::HEAD).f(|req| HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed());
- })
- .finish();
-## User sessions
-Actix provides a general solution for session management. The
-[**SessionStorage**](../actix_web/middleware/struct.SessionStorage.html) middleware can be
-used with different backend types to store session data in different backends.
-> By default, only cookie session backend is implemented. Other backend implementations
-> can be added.
-uses cookies as session storage. `CookieSessionBackend` creates sessions which
-are limited to storing fewer than 4000 bytes of data, as the payload must fit into a
-single cookie. An internal server error is generated if a session contains more than 4000 bytes.
-A cookie may have a security policy of *signed* or *private*. Each has a respective `CookieSessionBackend` constructor.
-A *signed* cookie may be viewed but not modified by the client. A *private* cookie may neither be viewed nor modified by the client.
-The constructors take a key as an argument. This is the private key for cookie session - when this value is changed, all session data is lost.
-In general, you create a
-`SessionStorage` middleware and initialize it with specific backend implementation,
-such as a `CookieSessionBackend`. To access session data,
- must be used. This method returns a
-[*Session*](../actix_web/middleware/struct.Session.html) object, which allows us to get or set
-session data.
-# extern crate actix;
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{server, App, HttpRequest, Result};
-use actix_web::middleware::{RequestSession, SessionStorage, CookieSessionBackend};
-fn index(mut req: HttpRequest) -> Result<&'static str> {
- // access session data
- if let Some(count) = req.session().get::("counter")? {
- println!("SESSION value: {}", count);
- req.session().set("counter", count+1)?;
- } else {
- req.session().set("counter", 1)?;
- }
- Ok("Welcome!")
-fn main() {
-# let sys = actix::System::new("basic-example");
- server::new(
- || App::new()
- .middleware(SessionStorage::new( // <- create session middleware
- CookieSessionBackend::signed(&[0; 32]) // <- create signed cookie session backend
- .secure(false)
- )))
- .bind("").unwrap()
- .start();
-# actix::Arbiter::system().do_send(actix::msgs::SystemExit(0));
-# let _ = sys.run();
-## Error handlers
-`ErrorHandlers` middleware allows us to provide custom handlers for responses.
-You can use the `ErrorHandlers::handler()` method to register a custom error handler
-for a specific status code. You can modify an existing response or create a completly new
-one. The error handler can return a response immediately or return a future that resolves
-into a response.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{
- App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Result,
- http, middleware::Response, middleware::ErrorHandlers};
-fn render_500(_: &mut HttpRequest, resp: HttpResponse) -> Result {
- let mut builder = resp.into_builder();
- builder.header(http::header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json");
- Ok(Response::Done(builder.into()))
-fn main() {
- let app = App::new()
- .middleware(
- ErrorHandlers::new()
- .handler(http::StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, render_500))
- .resource("/test", |r| {
- r.method(http::Method::GET).f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok());
- r.method(http::Method::HEAD).f(|_| HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed());
- })
- .finish();
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-# Static file handling
-## Individual file
-It is possible to serve static files with a custom path pattern and `NamedFile`. To
-match a path tail, we can use a `[.*]` regex.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use std::path::PathBuf;
-use actix_web::{App, HttpRequest, Result, http::Method, fs::NamedFile};
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Result {
- let path: PathBuf = req.match_info().query("tail")?;
- Ok(NamedFile::open(path)?)
-fn main() {
- App::new()
- .resource(r"/a/{tail:.*}", |r| r.method(Method::GET).f(index))
- .finish();
-## Directory
-To serve files from specific directories and sub-directories, `StaticFiles` can be used.
-`StaticFiles` must be registered with an `App::handler()` method, otherwise
-it will be unable to serve sub-paths.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::*;
-fn main() {
- App::new()
- .handler(
- "/static",
- fs::StaticFiles::new(".")
- .show_files_listing())
- .finish();
-The parameter is the base directory. By default files listing for sub-directories
-is disabled. Attempt to load directory listing will return *404 Not Found* response.
-To enable files listing, use
-Instead of showing files listing for directory, it is possible to redirect
-to a specific index file. Use the
-method to configure this redirect.
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@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# HTTP/2.0
-Actix web automatically upgrades connections to *HTTP/2.0* if possible.
-## Negotiation
-*HTTP/2.0* protocol over tls without prior knowledge requires
-[tls alpn](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7301).
-> Currently, only `rust-openssl` has support.
-`alpn` negotiation requires enabling the feature. When enabled, `HttpServer` provides the
-[serve_tls](../actix_web/struct.HttpServer.html#method.serve_tls) method.
-actix-web = { version = "0.3.3", features=["alpn"] }
-openssl = { version="0.10", features = ["v110"] }
-use std::fs::File;
-use actix_web::*;
-use openssl::ssl::{SslMethod, SslAcceptor, SslFiletype};
-fn main() {
- // load ssl keys
- let mut builder = SslAcceptor::mozilla_intermediate(SslMethod::tls()).unwrap();
- builder.set_private_key_file("key.pem", SslFiletype::PEM).unwrap();
- builder.set_certificate_chain_file("cert.pem").unwrap();
- HttpServer::new(
- || App::new()
- .resource("/index.html", |r| r.f(index)))
- .bind("").unwrap();
- .serve_ssl(builder).unwrap();
-Upgrades to *HTTP/2.0* schema described in
-[rfc section 3.2](https://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#rfc.section.3.2) is not supported.
-Starting *HTTP/2* with prior knowledge is supported for both clear text connection
-and tls connection. [rfc section 3.4](https://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#rfc.section.3.4)
-> Check out [examples/tls](https://github.com/actix/actix-web/tree/master/examples/tls)
-> for a concrete example.
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-# Database integration
-## Diesel
-At the moment, Diesel 1.0 does not support asynchronous operations,
-but it possible to use the `actix` synchronous actor system as a database interface api.
-Technically, sync actors are worker style actors. Multiple sync actors
-can be run in parallel and process messages from same queue. Sync actors work in mpsc mode.
-Let's create a simple database api that can insert a new user row into a SQLite table.
-We must define a sync actor and a connection that this actor will use. The same approach
-can be used for other databases.
-use actix::prelude::*;
-struct DbExecutor(SqliteConnection);
-impl Actor for DbExecutor {
- type Context = SyncContext;
-This is the definition of our actor. Now, we must define the *create user* message and response.
-struct CreateUser {
- name: String,
-impl Message for CreateUser {
- type Result = Result;
-We can send a `CreateUser` message to the `DbExecutor` actor, and as a result, we will receive a
-`User` model instance. Next, we must define the handler implementation for this message.
-impl Handler for DbExecutor {
- type Result = Result;
- fn handle(&mut self, msg: CreateUser, _: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result
- {
- use self::schema::users::dsl::*;
- // Create insertion model
- let uuid = format!("{}", uuid::Uuid::new_v4());
- let new_user = models::NewUser {
- id: &uuid,
- name: &msg.name,
- };
- // normal diesel operations
- diesel::insert_into(users)
- .values(&new_user)
- .execute(&self.0)
- .expect("Error inserting person");
- let mut items = users
- .filter(id.eq(&uuid))
- .load::(&self.0)
- .expect("Error loading person");
- Ok(items.pop().unwrap())
- }
-That's it! Now, we can use the *DbExecutor* actor from any http handler or middleware.
-All we need is to start *DbExecutor* actors and store the address in a state where http handler
-can access it.
-/// This is state where we will store *DbExecutor* address.
-struct State {
- db: Addr,
-fn main() {
- let sys = actix::System::new("diesel-example");
- // Start 3 parallel db executors
- let addr = SyncArbiter::start(3, || {
- DbExecutor(SqliteConnection::establish("test.db").unwrap())
- });
- // Start http server
- HttpServer::new(move || {
- App::with_state(State{db: addr.clone()})
- .resource("/{name}", |r| r.method(Method::GET).a(index))})
- .bind("").unwrap()
- .start().unwrap();
- println!("Started http server:");
- let _ = sys.run();
-We will use the address in a request handler. The handle returns a future object;
-thus, we receive the message response asynchronously.
-`Route::a()` must be used for async handler registration.
