use std::{collections::HashSet, convert::TryFrom, convert::TryInto, fmt, rc::Rc}; use actix_web::{ dev::RequestHead, error::Result, http::{ header::{self, HeaderMap, HeaderName, HeaderValue}, Method, }, }; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use smallvec::SmallVec; use crate::{AllOrSome, CorsError}; #[derive(Clone)] pub(crate) struct OriginFn { pub(crate) boxed_fn: Rc bool>, } impl Default for OriginFn { /// Dummy default for use in tiny_vec. Do not use. fn default() -> Self { let boxed_fn: Rc _> = Rc::new(|_origin, _req_head| false); Self { boxed_fn } } } impl fmt::Debug for OriginFn { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.write_str("origin_fn") } } /// Try to parse header value as HTTP method. fn header_value_try_into_method(hdr: &HeaderValue) -> Option { hdr.to_str() .ok() .and_then(|meth| Method::try_from(meth).ok()) } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub(crate) struct Inner { pub(crate) allowed_origins: AllOrSome>, pub(crate) allowed_origins_fns: SmallVec<[OriginFn; 4]>, pub(crate) allowed_methods: HashSet, pub(crate) allowed_methods_baked: Option, pub(crate) allowed_headers: AllOrSome>, pub(crate) allowed_headers_baked: Option, /// `All` will echo back `Access-Control-Request-Header` list. pub(crate) expose_headers: AllOrSome>, pub(crate) expose_headers_baked: Option, pub(crate) max_age: Option, pub(crate) preflight: bool, pub(crate) send_wildcard: bool, pub(crate) supports_credentials: bool, pub(crate) vary_header: bool, } static EMPTY_ORIGIN_SET: Lazy> = Lazy::new(HashSet::new); impl Inner { pub(crate) fn validate_origin(&self, req: &RequestHead) -> Result<(), CorsError> { // return early if all origins are allowed or get ref to allowed origins set #[allow(clippy::mutable_key_type)] let allowed_origins = match &self.allowed_origins { AllOrSome::All if self.allowed_origins_fns.is_empty() => return Ok(()), AllOrSome::Some(allowed_origins) => allowed_origins, // only function origin validators are defined _ => &EMPTY_ORIGIN_SET, }; // get origin header and try to parse as string match req.headers().get(header::ORIGIN) { // origin header exists and is a string Some(origin) => { if allowed_origins.contains(origin) || self.validate_origin_fns(origin, req) { Ok(()) } else { Err(CorsError::OriginNotAllowed) } } // origin header is missing // note: with our implementation, the origin header is required for OPTIONS request or // else this would be unreachable None => Err(CorsError::MissingOrigin), } } /// Accepts origin if _ANY_ functions return true. Only called when Origin exists. fn validate_origin_fns(&self, origin: &HeaderValue, req: &RequestHead) -> bool { self.allowed_origins_fns .iter() .any(|origin_fn| (origin_fn.boxed_fn)(origin, req)) } /// Only called if origin exists and always after it's validated. pub(crate) fn access_control_allow_origin(&self, req: &RequestHead) -> Option { let origin = req.headers().get(header::ORIGIN); match self.allowed_origins { AllOrSome::All => { if self.send_wildcard { Some(HeaderValue::from_static("*")) } else { // see note below about why `.cloned()` is correct origin.cloned() } } AllOrSome::Some(_) => { // since origin (if it exists) is known to be allowed if this method is called // then cloning the option is all that is required to be used as an echoed back // header value (or omitted if None) origin.cloned() } } } /// Use in preflight checks and therefore operates on header list in /// `Access-Control-Request-Headers` not the actual header set. pub(crate) fn validate_allowed_method(&self, req: &RequestHead) -> Result<(), CorsError> { // extract access control header and try to parse as method let request_method = req .headers() .get(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD) .map(header_value_try_into_method); match request_method { // method valid and allowed Some(Some(method)) if self.allowed_methods.contains(&method) => Ok(()), // method valid but not allowed Some(Some(_)) => Err(CorsError::MethodNotAllowed), // method invalid Some(_) => Err(CorsError::BadRequestMethod), // method missing None => Err(CorsError::MissingRequestMethod), } } pub(crate) fn validate_allowed_headers(&self, req: &RequestHead) -> Result<(), CorsError> { // return early if all headers are allowed or get ref to allowed origins set #[allow(clippy::mutable_key_type)] let allowed_headers = match &self.allowed_headers { AllOrSome::All => return Ok(()), AllOrSome::Some(allowed_headers) => allowed_headers, }; // extract access control header as string // header format should be comma separated header names let request_headers = req .headers() .get(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS) .map(|hdr| hdr.to_str()); match request_headers { // header list is valid string Some(Ok(headers)) => { // the set is ephemeral we take care not to mutate the // inserted keys so this lint exception is acceptable #[allow(clippy::mutable_key_type)] let mut request_headers = HashSet::with_capacity(8); // try to convert each header name in the comma-separated list for hdr in headers.split(',') { match hdr.trim().try_into() { Ok(hdr) => request_headers.insert(hdr), Err(_) => return Err(CorsError::BadRequestHeaders), }; } // header list must contain 1 or more header name if request_headers.is_empty() { return Err(CorsError::BadRequestHeaders); } // request