use std::sync::{ atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}, Arc, }; use std::time::Duration; use std::{fmt, io, mem, net}; use futures::sync::{mpsc, mpsc::unbounded}; use futures::{Future, Sink, Stream}; use net2::TcpBuilder; use num_cpus; use tokio_tcp::TcpStream; use actix::{ actors::signal, fut, Actor, ActorFuture, Addr, Arbiter, AsyncContext, Context, Handler, Response, StreamHandler, System, WrapFuture, }; use super::accept::{AcceptLoop, AcceptNotify, Command}; use super::server_service::{ServerNewService, ServerServiceFactory}; use super::worker::{Conn, StopWorker, Worker, WorkerClient}; use super::NewService; use super::{PauseServer, ResumeServer, StopServer, Token}; pub(crate) enum ServerCommand { WorkerDied(usize), } /// Server pub struct Server { threads: usize, workers: Vec<(usize, Addr)>, services: Vec>, sockets: Vec<(Token, net::TcpListener)>, accept: AcceptLoop, exit: bool, shutdown_timeout: u16, signals: Option>, no_signals: bool, maxconn: usize, maxconnrate: usize, } impl Default for Server { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl Server { /// Create new Server instance pub fn new() -> Server { Server { threads: num_cpus::get(), workers: Vec::new(), services: Vec::new(), sockets: Vec::new(), accept: AcceptLoop::new(), exit: false, shutdown_timeout: 30, signals: None, no_signals: false, maxconn: 102_400, maxconnrate: 256, } } /// Set number of workers to start. /// /// By default server uses number of available logical cpu as threads /// count. pub fn workers(mut self, num: usize) -> Self { self.threads = num; self } /// Sets the maximum per-worker number of concurrent connections. /// /// All socket listeners will stop accepting connections when this limit is /// reached for each worker. /// /// By default max connections is set to a 100k. pub fn maxconn(mut self, num: usize) -> Self { self.maxconn = num; self } /// Sets the maximum per-worker concurrent connection establish process. /// /// All listeners will stop accepting connections when this limit is /// reached. It can be used to limit the global SSL CPU usage. /// /// By default max connections is set to a 256. pub fn maxconnrate(mut self, num: usize) -> Self { self.maxconnrate = num; self } /// Stop actix system. /// /// `SystemExit` message stops currently running system. pub fn system_exit(mut self) -> Self { self.exit = true; self } #[doc(hidden)] /// Set alternative address for `ProcessSignals` actor. pub fn signals(mut self, addr: Addr) -> Self { self.signals = Some(addr); self } /// Disable signal handling pub fn disable_signals(mut self) -> Self { self.no_signals = true; self } /// Timeout for graceful workers shutdown. /// /// After receiving a stop signal, workers have this much time to finish /// serving requests. Workers still alive after the timeout are force /// dropped. /// /// By default shutdown timeout sets to 30 seconds. pub fn shutdown_timeout(mut self, sec: u16) -> Self { self.shutdown_timeout = sec; self } /// Run external configuration as part of the server building /// process /// /// This function is useful for moving parts of configuration to a /// different module or event library. /// /// ```rust /// # extern crate actix_web; /// use actix_web::{fs, middleware, App, HttpResponse}; /// /// // this function could be located in different module /// fn config(app: App) -> App { /// app.resource("/test", |r| { /// r.get().f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok()); /// r.head().f(|_| HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed()); /// }) /// } /// /// fn main() { /// let app = App::new() /// .middleware(middleware::Logger::default()) /// .configure(config) // <- register resources /// .handler("/static", fs::StaticFiles::new(".").unwrap()); /// } /// ``` pub fn configure(self, cfg: F) -> Server