use std::future::Future; use std::pin::Pin; use std::task::{Context, Poll}; use slab::Slab; use crate::cell::Cell; use crate::task::LocalWaker; /// Condition allows to notify multiple receivers at the same time pub struct Condition(Cell); struct Inner { data: Slab>, } impl Default for Condition { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl Condition { pub fn new() -> Condition { Condition(Cell::new(Inner { data: Slab::new() })) } /// Get condition waiter pub fn wait(&mut self) -> Waiter { let token = self.0.get_mut().data.insert(None); Waiter { token, inner: self.0.clone(), } } /// Notify all waiters pub fn notify(&self) { let inner = self.0.get_ref(); for item in { if let Some(waker) = item.1 { waker.wake(); } } } } impl Drop for Condition { fn drop(&mut self) { self.notify() } } #[must_use = "Waiter do nothing unless polled"] pub struct Waiter { token: usize, inner: Cell, } impl Clone for Waiter { fn clone(&self) -> Self { let token = unsafe { self.inner.get_mut_unsafe() }.data.insert(None); Waiter { token, inner: self.inner.clone(), } } } impl Future for Waiter { type Output = (); fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { let this = self.get_mut(); let inner = unsafe { this.inner.get_mut().data.get_unchecked_mut(this.token) }; if inner.is_none() { let waker = LocalWaker::default(); waker.register(cx.waker()); *inner = Some(waker); Poll::Pending } else if inner.as_mut().unwrap().register(cx.waker()) { Poll::Pending } else { Poll::Ready(()) } } } impl Drop for Waiter { fn drop(&mut self) { self.inner.get_mut().data.remove(self.token); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use futures::future::lazy; #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_condition() { let mut cond = Condition::new(); let mut waiter = cond.wait(); assert_eq!( lazy(|cx| Pin::new(&mut waiter).poll(cx)).await, Poll::Pending ); cond.notify(); waiter.await; let mut waiter = cond.wait(); assert_eq!( lazy(|cx| Pin::new(&mut waiter).poll(cx)).await, Poll::Pending ); let mut waiter2 = waiter.clone(); assert_eq!( lazy(|cx| Pin::new(&mut waiter2).poll(cx)).await, Poll::Pending ); drop(cond); waiter.await; waiter2.await; } }