use std::borrow::Cow; use std::io; use futures_channel::mpsc::unbounded; use futures_channel::oneshot::{channel, Receiver}; use futures_util::future::{lazy, Future, FutureExt}; use tokio::task::LocalSet; use crate::arbiter::{Arbiter, SystemArbiter}; use crate::runtime::Runtime; use crate::system::System; /// Builder struct for a actix runtime. /// /// Either use `Builder::build` to create a system and start actors. /// Alternatively, use `Builder::run` to start the tokio runtime and /// run a function in its context. pub struct Builder { /// Name of the System. Defaults to "actix" if unset. name: Cow<'static, str>, /// Whether the Arbiter will stop the whole System on uncaught panic. Defaults to false. stop_on_panic: bool, } impl Builder { pub(crate) fn new() -> Self { Builder { name: Cow::Borrowed("actix"), stop_on_panic: false, } } /// Sets the name of the System. pub fn name>(mut self, name: T) -> Self { = Cow::Owned(name.into()); self } /// Sets the option 'stop_on_panic' which controls whether the System is stopped when an /// uncaught panic is thrown from a worker thread. /// /// Defaults to false. pub fn stop_on_panic(mut self, stop_on_panic: bool) -> Self { self.stop_on_panic = stop_on_panic; self } /// Create new System. /// /// This method panics if it can not create tokio runtime pub fn build(self) -> SystemRunner { self.create_runtime(|| {}) } /// Create new System that can run asynchronously. /// /// This method panics if it cannot start the system arbiter pub(crate) fn build_async(self, local: &LocalSet) -> AsyncSystemRunner { self.create_async_runtime(local) } /// This function will start tokio runtime and will finish once the /// `System::stop()` message get called. /// Function `f` get called within tokio runtime context. pub fn run(self, f: F) -> io::Result<()> where F: FnOnce() + 'static, { self.create_runtime(f).run() } fn create_async_runtime(self, local: &LocalSet) -> AsyncSystemRunner { let (stop_tx, stop) = channel(); let (sys_sender, sys_receiver) = unbounded(); let system = System::construct(sys_sender, Arbiter::new_system(), self.stop_on_panic); // system arbiter let arb = SystemArbiter::new(stop_tx, sys_receiver); // start the system arbiter let _ = local.spawn_local(arb); AsyncSystemRunner { stop, system } } fn create_runtime(self, f: F) -> SystemRunner where F: FnOnce() + 'static, { let (stop_tx, stop) = channel(); let (sys_sender, sys_receiver) = unbounded(); let system = System::construct(sys_sender, Arbiter::new_system(), self.stop_on_panic); // system arbiter let arb = SystemArbiter::new(stop_tx, sys_receiver); let mut rt = Runtime::new().unwrap(); rt.spawn(arb); // init system arbiter and run configuration method rt.block_on(lazy(move |_| f())); SystemRunner { rt, stop, system } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct AsyncSystemRunner { stop: Receiver, system: System, } impl AsyncSystemRunner { /// This function will start event loop and returns a future that /// resolves once the `System::stop()` function is called. pub(crate) fn run_nonblocking(self) -> impl Future> + Send { let AsyncSystemRunner { stop, .. } = self; // run loop lazy(|_| { Arbiter::run_system(None); async { let res = match stop.await { Ok(code) => { if code != 0 { Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("Non-zero exit code: {}", code), )) } else { Ok(()) } } Err(e) => Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e)), }; Arbiter::stop_system(); res } }) .flatten() } } /// Helper object that runs System's event loop #[must_use = "SystemRunner must be run"] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct SystemRunner { rt: Runtime, stop: Receiver, system: System, } impl SystemRunner { /// This function will start event loop and will finish once the /// `System::stop()` function is called. pub fn run(self) -> io::Result<()> { let SystemRunner { mut rt, stop, .. } = self; // run loop Arbiter::run_system(Some(&rt)); let result = match rt.block_on(stop) { Ok(code) => { if code != 0 { Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("Non-zero exit code: {}", code), )) } else { Ok(()) } } Err(e) => Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e)), }; Arbiter::stop_system(); result } /// Execute a future and wait for result. pub fn block_on(&mut self, fut: F) -> O where F: Future + 'static, { Arbiter::run_system(Some(&self.rt)); let res = self.rt.block_on(fut); Arbiter::stop_system(); res } }