-/// Async handler
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Box> {
- let name = &req.match_info()["name"];
- // Send message to `DbExecutor` actor
- req.state().db.send(CreateUser{name: name.to_owned()})
- .from_err()
- .and_then(|res| {
- match res {
- Ok(user) => Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().json(user)),
- Err(_) => Ok(HttpResponse::InternalServerError().into())
- }
- })
- .responder()
-> A full example is available in the
-> [examples directory](https://github.com/actix/actix-web/tree/master/examples/diesel/).
-> More information on sync actors can be found in the
-> [actix documentation](https://docs.rs/actix/0.5.0/actix/sync/index.html).
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-# Getting Started
-Let’s write our first actix web application!
-## Hello, world!
-Start by creating a new binary-based Cargo project and changing into the new directory:
-cargo new hello-world --bin
-cd hello-world
-Now, add actix and actix web as dependencies of your project by ensuring your Cargo.toml
-contains the following:
-actix = "0.5"
-actix-web = "0.5"
-In order to implement a web server, we first need to create a request handler.
-A request handler is a function that accepts an `HttpRequest` instance as its only parameter
-and returns a type that can be converted into `HttpResponse`:
-Filename: src/main.rs
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# use actix_web::*;
- fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> &'static str {
- "Hello world!"
- }
-# fn main() {}
-Next, create an `Application` instance and register the
-request handler with the application's `resource` on a particular *HTTP method* and *path*::
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# use actix_web::*;
-# fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> &'static str {
-# "Hello world!"
-# }
-# fn main() {
- App::new()
- .resource("/", |r| r.f(index));
-# }
-After that, the application instance can be used with `HttpServer` to listen for incoming
-connections. The server accepts a function that should return an `HttpHandler` instance.
-For simplicity `server::new` could be used, this function is shortcut for `HttpServer::new`:
- server::new(
- || App::new()
- .resource("/", |r| r.f(index)))
- .bind("")?
- .run();
-That's it! Now, compile and run the program with `cargo run`.
-Head over to ``http://localhost:8088/`` to see the results.
-The full source of src/main.rs is listed below:
-# use std::thread;
-extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{server, App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse};
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> &'static str {
- "Hello world!"
-fn main() {
-# // In the doctest suite we can't run blocking code - deliberately leak a thread
-# // If copying this example in show-all mode, make sure you skip the thread spawn
-# // call.
-# thread::spawn(|| {
- server::new(
- || App::new()
- .resource("/", |r| r.f(index)))
- .bind("").expect("Can not bind to")
- .run();
-# });
-> **Note**: actix web is built upon [actix](https://github.com/actix/actix),
-> an [actor model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actor_model) framework in Rust.
-`actix::System` initializes actor system, `HttpServer` is an actor and must run within a
-properly configured actix system.
-> For more information, check out the [actix documentation](https://actix.github.io/actix/actix/)
-> and [actix guide](https://actix.github.io/actix/guide/).
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-# Application
-Actix web provides various primitives to build web servers and applications with Rust.
-It provides routing, middlewares, pre-processing of requests, post-processing of responses,
-websocket protocol handling, multipart streams, etc.
-All actix web servers are built around the `App` instance.
-It is used for registering routes for resources and middlewares.
-It also stores application state shared across all handlers within same application.
-Applications act as a namespace for all routes, i.e all routes for a specific application
-have the same url path prefix. The application prefix always contains a leading "/" slash.
-If a supplied prefix does not contain leading slash, it is automatically inserted.
-The prefix should consist of value path segments.
-> For an application with prefix `/app`,
-> any request with the paths `/app`, `/app/`, or `/app/test` would match;
-> however, the path `/application` would not match.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# extern crate tokio_core;
-# use actix_web::{*, http::Method};
-# fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> &'static str {
-# "Hello world!"
-# }
-# fn main() {
- let app = App::new()
- .prefix("/app")
- .resource("/index.html", |r| r.method(Method::GET).f(index))
- .finish()
-# }
-In this example, an application with the `/app` prefix and a `index.html` resource
-are created. This resource is available through the `/app/index.html` url.
-> For more information, check the
-> [URL Dispatch](./qs_5.html#using-a-application-prefix-to-compose-applications) section.
-Multiple applications can be served with one server:
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# extern crate tokio_core;
-# use tokio_core::net::TcpStream;
-# use std::net::SocketAddr;
-use actix_web::{server, App, HttpResponse};
-fn main() {
- server::new(|| vec![
- App::new()
- .prefix("/app1")
- .resource("/", |r| r.f(|r| HttpResponse::Ok())),
- App::new()
- .prefix("/app2")
- .resource("/", |r| r.f(|r| HttpResponse::Ok())),
- App::new()
- .resource("/", |r| r.f(|r| HttpResponse::Ok())),
- ]);
-All `/app1` requests route to the first application, `/app2` to the second, and all other to the third.
-**Applications get matched based on registration order**. If an application with a more generic
-prefix is registered before a less generic one, it would effectively block the less generic
-application matching. For example, if an `App` with the prefix `"/"` was registered
-as the first application, it would match all incoming requests.
-## State
-Application state is shared with all routes and resources within the same application.
-When using an http actor,state can be accessed with the `HttpRequest::state()` as read-only,
-but interior mutability with `RefCell` can be used to achieve state mutability.
-State is also available for route matching predicates and middlewares.
-Let's write a simple application that uses shared state. We are going to store request count
-in the state:
-# extern crate actix;
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use std::cell::Cell;
-use actix_web::{App, HttpRequest, http};
-// This struct represents state
-struct AppState {
- counter: Cell,
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> String {
- let count = req.state().counter.get() + 1; // <- get count
- req.state().counter.set(count); // <- store new count in state
- format!("Request number: {}", count) // <- response with count
-fn main() {
- App::with_state(AppState{counter: Cell::new(0)})
- .resource("/", |r| r.method(http::Method::GET).f(index))
- .finish();
-> **Note**: http server accepts an application factory rather than an application
-> instance. Http server constructs an application instance for each thread, thus application state
-> must be constructed multiple times. If you want to share state between different threads, a
-> shared object should be used, e.g. `Arc`. Application state does not need to be `Send` and `Sync`,
-> but the application factory must be `Send` + `Sync`.
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-# Server
-The [**HttpServer**](../actix_web/server/struct.HttpServer.html) type is responsible for
-serving http requests.
-`HttpServer` accepts an application factory as a parameter, and the
-application factory must have `Send` + `Sync` boundaries. More about that in the
-*multi-threading* section.
-To bind to a specific socket address, `bind()` must be used, and it may be called multiple times.
-To start the http server, one of the start methods.
-- use `start()` for a simple server
-- use `start_tls()` or `start_ssl()` for a ssl server
-`HttpServer` is an actix actor. It must be initialized within a properly configured actix system:
-# extern crate actix;
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{server::HttpServer, App, HttpResponse};
-fn main() {
- let sys = actix::System::new("guide");
- HttpServer::new(
- || App::new()
- .resource("/", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok())))
- .bind("").unwrap()
- .start();
-# actix::Arbiter::system().do_send(actix::msgs::SystemExit(0));
- let _ = sys.run();
-> It is possible to start a server in a separate thread with the `spawn()` method. In that
-> case the server spawns a new thread and creates a new actix system in it. To stop
-> this server, send a `StopServer` message.
-`HttpServer` is implemented as an actix actor. It is possible to communicate with the server
-via a messaging system. All start methods, e.g. `start()` and `start_ssl()`, return the
-address of the started http server. It accepts several messages:
-- `PauseServer` - Pause accepting incoming connections
-- `ResumeServer` - Resume accepting incoming connections
-- `StopServer` - Stop incoming connection processing, stop all workers and exit
-# extern crate futures;
-# extern crate actix;
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# use futures::Future;
-use std::thread;
-use std::sync::mpsc;
-use actix_web::{server, App, HttpResponse};
-fn main() {
- let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
- thread::spawn(move || {
- let sys = actix::System::new("http-server");
- let addr = server::new(
- || App::new()
- .resource("/", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok())))
- .bind("").expect("Can not bind to")
- .shutdown_timeout(60) // <- Set shutdown timeout to 60 seconds
- .start();
- let _ = tx.send(addr);
- let _ = sys.run();
- });
- let addr = rx.recv().unwrap();
- let _ = addr.send(
- server::StopServer{graceful:true}).wait(); // <- Send `StopServer` message to server.
