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use std::{collections::HashMap, convert::TryInto, fmt, future::Future, pin::Pin, rc::Rc};
use actix_utils::future::{ready, Ready};
use actix_web::{
cookie::{Cookie, CookieJar, Key, SameSite},
dev::{forward_ready, ResponseHead, Service, ServiceRequest, ServiceResponse, Transform},
http::header::{HeaderValue, SET_COOKIE},
use anyhow::Context;
use time::Duration;
use crate::{
storage::{LoadError, SessionKey, SessionStore},
Session, SessionStatus,
/// A middleware for session management in Actix Web applications.
/// [`SessionMiddleware`] takes care of a few jobs:
/// - Instructs the session storage backend to create/update/delete/retrieve the state attached to
/// a session according to its status and the operations that have been performed against it;
/// - Set/remove a cookie, on the client side, to enable a user to be consistently associated with
/// the same session across multiple HTTP requests.
/// Use [`SessionMiddleware::new`] to initialize the session framework using the default parameters.
/// To create a new instance of [`SessionMiddleware`] you need to provide:
/// - an instance of the session storage backend you wish to use (i.e. an implementation of
/// [`SessionStore]);
/// - a secret key, to sign or encrypt the content of client-side session cookie.
/// ```no_run
/// use actix_web::{web, App, HttpServer, HttpResponse, Error};
/// use actix_session::{Session, SessionMiddleware, storage::RedisActorSessionStore};
/// use actix_web::cookie::Key;
/// // The secret key would usually be read from a configuration file/environment variables.
/// fn get_secret_key() -> Key {
/// # todo!()
/// // [...]
/// }
/// #[actix_web::main]
/// async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
/// let secret_key = get_secret_key();
/// let redis_connection_string = "";
/// HttpServer::new(move ||
/// App::new()
/// // Add session management to your application using Redis for session state storage
/// .wrap(
/// SessionMiddleware::new(
/// RedisActorSessionStore::new(redis_connection_string),
/// secret_key.clone()
/// )
/// )
/// .default_service(web::to(|| HttpResponse::Ok())))
/// .bind(("", 8080))?
/// .run()
/// .await
/// }
/// ```
/// If you want to customise use [`builder`](Self::builder) instead of [`new`](Self::new):
/// ```no_run
/// use actix_web::{cookie::Key, web, App, HttpServer, HttpResponse, Error};
/// use actix_session::{Session, SessionMiddleware, storage::RedisActorSessionStore, SessionLength};
/// // The secret key would usually be read from a configuration file/environment variables.
/// fn get_secret_key() -> Key {
/// # todo!()
/// // [...]
/// }
/// #[actix_web::main]
/// async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
/// let secret_key = get_secret_key();
/// let redis_connection_string = "";
/// HttpServer::new(move ||
/// App::new()
/// // Customise session length!
/// .wrap(
/// SessionMiddleware::builder(
/// RedisActorSessionStore::new(redis_connection_string),
/// secret_key.clone()
/// )
/// .session_length(SessionLength::Predetermined {
/// max_session_length: Some(time::Duration::days(5)),
/// })
/// .build(),
/// )
/// .default_service(web::to(|| HttpResponse::Ok())))
/// .bind(("", 8080))?
/// .run()
/// .await
/// }
/// ```
/// ## How did we choose defaults?
/// You should not regret adding `actix-session` to your dependencies and going to production using
/// the default configuration. That is why, when in doubt, we opt to use the most secure option for
/// each configuration parameter.
/// We expose knobs to change the default to suit your needs—i.e., if you know what you are doing,
/// we will not stop you. But being a subject-matter expert should not be a requirement to deploy
/// reasonably secure implementation of sessions.
pub struct SessionMiddleware<Store: SessionStore> {
storage_backend: Rc<Store>,
configuration: Rc<Configuration>,
struct Configuration {
cookie: CookieConfiguration,
session: SessionConfiguration,
struct SessionConfiguration {
state_ttl: Duration,
struct CookieConfiguration {
secure: bool,
http_only: bool,
name: String,
same_site: SameSite,
path: String,
domain: Option<String>,
max_age: Option<Duration>,
content_security: CookieContentSecurity,
key: Key,
/// Describes how long a session should last.
/// Used by [`SessionMiddlewareBuilder::session_length`].
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum SessionLength {
/// The session cookie will expire when the current browser session ends.
