From fdf30118378f0b84004d39624daa7ba36ac67535 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nikolay Kim <>
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2019 09:05:07 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] add responder for unit type

 Cargo.toml         |   1 +
 src/ | 785 ---------------------------------------------
 src/         |   1 -
 src/   |  26 +-
 4 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 798 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/

diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index 3cc42d801..bfd061015 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ actix-router = { git = "" }
 bytes = "0.4"
 futures = "0.1"
 derive_more = "0.14"
+either = "1.5.1"
 log = "0.4"
 lazy_static = "1.2"
 mime = "0.3"
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ca4ce285..000000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,785 +0,0 @@
-use std::rc::Rc;
-use actix_http::http::ContentEncoding;
-use actix_http::{Error, Request, Response};
-use actix_service::Service;
-use futures::{Async, Future, Poll};
-use handler::{AsyncResult, FromRequest, Handler, Responder, WrapHandler};
-use http::Method;
-use httprequest::HttpRequest;
-use httpresponse::HttpResponse;
-// use middleware::Middleware;
-// use pipeline::{Pipeline, PipelineHandler};
-use pred::Predicate;
-use resource::Resource;
-use router::{ResourceDef, Router};
-// use scope::Scope;
-// use server::{HttpHandler, HttpHandlerTask, IntoHttpHandler, Request};
-use with::WithFactory;
-/// Application
-pub struct HttpApplication<S = ()> {
-    state: Rc<S>,
-    prefix: String,
-    prefix_len: usize,
-    inner: Rc<Inner<S>>,
-    filters: Option<Vec<Box<Predicate<S>>>>,
-    // middlewares: Rc<Vec<Box<Middleware<S>>>>,
-pub struct Inner<S> {
-    router: Router<S>,
-    encoding: ContentEncoding,
-// impl<S: 'static> PipelineHandler<S> for Inner<S> {
-//     #[inline]
-//     fn encoding(&self) -> ContentEncoding {
-//         self.encoding
-//     }
-//     fn handle(&self, req: &HttpRequest<S>) -> AsyncResult<HttpResponse> {
-//         self.router.handle(req)
-//     }
-// }
-impl<S: 'static> HttpApplication<S> {
-    #[cfg(test)]
-    pub(crate) fn run(&self, req: Request) -> AsyncResult<HttpResponse> {
-        let info = self
-            .inner
-            .router
-            .recognize(&req, &self.state, self.prefix_len);
-        let req = HttpRequest::new(req, Rc::clone(&self.state), info);
-        self.inner.handle(&req)
-    }
-impl<S: 'static> Service for HttpApplication<S> {
-    // type Task = Pipeline<S, Inner<S>>;
-    type Request = actix_http::Request;
-    type Response = actix_http::Response;
-    type Error = Error;
-    type Future = Box<Future<Item = Response, Error = Error>>;
-    fn poll_ready(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Self::Error> {
-        Ok(Async::Ready(()))
-    }
-    fn call(&mut self, msg: actix_http::Request) -> Self::Future {
-        let m = {
-            if self.prefix_len == 0 {
-                true
-            } else {
-                let path = msg.path();
-                path.starts_with(&self.prefix)
-                    && (path.len() == self.prefix_len
-                        || path.split_at(self.prefix_len).1.starts_with('/'))
-            }
-        };
-        if m {
-            if let Some(ref filters) = self.filters {
-                //for filter in filters {
-                //    if !filter.check(&msg, &self.state) {
-                //return Err(msg);
-                unimplemented!()
-                //    }
-                //}
-            }
-            let info = self
-                .inner
-                .router
-                .recognize(&msg, &self.state, self.prefix_len);
-            let inner = Rc::clone(&self.inner);
-            // let req = HttpRequest::new(msg, Rc::clone(&self.state), info);
-            // Ok(Pipeline::new(req, inner))
-            unimplemented!()
-        } else {
-            // Err(msg)
-            unimplemented!()
-        }
-    }
-struct ApplicationParts<S> {
-    state: S,
-    prefix: String,
-    router: Router<S>,
-    encoding: ContentEncoding,
-    // middlewares: Vec<Box<Middleware<S>>>,
-    filters: Vec<Box<Predicate<S>>>,
-/// Structure that follows the builder pattern for building application
-/// instances.
