# Errors Actix uses the [`Error` type](../actix_web/error/struct.Error.html) and [`ResponseError` trait](../actix_web/error/trait.ResponseError.html) for handling handler's errors. Any error that implements the `ResponseError` trait can be returned as an error value. `Handler` can return an `Result` object. By default, actix provides a `Responder` implementation for compatible result types. Here is the implementation definition: ```rust,ignore impl> Responder for Result ``` Any error that implements `ResponseError` can be converted into an `Error` object. For example, if the *handler* function returns `io::Error`, it would be converted into an `HttpInternalServerError` response. Implementation for `io::Error` is provided by default. ```rust # extern crate actix_web; # use actix_web::*; use std::io; fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> io::Result { Ok(fs::NamedFile::open("static/index.html")?) } # # fn main() { # App::new() # .resource(r"/a/index.html", |r| r.f(index)) # .finish(); # } ``` ## Custom error response To add support for custom errors, all we need to do is implement the `ResponseError` trait for the custom error type. The `ResponseError` trait has a default implementation for the `error_response()` method: it generates a *500* response. ```rust # extern crate actix_web; #[macro_use] extern crate failure; use actix_web::*; #[derive(Fail, Debug)] #[fail(display="my error")] struct MyError { name: &'static str } /// Use default implementation for `error_response()` method impl error::ResponseError for MyError {} fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Result<&'static str, MyError> { Err(MyError{name: "test"}) } # # fn main() { # App::new() # .resource(r"/a/index.html", |r| r.f(index)) # .finish(); # } ``` In this example the *index* handler always returns a *500* response. But it is easy to return different responses for different types of errors. ```rust # extern crate actix_web; #[macro_use] extern crate failure; use actix_web::{App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, http, error}; #[derive(Fail, Debug)] enum MyError { #[fail(display="internal error")] InternalError, #[fail(display="bad request")] BadClientData, #[fail(display="timeout")] Timeout, } impl error::ResponseError for MyError { fn error_response(&self) -> HttpResponse { match *self { MyError::InternalError => HttpResponse::new( http::StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), MyError::BadClientData => HttpResponse::new( http::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST), MyError::Timeout => HttpResponse::new( http::StatusCode::GATEWAY_TIMEOUT), } } } fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Result<&'static str, MyError> { Err(MyError::BadClientData) } # # fn main() { # App::new() # .resource(r"/a/index.html", |r| r.f(index)) # .finish(); # } ``` ## Error helpers Actix provides a set of error helper types. It is possible to use them for generating specific error responses. We can use the helper types for the first example with a custom error. ```rust # extern crate actix_web; #[macro_use] extern crate failure; use actix_web::*; #[derive(Debug)] struct MyError { name: &'static str } fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Result<&'static str> { let result: Result<&'static str, MyError> = Err(MyError{name: "test"}); Ok(result.map_err(|e| error::ErrorBadRequest(e))?) } # fn main() { # App::new() # .resource(r"/a/index.html", |r| r.f(index)) # .finish(); # } ``` In this example, a *BAD REQUEST* response is generated for the `MyError` error. ## Error logging Actix logs all errors with the log level `WARN`. If log level set to `DEBUG` and `RUST_BACKTRACE` is enabled, the backtrace gets logged. The Error type uses the cause's error backtrace if available. If the underlying failure does not provide a backtrace, a new backtrace is constructed pointing to that conversion point (rather than the origin of the error). This construction only happens if there is no underlying backtrace; if it does have a backtrace, no new backtrace is constructed. You can enable backtrace and debug logging with following command: ``` >> RUST_BACKTRACE=1 RUST_LOG=actix_web=debug cargo run ```