# Testing Every application should be well tested and. Actix provides the tools to perform unit and integration tests. ## Integration tests There are several methods how you can test your application. Actix provides [*TestServer*](../actix_web/test/struct.TestServer.html) server that could be used to run whole application of just specific handlers in real http server. At the moment it is required to use third-party libraries to make actual requests, libraries like [reqwest](https://crates.io/crates/reqwest). In simple form *TestServer* could be configured to use handler. *TestServer::new* method accepts configuration function, only argument for this function is *test application* instance. You can check [api documentation](../actix_web/test/struct.TestApp.html) for more information. ```rust # extern crate actix_web; extern crate reqwest; use actix_web::*; use actix_web::test::TestServer; fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse { httpcodes::HTTPOk.response() } fn main() { let srv = TestServer::new(|app| app.handler(index)); // <- Start new test server let url = srv.url("/"); // <- get handler url assert!(reqwest::get(&url).unwrap().status().is_success()); // <- make request } ``` Other option is to use application factory. In this case you need to pass factory function same as you use for real http server configuration. ```rust # extern crate actix_web; extern crate reqwest; use actix_web::*; use actix_web::test::TestServer; fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse { httpcodes::HTTPOk.response() } /// This function get called by http server. fn create_app() -> Application { Application::new() .resource("/test", |r| r.h(index)) } fn main() { let srv = TestServer::with_factory(create_app); // <- Start new test server let url = srv.url("/test"); // <- get handler url assert!(reqwest::get(&url).unwrap().status().is_success()); // <- make request } ```