-## Multi-threading
-`HttpServer` automatically starts an number of http workers, by default
-this number is equal to number of logical CPUs in the system. This number
-can be overridden with the `HttpServer::threads()` method.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# extern crate tokio_core;
-use actix_web::{App, HttpResponse, server::HttpServer};
-fn main() {
- HttpServer::new(
- || App::new()
- .resource("/", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok())))
- .threads(4); // <- Start 4 workers
-The server creates a separate application instance for each created worker. Application state
-is not shared between threads. To share state, `Arc` could be used.
-> Application state does not need to be `Send` and `Sync`,
-> but factories must be `Send` + `Sync`.
-## SSL
-There are two features for ssl server: `tls` and `alpn`. The `tls` feature is for `native-tls`
-integration and `alpn` is for `openssl`.
-actix-web = { git = "https://github.com/actix/actix-web", features=["alpn"] }
-use std::fs::File;
-use actix_web::*;
-fn main() {
- // load ssl keys
- let mut builder = SslAcceptor::mozilla_intermediate(SslMethod::tls()).unwrap();
- builder.set_private_key_file("key.pem", SslFiletype::PEM).unwrap();
- builder.set_certificate_chain_file("cert.pem").unwrap();
- server::new(
- || App::new()
- .resource("/index.html", |r| r.f(index)))
- .bind("").unwrap()
- .serve_ssl(builder).unwrap();
-> **Note**: the *HTTP/2.0* protocol requires
-> [tls alpn](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7301).
-> At the moment, only `openssl` has `alpn` support.
-> For a full example, check out
-> [examples/tls](https://github.com/actix/actix-web/tree/master/examples/tls).
-## Keep-Alive
-Actix can wait for requests on a keep-alive connection.
-> *keep alive* connection behavior is defined by server settings.
-- `75`, `Some(75)`, `KeepAlive::Timeout(75)` - enable 75 second *keep alive* timer.
-- `None` or `KeepAlive::Disabled` - disable *keep alive*.
-- `KeepAlive::Tcp(75)` - use `SO_KEEPALIVE` socket option.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# extern crate tokio_core;
-use actix_web::{server, App, HttpResponse};
-fn main() {
- server::new(||
- App::new()
- .resource("/", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok())))
- .keep_alive(75); // <- Set keep-alive to 75 seconds
- server::new(||
- App::new()
- .resource("/", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok())))
- .keep_alive(server::KeepAlive::Tcp(75)); // <- Use `SO_KEEPALIVE` socket option.
- server::new(||
- App::new()
- .resource("/", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok())))
- .keep_alive(None); // <- Disable keep-alive
-If the first option is selected, then *keep alive* state is
-calculated based on the response's *connection-type*. By default
-`HttpResponse::connection_type` is not defined. In that case *keep alive* is
-defined by the request's http version.
-> *keep alive* is **off** for *HTTP/1.0* and is **on** for *HTTP/1.1* and *HTTP/2.0*.
-*Connection type* can be change with `HttpResponseBuilder::connection_type()` method.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{HttpRequest, HttpResponse, http};
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {
- HttpResponse::Ok()
- .connection_type(http::ConnectionType::Close) // <- Close connection
- .force_close() // <- Alternative method
- .finish()
-# fn main() {}
-## Graceful shutdown
-`HttpServer` supports graceful shutdown. After receiving a stop signal, workers
-have a specific amount of time to finish serving requests. Any workers still alive after the
-timeout are force-dropped. By default the shutdown timeout is set to 30 seconds.
-You can change this parameter with the `HttpServer::shutdown_timeout()` method.
-You can send a stop message to the server with the server address and specify if you want
-graceful shutdown or not. The `start()` methods returns address of the server.
-`HttpServer` handles several OS signals. *CTRL-C* is available on all OSs,
-other signals are available on unix systems.
-- *SIGINT* - Force shutdown workers
-- *SIGTERM* - Graceful shutdown workers
-- *SIGQUIT* - Force shutdown workers
-> It is possible to disable signal handling with `HttpServer::disable_signals()` method.
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-# Handler
-A request handler can be any object that implements
-[`Handler` trait](../actix_web/dev/trait.Handler.html).
-Request handling happens in two stages. First the handler object is called,
-returning any object that implements the
-[`Responder` trait](../actix_web/trait.Responder.html#foreign-impls).
-Then, `respond_to()` is called on the returned object, converting itself to a `Reply` or `Error`.
-By default actix provides `Responder` implementations for some standard types,
-such as `&'static str`, `String`, etc.
-> For a complete list of implementations, check
-> [*Responder documentation*](../actix_web/trait.Responder.html#foreign-impls).
-Examples of valid handlers:
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> &'static str {
- "Hello world!"
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> String {
- "Hello world!".to_owned()
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Bytes {
- Bytes::from_static("Hello world!")
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Box> {
- ...
-*Handler* trait is generic over *S*, which defines the application state's type.
-Application state is accessible from the handler with the `HttpRequest::state()` method;
-however, state is accessible as a read-only reference. If you need mutable access to state,
-it must be implemented.
-> **Note**: Alternatively, the handler can mutably access its own state because the `handle` method takes
-> mutable reference to *self*. **Beware**, actix creates multiple copies
-> of the application state and the handlers, unique for each thread. If you run your
-> application in several threads, actix will create the same amount as number of threads
-> of application state objects and handler objects.
-Here is an example of a handler that stores the number of processed requests:
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, dev::Handler};
-struct MyHandler(usize);
-impl Handler for MyHandler {
- type Result = HttpResponse;
- /// Handle request
- fn handle(&mut self, req: HttpRequest) -> Self::Result {
- self.0 += 1;
- HttpResponse::Ok().into()
- }
-# fn main() {}
-Although this handler will work, `self.0` will be different depending on the number of threads and
-number of requests processed per thread. A proper implementation would use `Arc` and `AtomicUsize`.
-# extern crate actix;
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{server, App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, dev::Handler};
-use std::sync::Arc;
-use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
-struct MyHandler(Arc);
-impl Handler for MyHandler {
- type Result = HttpResponse;
- /// Handle request
- fn handle(&mut self, req: HttpRequest) -> Self::Result {
- self.0.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
- HttpResponse::Ok().into()
- }
-fn main() {
- let sys = actix::System::new("example");
- let inc = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
- server::new(
- move || {
- let cloned = inc.clone();
- App::new()
- .resource("/", move |r| r.h(MyHandler(cloned)))
- })
- .bind("").unwrap()
- .start();
- println!("Started http server:");
-# actix::Arbiter::system().do_send(actix::msgs::SystemExit(0));
- let _ = sys.run();
-> Be careful with synchronization primitives like `Mutex` or `RwLock`. Actix web framework
-> handles requests asynchronously. By blocking thread execution, all concurrent
-> request handling processes would block. If you need to share or update some state
-> from multiple threads, consider using the [actix](https://actix.github.io/actix/actix/) actor system.
-## Response with custom type
-To return a custom type directly from a handler function, the type needs to implement the `Responder` trait.
-Let's create a response for a custom type that serializes to an `application/json` response:
-# extern crate actix;
-# extern crate actix_web;
-extern crate serde;
-extern crate serde_json;
-#[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive;
-use actix_web::{server, App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Error, Responder, http};
-struct MyObj {
- name: &'static str,
-/// Responder
-impl Responder for MyObj {
- type Item = HttpResponse;
- type Error = Error;
- fn respond_to(self, req: HttpRequest) -> Result {
- let body = serde_json::to_string(&self)?;
- // Create response and set content type
- Ok(HttpResponse::Ok()
- .content_type("application/json")
- .body(body))
- }
-/// Because `MyObj` implements `Responder`, it is possible to return it directly
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> MyObj {
- MyObj{name: "user"}
-fn main() {
- let sys = actix::System::new("example");
- server::new(
- || App::new()
- .resource("/", |r| r.method(http::Method::GET).f(index)))
- .bind("").unwrap()
- .start();
- println!("Started http server:");
-# actix::Arbiter::system().do_send(actix::msgs::SystemExit(0));
- let _ = sys.run();
-## Async handlers
-There are two different types of async handlers. Response objects can be generated asynchronously
-or more precisely, any type that implements the [*Responder*](../actix_web/trait.Responder.html) trait.
