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342 lines
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use std::sync::Arc;
use actix_web::cookie::time::Duration;
use anyhow::Error;
use redis::{aio::ConnectionManager, AsyncCommands, Cmd, FromRedisValue, RedisResult, Value};
use super::SessionKey;
use crate::storage::{
interface::{LoadError, SaveError, SessionState, UpdateError},
/// Use Redis as session storage backend.
/// ```no_run
/// use actix_web::{web, App, HttpServer, HttpResponse, Error};
/// use actix_session::{SessionMiddleware, storage::RedisSessionStore};
/// use actix_web::cookie::Key;
/// // The secret key would usually be read from a configuration file/environment variables.
/// fn get_secret_key() -> Key {
/// # todo!()
/// // [...]
/// }
/// #[actix_web::main]
/// async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
/// let secret_key = get_secret_key();
/// let redis_connection_string = "redis://";
/// let store = RedisSessionStore::new(redis_connection_string).await.unwrap();
/// HttpServer::new(move ||
/// App::new()
/// .wrap(SessionMiddleware::new(
/// store.clone(),
/// secret_key.clone()
/// ))
/// .default_service(web::to(|| HttpResponse::Ok())))
/// .bind(("", 8080))?
/// .run()
/// .await
/// }
/// ```
/// # TLS support
/// Add the `redis-rs-tls-session` feature flag to enable TLS support. You can then establish a TLS
/// connection to Redis using the `rediss://` URL scheme:
/// ```no_run
/// use actix_session::{storage::RedisSessionStore};
/// # actix_web::rt::System::new().block_on(async {
/// let redis_connection_string = "rediss://";
/// let store = RedisSessionStore::new(redis_connection_string).await.unwrap();
/// # })
/// ```
/// # Implementation notes
/// `RedisSessionStore` leverages [`redis-rs`] as Redis client.
/// [`redis-rs`]: https://github.com/mitsuhiko/redis-rs
pub struct RedisSessionStore {
configuration: CacheConfiguration,
client: ConnectionManager,
struct CacheConfiguration {
cache_keygen: Arc<dyn Fn(&str) -> String + Send + Sync>,
impl Default for CacheConfiguration {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
cache_keygen: Arc::new(str::to_owned),
impl RedisSessionStore {
/// A fluent API to configure [`RedisSessionStore`].
/// It takes as input the only required input to create a new instance of [`RedisSessionStore`] - a
/// connection string for Redis.
pub fn builder<S: Into<String>>(connection_string: S) -> RedisSessionStoreBuilder {
RedisSessionStoreBuilder {
configuration: CacheConfiguration::default(),
connection_string: connection_string.into(),
/// Create a new instance of [`RedisSessionStore`] using the default configuration.
/// It takes as input the only required input to create a new instance of [`RedisSessionStore`] - a
/// connection string for Redis.
pub async fn new<S: Into<String>>(
connection_string: S,
) -> Result<RedisSessionStore, anyhow::Error> {
/// A fluent builder to construct a [`RedisSessionStore`] instance with custom configuration
/// parameters.
/// [`RedisSessionStore`]: crate::storage::RedisSessionStore
pub struct RedisSessionStoreBuilder {
connection_string: String,
configuration: CacheConfiguration,
impl RedisSessionStoreBuilder {
/// Set a custom cache key generation strategy, expecting a session key as input.
pub fn cache_keygen<F>(mut self, keygen: F) -> Self
F: Fn(&str) -> String + 'static + Send + Sync,
self.configuration.cache_keygen = Arc::new(keygen);
/// Finalise the builder and return a [`RedisActorSessionStore`] instance.
