use std::{collections::HashMap, time::Duration}; use actix_limitation::{Limiter, RateLimiter}; use actix_web::{dev::ServiceRequest, get, put, web, App, HttpServer, Responder}; use redis::Client; #[get("/")] async fn index() -> impl Responder { "index" } #[put("/sms")] async fn send_sms() -> impl Responder { "sending an expensive sms" } #[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { pretty_env_logger::init(); // Create an Hashmap to store the multiples [Limiter](Limiter) let mut limiters = HashMap::new(); // Create and connect a redis Client. let redis_client = Client::open("redis://").expect("creation of the redis client"); // Create a default limiter let default_limiter = Limiter::builder_with_redis_client(redis_client.clone()) // specifying with key_by that we take the user IP address as a identifier. .key_by(|req: &ServiceRequest| { req.connection_info() .realip_remote_addr() .map(|ip| ip.to_string()) }) // Allowing a maximum of 30 requests per minute .limit(30) .period(Duration::from_secs(60)) .build() .unwrap(); limiters.insert("default", default_limiter); let scope_limiter = Limiter::builder_with_redis_client(redis_client) .key_by(|req: &ServiceRequest| { req.connection_info() .realip_remote_addr() // ⚠️ we prepend "scoped" to the key in order to isolate this count from the default count // // If we were using the same key, a request to this route would always return too many requests // in this context because the default limiter at the root would be reached first and would count 1 before we check for this. // To mitigate this issue you could also specify a different namespace with the redis_client passed as parameter: `redis://` .map(|ip| format!("scoped-{}", ip)) }) // Allowing only 1 request per minute .limit(1) .period(Duration::from_secs(60)) .build() .unwrap(); limiters.insert("scoped", scope_limiter); // Passing this limiters as app_data so it can be accessed by the middleware. let limiters = web::Data::new(limiters); HttpServer::new(move || { App::new() // Using the default limiter for all the routes // ⚠️ This limiter will count and apply the limits before the one in "/scoped" .wrap(RateLimiter::scoped("default")) .app_data(limiters.clone()) .service( web::scope("/scoped") // Wrapping only for this scope the scoped limiter .wrap(RateLimiter::scoped("scoped")) // This route will only be available 1 time every minutes // Note: the root limiter default will also limit this route .service(send_sms), ) // This route is only limited by the default limiter .service(index) }) .bind(("", 8080))? .run() .await }