where F: Fn(Server) -> Server, { cfg(self) } /// Add new service to server pub fn bind(mut self, addr: U, factory: F) -> io::Result where F: Fn() -> N + Clone + Send + 'static, U: net::ToSocketAddrs, N: NewService + 'static, N::Service: 'static, N::Future: 'static, N::Error: fmt::Display, { let sockets = bind_addr(addr)?; for lst in sockets { self = self.listen(lst, factory.clone()) } Ok(self) } /// Add new service to server pub fn listen(mut self, lst: net::TcpListener, factory: F) -> Self where F: Fn() -> N + Clone + Send + 'static, N: NewService + 'static, N::Service: 'static, N::Future: 'static, N::Error: fmt::Display, { let token = Token(;; self.sockets.push((token, lst)); self } /// Spawn new thread and start listening for incoming connections. /// /// This method spawns new thread and starts new actix system. Other than /// that it is similar to `start()` method. This method blocks. /// /// This methods panics if no socket addresses get bound. /// /// ```rust,ignore /// # extern crate futures; /// # extern crate actix_web; /// # use futures::Future; /// use actix_web::*; /// /// fn main() { /// Server::new(). /// .service( /// HttpServer::new(|| App::new().resource("/", |r| r.h(|_| HttpResponse::Ok()))) /// .bind("") /// .expect("Can not bind to")) /// .run(); /// } /// ``` pub fn run(self) { let sys = System::new("http-server"); self.start();; } /// Starts Server Actor and returns its address pub fn start(mut self) -> Addr { if self.sockets.is_empty() { panic!("Service should have at least one bound socket"); } else { info!("Starting {} http workers", self.threads); // start workers let mut workers = Vec::new(); for idx in 0..self.threads { let (addr, worker) = self.start_worker(idx, self.accept.get_notify()); workers.push(worker); self.workers.push((idx, addr)); } // start accept thread for sock in &self.sockets { info!("Starting server on http://{:?}", sock.1.local_addr().ok()); } let rx = self .accept .start(mem::replace(&mut self.sockets, Vec::new()), workers); // start http server actor let signals = self.subscribe_to_signals(); let addr = Actor::create(move |ctx| { ctx.add_stream(rx); self }); if let Some(signals) = signals { signals.do_send(signal::Subscribe(addr.clone().recipient())) } addr } } // subscribe to os signals fn subscribe_to_signals(&self) -> Option> { if !self.no_signals { if let Some(ref signals) = self.signals { Some(signals.clone()) } else { Some(System::current().registry().get::()) } } else { None } } fn start_worker(&self, idx: usize, notify: AcceptNotify) -> (Addr, WorkerClient) { let (tx, rx) = unbounded::(); let conns = Connections::new(notify, self.maxconn, self.maxconnrate); let worker = WorkerClient::new(idx, tx, conns.clone()); let services: Vec> =|v| v.clone_factory()).collect(); let addr = Arbiter::start(move |ctx: &mut Context<_>| { ctx.add_message_stream(rx); Worker::new(ctx, services) }); (addr, worker) } } impl Actor for Server { type Context = Context; } /// Signals support /// Handle `SIGINT`, `SIGTERM`, `SIGQUIT` signals and stop actix system /// message to `System` actor. impl Handler for Server { type Result = (); fn handle(&mut self, msg: signal::Signal, ctx: &mut Context) { match msg.0 { signal::SignalType::Int => { info!("SIGINT received, exiting"); self.exit = true; Handler::::handle(self, StopServer { graceful: false }, ctx); } signal::SignalType::Term => { info!("SIGTERM received, stopping"); self.exit = true; Handler::::handle(self, StopServer { graceful: true }, ctx); } signal::SignalType::Quit => { info!