-In this case, the handler must return a `Future` object that resolves to the *Responder* type, i.e:
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# extern crate futures;
-# extern crate bytes;
-# use actix_web::*;
-# use bytes::Bytes;
-# use futures::stream::once;
-# use futures::future::{Future, result};
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Box> {
- result(Ok(HttpResponse::Ok()
- .content_type("text/html")
- .body(format!("Hello!"))))
- .responder()
-fn index2(req: HttpRequest) -> Box> {
- result(Ok("Welcome!"))
- .responder()
-fn main() {
- App::new()
- .resource("/async", |r| r.route().a(index))
- .resource("/", |r| r.route().a(index2))
- .finish();
-Or the response body can be generated asynchronously. In this case, body
-must implement the stream trait `Stream- `, i.e:
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# extern crate futures;
-# extern crate bytes;
-# use actix_web::*;
-# use bytes::Bytes;
-# use futures::stream::once;
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {
- let body = once(Ok(Bytes::from_static(b"test")));
- HttpResponse::Ok()
- .content_type("application/json")
- .body(Body::Streaming(Box::new(body)))
-fn main() {
- App::new()
- .resource("/async", |r| r.f(index))
- .finish();
-Both methods can be combined. (i.e Async response with streaming body)
-It is possible to return a `Result` where the `Result::Item` type can be `Future`.
-In this example, the `index` handler can return an error immediately or return a
-future that resolves to a `HttpResponse`.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# extern crate futures;
-# extern crate bytes;
-# use actix_web::*;
-# use bytes::Bytes;
-# use futures::stream::once;
-# use futures::future::{Future, result};
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Result>, Error> {
- if is_error() {
- Err(error::ErrorBadRequest("bad request"))
- } else {
- Ok(Box::new(
- result(Ok(HttpResponse::Ok()
- .content_type("text/html")
- .body(format!("Hello!"))))))
- }
-# fn is_error() -> bool { true }
-# fn main() {
-# App::new()
-# .resource("/async", |r| r.route().f(index))
-# .finish();
-# }
-## Different return types (Either)
-Sometimes, you need to return different types of responses. For example,
-you can error check and return errors, return async responses, or any result that requires two different types.
-For this case, the [`Either`](../actix_web/enum.Either.html) type can be used.
-`Either` allows combining two different responder types into a single type.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# extern crate futures;
-# use actix_web::*;
-# use futures::future::Future;
-use futures::future::result;
-use actix_web::{Either, Error, HttpResponse};
-type RegisterResult = Either>>;
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> RegisterResult {
- if is_a_variant() { // <- choose variant A
- Either::A(
- HttpResponse::BadRequest().body("Bad data"))
- } else {
- Either::B( // <- variant B
- result(Ok(HttpResponse::Ok()
- .content_type("text/html")
- .body(format!("Hello!")))).responder())
- }
-# fn is_a_variant() -> bool { true }
-# fn main() {
-# App::new()
-# .resource("/register", |r| r.f(index))
-# .finish();
-# }
-## Tokio core handle
-Any actix web handler runs within a properly configured
-[actix system](https://actix.github.io/actix/actix/struct.System.html)
-and [arbiter](https://actix.github.io/actix/actix/struct.Arbiter.html).
-You can always get access to the tokio handle via the
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-# Errors
-Actix uses the [`Error` type](../actix_web/error/struct.Error.html)
-and [`ResponseError` trait](../actix_web/error/trait.ResponseError.html)
-for handling handler's errors.
-Any error that implements the `ResponseError` trait can be returned as an error value.
-`Handler` can return an `Result` object. By default, actix provides a
-`Responder` implementation for compatible result types. Here is the implementation
-impl> Responder for Result
-Any error that implements `ResponseError` can be converted into an `Error` object.
-For example, if the *handler* function returns `io::Error`, it would be converted
-into an `HttpInternalServerError` response. Implementation for `io::Error` is provided
-by default.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# use actix_web::*;
-use std::io;
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> io::Result {
- Ok(fs::NamedFile::open("static/index.html")?)
-# fn main() {
-# App::new()
-# .resource(r"/a/index.html", |r| r.f(index))
-# .finish();
-# }
-## Custom error response
-To add support for custom errors, all we need to do is implement the `ResponseError` trait
-for the custom error type. The `ResponseError` trait has a default implementation
-for the `error_response()` method: it generates a *500* response.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-#[macro_use] extern crate failure;
-use actix_web::*;
-#[derive(Fail, Debug)]
-#[fail(display="my error")]
-struct MyError {
- name: &'static str
-/// Use default implementation for `error_response()` method
-impl error::ResponseError for MyError {}
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Result<&'static str, MyError> {
- Err(MyError{name: "test"})
-# fn main() {
-# App::new()
-# .resource(r"/a/index.html", |r| r.f(index))
-# .finish();
-# }
-In this example the *index* handler always returns a *500* response. But it is easy
-to return different responses for different types of errors.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-#[macro_use] extern crate failure;
-use actix_web::{App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, http, error};
-#[derive(Fail, Debug)]
-enum MyError {
- #[fail(display="internal error")]
- InternalError,
- #[fail(display="bad request")]
- BadClientData,
- #[fail(display="timeout")]
- Timeout,
-impl error::ResponseError for MyError {
- fn error_response(&self) -> HttpResponse {
- match *self {
- MyError::InternalError => HttpResponse::new(
- http::StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR),
- MyError::BadClientData => HttpResponse::new(
- http::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST),
- MyError::Timeout => HttpResponse::new(
- http::StatusCode::GATEWAY_TIMEOUT),
- }
- }
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Result<&'static str, MyError> {
- Err(MyError::BadClientData)
-# fn main() {
-# App::new()
-# .resource(r"/a/index.html", |r| r.f(index))
-# .finish();
-# }
-## Error helpers
-Actix provides a set of error helper types. It is possible to use them for generating
-specific error responses. We can use the helper types for the first example with a custom error.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-#[macro_use] extern crate failure;
-use actix_web::*;
-struct MyError {
- name: &'static str
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Result<&'static str> {
- let result: Result<&'static str, MyError> = Err(MyError{name: "test"});
- Ok(result.map_err(|e| error::ErrorBadRequest(e))?)
-# fn main() {
-# App::new()
-# .resource(r"/a/index.html", |r| r.f(index))
-# .finish();
-# }
-In this example, a *BAD REQUEST* response is generated for the `MyError` error.
-## Error logging
-Actix logs all errors with the log level `WARN`. If log level set to `DEBUG`
-and `RUST_BACKTRACE` is enabled, the backtrace gets logged. The Error type uses
-the cause's error backtrace if available. If the underlying failure does not provide
-a backtrace, a new backtrace is constructed pointing to that conversion point
-(rather than the origin of the error). This construction only happens if there
-is no underlying backtrace; if it does have a backtrace, no new backtrace is constructed.
-You can enable backtrace and debug logging with following command:
->> RUST_BACKTRACE=1 RUST_LOG=actix_web=debug cargo run
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-# URL Dispatch
-URL dispatch provides a simple way for mapping URLs to `Handler` code using a simple pattern
-matching language. If one of the patterns matches the path information associated with a request,
-a particular handler object is invoked.
-> A handler is a specific object that implements the
-> `Handler` trait, defined in your application, that receives the request and returns
-> a response object. More information is available in the [handler section](../qs_4.html).
-## Resource configuration
-Resource configuration is the act of adding a new resources to an application.
-A resource has a name, which acts as an identifier to be used for URL generation.
-The name also allows developers to add routes to existing resources.
-A resource also has a pattern, meant to match against the *PATH* portion of a *URL*.
-It does not match against the *QUERY* portion (the portion following the scheme and
-port, e.g., */foo/bar* in the *URL* *http://localhost:8080/foo/bar?q=value*).
-The [App::route](../actix_web/struct.App.html#method.route) method provides
-simple way of registering routes. This method adds a single route to application
-routing table. This method accepts a *path pattern*,
-*http method* and a handler function. `route()` method could be called multiple times
-for the same path, in that case, multiple routes register for the same resource path.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, http::Method};
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {
- unimplemented!()
-fn main() {
- App::new()
- .route("/user/{name}", Method::GET, index)
- .route("/user/{name}", Method::POST, index)
- .finish();
-While *App::route()* provides simple way of registering routes, to access
-complete resource configuration, different method has to be used.