/// When does a browser session end? It depends on the browser! Chrome, for example, will often
/// continue running in the background when the browser is closed—session cookies are not
/// deleted and they will still be available when the browser is opened again. Check the
/// documentation of the browser you are targeting for up-to-date information.
BrowserSession {
/// We must provide a time-to-live (TTL) when storing the session state in the storage
/// backend—we do not want to store session states indefinitely, otherwise we will
/// inevitably run out of storage by holding on to the state of countless abandoned or
/// expired sessions!
/// We are dealing with the lifecycle of two uncorrelated object here: the session cookie
/// and the session state. It is not a big issue if the session state outlives the cookie—
/// we are wasting some space in the backend storage, but it will be cleaned up eventually.
/// What happens, instead, if the cookie outlives the session state? A new session starts—
/// e.g. if sessions are being used for authentication, the user is de-facto logged out.
/// It is not possible to predict with certainty how long a browser session is going to
/// last—you need to provide a reasonable upper bound. You do so via `state_ttl`—it dictates
/// what TTL should be used for session state when the lifecycle of the session cookie is
/// tied to the browser session length. [`SessionMiddleware`] will default to 1 day if
/// `state_ttl` is left unspecified.
state_ttl: Option<Duration>,
/// The session cookie will be a [persistent cookie].
/// Persistent cookies have a pre-determined lifetime, specified via the `Max-Age` or `Expires`
/// attribute. They do not disappear when the current browser session ends.
/// [persistent cookie]: https://www.whitehatsec.com/glossary/content/persistent-session-cookie
Predetermined {
/// Set `max_session_length` to specify how long the session cookie should live.
/// [`SessionMiddleware`] will default to 1 day if `max_session_length` is set to `None`.
/// `max_session_length` is also used as the TTL for the session state in the
/// storage backend.
max_session_length: Option<Duration>,
/// Used by [`SessionMiddlewareBuilder::cookie_content_security`] to determine how to secure
/// the content of the session cookie.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum CookieContentSecurity {
/// `CookieContentSecurity::Private` selects encrypted cookie content.
/// The client cannot tamper with its contents nor decode it (i.e., preserves confidentiality as
/// long the as the encryption key is not breached).
/// `CookieContentSecurity::Signed` selects signed cookie content.
/// The client cannot tamper with its contents, but they can read it (i.e., no confidentiality).
fn default_configuration(key: Key) -> Configuration {
Configuration {
cookie: CookieConfiguration {
secure: true,
http_only: true,
name: "id".into(),
same_site: SameSite::Lax,
path: "/".into(),
domain: None,
max_age: None,
content_security: CookieContentSecurity::Private,
session: SessionConfiguration {
state_ttl: default_ttl(),
fn default_ttl() -> Duration {
impl<Store: SessionStore> SessionMiddleware<Store> {
/// Use [`SessionMiddleware::new`] to initialize the session framework using the default
/// parameters.
/// To create a new instance of [`SessionMiddleware`] you need to provide:
/// - an instance of the session storage backend you wish to use (i.e. an implementation of
/// [`SessionStore]);
/// - a secret key, to sign or encrypt the content of client-side session cookie.
pub fn new(store: Store, key: Key) -> Self {
Self {
storage_backend: Rc::new(store),
configuration: Rc::new(default_configuration(key)),
/// A fluent API to configure [`SessionMiddleware`].
/// It takes as input the two required inputs to create a new instance of [`SessionMiddleware`]:
/// - an instance of the session storage backend you wish to use (i.e. an implementation of
/// [`SessionStore]);
/// - a secret key, to sign or encrypt the content of client-side session cookie.
pub fn builder(store: Store, key: Key) -> SessionMiddlewareBuilder<Store> {
SessionMiddlewareBuilder {
storage_backend: Rc::new(store),
configuration: default_configuration(key),
/// A fluent builder to construct a [`SessionMiddleware`] instance with custom configuration
/// parameters.
pub struct SessionMiddlewareBuilder<Store: SessionStore> {
storage_backend: Rc<Store>,
configuration: Configuration,
impl<Store: SessionStore> SessionMiddlewareBuilder<Store> {
/// Set the name of the cookie used to store the session ID.
/// Defaults to `id`.
pub fn cookie_name(mut self, name: String) -> Self {
self.configuration.cookie.name = name;
/// Set the `Secure` attribute for the cookie used to store the session ID.