header list must be a subset of allowed headers if !request_headers.is_subset(allowed_headers) { return Err(CorsError::HeadersNotAllowed); } Ok(()) } // header list is not a string Some(Err(_)) => Err(CorsError::BadRequestHeaders), // header list missing None => Ok(()), } } } /// Add CORS related request headers to response's Vary header. /// /// See . pub(crate) fn add_vary_header(headers: &mut HeaderMap) { let value = match headers.get(header::VARY) { Some(hdr) => { let mut val: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(hdr.len() + 71); val.extend(hdr.as_bytes()); val.extend(b", Origin, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers"); val.try_into().unwrap() } None => HeaderValue::from_static( "Origin, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers", ), }; headers.insert(header::VARY, value); } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use std::rc::Rc; use actix_web::{ dev::Transform, http::{ header::{self, HeaderValue}, Method, StatusCode, }, test::{self, TestRequest}, }; use crate::Cors; fn val_as_str(val: &HeaderValue) -> &str { val.to_str().unwrap() } #[actix_web::test] async fn test_validate_not_allowed_origin() { let cors = Cors::default() .allowed_origin("") .new_transform(test::ok_service()) .await .unwrap(); let req = TestRequest::get() .insert_header((header::ORIGIN, "")) .insert_header((header::ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS, "DNT")) .to_srv_request(); assert!(cors.inner.validate_origin(req.head()).is_err()); assert!(cors.inner.validate_allowed_method(req.head()).is_err()); assert!(cors.inner.validate_allowed_headers(req.head()).is_err()); } #[actix_web::test] async fn test_preflight() { let mut cors = Cors::default() .allow_any_origin() .send_wildcard() .max_age(3600) .allowed_methods(vec![Method::GET, Method::OPTIONS, Method::POST]) .allowed_headers(vec![header::AUTHORIZATION, header::ACCEPT]) .allowed_header(header::CONTENT_TYPE) .new_transform(test::ok_service()) .await .unwrap(); let req = TestRequest::default() .method(Method::OPTIONS) .insert_header(("Origin", "")) .insert_header((header::ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS, "X-Not-Allowed")) .to_srv_request(); assert!(cors.inner.validate_allowed_method(req.head()).is_err()); assert!(cors.inner.validate_allowed_headers(req.head()).is_err()); let resp = test::call_service(&cors, req).await; assert_eq!(resp.status(), StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST); let req = TestRequest::default() .method(Method::OPTIONS) .insert_header(("Origin", "")) .insert_header((header::ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD, "put")) .to_srv_request(); assert!(cors.inner.validate_allowed_method(req.head()).is_err()); assert!(cors.inner.validate_allowed_headers(req.head()).is_ok()); let req = TestRequest::default() .method(Method::OPTIONS) .insert_header(("Origin", "")) .insert_header((header::ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD, "POST")) .insert_header(( header::ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS, "AUTHORIZATION,ACCEPT", )) .to_srv_request(); let resp = test::call_service(&cors, req).await; assert_eq!( Some(&b"*"[..]), resp.headers() .get(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN) .map(HeaderValue::as_bytes) ); assert_eq!( Some(&b"3600"[..]), resp.headers() .get(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE) .map(HeaderValue::as_bytes) ); let hdr = resp .headers() .get(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS) .map(val_as_str) .unwrap(); assert!(hdr.contains("authorization")); assert!(hdr.contains("accept")); assert!(hdr.contains("content-type")); let methods = resp .headers() .get(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS) .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap(); assert!(methods.contains("POST")); assert!(methods.contains("GET")); assert!(methods.contains("OPTIONS")); Rc::get_mut(&mut cors.inner).unwrap().preflight = false; let req = TestRequest::default() .method(Method::OPTIONS) .insert_header(("Origin", "")) .insert_header((header::ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD, "POST")) .insert_header(( header::ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS, "AUTHORIZATION,ACCEPT", )) .to_srv_request(); let resp = test::call_service(&cors, req).await; assert_eq!(resp.status(), StatusCode::OK); } #[actix_web::test] async fn allow_fn_origin_equals_head_origin() { let cors = Cors::default() .allowed_origin_fn(|origin, head| { let head_origin = head .headers() .get(header::ORIGIN) .expect("unwrapping origin header should never fail in allowed_origin_fn"); assert!(origin == head_origin); true }) .allow_any_method() .allow_any_header() .new_transform(test::simple_service(StatusCode::NO_CONTENT)) .await .unwrap(); let req = TestRequest::default() .method(Method::OPTIONS) .insert_header(("Origin", "")) .insert_header((header::ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD, "POST")) .to_srv_request(); let resp = test::call_service(&cors, req).await; assert_eq!(resp.status(), StatusCode::OK); let req = TestRequest::default() .method(Method::GET) .insert_header(("Origin", "")) .to_srv_request(); let resp = test::call_service(&cors, req).await; assert_eq!(resp.status(), StatusCode::NO_CONTENT); } }