use std::{collections::HashMap, iter, rc::Rc}; use actix::prelude::*; use actix_service::{Service, Transform}; use actix_session::{Session, SessionStatus}; use actix_utils::cloneable::CloneableService; use actix_web::cookie::{Cookie, CookieJar, Key, SameSite}; use actix_web::dev::{ServiceRequest, ServiceResponse}; use actix_web::http::header::{self, HeaderValue}; use actix_web::{error, Error, HttpMessage}; use futures::future::{err, ok, Either, Future, FutureResult}; use futures::Poll; use rand::{distributions::Alphanumeric, rngs::OsRng, Rng}; use redis_async::resp::RespValue; use time::{self, Duration}; use crate::redis::{Command, RedisActor}; /// Use redis as session storage. /// /// You need to pass an address of the redis server and random value to the /// constructor of `RedisSessionBackend`. This is private key for cookie /// session, When this value is changed, all session data is lost. /// /// Constructor panics if key length is less than 32 bytes. pub struct RedisSession(Rc<Inner>); impl RedisSession { /// Create new redis session backend /// /// * `addr` - address of the redis server pub fn new<S: Into<String>>(addr: S, key: &[u8]) -> RedisSession { RedisSession(Rc::new(Inner { key: Key::from_master(key), ttl: "7200".to_owned(), addr: RedisActor::start(addr), name: "actix-session".to_owned(), path: "/".to_owned(), domain: None, secure: false, max_age: Some(Duration::days(7)), same_site: None, })) } /// Set time to live in seconds for session value pub fn ttl(mut self, ttl: u16) -> Self { Rc::get_mut(&mut self.0).unwrap().ttl = format!("{}", ttl); self } /// Set custom cookie name for session id pub fn cookie_name(mut self, name: &str) -> Self { Rc::get_mut(&mut self.0).unwrap().name = name.to_owned(); self } /// Set custom cookie path pub fn cookie_path(mut self, path: &str) -> Self { Rc::get_mut(&mut self.0).unwrap().path = path.to_owned(); self } /// Set custom cookie domain pub fn cookie_domain(mut self, domain: &str) -> Self { Rc::get_mut(&mut self.0).unwrap().domain = Some(domain.to_owned()); self } /// Set custom cookie secure /// If the `secure` field is set, a cookie will only be transmitted when the /// connection is secure - i.e. `https` pub fn cookie_secure(mut self, secure: bool) -> Self { Rc::get_mut(&mut self.0).unwrap().secure = secure; self } /// Set custom cookie max-age pub fn cookie_max_age(mut self, max_age: Duration) -> Self { Rc::get_mut(&mut self.0).unwrap().max_age = Some(max_age); self } /// Set custom cookie SameSite pub fn cookie_same_site(mut self, same_site: SameSite) -> Self { Rc::get_mut(&mut self.0).unwrap().same_site = Some(same_site); self } } impl<S, B> Transform<S> for RedisSession where S: Service<Request = ServiceRequest, Response = ServiceResponse<B>, Error = Error> + 'static, S::Future: 'static, B: 'static, { type Request = ServiceRequest; type Response = ServiceResponse<B>; type Error = S::Error; type InitError = (); type Transform = RedisSessionMiddleware<S>; type Future = FutureResult<Self::Transform, Self::InitError>; fn new_transform(&self, service: S) -> Self::Future { ok(RedisSessionMiddleware { service: CloneableService::new(service), inner: self.0.clone(), }) } } /// Cookie session middleware pub struct RedisSessionMiddleware<S: 'static> { service: CloneableService<S>, inner: Rc<Inner>, } impl<S, B> Service for RedisSessionMiddleware<S> where S: Service<Request = ServiceRequest, Response = ServiceResponse<B>, Error = Error> + 'static, S::Future: 'static, B: 'static, { type Request = ServiceRequest; type Response = ServiceResponse<B>; type Error = Error; type Future = Box<Future<Item = Self::Response, Error = Self::Error>>; fn poll_ready(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Self::Error> { self.service.poll_ready() } fn call(&mut self, mut req: ServiceRequest) -> Self::Future { let mut srv = self.service.clone(); let inner = self.inner.clone(); Box::new(self.inner.load(&req).and_then(move |state| { let value = if let Some((state, value)) = state { Session::set_session(state.into_iter(), &mut req); Some(value) } else { None }; |mut res| { match Session::get_changes(&mut res) { (SessionStatus::Unchanged, None) => Either::A(Either::A(Either::A(ok(res)))), (SessionStatus::Unchanged, Some(state)) => Either::A(Either::A(Either::B( if value.is_none(){ // implies