extern crate proc_macro; use std::fmt; use proc_macro::TokenStream; use quote::quote; enum ResourceType { Async, Sync, } impl fmt::Display for ResourceType { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { &ResourceType::Async => write!(f, "to_async"), &ResourceType::Sync => write!(f, "to"), } } } #[derive(PartialEq)] pub enum GuardType { Get, Post, Put, Delete, Head, Connect, Options, Trace, Patch, } impl fmt::Display for GuardType { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { &GuardType::Get => write!(f, "Get"), &GuardType::Post => write!(f, "Post"), &GuardType::Put => write!(f, "Put"), &GuardType::Delete => write!(f, "Delete"), &GuardType::Head => write!(f, "Head"), &GuardType::Connect => write!(f, "Connect"), &GuardType::Options => write!(f, "Options"), &GuardType::Trace => write!(f, "Trace"), &GuardType::Patch => write!(f, "Patch"), } } } pub struct Args { name: syn::Ident, path: String, ast: syn::ItemFn, resource_type: ResourceType, pub guard: GuardType, pub extra_guards: Vec, } impl fmt::Display for Args { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let ast = &self.ast; let guards = format!(".guard(actix_web::guard::{}())", self.guard); let guards = self.extra_guards.iter().fold(guards, |acc, val| { format!("{}.guard(actix_web::guard::fn_guard({}))", acc, val) }); write!( f, " #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] pub struct {name}; impl actix_web::dev::HttpServiceFactory for {name} {{ fn register(self, config: &mut actix_web::dev::AppService) {{ {ast} let resource = actix_web::Resource::new(\"{path}\"){guards}.{to}({name}); actix_web::dev::HttpServiceFactory::register(resource, config) }} }}", name = self.name, ast = quote!(#ast), path = self.path, guards = guards, to = self.resource_type ) } } fn guess_resource_type(typ: &syn::Type) -> ResourceType { let mut guess = ResourceType::Sync; match typ { syn::Type::ImplTrait(typ) => { for bound in typ.bounds.iter() { match bound { syn::TypeParamBound::Trait(bound) => { for bound in bound.path.segments.iter() { if bound.ident == "Future" { guess = ResourceType::Async; break; } else if bound.ident == "Responder" { guess = ResourceType::Sync; break; } } } _ => (), } } } _ => (), } guess } impl Args { pub fn new( args: &Vec, input: TokenStream, guard: GuardType, ) -> Self { if args.is_empty() { panic!( "invalid server definition, expected: #[{}(\"some path\")]", guard ); } let ast: syn::ItemFn = syn::parse(input).expect("Parse input as function"); let name = ast.ident.clone(); let mut extra_guards = Vec::new(); let mut path = None; for arg in args { match arg { syn::NestedMeta::Literal(syn::Lit::Str(ref fname)) => { if path.is_some() { panic!("Multiple paths specified! Should be only one!") } let fname = quote!(#fname).to_string(); path = Some(fname.as_str()[1..fname.len() - 1].to_owned()) } syn::NestedMeta::Meta(syn::Meta::NameValue(ident)) => { match ident.ident.to_string().to_lowercase().as_str() { "guard" => match ident.lit { syn::Lit::Str(ref text) => extra_guards.push(text.value()), _ => panic!("Attribute guard expects literal string!"), }, attr => panic!( "Unknown attribute key is specified: {}. Allowed: guard", attr ), } } attr => panic!("Unknown attribute{:?}", attr), } } let resource_type = if ast.asyncness.is_some() { ResourceType::Async } else { match ast.decl.output { syn::ReturnType::Default => { panic!("Function {} has no return type. Cannot be used as handler") } syn::ReturnType::Type(_, ref typ) => guess_resource_type(typ.as_ref()), } }; let path = path.unwrap(); Self { name, path, ast, resource_type, guard, extra_guards, } } pub fn generate(&self) -> TokenStream { let text = self.to_string(); match text.parse() { Ok(res) => res, Err(error) => panic!("Error: {:?}\nGenerated code: {}", error, text), } } }