use std::{fmt, io, net}; use actix_codec::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, Framed}; use actix_http::body::Body; use actix_http::client::{ Connect as ClientConnect, ConnectError, Connection, SendRequestError, }; use actix_http::h1::ClientCodec; use actix_http::{RequestHead, ResponseHead}; use actix_service::Service; use futures::{Future, Poll}; use crate::response::ClientResponse; pub(crate) struct ConnectorWrapper<T>(pub T); pub(crate) trait Connect { fn send_request( &mut self, head: RequestHead, body: Body, addr: Option<net::SocketAddr>, ) -> Box<Future<Item = ClientResponse, Error = SendRequestError>>; /// Send request, returns Response and Framed fn open_tunnel( &mut self, head: RequestHead, addr: Option<net::SocketAddr>, ) -> Box< Future< Item = (ResponseHead, Framed<BoxedSocket, ClientCodec>), Error = SendRequestError, >, >; } impl<T> Connect for ConnectorWrapper<T> where T: Service<Request = ClientConnect, Error = ConnectError>, T::Response: Connection, <T::Response as Connection>::Io: 'static, <T::Response as Connection>::Future: 'static, <T::Response as Connection>::TunnelFuture: 'static, T::Future: 'static, { fn send_request( &mut self, head: RequestHead, body: Body, addr: Option<net::SocketAddr>, ) -> Box<Future<Item = ClientResponse, Error = SendRequestError>> { Box::new( self.0 // connect to the host .call(ClientConnect { uri: head.uri.clone(), addr, }) .from_err() // send request .and_then(move |connection| connection.send_request(head, body)) .map(|(head, payload)| ClientResponse::new(head, payload)), ) } fn open_tunnel( &mut self, head: RequestHead, addr: Option<net::SocketAddr>, ) -> Box< Future< Item = (ResponseHead, Framed<BoxedSocket, ClientCodec>), Error = SendRequestError, >, > { Box::new( self.0 // connect to the host .call(ClientConnect { uri: head.uri.clone(), addr, }) .from_err() // send request .and_then(move |connection| connection.open_tunnel(head)) .map(|(head, framed)| { let framed = framed.map_io(|io| BoxedSocket(Box::new(Socket(io)))); (head, framed) }), ) } } trait AsyncSocket { fn as_read(&self) -> &AsyncRead; fn as_read_mut(&mut self) -> &mut AsyncRead; fn as_write(&mut self) -> &mut AsyncWrite; } struct Socket<T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite>(T); impl<T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite> AsyncSocket for Socket<T> { fn as_read(&self) -> &AsyncRead { &self.0 } fn as_read_mut(&mut self) -> &mut AsyncRead { &mut self.0 } fn as_write(&mut self) -> &mut AsyncWrite { &mut self.0 } } pub struct BoxedSocket(Box<dyn AsyncSocket>); impl fmt::Debug for BoxedSocket { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "BoxedSocket") } } impl io::Read for BoxedSocket { fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> { self.0.as_read_mut().read(buf) } } impl AsyncRead for BoxedSocket { unsafe fn prepare_uninitialized_buffer(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> bool { self.0.as_read().prepare_uninitialized_buffer(buf) } } impl io::Write for BoxedSocket { fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> { self.0.as_write().write(buf) } fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { self.0.as_write().flush() } } impl AsyncWrite for BoxedSocket { fn shutdown(&mut self) -> Poll<(), io::Error> { self.0.as_write().shutdown() } }