# actix-identity > Identity management for Actix Web. [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/actix-identity?label=latest)](https://crates.io/crates/actix-identity) [![Documentation](https://docs.rs/actix-identity/badge.svg?version=0.8.0)](https://docs.rs/actix-identity/0.8.0) ![Apache 2.0 or MIT licensed](https://img.shields.io/crates/l/actix-identity) [![Dependency Status](https://deps.rs/crate/actix-identity/0.8.0/status.svg)](https://deps.rs/crate/actix-identity/0.8.0) Identity management for Actix Web. `actix-identity` can be used to track identity of a user across multiple requests. It is built on top of HTTP sessions, via [`actix-session`](https://docs.rs/actix-session). ## Getting started To start using identity management in your Actix Web application you must register [`IdentityMiddleware`] and `SessionMiddleware` as middleware on your `App`: ```rust use actix_web::{cookie::Key, App, HttpServer, HttpResponse}; use actix_identity::IdentityMiddleware; use actix_session::{storage::RedisSessionStore, SessionMiddleware}; #[actix_web::main] async fn main() { // When using `Key::generate()` it is important to initialize outside of the // `HttpServer::new` closure. When deployed the secret key should be read from a // configuration file or environment variables. let secret_key = Key::generate(); let redis_store = RedisSessionStore::new("redis://") .await .unwrap(); HttpServer::new(move || { App::new() // Install the identity framework first. .wrap(IdentityMiddleware::default()) // The identity system is built on top of sessions. You must install the session // middleware to leverage `actix-identity`. The session middleware must be mounted // AFTER the identity middleware: `actix-web` invokes middleware in the OPPOSITE // order of registration when it receives an incoming request. .wrap(SessionMiddleware::new( redis_store.clone(), secret_key.clone(), )) // Your request handlers [...] }) } ``` User identities can be created, accessed and destroyed using the [`Identity`] extractor in your request handlers: ```rust use actix_web::{get, post, HttpResponse, Responder, HttpRequest, HttpMessage}; use actix_identity::Identity; use actix_session::storage::RedisSessionStore; #[get("/")] async fn index(user: Option) -> impl Responder { if let Some(user) = user { format!("Welcome! {}", user.id().unwrap()) } else { "Welcome Anonymous!".to_owned() } } #[post("/login")] async fn login(request: HttpRequest) -> impl Responder { // Some kind of authentication should happen here // e.g. password-based, biometric, etc. // [...] // attach a verified user identity to the active session Identity::login(&request.extensions(), "User1".into()).unwrap(); HttpResponse::Ok() } #[post("/logout")] async fn logout(user: Option) -> impl Responder { if let Some(user) = user { user.logout(); } HttpResponse::Ok() } ``` ## Advanced configuration By default, `actix-identity` does not automatically log out users. You can change this behaviour by customising the configuration for [`IdentityMiddleware`] via [`IdentityMiddleware::builder`]. In particular, you can automatically log out users who: - have been inactive for a while (see [`IdentityMiddlewareBuilder::visit_deadline`]); - logged in too long ago (see [`IdentityMiddlewareBuilder::login_deadline`]). [`IdentityMiddlewareBuilder::visit_deadline`]: config::IdentityMiddlewareBuilder::visit_deadline [`IdentityMiddlewareBuilder::login_deadline`]: config::IdentityMiddlewareBuilder::login_deadline