-The [App::resource](../actix_web/struct.App.html#method.resource) method
-adds a single resource to application routing table. This method accepts a *path pattern*
-and a resource configuration function.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, http::Method};
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {
- unimplemented!()
-fn main() {
- App::new()
- .resource("/prefix", |r| r.f(index))
- .resource("/user/{name}",
- |r| r.method(Method::GET).f(|req| HttpResponse::Ok()))
- .finish();
-The *Configuration function* has the following type:
- FnOnce(&mut Resource<_>) -> ()
-The *Configuration function* can set a name and register specific routes.
-If a resource does not contain any route or does not have any matching routes, it
-returns *NOT FOUND* http response.
-## Configuring a Route
-Resource contains a set of routes. Each route in turn has a set of predicates and a handler.
-New routes can be created with `Resource::route()` method which returns a reference
-to new *Route* instance. By default the *route* does not contain any predicates, so matches
-all requests and the default handler is `HttpNotFound`.
-The application routes incoming requests based on route criteria which are defined during
-resource registration and route registration. Resource matches all routes it contains in
-the order the routes were registered via `Resource::route()`.
-> A *Route* can contain any number of *predicates* but only one handler.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# use actix_web::*;
-fn main() {
- App::new()
- .resource("/path", |resource|
- resource.route()
- .filter(pred::Get())
- .filter(pred::Header("content-type", "text/plain"))
- .f(|req| HttpResponse::Ok())
- )
- .finish();
-In this example, `HttpResponse::Ok()` is returned for *GET* requests.
-If a request contains `Content-Type` header, the value of this header is *text/plain*,
-and path equals to `/path`, Resource calls handle of the first matching route.
-If a resource can not match any route, a "NOT FOUND" response is returned.
-[*Resource::route()*](../actix_web/struct.Resource.html#method.route) returns a
-[*Route*](../actix_web/struct.Route.html) object. Route can be configured with a
-builder-like pattern. Following configuration methods are available:
-* [*Route::filter()*](../actix_web/struct.Route.html#method.filter) registers a new predicate.
- Any number of predicates can be registered for each route.
-* [*Route::f()*](../actix_web/struct.Route.html#method.f) registers handler function
- for this route. Only one handler can be registered. Usually handler registration
- is the last config operation. Handler function can be a function or closure and has the type
- `Fn(HttpRequest
) -> R + 'static`
-* [*Route::h()*](../actix_web/struct.Route.html#method.h) registers a handler object
- that implements the `Handler` trait. This is similar to `f()` method - only one handler can
- be registered. Handler registration is the last config operation.
-* [*Route::a()*](../actix_web/struct.Route.html#method.a) registers an async handler
- function for this route. Only one handler can be registered. Handler registration
- is the last config operation. Handler function can be a function or closure and has the type
- `Fn(HttpRequest) -> Future- + 'static`
-## Route matching
-The main purpose of route configuration is to match (or not match) the request's `path`
-against a URL path pattern. `path` represents the path portion of the URL that was requested.
-The way that *actix* does this is very simple. When a request enters the system,
-for each resource configuration declaration present in the system, actix checks
-the request's path against the pattern declared. This checking happens in the order that
-the routes were declared via `App::resource()` method. If resource can not be found,
-the *default resource* is used as the matched resource.
-When a route configuration is declared, it may contain route predicate arguments. All route
-predicates associated with a route declaration must be `true` for the route configuration to
-be used for a given request during a check. If any predicate in the set of route predicate
-arguments provided to a route configuration returns `false` during a check, that route is
-skipped and route matching continues through the ordered set of routes.
-If any route matches, the route matching process stops and the handler associated with
-the route is invoked. If no route matches after all route patterns are exhausted, a *NOT FOUND* response get returned.
-## Resource pattern syntax
-The syntax of the pattern matching language used by actix in the pattern
-argument is straightforward.
-The pattern used in route configuration may start with a slash character. If the pattern
-does not start with a slash character, an implicit slash will be prepended
-to it at matching time. For example, the following patterns are equivalent:
-A *variable part* (replacement marker) is specified in the form *{identifier}*,
-where this means "accept any characters up to the next slash character and use this
-as the name in the `HttpRequest.match_info()` object".
-A replacement marker in a pattern matches the regular expression `[^{}/]+`.
-A match_info is the `Params` object representing the dynamic parts extracted from a
-*URL* based on the routing pattern. It is available as *request.match_info*. For example, the
-following pattern defines one literal segment (foo) and two replacement markers (baz, and bar):
-The above pattern will match these URLs, generating the following match information:
-foo/1/2 -> Params {'baz':'1', 'bar':'2'}
-foo/abc/def -> Params {'baz':'abc', 'bar':'def'}
-It will not match the following patterns however:
-foo/1/2/ -> No match (trailing slash)
-bar/abc/def -> First segment literal mismatch
-The match for a segment replacement marker in a segment will be done only up to
-the first non-alphanumeric character in the segment in the pattern. So, for instance,
-if this route pattern was used:
-The literal path */foo/biz.html* will match the above route pattern, and the match result
-will be `Params{'name': 'biz'}`. However, the literal path */foo/biz* will not match,
-because it does not contain a literal *.html* at the end of the segment represented
-by *{name}.html* (it only contains biz, not biz.html).
-To capture both segments, two replacement markers can be used:
-The literal path */foo/biz.html* will match the above route pattern, and the match
-result will be *Params{'name': 'biz', 'ext': 'html'}*. This occurs because there is a
-literal part of *.* (period) between the two replacement markers *{name}* and *{ext}*.
-Replacement markers can optionally specify a regular expression which will be used to decide
-whether a path segment should match the marker. To specify that a replacement marker should
-match only a specific set of characters as defined by a regular expression, you must use a
-slightly extended form of replacement marker syntax. Within braces, the replacement marker
-name must be followed by a colon, then directly thereafter, the regular expression. The default
-regular expression associated with a replacement marker *[^/]+* matches one or more characters
-which are not a slash. For example, under the hood, the replacement marker *{foo}* can more
-verbosely be spelled as *{foo:[^/]+}*. You can change this to be an arbitrary regular expression
-to match an arbitrary sequence of characters, such as *{foo:\d+}* to match only digits.
-Segments must contain at least one character in order to match a segment replacement marker.
-For example, for the URL */abc/*:
-* */abc/{foo}* will not match.
-* */{foo}/* will match.
-> **Note**: path will be URL-unquoted and decoded into valid unicode string before
-> matching pattern and values representing matched path segments will be URL-unquoted too.
-So for instance, the following pattern:
-When matching the following URL:
-The matchdict will look like so (the value is URL-decoded):
-Params{'bar': 'La Pe\xf1a'}
-Literal strings in the path segment should represent the decoded value of the
-path provided to actix. You don't want to use a URL-encoded value in the pattern.
-For example, rather than this:
-You'll want to use something like this:
-/Foo Bar/{baz}
-It is possible to get "tail match". For this purpose custom regex has to be used.
-The above pattern will match these URLs, generating the following match information:
-foo/1/2/ -> Params{'bar':'1', 'tail': '2/'}
-foo/abc/def/a/b/c -> Params{'bar':u'abc', 'tail': 'def/a/b/c'}
-## Match information
-All values representing matched path segments are available in
-Specific values can be retrieved with
-Any matched parameter can be deserialized into a specific type if the type
-implements the `FromParam` trait. For example most standard integer types
-the trait, i.e.:
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::*;
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Result {
- let v1: u8 = req.match_info().query("v1")?;
- let v2: u8 = req.match_info().query("v2")?;
- Ok(format!("Values {} {}", v1, v2))
-fn main() {
- App::new()
- .resource(r"/a/{v1}/{v2}/", |r| r.f(index))
- .finish();
-For this example for path '/a/1/2/', values v1 and v2 will resolve to "1" and "2".
-It is possible to create a `PathBuf` from a tail path parameter. The returned `PathBuf` is
-percent-decoded. If a segment is equal to "..", the previous segment (if
-any) is skipped.
-For security purposes, if a segment meets any of the following conditions,
-an `Err` is returned indicating the condition met:
-* Decoded segment starts with any of: `.` (except `..`), `*`
-* Decoded segment ends with any of: `:`, `>`, `<`
-* Decoded segment contains any of: `/`
-* On Windows, decoded segment contains any of: '\'
-* Percent-encoding results in invalid UTF8.
