mirror of https://github.com/fafhrd91/actix-net synced 2025-03-20 09:05:18 +01:00

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2018-12-09 19:55:40 -08:00
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
2018-12-09 20:30:04 -08:00
use std::{fmt, thread};
2018-12-09 19:55:40 -08:00
use futures::sync::mpsc::{unbounded, UnboundedReceiver, UnboundedSender};
use futures::sync::oneshot::{channel, Canceled, Sender};
2018-12-09 19:55:40 -08:00
use futures::{future, Async, Future, IntoFuture, Poll, Stream};
use tokio_current_thread::spawn;
use crate::builder::Builder;
use crate::system::System;
static ADDR: RefCell<Option<Arbiter>> = RefCell::new(None);
static RUNNING: Cell<bool> = Cell::new(false);
static Q: RefCell<Vec<Box<Future<Item = (), Error = ()>>>> = RefCell::new(Vec::new());
2018-12-09 22:14:29 -08:00
pub(crate) static COUNT: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
2018-12-09 19:55:40 -08:00
pub(crate) enum ArbiterCommand {
2018-12-09 20:30:04 -08:00
Execute(Box<Future<Item = (), Error = ()> + Send>),
2018-12-09 20:30:04 -08:00
impl fmt::Debug for ArbiterCommand {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
ArbiterCommand::Stop => write!(f, "ArbiterCommand::Stop"),
ArbiterCommand::Execute(_) => write!(f, "ArbiterCommand::Execute"),
ArbiterCommand::ExecuteFn(_) => write!(f, "ArbiterCommand::ExecuteFn"),
2018-12-09 20:30:04 -08:00
2018-12-09 19:55:40 -08:00
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Arbiter(UnboundedSender<ArbiterCommand>);
impl Default for Arbiter {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Arbiter {
pub(crate) fn new_system() -> Self {
let (tx, rx) = unbounded();
let arb = Arbiter(tx);
ADDR.with(|cell| *cell.borrow_mut() = Some(arb.clone()));
RUNNING.with(|cell| cell.set(false));
Arbiter::spawn(ArbiterController { stop: None, rx });
2018-12-09 20:30:04 -08:00
/// Returns current arbiter's address
pub fn current() -> Arbiter {
ADDR.with(|cell| match *cell.borrow() {
Some(ref addr) => addr.clone(),
None => panic!("Arbiter is not running"),
2018-12-09 19:55:40 -08:00
/// Stop arbiter
pub fn stop(&self) {
let _ = self.0.unbounded_send(ArbiterCommand::Stop);
/// Spawn new thread and run event loop in spawned thread.
/// Returns address of newly created arbiter.
pub fn new() -> Arbiter {
let id = COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let name = format!("actix-rt:worker:{}", id);
let sys = System::current();
let (arb_tx, arb_rx) = unbounded();
let arb_tx2 = arb_tx.clone();
let _ = thread::Builder::new().name(name.clone()).spawn(move || {
let mut rt = Builder::new().build_rt().expect("Can not create Runtime");
let arb = Arbiter(arb_tx);
let (stop, stop_rx) = channel();
RUNNING.with(|cell| cell.set(true));
// start arbiter controller
rt.spawn(ArbiterController {
stop: Some(stop),
rx: arb_rx,
ADDR.with(|cell| *cell.borrow_mut() = Some(arb.clone()));
// register arbiter
let _ = System::current()
.unbounded_send(SystemCommand::RegisterArbiter(id, arb.clone()));
// run loop
let _ = match rt.block_on(stop_rx) {
Ok(code) => code,
Err(_) => 1,
// unregister arbiter
let _ = System::current()
pub(crate) fn run_system() {
RUNNING.with(|cell| cell.set(true));
Q.with(|cell| {
let mut v = cell.borrow_mut();
for fut in v.drain(..) {
pub(crate) fn stop_system() {
RUNNING.with(|cell| cell.set(false));
2018-12-09 20:30:04 -08:00
/// Spawn a future on the current thread.