-pub struct App<S = ()> {
-    parts: Option<ApplicationParts<S>>,
-impl<S> App<S>
-    S: 'static,
-    /// Set application prefix.
-    ///
-    /// Only requests that match the application's prefix get
-    /// processed by this application.
-    ///
-    /// The application prefix always contains a leading slash (`/`).
-    /// If the supplied prefix does not contain leading slash, it is
-    /// inserted.
-    ///
-    /// Prefix should consist of valid path segments. i.e for an
-    /// application with the prefix `/app` any request with the paths
-    /// `/app`, `/app/` or `/app/test` would match, but the path
-    /// `/application` would not.
-    ///
-    /// In the following example only requests with an `/app/` path
-    /// prefix get handled. Requests with path `/app/test/` would be
-    /// handled, while requests with the paths `/application` or
-    /// `/other/...` would return `NOT FOUND`. It is also possible to
-    /// handle `/app` path, to do this you can register resource for
-    /// empty string `""`
-    ///
-    /// ```rust
-    /// # extern crate actix_web;
-    /// use actix_web::{http, App, HttpResponse};
-    ///
-    /// fn main() {
-    ///     let app = App::new()
-    ///         .prefix("/app")
-    ///         .resource("", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok()))  // <- handle `/app` path
-    ///         .resource("/", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok())) // <- handle `/app/` path
-    ///         .resource("/test", |r| {
-    ///             r.get().f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok());
-    ///             r.head().f(|_| HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed());
-    ///         })
-    ///         .finish();
-    /// }
-    /// ```
-    pub fn prefix<P: Into<String>>(mut self, prefix: P) -> App<S> {
-        {
-            let parts ="Use after finish");
-            let mut prefix = prefix.into();
-            if !prefix.starts_with('/') {
-                prefix.insert(0, '/')
-            }
-            parts.router.set_prefix(&prefix);
-            parts.prefix = prefix;
-        }
-        self
-    }
-    /// Configure route for a specific path.
-    ///
-    /// This is a simplified version of the `App::resource()` method.
-    /// Handler functions need to accept one request extractor
-    /// argument.
-    ///
-    /// This method could be called multiple times, in that case
-    /// multiple routes would be registered for same resource path.
-    ///
-    /// ```rust
-    /// # extern crate actix_web;
-    /// use actix_web::{http, App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse};
-    ///
-    /// fn main() {
-    ///     let app = App::new()
-    ///         .route("/test", http::Method::GET, |_: HttpRequest| {
-    ///             HttpResponse::Ok()
-    ///         })
-    ///         .route("/test", http::Method::POST, |_: HttpRequest| {
-    ///             HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed()
-    ///         });
-    /// }
-    /// ```
-    pub fn route<T, F, R>(mut self, path: &str, method: Method, f: F) -> App<S>
-    where
-        F: WithFactory<T, S, R>,
-        R: Responder + 'static,
-        T: FromRequest<S> + 'static,
-    {
-            .as_mut()
-            .expect("Use after finish")
-            .router
-            .register_route(path, method, f);
-        self
-    }
-    // /// Configure scope for common root path.
-    // ///
-    // /// Scopes collect multiple paths under a common path prefix.
-    // /// Scope path can contain variable path segments as resources.