the session is new Either::A( inner.update(res, state, value) ) } else { Either::B( ok(res) ) } ))), (SessionStatus::Changed, Some(state)) => Either::A(Either::B(Either::A(inner.update(res, state, value)))), (SessionStatus::Purged, Some(_)) => { if let Some(val) = value { Either::A(Either::B(Either::B(Either::A( inner.clear_cache(val) .and_then(move |_| match inner.remove_cookie(&mut res){ Ok(_) => Either::A(ok(res)), Err(_err) => Either::B(err( error::ErrorInternalServerError(_err))) }) )))) } else { Either::A(Either::B(Either::B(Either::B( err(error::ErrorInternalServerError("unexpected")) )))) } }, (SessionStatus::Renewed, Some(state)) => { if let Some(val) = value { Either::B(Either::A( inner.clear_cache(val) .and_then(move |_| inner.update(res, state, None)) )) } else { Either::B(Either::B( inner.update(res, state, None) )) } }, (_, None) => unreachable!() } }) })) } } struct Inner { key: Key, ttl: String, addr: Addr<RedisActor>, name: String, path: String, domain: Option<String>, secure: bool, max_age: Option<Duration>, same_site: Option<SameSite>, } impl Inner { fn load( &self, req: &ServiceRequest, ) -> impl Future<Item = Option<(HashMap<String, String>, String)>, Error = Error> { if let Ok(cookies) = req.cookies() { for cookie in cookies.iter() { if == { let mut jar = CookieJar::new(); jar.add_original(cookie.clone()); if let Some(cookie) = jar.signed(&self.key).get(& { let value = cookie.value().to_owned(); return Either::A( self.addr .send(Command(resp_array!["GET", cookie.value()])) .map_err(Error::from) .and_then(move |res| match res { Ok(val) => { match val { RespValue::Error(err) => { return Err( error::ErrorInternalServerError(err), ); } RespValue::SimpleString(s) => { if let Ok(val) = serde_json::from_str(&s) { return Ok(Some((val, value))); } } RespValue::BulkString(s) => { if let Ok(val) = serde_json::from_slice(&s) { return Ok(Some((val, value))); } } _ => (), } Ok(None) } Err(err) => { Err(error::ErrorInternalServerError(err)) } }), ); } else { return Either::B(ok(None)); } } } } Either::B(ok(None)) } fn update<B>( &self, mut res: ServiceResponse<B>, state: impl Iterator<Item = (String, String)>, value: Option<String>, ) -> impl Future<Item = ServiceResponse<B>, Error = Error> { let (value, jar) = if let Some(value) = value { (value.clone(), None) } else { let mut rng = OsRng::new().unwrap(); let value: String = iter::repeat(()) .map(|()| rng.sample(Alphanumeric)) .take(32) .collect(); // prepare session id cookie let mut cookie = Cookie::new(, value.clone()); cookie.set_path(self.path.clone()); cookie.set_secure(; cookie.set_http_only(true); if let Some(ref domain) = self.domain { cookie.set_domain(domain.clone()); } if let Some(max_age) = self.max_age { cookie.set_max_age(max_age); } if let Some(same_site) = self.same_site { cookie.set_same_site(same_site); } // set cookie let mut jar = CookieJar::new(); jar.signed(&self.key).add(cookie); (value, Some(jar)) }; let state: HashMap<_, _> = state.collect(); match serde_json::to_string(&state) { Err(e) => Either::A(err(e.into())), Ok(body) => Either::B( self.addr .send(Command(resp_array!["SET", value, body, "EX", &self.ttl])) .map_err(Error::from) .and_then(move |redis_result| match redis_result { Ok(_) => { if let Some(jar) = jar { for cookie in { let val = HeaderValue::from_str(&cookie.to_string())?; res.headers_mut().append(header::SET_COOKIE, val); } } Ok(res) } Err(err) => Err(error::ErrorInternalServerError(err)), }), ), } } /// removes cache entry fn clear_cache(&self, key: String) -> impl Future<Item=(), Error=Error> { self.addr .send(Command(resp_array!["DEL", key])) .map_err(Error::from) .and_then(|res| { match res { // redis responds with number of deleted records Ok(RespValue::Integer(x)) if x > 0 => Ok(()), _ => Err(error::ErrorInternalServerError( "failed to remove session from cache")) } }) } /// invalidates session cookie fn remove_cookie<B>(&self, res: &mut ServiceResponse<B>) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut cookie = Cookie::named(; cookie.set_value(""); cookie.set_max_age(Duration::seconds(0)); cookie.set_expires(time::now() - Duration::days(365)); let val = HeaderValue::from_str(&cookie.to_string()) .map_err(|err| error::ErrorInternalServerError(err))?; res.headers_mut().append(header::SET_COOKIE, val); Ok(()) } }