#![forbid(unsafe_code)] #![deny(rust_2018_idioms, nonstandard_style)] #![warn(future_incompatible)] use std::{ fmt, future::Future, ops::{Deref, DerefMut}, pin::Pin, task::{self, Poll}, }; use actix_web::{ body::BoxBody, dev::Payload, error::PayloadError, http::header::{CONTENT_LENGTH, CONTENT_TYPE}, web::BytesMut, Error, FromRequest, HttpMessage, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpResponseBuilder, Responder, ResponseError, }; use derive_more::Display; use futures_util::{ future::{FutureExt as _, LocalBoxFuture}, stream::StreamExt as _, }; use prost::{DecodeError as ProtoBufDecodeError, EncodeError as ProtoBufEncodeError, Message}; #[derive(Debug, Display)] pub enum ProtoBufPayloadError { /// Payload size is bigger than 256k #[display(fmt = "Payload size is bigger than 256k")] Overflow, /// Content type error #[display(fmt = "Content type error")] ContentType, /// Serialize error #[display(fmt = "ProtoBuf serialize error: {}", _0)] Serialize(ProtoBufEncodeError), /// Deserialize error #[display(fmt = "ProtoBuf deserialize error: {}", _0)] Deserialize(ProtoBufDecodeError), /// Payload error #[display(fmt = "Error that occur during reading payload: {}", _0)] Payload(PayloadError), } impl ResponseError for ProtoBufPayloadError { fn error_response(&self) -> HttpResponse { match *self { ProtoBufPayloadError::Overflow => HttpResponse::PayloadTooLarge().into(), _ => HttpResponse::BadRequest().into(), } } } impl From for ProtoBufPayloadError { fn from(err: PayloadError) -> ProtoBufPayloadError { ProtoBufPayloadError::Payload(err) } } impl From for ProtoBufPayloadError { fn from(err: ProtoBufDecodeError) -> ProtoBufPayloadError { ProtoBufPayloadError::Deserialize(err) } } pub struct ProtoBuf(pub T); impl Deref for ProtoBuf { type Target = T; fn deref(&self) -> &T { &self.0 } } impl DerefMut for ProtoBuf { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T { &mut self.0 } } impl fmt::Debug for ProtoBuf where T: fmt::Debug, { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "ProtoBuf: {:?}", self.0) } } impl fmt::Display for ProtoBuf where T: fmt::Display, { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Display::fmt(&self.0, f) } } pub struct ProtoBufConfig { limit: usize, } impl ProtoBufConfig { /// Change max size of payload. By default max size is 256Kb pub fn limit(&mut self, limit: usize) -> &mut Self { self.limit = limit; self } } impl Default for ProtoBufConfig { fn default() -> Self { ProtoBufConfig { limit: 262_144 } } } impl FromRequest for ProtoBuf where T: Message + Default + 'static, { type Error = Error; type Future = LocalBoxFuture<'static, Result>; #[inline] fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, payload: &mut Payload) -> Self::Future { let limit = req .app_data::() .map(|c| c.limit) .unwrap_or(262_144); ProtoBufMessage::new(req, payload) .limit(limit) .map(move |res| match res { Err(e) => Err(e.into()), Ok(item) => Ok(ProtoBuf(item)), }) .boxed_local() } } impl Responder for ProtoBuf { type Body = BoxBody; fn respond_to(self, _: &HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse { let mut buf = Vec::new(); match self.0.encode(&mut buf) { Ok(()) => HttpResponse::Ok() .content_type("application/protobuf") .body(buf), Err(err) => HttpResponse::from_error(Error::from(ProtoBufPayloadError::Serialize(err))), } } } pub struct ProtoBufMessage { limit: usize, length: Option, stream: Option, err: Option, fut: Option>>, } impl ProtoBufMessage { /// Create `ProtoBufMessage` for request. pub fn new(req: &HttpRequest, payload: &mut Payload) -> Self { if req.content_type() != "application/protobuf" { return ProtoBufMessage { limit: 262_144, length: None, stream: None, fut: None, err: Some(ProtoBufPayloadError::ContentType), }; } let mut len = None; if let Some(l) = req.headers().get(CONTENT_LENGTH) { if let Ok(s) = l.to_str() { if let Ok(l) = s.parse::() { len = Some(l) } } } ProtoBufMessage { limit: 262_144, length: len, stream: Some(payload.take()), fut: None, err: None, } } /// Change max size of payload. By default max size is 256Kb pub fn limit(mut self, limit: usize) -> Self { self.limit = limit; self } } impl Future for ProtoBufMessage { type Output = Result; fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, task: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> Poll { if let Some(ref mut fut) = self.fut { return Pin::new(fut).poll(task); } if let Some(err) = self.err.take() { return Poll::Ready(Err(err)); } let limit = self.limit; if let Some(len) = self.length.take() { if len > limit { return Poll::Ready(Err(ProtoBufPayloadError::Overflow)); } } let mut stream = self .stream .take() .expect("ProtoBufMessage could not be used second time"); self.fut = Some( async move { let mut body = BytesMut::with_capacity(8192); while let Some(item) = stream.next().await { let chunk = item?; if (body.len() + chunk.len()) > limit { return Err(ProtoBufPayloadError::Overflow); } else { body.extend_from_slice(&chunk); } } Ok(::decode(&mut body)?) } .boxed_local(), ); self.poll(task) } } pub trait ProtoBufResponseBuilder { fn protobuf(&mut self, value: T) -> Result; } impl ProtoBufResponseBuilder for HttpResponseBuilder { fn protobuf(&mut self, value: T) -> Result { self.insert_header((CONTENT_TYPE, "application/protobuf")); let mut body = Vec::new(); value .encode(&mut body) .map_err(ProtoBufPayloadError::Serialize)?; Ok(self.body(body)) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use actix_web::http::header; use actix_web::test::TestRequest; use super::*; impl PartialEq for ProtoBufPayloadError { fn eq(&self, other: &ProtoBufPayloadError) -> bool { match *self { ProtoBufPayloadError::Overflow => { matches!(*other, ProtoBufPayloadError::Overflow) } ProtoBufPayloadError::ContentType => { matches!(*other, ProtoBufPayloadError::ContentType) } _ => false, } } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Message)] pub struct MyObject { #[prost(int32, tag = "1")] pub number: i32, #[prost(string, tag = "2")] pub name: String, } #[actix_web::test] async fn test_protobuf() { let protobuf = ProtoBuf(MyObject { number: 9, name: "test".to_owned(), }); let req = TestRequest::default().to_http_request(); let resp = protobuf.respond_to(&req); let ct = resp.headers().get(header::CONTENT_TYPE).unwrap(); assert_eq!(ct, "application/protobuf"); } #[actix_web::test] async fn test_protobuf_message() { let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::default().to_http_parts(); let protobuf = ProtoBufMessage::::new(&req, &mut pl).await; assert_eq!(protobuf.err().unwrap(), ProtoBufPayloadError::ContentType); let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::get() .insert_header((header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/text")) .to_http_parts(); let protobuf = ProtoBufMessage::::new(&req, &mut pl).await; assert_eq!(protobuf.err().unwrap(), ProtoBufPayloadError::ContentType); let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::get() .insert_header((header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/protobuf")) .insert_header((header::CONTENT_LENGTH, "10000")) .to_http_parts(); let protobuf = ProtoBufMessage::::new(&req, &mut pl) .limit(100) .await; assert_eq!(protobuf.err().unwrap(), ProtoBufPayloadError::Overflow); } }