-As a result of these conditions, a `PathBuf` parsed from request path parameter is
-safe to interpolate within, or use as a suffix of, a path without additional checks.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use std::path::PathBuf;
-use actix_web::{App, HttpRequest, Result, http::Method};
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Result {
- let path: PathBuf = req.match_info().query("tail")?;
- Ok(format!("Path {:?}", path))
-fn main() {
- App::new()
- .resource(r"/a/{tail:.*}", |r| r.method(Method::GET).f(index))
- .finish();
-List of `FromParam` implementations can be found in
-[api docs](../actix_web/dev/trait.FromParam.html#foreign-impls)
-## Path information extractor
-Actix provides functionality for type safe path information extraction.
-[Path](../actix_web/struct.Path.html) extracts information, destination type
-could be defined in several different forms. Simplest approach is to use
-`tuple` type. Each element in tuple must correpond to one element from
-path pattern. i.e. you can match path pattern `/{id}/{username}/` against
-`Pyth<(u32, String)>` type, but `Path<(String, String, String)>` type will
-always fail.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{App, Path, Result, http::Method};
-// extract path info using serde
-fn index(info: Path<(String, u32)>) -> Result {
- Ok(format!("Welcome {}! id: {}", info.0, info.1))
-fn main() {
- let app = App::new()
- .resource("/{username}/{id}/index.html", // <- define path parameters
- |r| r.method(Method::GET).with(index));
-It also possible to extract path pattern information to a struct. In this case,
-this struct must implement *serde's *`Deserialize` trait.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-#[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive;
-use actix_web::{App, Path, Result, http::Method};
-struct Info {
- username: String,
-// extract path info using serde
-fn index(info: Path) -> Result {
- Ok(format!("Welcome {}!", info.username))
-fn main() {
- let app = App::new()
- .resource("/{username}/index.html", // <- define path parameters
- |r| r.method(Method::GET).with(index));
-[Query](../actix_web/struct.Query.html) provides similar functionality for
-request query parameters.
-## Generating resource URLs
-Use the [HttpRequest.url_for()](../actix_web/struct.HttpRequest.html#method.url_for)
-method to generate URLs based on resource patterns. For example, if you've configured a
-resource with the name "foo" and the pattern "{a}/{b}/{c}", you might do this:
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# use actix_web::{App, Result, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, http::Method, http::header};
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Result {
- let url = req.url_for("foo", &["1", "2", "3"])?; // <- generate url for "foo" resource
- Ok(HttpResponse::Found()
- .header(header::LOCATION, url.as_str())
- .finish())
-fn main() {
- let app = App::new()
- .resource("/test/{a}/{b}/{c}", |r| {
- r.name("foo"); // <- set resource name, then it could be used in `url_for`
- r.method(Method::GET).f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok());
- })
- .route("/test/", Method::GET, index)
- .finish();
-This would return something like the string *http://example.com/test/1/2/3* (at least if
-the current protocol and hostname implied http://example.com).
-`url_for()` method returns [*Url object*](https://docs.rs/url/1.6.0/url/struct.Url.html) so you
-can modify this url (add query parameters, anchor, etc).
-`url_for()` could be called only for *named* resources otherwise error get returned.
-## External resources
-Resources that are valid URLs, can be registered as external resources. They are useful
-for URL generation purposes only and are never considered for matching at request time.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Error};
-fn index(mut req: HttpRequest) -> Result {
- let url = req.url_for("youtube", &["oHg5SJYRHA0"])?;
- assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "https://youtube.com/watch/oHg5SJYRHA0");
- Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().into())
-fn main() {
- let app = App::new()
- .resource("/index.html", |r| r.f(index))
- .external_resource("youtube", "https://youtube.com/watch/{video_id}")
- .finish();
-## Path normalization and redirecting to slash-appended routes
-By normalizing it means:
-* Add a trailing slash to the path.
-* Double slashes are replaced by one.
-The handler returns as soon as it finds a path that resolves
-correctly. The order if all enable is 1) merge, 3) both merge and append
-and 3) append. If the path resolves with
-at least one of those conditions, it will redirect to the new path.
-If *append* is *true*, append slash when needed. If a resource is
-defined with trailing slash and the request doesn't have one, it will
-be appended automatically.
-If *merge* is *true*, merge multiple consecutive slashes in the path into one.
-This handler designed to be used as a handler for application's *default resource*.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive;
-# use actix_web::*;
-use actix_web::http::NormalizePath;
-# fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {
-# HttpResponse::Ok().into()
-# }
-fn main() {
- let app = App::new()
- .resource("/resource/", |r| r.f(index))
- .default_resource(|r| r.h(NormalizePath::default()))
- .finish();
-In this example `/resource`, `//resource///` will be redirected to `/resource/`.
-In this example, the path normalization handler is registered for all methods,
-but you should not rely on this mechanism to redirect *POST* requests. The redirect of the
-slash-appending *Not Found* will turn a *POST* request into a GET, losing any
-*POST* data in the original request.
-It is possible to register path normalization only for *GET* requests only:
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive;
-use actix_web::{App, HttpRequest, http::Method, http::NormalizePath};
-# fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> &'static str {
-# "test"
-# }
-fn main() {
- let app = App::new()
- .resource("/resource/", |r| r.f(index))
- .default_resource(|r| r.method(Method::GET).h(NormalizePath::default()))
- .finish();
-## Using an Application Prefix to Compose Applications
-The `App::prefix()` method allows to set a specific application prefix.
-This prefix represents a resource prefix that will be prepended to all resource patterns added
-by the resource configuration. This can be used to help mount a set of routes at a different
-location than the included callable's author intended while still maintaining the same
-resource names.
-For example:
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# use actix_web::*;
-fn show_users(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {
- unimplemented!()
-fn main() {
- App::new()
- .prefix("/users")
- .resource("/show", |r| r.f(show_users))
- .finish();
-In the above example, the *show_users* route will have an effective route pattern of
-*/users/show* instead of */show* because the application's prefix argument will be prepended
-to the pattern. The route will then only match if the URL path is */users/show*,
-and when the `HttpRequest.url_for()` function is called with the route name show_users,
-it will generate a URL with that same path.
-## Custom route predicates
-You can think of a predicate as a simple function that accepts a *request* object reference
-and returns *true* or *false*. Formally, a predicate is any object that implements the
-[`Predicate`](../actix_web/pred/trait.Predicate.html) trait. Actix provides
-several predicates, you can check [functions section](../actix_web/pred/index.html#functions)
-of api docs.
-Here is a simple predicate that check that a request contains a specific *header*:
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# use actix_web::*;
-use actix_web::{http, pred::Predicate, App, HttpRequest};
-struct ContentTypeHeader;
-impl Predicate
for ContentTypeHeader {
- fn check(&self, req: &mut HttpRequest) -> bool {
- req.headers().contains_key(http::header::CONTENT_TYPE)
- }
-fn main() {
- App::new()
- .resource("/index.html", |r|
- r.route()
- .filter(ContentTypeHeader)
- .f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok()));
-In this example, *index* handler will be called only if request contains *CONTENT-TYPE* header.
-Predicates have access to the application's state via `HttpRequest::state()`.
-Also predicates can store extra information in
-[request extensions](../actix_web/struct.HttpRequest.html#method.extensions).
-### Modifying predicate values
-You can invert the meaning of any predicate value by wrapping it in a `Not` predicate.
-For example, if you want to return "METHOD NOT ALLOWED" response for all methods
-except "GET":
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# extern crate http;
-# use actix_web::*;
-use actix_web::{pred, App, HttpResponse};
-fn main() {
- App::new()
- .resource("/index.html", |r|
- r.route()
- .filter(pred::Not(pred::Get()))
- .f(|req| HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed()))
- .finish();
-The `Any` predicate accepts a list of predicates and matches if any of the supplied
-predicates match. i.e:
- pred::Any(pred::Get()).or(pred::Post())
-The `All` predicate accepts a list of predicates and matches if all of the supplied
-predicates match. i.e:
- pred::All(pred::Get()).and(pred::Header("content-type", "plain/text"))
-## Changing the default Not Found response
-If the path pattern can not be found in the routing table or a resource can not find matching
-route, the default resource is used. The default response is *NOT FOUND*.