-    // ///
-    // /// ```rust
-    // /// # extern crate actix_web;
-    // /// use actix_web::{http, App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse};
-    // ///
-    // /// fn main() {
-    // ///     let app = App::new().scope("/{project_id}", |scope| {
-    // ///         scope
-    // ///             .resource("/path1", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok()))
-    // ///             .resource("/path2", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok()))
-    // ///             .resource("/path3", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed()))
-    // ///     });
-    // /// }
-    // /// ```
-    // ///
-    // /// In the above example, three routes get added:
-    // ///  * /{project_id}/path1
-    // ///  * /{project_id}/path2
-    // ///  * /{project_id}/path3
-    // ///
-    // pub fn scope<F>(mut self, path: &str, f: F) -> App<S>
-    // where
-    //     F: FnOnce(Scope<S>) -> Scope<S>,
-    // {
-    //     let scope = f(Scope::new(path));
-    //
-    //         .as_mut()
-    //         .expect("Use after finish")
-    //         .router
-    //         .register_scope(scope);
-    //     self
-    // }
-    /// Configure resource for a specific path.
-    ///
-    /// Resources may have variable path segments. For example, a
-    /// resource with the path `/a/{name}/c` would match all incoming
-    /// requests with paths such as `/a/b/c`, `/a/1/c`, or `/a/etc/c`.
-    ///
-    /// A variable segment is specified in the form `{identifier}`,
-    /// where the identifier can be used later in a request handler to
-    /// access the matched value for that segment. This is done by
-    /// looking up the identifier in the `Params` object returned by
-    /// `HttpRequest.match_info()` method.
-    ///
-    /// By default, each segment matches the regular expression `[^{}/]+`.
-    ///
-    /// You can also specify a custom regex in the form `{identifier:regex}`:
-    ///
-    /// For instance, to route `GET`-requests on any route matching
-    /// `/users/{userid}/{friend}` and store `userid` and `friend` in
-    /// the exposed `Params` object:
-    ///
-    /// ```rust
-    /// # extern crate actix_web;
-    /// use actix_web::{http, App, HttpResponse};
-    ///
-    /// fn main() {
-    ///     let app = App::new().resource("/users/{userid}/{friend}", |r| {
-    ///         r.get().f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok());
-    ///         r.head().f(|_| HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed());
-    ///     });
-    /// }
-    /// ```
-    pub fn resource<F, R>(mut self, path: &str, f: F) -> App<S>
-    where
-        F: FnOnce(&mut Resource<S>) -> R + 'static,
-    {
-        {
-            let parts ="Use after finish");
-            // create resource
-            let mut resource = Resource::new(ResourceDef::new(path));
-            // configure
-            f(&mut resource);
-            parts.router.register_resource(resource);
-        }
-        self
-    }
-    /// Configure resource for a specific path.
-    #[doc(hidden)]
-    pub fn register_resource(&mut self, resource: Resource<S>) {
-            .as_mut()
-            .expect("Use after finish")
-            .router
-            .register_resource(resource);
-    }
-    /// Default resource to be used if no matching route could be found.
-    pub fn default_resource<F, R>(mut self, f: F) -> App<S>
-    where
-        F: FnOnce(&mut Resource<S>) -> R + 'static,
-    {
-        // create and configure default resource
-        let mut resource = Resource::new(ResourceDef::new(""));
-        f(&mut resource);
-            .as_mut()
-            .expect("Use after finish")
-            .router
-            .register_default_resource(resource.into());
-        self
-    }
-    /// Configure handler for specific path prefix.
-    ///
-    /// A path prefix consists of valid path segments, i.e for the
-    /// prefix `/app` any request with the paths `/app`, `/app/` or
-    /// `/app/test` would match, but the path `/application` would
-    /// not.
-    ///
-    /// Path tail is available as `tail` parameter in request's match_dict.