/// [`RedisActorSessionStore`]: crate::storage::RedisActorSessionStore
pub async fn build(self) -> Result<RedisSessionStore, anyhow::Error> {
let client = ConnectionManager::new(redis::Client::open(self.connection_string)?).await?;
Ok(RedisSessionStore {
configuration: self.configuration,
impl SessionStore for RedisSessionStore {
async fn load(&self, session_key: &SessionKey) -> Result<Option<SessionState>, LoadError> {
let cache_key = (self.configuration.cache_keygen)(session_key.as_ref());
let value: Option<String> = self
match value {
None => Ok(None),
Some(value) => Ok(serde_json::from_str(&value)
async fn save(
session_state: SessionState,
ttl: &Duration,
) -> Result<SessionKey, SaveError> {
let body = serde_json::to_string(&session_state)
let session_key = generate_session_key();
let cache_key = (self.configuration.cache_keygen)(session_key.as_ref());
"NX", // NX: only set the key if it does not already exist
"EX", // EX: set expiry
&format!("{}", ttl.whole_seconds()),
async fn update(
session_key: SessionKey,
session_state: SessionState,
ttl: &Duration,
) -> Result<SessionKey, UpdateError> {
let body = serde_json::to_string(&session_state)
let cache_key = (self.configuration.cache_keygen)(session_key.as_ref());
let v: redis::Value = self
"XX", // XX: Only set the key if it already exist.
"EX", // EX: set expiry
&format!("{}", ttl.whole_seconds()),
match v {
Value::Nil => {
// The SET operation was not performed because the XX condition was not verified.
// This can happen if the session state expired between the load operation and the
// update operation. Unlucky, to say the least. We fall back to the `save` routine
// to ensure that the new key is unique.
self.save(session_state, ttl)
.map_err(|err| match err {
SaveError::Serialization(err) => UpdateError::Serialization(err),
SaveError::Other(err) => UpdateError::Other(err),
Value::Int(_) | Value::Okay | Value::Status(_) => Ok(session_key),
val => Err(UpdateError::Other(anyhow::anyhow!(
"Failed to update session state. {:?}",
async fn update_ttl(&self, session_key: &SessionKey, ttl: &Duration) -> Result<(), Error> {
let cache_key = (self.configuration.cache_keygen)(session_key.as_ref());
.expire(&cache_key, ttl.whole_seconds())
async fn delete(&self, session_key: &SessionKey) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
let cache_key = (self.configuration.cache_keygen)(session_key.as_ref());
impl RedisSessionStore {
/// Execute Redis command and retry once in certain cases.
/// `ConnectionManager` automatically reconnects when it encounters an error talking to Redis.
/// The request that bumped into the error, though, fails.
/// This is generally OK, but there is an unpleasant edge case: Redis client timeouts. The
/// server is configured to drop connections who have been active longer than a pre-determined
/// threshold. `redis-rs` does not proactively detect that the connection has been dropped - you
/// only find out when you try to use it.
/// This helper method catches this case (`.is_connection_dropped`) to execute a retry. The
/// retry will be executed on a fresh connection, therefore it is likely to succeed (or fail for
/// a different more meaningful reason).
async fn execute_command<T: FromRedisValue>(&self, cmd: &mut Cmd) -> RedisResult<T> {
let mut can_retry = true;
loop {
match cmd.query_async(&mut self.client.clone()).await {
Ok(value) => return Ok(value),
Err(err) => {
if can_retry && err.is_connection_dropped() {
"Connection dropped while trying to talk to Redis. Retrying."
// Retry at most once
can_retry = false;
} else {
return Err(err);
mod tests {
use std::collections::HashMap;
use actix_web::cookie::time;
use redis::AsyncCommands;
use super::*;
use crate::test_helpers::acceptance_test_suite;
async fn redis_store() -> RedisSessionStore {
async fn test_session_workflow() {
let redis_store = redis_store().await;
acceptance_test_suite(move || redis_store.clone(), true).await;
async fn loading_a_missing_session_returns_none() {
let store = redis_store().await;
let session_key = generate_session_key();
async fn loading_an_invalid_session_state_returns_deserialization_error() {
let store = redis_store().await;
let session_key = generate_session_key();
.set::<_, _, ()>(session_key.as_ref(), "random-thing-which-is-not-json")
async fn updating_of_an_expired_state_is_handled_gracefully() {
let store = redis_store().await;
let session_key = generate_session_key();
let initial_session_key = session_key.as_ref().to_owned();
let updated_session_key = store
.update(session_key, HashMap::new(), &time::Duration::seconds(1))
assert_ne!(initial_session_key, updated_session_key.as_ref());