-It is possible to override the *NOT FOUND* response with `App::default_resource()`.
-This method accepts a *configuration function* same as normal resource configuration
-with `App::resource()` method.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{App, HttpResponse, http::Method, pred};
-fn main() {
- App::new()
- .default_resource(|r| {
- r.method(Method::GET).f(|req| HttpResponse::NotFound());
- r.route().filter(pred::Not(pred::Get()))
- .f(|req| HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed());
- })
-# .finish();
diff --git a/guide/src/qs_7.md b/guide/src/qs_7.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b07a25d6f..000000000
--- a/guide/src/qs_7.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-# Request & Response
-## Response
-A builder-like pattern is used to construct an instance of `HttpResponse`.
-`HttpResponse` provides several methods that return a `HttpResponseBuilder` instance,
-which implements various convenience methods for building responses.
-> Check the [documentation](../actix_web/dev/struct.HttpResponseBuilder.html)
-> for type descriptions.
-The methods `.body`, `.finish`, and `.json` finalize response creation and
-return a constructed *HttpResponse* instance. If this methods is called on the same
-builder instance multiple times, the builder will panic.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{HttpRequest, HttpResponse, http::ContentEncoding};
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {
- HttpResponse::Ok()
- .content_encoding(ContentEncoding::Br)
- .content_type("plain/text")
- .header("X-Hdr", "sample")
- .body("data")
-# fn main() {}
-## Content encoding
-Actix automatically *compresses*/*decompresses* payloads. The following codecs are supported:
-* Brotli
-* Gzip
-* Deflate
-* Identity
-If request headers contain a `Content-Encoding` header, the request payload is decompressed
-according to the header value. Multiple codecs are not supported,
-i.e: `Content-Encoding: br, gzip`.
-Response payload is compressed based on the *content_encoding* parameter.
-By default, `ContentEncoding::Auto` is used. If `ContentEncoding::Auto` is selected,
-then the compression depends on the request's `Accept-Encoding` header.
-> `ContentEncoding::Identity` can be used to disable compression.
-> If another content encoding is selected, the compression is enforced for that codec.
-For example, to enable `brotli` use `ContentEncoding::Br`:
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{HttpRequest, HttpResponse, http::ContentEncoding};
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {
- HttpResponse::Ok()
- .content_encoding(ContentEncoding::Br)
- .body("data")
-# fn main() {}
-In this case we explicitly disable content compression
-by setting content encoding to a `Identity` value:
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{HttpRequest, HttpResponse, http::ContentEncoding};
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {
- HttpResponse::Ok()
- .content_encoding(ContentEncoding::Identity) // <- disable compression
- .body("data")
-# fn main() {}
-Also it is possible to set default content encoding on application level, by
-default `ContentEncoding::Auto` is used, which implies automatic content compression
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, http::ContentEncoding};
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {
- HttpResponse::Ok()
- .body("data")
-fn main() {
- let app = App::new()
- .default_encoding(ContentEncoding::Identity) // <- disable compression for all routes
- .resource("/index.html", |r| r.with(index));
-## JSON Request
-There are several options for json body deserialization.
-The first option is to use *Json* extractor. First, you define a handler function
-that accepts `Json` as a parameter, then, you use the `.with()` method for registering
-this handler. It is also possible to accept arbitrary valid json object by
-using `serde_json::Value` as a type `T`.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-#[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive;
-use actix_web::{App, Json, Result, http};
-struct Info {
- username: String,
-/// extract `Info` using serde
-fn index(info: Json) -> Result {
- Ok(format!("Welcome {}!", info.username))
-fn main() {
- let app = App::new().resource(
- "/index.html",
- |r| r.method(http::Method::POST).with(index)); // <- use `with` extractor
-Another option is to use *HttpResponse::json()*. This method returns a
-[*JsonBody*](../actix_web/dev/struct.JsonBody.html) object which resolves into
-the deserialized value.
-# extern crate actix;
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# extern crate futures;
-# extern crate serde_json;
-# #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive;
-# use actix_web::*;
-# use futures::Future;
-#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
-struct MyObj {
- name: String,
- number: i32,
-fn index(mut req: HttpRequest) -> Box> {
- req.json().from_err()
- .and_then(|val: MyObj| {
- println!("model: {:?}", val);
- Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().json(val)) // <- send response
- })
- .responder()
-# fn main() {}
-You may also manually load the payload into memory and then deserialize it.
-In the following example, we will deserialize a *MyObj* struct. We need to load the request
-body first and then deserialize the json into an object.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# extern crate futures;
-# use actix_web::*;
-# #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive;
-extern crate serde_json;
-use futures::{Future, Stream};
-#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
-struct MyObj {name: String, number: i32}
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Box> {
- // `concat2` will asynchronously read each chunk of the request body and
- // return a single, concatenated, chunk
- req.concat2()
- // `Future::from_err` acts like `?` in that it coerces the error type from
- // the future into the final error type
- .from_err()
- // `Future::and_then` can be used to merge an asynchronous workflow with a
- // synchronous workflow
- .and_then(|body| { // <- body is loaded, now we can deserialize json
- let obj = serde_json::from_slice::(&body)?;
- Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().json(obj)) // <- send response
- })
- .responder()
-# fn main() {}
-> A complete example for both options is available in
-> [examples directory](https://github.com/actix/actix-web/tree/master/examples/json/).
-## JSON Response
-The `Json` type allows to respond with well-formed JSON data: simply return a value of
-type Json where `T` is the type of a structure to serialize into *JSON*.
-The type `T` must implement the `Serialize` trait from *serde*.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-#[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive;
-use actix_web::{App, HttpRequest, Json, Result, http::Method};
-struct MyObj {
- name: String,
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Result> {
- Ok(Json(MyObj{name: req.match_info().query("name")?}))
-fn main() {
- App::new()
- .resource(r"/a/{name}", |r| r.method(Method::GET).f(index))
- .finish();
-## Chunked transfer encoding
-Actix automatically decodes *chunked* encoding. `HttpRequest::payload()` already contains
-the decoded byte stream. If the request payload is compressed with one of the supported
-compression codecs (br, gzip, deflate), then the byte stream is decompressed.
-Chunked encoding on a response can be enabled with `HttpResponseBuilder::chunked()`.
-This takes effect only for `Body::Streaming(BodyStream)` or `Body::StreamingContext` bodies.
-If the response payload compression is enabled and a streaming body is used, chunked encoding
-is enabled automatically.
-> Enabling chunked encoding for *HTTP/2.0* responses is forbidden.
-# extern crate bytes;
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# extern crate futures;
-# use futures::Stream;
-use actix_web::*;
-use bytes::Bytes;
-use futures::stream::once;
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {
- HttpResponse::Ok()
- .chunked()
- .body(Body::Streaming(Box::new(once(Ok(Bytes::from_static(b"data"))))))
-# fn main() {}
-## Multipart body
-Actix provides multipart stream support.
-[*Multipart*](../actix_web/multipart/struct.Multipart.html) is implemented as
-a stream of multipart items. Each item can be a
-[*Field*](../actix_web/multipart/struct.Field.html) or a nested *Multipart* stream.
-`HttpResponse::multipart()` returns the *Multipart* stream for the current request.
-The following demonstrates multipart stream handling for a simple form:
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::*;
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Box> {
- req.multipart() // <- get multipart stream for current request
- .and_then(|item| { // <- iterate over multipart items
- match item {
- // Handle multipart Field
- multipart::MultipartItem::Field(field) => {
- println!("==== FIELD ==== {:?} {:?}", field.headers(), field.content_type());
- Either::A(
- // Field in turn is a stream of *Bytes* objects
- field.map(|chunk| {
- println!("-- CHUNK: \n{}",
- std::str::from_utf8(&chunk).unwrap());})
- .fold((), |_, _| result(Ok(()))))
- },
- multipart::MultipartItem::Nested(mp) => {
- // Or item could be nested Multipart stream
- Either::B(result(Ok(())))
- }
- }
- })
-> A full example is available in the
-> [examples directory](https://github.com/actix/actix-web/tree/master/examples/multipart/).