-    ///
-    /// ```rust
-    /// # extern crate actix_web;
-    /// use actix_web::{http, App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse};
-    ///
-    /// fn main() {
-    ///     let app = App::new().handler("/app", |req: &HttpRequest| match *req.method() {
-    ///         http::Method::GET => HttpResponse::Ok(),
-    ///         http::Method::POST => HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed(),
-    ///         _ => HttpResponse::NotFound(),
-    ///     });
-    /// }
-    /// ```
-    pub fn handler<H: Handler<S>>(mut self, path: &str, handler: H) -> App<S> {
-        {
-            let mut path = path.trim().trim_right_matches('/').to_owned();
-            if !path.is_empty() && !path.starts_with('/') {
-                path.insert(0, '/');
-            };
-                .as_mut()
-                .expect("Use after finish")
-                .router
-                .register_handler(&path, Box::new(WrapHandler::new(handler)), None);
-        }
-        self
-    }
-    // /// Register a middleware.
-    // pub fn middleware<M: Middleware<S>>(mut self, mw: M) -> App<S> {
-    //
-    //         .as_mut()
-    //         .expect("Use after finish")
-    //         .middlewares
-    //         .push(Box::new(mw));
-    //     self
-    // }
-    /// Run external configuration as part of the application building
-    /// process
-    ///
-    /// This function is useful for moving parts of configuration to a
-    /// different module or event library. For example we can move
-    /// some of the resources' configuration to different module.
-    ///
-    /// ```rust
-    /// # extern crate actix_web;
-    /// use actix_web::{fs, middleware, App, HttpResponse};
-    ///
-    /// // this function could be located in different module
-    /// fn config(app: App) -> App {
-    ///     app.resource("/test", |r| {
-    ///         r.get().f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok());
-    ///         r.head().f(|_| HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed());
-    ///     })
-    /// }
-    ///
-    /// fn main() {
-    ///     let app = App::new()
-    ///         .middleware(middleware::Logger::default())
-    ///         .configure(config)  // <- register resources
-    ///         .handler("/static", fs::StaticFiles::new(".").unwrap());
-    /// }
-    /// ```
-    pub fn configure<F>(self, cfg: F) -> App<S>
-    where
-        F: Fn(App<S>) -> App<S>,
-    {
-        cfg(self)
-    }
-    /// Finish application configuration and create `HttpHandler` object.
-    pub fn finish(&mut self) -> HttpApplication<S> {
-        let mut parts ="Use after finish");
-        let prefix = parts.prefix.trim().trim_right_matches('/');
-        parts.router.finish();
-        let inner = Rc::new(Inner {
-            router: parts.router,
-            encoding: parts.encoding,
-        });
-        let filters = if parts.filters.is_empty() {
-            None
-        } else {
-            Some(parts.filters)
-        };
-        HttpApplication {
-            inner,
-            filters,
-            state: Rc::new(parts.state),
-            // middlewares: Rc::new(parts.middlewares),
-            prefix: prefix.to_owned(),
-            prefix_len: prefix.len(),
-        }
-    }
-    // /// Convenience method for creating `Box<HttpHandler>` instances.
-    // ///
-    // /// This method is useful if you need to register multiple
-    // /// application instances with different state.