2018-12-09 19:55:40 -08:00
pub fn spawn<F>(future: F)
F: Future<Item = (), Error = ()> + 'static,
RUNNING.with(move |cell| {
if cell.get() {
} else {
Q.with(move |cell| cell.borrow_mut().push(Box::new(future)));
/// Executes a future on the current thread.
pub fn spawn_fn<F, R>(f: F)
F: FnOnce() -> R + 'static,
R: IntoFuture<Item = (), Error = ()> + 'static,
2018-12-09 20:30:04 -08:00
/// Send a future on the arbiter's thread and spawn.
pub fn send<F>(&self, future: F)
F: Future<Item = (), Error = ()> + Send + 'static,
let _ = self
/// Send a function to the arbiter's thread and exeute.
pub fn exec_fn<F>(&self, f: F)
F: FnOnce() + Send + 'static,
let _ = self
.unbounded_send(ArbiterCommand::ExecuteFn(Box::new(move || {
let _ = f();
/// Send a function to the arbiter's thread, exeute and return result.
pub fn exec<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> impl Future<Item = R, Error = Canceled>
F: FnOnce() -> R + Send + 'static,
R: Send + 'static,
let (tx, rx) = channel();
let _ = self
.unbounded_send(ArbiterCommand::ExecuteFn(Box::new(move || {
if !tx.is_canceled() {
let _ = tx.send(f());
2018-12-09 19:55:40 -08:00
struct ArbiterController {
stop: Option<Sender<i32>>,
rx: UnboundedReceiver<ArbiterCommand>,
impl Drop for ArbiterController {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if thread::panicking() {
eprintln!("Panic in Arbiter thread, shutting down system.");
if System::current().stop_on_panic() {
impl Future for ArbiterController {
type Item = ();
type Error = ();
fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error> {
2018-12-09 20:30:04 -08:00
loop {
match self.rx.poll() {
Ok(Async::Ready(None)) | Err(_) => return Ok(Async::Ready(())),
Ok(Async::Ready(Some(item))) => match item {
ArbiterCommand::Stop => {
if let Some(stop) = self.stop.take() {
let _ = stop.send(0);
return Ok(Async::Ready(()));
ArbiterCommand::Execute(fut) => {
ArbiterCommand::ExecuteFn(f) => {
2018-12-09 20:30:04 -08:00
Ok(Async::NotReady) => return Ok(Async::NotReady),
2018-12-09 19:55:40 -08:00
pub(crate) enum SystemCommand {
RegisterArbiter(usize, Arbiter),
pub(crate) struct SystemArbiter {
stop: Option<Sender<i32>>,
commands: UnboundedReceiver<SystemCommand>,
arbiters: HashMap<usize, Arbiter>,
impl SystemArbiter {
pub(crate) fn new(stop: Sender<i32>, commands: UnboundedReceiver<SystemCommand>) -> Self {
SystemArbiter {
stop: Some(stop),
arbiters: HashMap::new(),
impl Future for SystemArbiter {
type Item = ();
type Error = ();
fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error> {
2018-12-09 21:51:35 -08:00
loop {
match self.commands.poll() {
Ok(Async::Ready(None)) | Err(_) => return Ok(Async::Ready(())),
Ok(Async::Ready(Some(cmd))) => match cmd {
SystemCommand::Exit(code) => {
// stop arbiters
for arb in self.arbiters.values() {
// stop event loop
if let Some(stop) = self.stop.take() {
let _ = stop.send(code);
SystemCommand::RegisterArbiter(name, hnd) => {
self.arbiters.insert(name, hnd);
2018-12-09 19:55:40 -08:00
2018-12-09 21:51:35 -08:00
SystemCommand::UnregisterArbiter(name) => {
2018-12-09 19:55:40 -08:00
2018-12-09 21:51:35 -08:00
Ok(Async::NotReady) => return Ok(Async::NotReady),
2018-12-09 19:55:40 -08:00
pub trait FnExec: Send + 'static {
fn call_box(self: Box<Self>);
2018-12-09 19:55:40 -08:00
impl<F> FnExec for F
F: FnOnce() + Send + 'static,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(boxed_local))]
fn call_box(self: Box<Self>) {