/// If the cookie is set as secure, it will only be transmitted when the connection is secure
/// (using `https`).
/// Default is `true`.
pub fn cookie_secure(mut self, secure: bool) -> Self {
self.configuration.cookie.secure = secure;
/// Determine how long a session should last - check out [`SessionLength`]'s documentation for
/// more details on the available options.
/// Default is [`SessionLength::BrowserSession`].
pub fn session_length(mut self, session_length: SessionLength) -> Self {
match session_length {
SessionLength::BrowserSession { state_ttl } => {
self.configuration.cookie.max_age = None;
self.configuration.session.state_ttl = state_ttl.unwrap_or_else(default_ttl);
SessionLength::Predetermined { max_session_length } => {
let ttl = max_session_length.unwrap_or_else(default_ttl);
self.configuration.cookie.max_age = Some(ttl);
self.configuration.session.state_ttl = ttl;
/// Set the `SameSite` attribute for the cookie used to store the session ID.
/// By default, the attribute is set to `Lax`.
pub fn cookie_same_site(mut self, same_site: SameSite) -> Self {
self.configuration.cookie.same_site = same_site;
/// Set the `Path` attribute for the cookie used to store the session ID.
/// By default, the attribute is set to `/`.
pub fn cookie_path(mut self, path: String) -> Self {
self.configuration.cookie.path = path;
/// Set the `Domain` attribute for the cookie used to store the session ID.
/// Use `None` to leave the attribute unspecified. If unspecified, the attribute defaults
/// to the same host that set the cookie, excluding subdomains.
/// By default, the attribute is left unspecified.
pub fn cookie_domain(mut self, domain: Option<String>) -> Self {
self.configuration.cookie.domain = domain;
/// Choose how the session cookie content should be secured.
/// - [`CookieContentSecurity::Private`] selects encrypted cookie content.
/// - [`CookieContentSecurity::Signed`] selects signed cookie content.
/// # Default
/// By default, the cookie content is encrypted. Encrypted was chosen instead of signed as
/// default because it reduces the chances of sensitive information being exposed in the session
/// key by accident, regardless of [`SessionStore`] implementation you chose to use.
/// For example, if you are using cookie-based storage, you definitely want the cookie content
/// to be encrypted—the whole session state is embedded in the cookie! If you are using
/// Redis-based storage, signed is more than enough - the cookie content is just a unique
/// tamper-proof session key.
pub fn cookie_content_security(mut self, content_security: CookieContentSecurity) -> Self {
self.configuration.cookie.content_security = content_security;
/// Set the `HttpOnly` attribute for the cookie used to store the session ID.
/// If the cookie is set as `HttpOnly`, it will not be visible to any JavaScript snippets
/// running in the browser.
/// Default is `true`.
pub fn cookie_http_only(mut self, http_only: bool) -> Self {
self.configuration.cookie.http_only = http_only;
/// Finalise the builder and return a [`SessionMiddleware`] instance.
pub fn build(self) -> SessionMiddleware<Store> {
SessionMiddleware {
storage_backend: self.storage_backend,
configuration: Rc::new(self.configuration),
impl<S, B, Store> Transform<S, ServiceRequest> for SessionMiddleware<Store>
S: Service<ServiceRequest, Response = ServiceResponse<B>, Error = actix_web::Error> + 'static,
S::Future: 'static,
B: MessageBody + 'static,
Store: SessionStore + 'static,
type Response = ServiceResponse<B>;
type Error = actix_web::Error;
type Transform = InnerSessionMiddleware<S, Store>;
type InitError = ();
type Future = Ready<Result<Self::Transform, Self::InitError>>;
fn new_transform(&self, service: S) -> Self::Future {
ready(Ok(InnerSessionMiddleware {
service: Rc::new(service),
configuration: Rc::clone(&self.configuration),
storage_backend: Rc::clone(&self.storage_backend),
/// Short-hand to create an `actix_web::Error` instance that will result in an `Internal Server
/// Error` response while preserving the error root cause (e.g. in logs).