-    // ///
-    // /// ```rust
-    // /// # use std::thread;
-    // /// # extern crate actix_web;
-    // /// use actix_web::{server, App, HttpResponse};
-    // ///
-    // /// struct State1;
-    // ///
-    // /// struct State2;
-    // ///
-    // /// fn main() {
-    // /// # thread::spawn(|| {
-    // ///     server::new(|| {
-    // ///         vec![
-    // ///             App::with_state(State1)
-    // ///                 .prefix("/app1")
-    // ///                 .resource("/", |r| r.f(|r| HttpResponse::Ok()))
-    // ///                 .boxed(),
-    // ///             App::with_state(State2)
-    // ///                 .prefix("/app2")
-    // ///                 .resource("/", |r| r.f(|r| HttpResponse::Ok()))
-    // ///                 .boxed(),
-    // ///         ]
-    // ///     }).bind("")
-    // ///         .unwrap()
-    // ///         .run()
-    // /// # });
-    // /// }
-    // /// ```
-    // pub fn boxed(mut self) -> Box<HttpHandler<Task = Box<HttpHandlerTask>>> {
-    //     Box::new(BoxedApplication { app: self.finish() })
-    // }
-// struct BoxedApplication<S> {
-//    app: HttpApplication<S>,
-// }
-// impl<S: 'static> HttpHandler for BoxedApplication<S> {
-//     type Task = Box<HttpHandlerTask>;
-//     fn handle(&self, req: Request) -> Result<Self::Task, Request> {
-//|t| {
-//             let task: Self::Task = Box::new(t);
-//             task
-//         })
-//     }
-// }
-// impl<S: 'static> IntoHttpHandler for App<S> {
-//     type Handler = HttpApplication<S>;
-//     fn into_handler(mut self) -> HttpApplication<S> {
-//         self.finish()
-//     }
-// }
-// impl<'a, S: 'static> IntoHttpHandler for &'a mut App<S> {
-//     type Handler = HttpApplication<S>;
-//     fn into_handler(self) -> HttpApplication<S> {
-//         self.finish()
-//     }
-// }
-// #[doc(hidden)]
-// impl<S: 'static> Iterator for App<S> {
-//     type Item = HttpApplication<S>;
-//     fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
-//         if {
-//             Some(self.finish())
-//         } else {
-//             None
-//         }
-//     }
-// }
-mod tests {
-    use super::*;
-    use body::{Binary, Body};
-    use http::StatusCode;
-    use httprequest::HttpRequest;
-    use httpresponse::HttpResponse;
-    use pred;
-    use test::{TestRequest, TestServer};
-    #[test]
-    fn test_default_resource() {
-        let app = App::new()
-            .resource("/test", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok()))
-            .finish();
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/test").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::OK);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/blah").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-        let app = App::new()
-            .resource("/test", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok()))
-            .default_resource(|r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed()))
-            .finish();
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/blah").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_unhandled_prefix() {
-        let app = App::new()
-            .prefix("/test")
-            .resource("/test", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok()))
-            .finish();
-        let ctx = TestRequest::default().request();
-        assert!(app.handle(ctx).is_err());
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_state() {
-        let app = App::with_state(10)
-            .resource("/", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok()))
-            .finish();
-        let req = TestRequest::with_state(10).request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::OK);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_prefix() {
-        let app = App::new()
-            .prefix("/test")
-            .resource("/blah", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok()))
-            .finish();
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/test").request();
-        let resp = app.handle(req);
-        assert!(resp.is_ok());
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/test/").request();
-        let resp = app.handle(req);
-        assert!(resp.is_ok());
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/test/blah").request();
-        let resp = app.handle(req);
-        assert!(resp.is_ok());
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/testing").request();
-        let resp = app.handle(req);
-        assert!(resp.is_err());
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_handler() {
-        let app = App::new()
-            .handler("/test", |_: &_| HttpResponse::Ok())
-            .finish();
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/test").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::OK);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/test/").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::OK);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/test/app").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::OK);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/testapp").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/blah").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_handler2() {
-        let app = App::new()
-            .handler("test", |_: &_| HttpResponse::Ok())
-            .finish();
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/test").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::OK);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/test/").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::OK);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/test/app").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::OK);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/testapp").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/blah").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_handler_with_prefix() {
-        let app = App::new()
-            .prefix("prefix")
-            .handler("/test", |_: &_| HttpResponse::Ok())
-            .finish();