("SIGQUIT received, exiting"); self.exit = true; Handler::::handle(self, StopServer { graceful: false }, ctx); } _ => (), } } } impl Handler for Server { type Result = (); fn handle(&mut self, _: PauseServer, _: &mut Context) { self.accept.send(Command::Pause); } } impl Handler for Server { type Result = (); fn handle(&mut self, _: ResumeServer, _: &mut Context) { self.accept.send(Command::Resume); } } impl Handler for Server { type Result = Response<(), ()>; fn handle(&mut self, msg: StopServer, ctx: &mut Context) -> Self::Result { // stop accept thread self.accept.send(Command::Stop); // stop workers let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let dur = if msg.graceful { Some(Duration::new(u64::from(self.shutdown_timeout), 0)) } else { None }; for worker in &self.workers { let tx2 = tx.clone(); ctx.spawn( worker .1 .send(StopWorker { graceful: dur }) .into_actor(self) .then(move |_, slf, ctx| { slf.workers.pop(); if slf.workers.is_empty() { let _ = tx2.send(()); // we need to stop system if server was spawned if slf.exit { ctx.run_later(Duration::from_millis(300), |_, _| { System::current().stop(); }); } } fut::ok(()) }), ); } if !self.workers.is_empty() { Response::async(rx.into_future().map(|_| ()).map_err(|_| ())) } else { // we need to stop system if server was spawned if self.exit { ctx.run_later(Duration::from_millis(300), |_, _| { System::current().stop(); }); } Response::reply(Ok(())) } } } /// Commands from accept threads impl StreamHandler for Server { fn finished(&mut self, _: &mut Context) {} fn handle(&mut self, msg: ServerCommand, _: &mut Context) { match msg { ServerCommand::WorkerDied(idx) => { let mut found = false; for i in 0..self.workers.len() { if self.workers[i].0 == idx { self.workers.swap_remove(i); found = true; break; } } if found { error!("Worker has died {:?}, restarting", idx); let mut new_idx = self.workers.len(); 'found: loop { for i in 0..self.workers.len() { if self.workers[i].0 == new_idx { new_idx += 1; continue 'found; } } break; } let (addr, worker) = self.start_worker(new_idx, self.accept.get_notify()); self.workers.push((new_idx, addr)); self.accept.send(Command::Worker(worker)); } } } } } #[derive(Clone, Default)] /// Contains information about connection. pub struct Connections(Arc); impl Connections { fn new(notify: AcceptNotify, maxconn: usize, maxconnrate: usize) -> Self { let maxconn_low = if maxconn > 10 { maxconn - 10 } else { 0 }; let maxconnrate_low = if maxconnrate > 10 { maxconnrate - 10 } else { 0 }; Connections(Arc::new(ConnectionsInner { notify, maxconn, maxconnrate, maxconn_low, maxconnrate_low, conn: AtomicUsize::new(0), connrate: AtomicUsize::new(0), })) } pub(crate) fn available(&self) -> bool { self.0.available() } } #[derive(Default)] struct ConnectionsInner { notify: AcceptNotify, conn: AtomicUsize, connrate: AtomicUsize, maxconn: usize, maxconnrate: usize, maxconn_low: usize, maxconnrate_low: usize, } impl ConnectionsInner { fn available(&self) -> bool { if self.maxconnrate <= self.connrate.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { false } else { self.maxconn > self.conn.load(Ordering::Relaxed) } } fn notify_maxconn(&self, maxconn: usize) { if maxconn > self.maxconn_low && maxconn <= self.maxconn { self.notify.notify(); } } fn notify_maxconnrate(&self, connrate: usize) { if connrate > self.maxconnrate_low && connrate <= self.maxconnrate { self.notify.notify(); } } } fn bind_addr(addr: S) -> io::Result> { let mut err = None; let mut succ = false; let mut sockets = Vec::new(); for addr in addr.to_socket_addrs()? { match create_tcp_listener(addr) { Ok(lst) => { succ = true; sockets.push(lst); } Err(e) => err = Some(e), } } if !succ { if let Some(e) = err.take() { Err(e) } else { Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Can not bind to address.", )) } } else { Ok(sockets) } } fn create_tcp_listener(addr: net::SocketAddr) -> io::Result { let builder = match addr { net::SocketAddr::V4(_) => TcpBuilder::new_v4()?, net::SocketAddr::V6(_) => TcpBuilder::new_v6()?, }; builder.reuse_address(true)?; builder.bind(addr)?; Ok(builder.listen(1024)?) }