# Actix redis ## Redis session backend Use redis as session storage. You need to pass an address of the redis server and random value to the constructor of `RedisSessionBackend`. This is private key for cookie session, When this value is changed, all session data is lost. Note that whatever you write into your session is visible by the user (but not modifiable). Constructor panics if key length is less than 32 bytes. ```rust,ignore # extern crate actix; # extern crate actix_web; # use actix_web::*; use actix_web::middleware::SessionStorage; use actix_redis::RedisSessionBackend; fn main() { ::std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "actix_web=info"); let _ = env_logger::init(); let sys = actix::System::new("basic-example"); HttpServer::new( || Application::new() // enable logger .middleware(middleware::Logger::default()) // cookie session middleware .middleware(SessionStorage::new( RedisSessionBackend::new("", &[0; 32]) .expect("Can not connect to redis server") )) // register simple route, handle all methods .resource("/", |r| r.f(index))) .bind("").unwrap() .start(); let _ = sys.run(); } ```