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/prefix/test").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::OK);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/prefix/test/").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::OK);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/prefix/test/app").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::OK);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/prefix/testapp").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/prefix/blah").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_route() {
-        let app = App::new()
-            .route("/test", Method::GET, |_: HttpRequest| HttpResponse::Ok())
-            .route("/test", Method::POST, |_: HttpRequest| {
-                HttpResponse::Created()
-            })
-            .finish();
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/test").method(Method::GET).request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::OK);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/test")
-            .method(Method::POST)
-            .request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::CREATED);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/test")
-            .method(Method::HEAD)
-            .request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_handler_prefix() {
-        let app = App::new()
-            .prefix("/app")
-            .handler("/test", |_: &_| HttpResponse::Ok())
-            .finish();
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/test").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/app/test").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::OK);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/app/test/").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::OK);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/app/test/app").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::OK);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/app/testapp").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/app/blah").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_option_responder() {
-        let app = App::new()
-            .resource("/none", |r| r.f(|_| -> Option<&'static str> { None }))
-            .resource("/some", |r| r.f(|_| Some("some")))
-            .finish();
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/none").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-        let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/some").request();
-        let resp =;
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().status(), StatusCode::OK);
-        assert_eq!(resp.as_msg().body(), &Body::Binary(Binary::Slice(b"some")));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_filter() {
-        let mut srv = TestServer::with_factory(|| {
-            App::new()
-                .filter(pred::Get())
-                .handler("/test", |_: &_| HttpResponse::Ok())
-        });
-        let request = srv.get().uri(srv.url("/test")).finish().unwrap();
-        let response = srv.execute(request.send()).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(response.status(), StatusCode::OK);
-        let request ="/test")).finish().unwrap();
-        let response = srv.execute(request.send()).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(response.status(), StatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_prefix_root() {
-        let mut srv = TestServer::with_factory(|| {
-            App::new()
-                .prefix("/test")
-                .resource("/", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok()))
-                .resource("", |r| r.f(|_| HttpResponse::Created()))
-        });
-        let request = srv.get().uri(srv.url("/test/")).finish().unwrap();
-        let response = srv.execute(request.send()).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(response.status(), StatusCode::OK);
-        let request = srv.get().uri(srv.url("/test")).finish().unwrap();
-        let response = srv.execute(request.send()).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(response.status(), StatusCode::CREATED);
-    }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index b4b12eb14..74fa0a94e 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 mod app;
 mod extractor;
 pub mod handler;
-// mod helpers;
 // mod info;
 pub mod blocking;
 pub mod filter;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 5520c610c..b3ec7ec73 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
-use actix_http::dev::ResponseBuilder;
-use actix_http::http::StatusCode;
-use actix_http::{Error, Response};
+use actix_http::{dev::ResponseBuilder, http::StatusCode, Error, Response};
 use bytes::{Bytes, BytesMut};
 use futures::future::{err, ok, Either as EitherFuture, FutureResult};
 use futures::{Future, Poll};
 use crate::request::HttpRequest;
-/// Trait implemented by types that generate http responses.
+/// Trait implemented by types that can be converted to a http response.
 /// Types that implement this trait can be used as the return type of a handler.
 pub trait Responder {
@@ -72,6 +70,15 @@ impl Responder for ResponseBuilder {
+impl Responder for () {
+    type Error = Error;
+    type Future = FutureResult<Response, Error>;
+    fn respond_to(self, _: &HttpRequest) -> Self::Future {
+        ok(Response::build(StatusCode::OK).finish())
+    }
 impl Responder for &'static str {
     type Error = Error;
     type Future = FutureResult<Response, Error>;
@@ -167,12 +174,7 @@ impl Responder for BytesMut {
 /// # fn is_a_variant() -> bool { true }
 /// # fn main() {}
 /// ```
-pub enum Either<A, B> {
-    /// First branch of the type
-    A(A),
-    /// Second branch of the type
-    B(B),
+pub type Either<A, B> = either::Either<A, B>;
 impl<A, B> Responder for Either<A, B>
@@ -184,8 +186,8 @@ where
     fn respond_to(self, req: &HttpRequest) -> Self::Future {
         match self {
-            Either::A(a) => EitherResponder::A(a.respond_to(req)),
-            Either::B(b) => EitherResponder::B(b.respond_to(req)),
+            either::Either::Left(a) => EitherResponder::A(a.respond_to(req)),
+            either::Either::Right(b) => EitherResponder::B(b.respond_to(req)),