-## Urlencoded body
-Actix provides support for *application/x-www-form-urlencoded* encoded bodies.
-`HttpResponse::urlencoded()` returns a
-[*UrlEncoded*](../actix_web/dev/struct.UrlEncoded.html) future, which resolves
-to the deserialized instance. The type of the instance must implement the
-`Deserialize` trait from *serde*.
-The *UrlEncoded* future can resolve into an error in several cases:
-* content type is not `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`
-* transfer encoding is `chunked`.
-* content-length is greater than 256k
-* payload terminates with error.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# extern crate futures;
-#[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive;
-use actix_web::*;
-use futures::future::{Future, ok};
-struct FormData {
- username: String,
-fn index(mut req: HttpRequest) -> Box> {
- req.urlencoded::() // <- get UrlEncoded future
- .from_err()
- .and_then(|data| { // <- deserialized instance
- println!("USERNAME: {:?}", data.username);
- ok(HttpResponse::Ok().into())
- })
- .responder()
-# fn main() {}
-## Streaming request
-*HttpRequest* is a stream of `Bytes` objects. It can be used to read the request
-body payload.
-In the following example, we read and print the request payload chunk by chunk:
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# extern crate futures;
-# use futures::future::result;
-use actix_web::*;
-use futures::{Future, Stream};
-fn index(mut req: HttpRequest) -> Box> {
- req.from_err()
- .fold((), |_, chunk| {
- println!("Chunk: {:?}", chunk);
- result::<_, error::PayloadError>(Ok(()))
- })
- .map(|_| HttpResponse::Ok().finish())
- .responder()
-# fn main() {}
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-# Testing
-Every application should be well tested. Actix provides tools to perform unit and
-integration tests.
-## Unit tests
-For unit testing, actix provides a request builder type and a simple handler runner.
-[*TestRequest*](../actix_web/test/struct.TestRequest.html) implements a builder-like pattern.
-You can generate a `HttpRequest` instance with `finish()`, or you can
-run your handler with `run()` or `run_async()`.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{http, test, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpMessage};
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {
- if let Some(hdr) = req.headers().get(http::header::CONTENT_TYPE) {
- if let Ok(s) = hdr.to_str() {
- return HttpResponse::Ok().into()
- }
- }
- HttpResponse::BadRequest().into()
-fn main() {
- let resp = test::TestRequest::with_header("content-type", "text/plain")
- .run(index)
- .unwrap();
- assert_eq!(resp.status(), http::StatusCode::OK);
- let resp = test::TestRequest::default()
- .run(index)
- .unwrap();
- assert_eq!(resp.status(), http::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST);
-## Integration tests
-There are several methods for testing your application. Actix provides
-[*TestServer*](../actix_web/test/struct.TestServer.html), which can be used
-to run the application with specific handlers in a real http server.
-`TestServer::get()`, `TestServer::post()`, and `TestServer::client()`
-methods can be used to send requests to the test server.
-A simple form `TestServer` can be configured to use a handler.
-`TestServer::new` method accepts a configuration function, and the only argument
-for this function is a *test application* instance.
-> Check the [api documentation](../actix_web/test/struct.TestApp.html) for more information.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpMessage};
-use actix_web::test::TestServer;
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {
- HttpResponse::Ok().into()
-fn main() {
- let mut srv = TestServer::new(|app| app.handler(index)); // <- Start new test server
- let request = srv.get().finish().unwrap(); // <- create client request
- let response = srv.execute(request.send()).unwrap(); // <- send request to the server
- assert!(response.status().is_success()); // <- check response
- let bytes = srv.execute(response.body()).unwrap(); // <- read response body
-The other option is to use an application factory. In this case, you need to pass the factory
-function the same way as you would for real http server configuration.
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix_web::{http, test, App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse};
-fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {
- HttpResponse::Ok().into()
-/// This function get called by http server.
-fn create_app() -> App {
- App::new()
- .resource("/test", |r| r.h(index))
-fn main() {
- let mut srv = test::TestServer::with_factory(create_app); // <- Start new test server
- let request = srv.client(
- http::Method::GET, "/test").finish().unwrap(); // <- create client request
- let response = srv.execute(request.send()).unwrap(); // <- send request to the server
- assert!(response.status().is_success()); // <- check response
-If you need more complex application configuration, use the `TestServer::build_with_state()`
-method. For example, you may need to initialize application state or start `SyncActor`'s for diesel
-interation. This method accepts a closure that constructs the application state,
-and it runs when the actix system is configured. Thus, you can initialize any additional actors.
-fn test() {
- let srv = TestServer::build_with_state(|| { // <- construct builder with config closure
- // we can start diesel actors
- let addr = SyncArbiter::start(3, || {
- DbExecutor(SqliteConnection::establish("test.db").unwrap())
- });
- // then we can construct custom state, or it could be `()`
- MyState{addr: addr}
- })
- .start(|app| { // <- register server handlers and start test server
- app.resource(
- "/{username}/index.html", |r| r.with(
- |p: Path| format!("Welcome {}!", p.username)));
- });
- // now we can run our test code
-## WebSocket server tests
-It is possible to register a *handler* with `TestApp::handler()`, which
-initiates a web socket connection. *TestServer* provides the method `ws()`, which connects to
-the websocket server and returns ws reader and writer objects. *TestServer* also
-provides an `execute()` method, which runs future objects to completion and returns
-result of the future computation.
-The following example demonstrates how to test a websocket handler:
-# extern crate actix;
-# extern crate actix_web;
-# extern crate futures;
-# extern crate http;
-# extern crate bytes;
-use actix_web::*;
-use futures::Stream;
-# use actix::prelude::*;
-struct Ws; // <- WebSocket actor
-impl Actor for Ws {
- type Context = ws::WebsocketContext;
-impl StreamHandler for Ws {
- fn handle(&mut self, msg: ws::Message, ctx: &mut Self::Context) {
- match msg {
- ws::Message::Text(text) => ctx.text(text),
- _ => (),
- }
- }
-fn main() {
- let mut srv = test::TestServer::new( // <- start our server with ws handler
- |app| app.handler(|req| ws::start(req, Ws)));
- let (reader, mut writer) = srv.ws().unwrap(); // <- connect to ws server
- writer.text("text"); // <- send message to server
- let (item, reader) = srv.execute(reader.into_future()).unwrap(); // <- wait for one message
- assert_eq!(item, Some(ws::Message::Text("text".to_owned())));
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-# WebSockets
-Actix supports WebSockets out-of-the-box. It is possible to convert a request's `Payload`
-to a stream of [*ws::Message*](../actix_web/ws/enum.Message.html) with
-a [*ws::WsStream*](../actix_web/ws/struct.WsStream.html) and then use stream
-combinators to handle actual messages, but it is simpler to handle websocket communications
-with an http actor.
-The following is an example of a simple websocket echo server:
-# extern crate actix;
-# extern crate actix_web;
-use actix::*;
-use actix_web::*;
-/// Define http actor
-struct Ws;
-impl Actor for Ws {
- type Context = ws::WebsocketContext;
-/// Handler for ws::Message message
-impl StreamHandler for Ws {
- fn handle(&mut self, msg: ws::Message, ctx: &mut Self::Context) {
- match msg {
- ws::Message::Ping(msg) => ctx.pong(&msg),
- ws::Message::Text(text) => ctx.text(text),
- ws::Message::Binary(bin) => ctx.binary(bin),
- _ => (),
- }
- }
-fn main() {
- App::new()
- .resource("/ws/", |r| r.f(|req| ws::start(req, Ws))) // <- register websocket route
- .finish();
-> A simple websocket echo server example is available in the
-> [examples directory](https://github.com/actix/actix-web/blob/master/examples/websocket).
-> An example chat server with the ability to chat over a websocket or tcp connection
-> is available in [websocket-chat directory](https://github.com/actix/actix-web/tree/master/examples/websocket-chat/)
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//! Besides the API documentation (which you are currently looking
//! at!), several other resources are available:
-//! * [User Guide](https://actix.rs/actix-web/guide/)
+//! * [User Guide](https://actix.rs/book/actix-web/)
//! * [Chat on gitter](https://gitter.im/actix/actix)
//! * [GitHub repository](https://github.com/actix/actix-web)
//! * [Cargo package](https://crates.io/crates/actix-web)