fn e500<E: fmt::Debug + fmt::Display + 'static>(err: E) -> actix_web::Error {
pub struct InnerSessionMiddleware<S, Store: SessionStore + 'static> {
service: Rc<S>,
configuration: Rc<Configuration>,
storage_backend: Rc<Store>,
impl<S, B, Store> Service<ServiceRequest> for InnerSessionMiddleware<S, Store>
S: Service<ServiceRequest, Response = ServiceResponse<B>, Error = actix_web::Error> + 'static,
S::Future: 'static,
Store: SessionStore + 'static,
type Response = ServiceResponse<B>;
type Error = actix_web::Error;
type Future = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>>>>;
fn call(&self, mut req: ServiceRequest) -> Self::Future {
let service = Rc::clone(&self.service);
let storage_backend = Rc::clone(&self.storage_backend);
let configuration = Rc::clone(&self.configuration);
Box::pin(async move {
let session_key = extract_session_key(&req, &configuration.cookie);
let (session_key, session_state) =
load_session_state(session_key, storage_backend.as_ref()).await?;
Session::set_session(&mut req, session_state);
let mut res = service.call(req).await?;
let (status, session_state) = Session::get_changes(&mut res);
match session_key {
None => {
// we do not create an entry in the session store if there is no state attached
// to a fresh session
if !session_state.is_empty() {
let session_key = storage_backend
.save(session_state, &configuration.session.state_ttl)
Some(session_key) => {
match status {
SessionStatus::Changed => {
let session_key = storage_backend
SessionStatus::Purged => {
SessionStatus::Renewed => {
let session_key = storage_backend
.save(session_state, &configuration.session.state_ttl)
SessionStatus::Unchanged => {
// Nothing to do; we avoid the unnecessary call to the storage.
fn extract_session_key(req: &ServiceRequest, config: &CookieConfiguration) -> Option<SessionKey> {
let cookies = req.cookies().ok()?;
let session_cookie = cookies
.find(|&cookie| cookie.name() == config.name)?;
let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
let verification_result = match config.content_security {
CookieContentSecurity::Signed => jar.signed(&config.key).get(&config.name),
CookieContentSecurity::Private => jar.private(&config.key).get(&config.name),
if verification_result.is_none() {
"The session cookie attached to the incoming request failed to pass cryptographic \
checks (signature verification/decryption)."
match verification_result?.value().to_owned().try_into() {
Ok(session_key) => Some(session_key),
Err(err) => {
error.message = %err,
error.cause_chain = ?err,
"Invalid session key, ignoring."
async fn load_session_state<Store: SessionStore>(
session_key: Option<SessionKey>,
storage_backend: &Store,
) -> Result<(Option<SessionKey>, HashMap<String, String>), actix_web::Error> {
if let Some(session_key) = session_key {
match storage_backend.load(&session_key).await {
Ok(state) => {
if let Some(state) = state {
Ok((Some(session_key), state))
} else {
// We discard the existing session key given that the state attached to it can
// no longer be found (e.g. it expired or we suffered some data loss in the
// storage). Regenerating the session key will trigger the `save` workflow
// instead of the `update` workflow if the session state is modified during the
// lifecycle of the current request.
"No session state has been found for a valid session key, creating a new \
empty session."
Ok((None, HashMap::new()))
Err(err) => match err {
LoadError::Deserialization(err) => {
error.message = %err,
error.cause_chain = ?err,
"Invalid session state, creating a new empty session."
Ok((Some(session_key), HashMap::new()))
LoadError::Other(err) => Err(e500(err)),
} else {
Ok((None, HashMap::new()))
fn set_session_cookie(
response: &mut ResponseHead,
session_key: SessionKey,
config: &CookieConfiguration,
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
let value: String = session_key.into();
let mut cookie = Cookie::new(config.name.clone(), value);
if let Some(max_age) = config.max_age {
if let Some(ref domain) = config.domain {
let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
match config.content_security {
CookieContentSecurity::Signed => jar.signed_mut(&config.key).add(cookie),
CookieContentSecurity::Private => jar.private_mut(&config.key).add(cookie),
// set cookie
let cookie = jar.delta().next().unwrap();
let val = HeaderValue::from_str(&cookie.encoded().to_string())
.context("Failed to attach a session cookie to the outgoing response")?;
response.headers_mut().append(SET_COOKIE, val);
fn delete_session_cookie(
response: &mut ResponseHead,
config: &CookieConfiguration,
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
let removal_cookie = Cookie::build(config.name.clone(), "")
let mut removal_cookie = if let Some(ref domain) = config.domain {
} else {
let val = HeaderValue::from_str(&removal_cookie.to_string())
.context("Failed to attach a session removal cookie to the outgoing response")?;
response.headers_mut().append(SET_COOKIE, val);