use std::{io, time::Duration}; use actix_rt::net::TcpStream; use tokio::sync::mpsc::{unbounded_channel, UnboundedReceiver, UnboundedSender}; use tracing::{info, trace}; use crate::{ server::ServerCommand, service::{InternalServiceFactory, ServerServiceFactory, StreamNewService}, socket::{ create_mio_tcp_listener, MioListener, MioTcpListener, StdTcpListener, ToSocketAddrs, }, worker::ServerWorkerConfig, Server, }; /// [Server] builder. pub struct ServerBuilder { pub(crate) threads: usize, pub(crate) token: usize, pub(crate) backlog: u32, pub(crate) factories: Vec>, pub(crate) sockets: Vec<(usize, String, MioListener)>, pub(crate) exit: bool, pub(crate) listen_os_signals: bool, pub(crate) cmd_tx: UnboundedSender, pub(crate) cmd_rx: UnboundedReceiver, pub(crate) worker_config: ServerWorkerConfig, } impl Default for ServerBuilder { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl ServerBuilder { /// Create new Server builder instance pub fn new() -> ServerBuilder { let (cmd_tx, cmd_rx) = unbounded_channel(); ServerBuilder { threads: num_cpus::get_physical(), token: 0, factories: Vec::new(), sockets: Vec::new(), backlog: 2048, exit: false, listen_os_signals: true, cmd_tx, cmd_rx, worker_config: ServerWorkerConfig::default(), } } /// Set number of workers to start. /// /// `num` must be greater than 0. /// /// The default worker count is the number of physical CPU cores available. If your benchmark /// testing indicates that simultaneous multi-threading is beneficial to your app, you can use /// the [`num_cpus`] crate to acquire the _logical_ core count instead. pub fn workers(mut self, num: usize) -> Self { assert_ne!(num, 0, "workers must be greater than 0"); self.threads = num; self } /// Set max number of threads for each worker's blocking task thread pool. /// /// One thread pool is set up **per worker**; not shared across workers. /// /// # Examples: /// ``` /// # use actix_server::ServerBuilder; /// let builder = ServerBuilder::new() /// .workers(4) // server has 4 worker thread. /// .worker_max_blocking_threads(4); // every worker has 4 max blocking threads. /// ``` /// /// See [tokio::runtime::Builder::max_blocking_threads] for behavior reference. pub fn worker_max_blocking_threads(mut self, num: usize) -> Self { self.worker_config.max_blocking_threads(num); self } /// Set the maximum number of pending connections. /// /// This refers to the number of clients that can be waiting to be served. Exceeding this number /// results in the client getting an error when attempting to connect. It should only affect /// servers under significant load. /// /// Generally set in the 64-2048 range. Default value is 2048. /// /// This method should be called before `bind()` method call. pub fn backlog(mut self, num: u32) -> Self { self.backlog = num; self } /// Sets the maximum per-worker number of concurrent connections. /// /// All socket listeners will stop accepting connections when this limit is reached for /// each worker. /// /// By default max connections is set to a 25k per worker. pub fn max_concurrent_connections(mut self, num: usize) -> Self { self.worker_config.max_concurrent_connections(num); self } #[doc(hidden)] #[deprecated(since = "2.0.0", note = "Renamed to `max_concurrent_connections`.")] pub fn maxconn(self, num: usize) -> Self { self.max_concurrent_connections(num) } /// Stop Actix `System` after server shutdown. pub fn system_exit(mut self) -> Self { self.exit = true; self } /// Disable OS signal handling. pub fn disable_signals(mut self) -> Self { self.listen_os_signals = false; self } /// Timeout for graceful workers shutdown in seconds. /// /// After receiving a stop signal, workers have this much time to finish serving requests. /// Workers still alive after the timeout are force dropped. /// /// By default shutdown timeout sets to 30 seconds. pub fn shutdown_timeout(mut self, sec: u64) -> Self { self.worker_config .shutdown_timeout(Duration::from_secs(sec)); self } /// Add new service to the server. pub fn bind(mut self, name: N, addr: U, factory: F) -> io::Result where F: ServerServiceFactory, U: ToSocketAddrs, N: AsRef, { let sockets = bind_addr(addr, self.backlog)?; trace!("binding server to: {:?}", &sockets); for lst in sockets { let token = self.next_token(); self.factories.push(StreamNewService::create( name.as_ref().to_string(), token, factory.clone(), lst.local_addr()?, )); self.sockets .push((token, name.as_ref().to_string(), MioListener::Tcp(lst))); } Ok(self) } /// Add new service to the server. pub fn listen>( mut self, name: N, lst: StdTcpListener, factory: F, ) -> io::Result where F: ServerServiceFactory, { lst.set_nonblocking(true)?; let addr = lst.local_addr()?; let token = self.next_token(); self.factories.push(StreamNewService::create( name.as_ref().to_string(), token, factory, addr, )); self.sockets .push((token, name.as_ref().to_string(), MioListener::from(lst))); Ok(self) } /// Starts processing incoming connections and return server controller. pub fn run(self) -> Server { if self.sockets.is_empty() { panic!("Server should have at least one bound socket"); } else { info!("starting {} workers", self.threads); Server::new(self) } } fn next_token(&mut self) -> usize { let token = self.token; self.token += 1; token } } #[cfg(unix)] impl ServerBuilder { /// Add new unix domain service to the server. pub fn bind_uds(self, name: N, addr: U, factory: F) -> io::Result where F: ServerServiceFactory, N: AsRef, U: AsRef, { // The path must not exist when we try to bind. // Try to remove it to avoid bind error. if let Err(err) = std::fs::remove_file(addr.as_ref()) { // NotFound is expected and not an issue. Anything else is. if err.kind() != std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound { return Err(err); } } let lst = crate::socket::StdUnixListener::bind(addr)?; self.listen_uds(name, lst, factory) } /// Add new unix domain service to the server. /// /// Useful when running as a systemd service and a socket FD is acquired externally. pub fn listen_uds>( mut self, name: N, lst: crate::socket::StdUnixListener, factory: F, ) -> io::Result where F: ServerServiceFactory, { use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr}; lst.set_nonblocking(true)?; let token = self.next_token(); let addr = crate::socket::StdSocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), 8080); self.factories.push(StreamNewService::create( name.as_ref().to_string(), token, factory, addr, )); self.sockets .push((token, name.as_ref().to_string(), MioListener::from(lst))); Ok(self) } } pub(super) fn bind_addr( addr: S, backlog: u32, ) -> io::Result> { let mut opt_err = None; let mut success = false; let mut sockets = Vec::new(); for addr in addr.to_socket_addrs()? { match create_mio_tcp_listener(addr, backlog) { Ok(lst) => { success = true; sockets.push(lst); } Err(err) => opt_err = Some(err), } } if success { Ok(sockets) } else if let Some(err) = opt_err.take() { Err(err) } else { Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Can not bind to address.", )) } }