use std::time::{self, Duration, Instant}; use actix_service::{NewService, Service, Void}; use futures::future::{ok, FutureResult}; use futures::{Async, Future, Poll}; use tokio_timer::sleep; use super::cell::Cell; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct LowResTime(Cell); #[derive(Debug)] struct Inner { resolution: Duration, current: Option, } impl Inner { fn new(resolution: Duration) -> Self { Inner { resolution, current: None, } } } impl LowResTime { pub fn with(resolution: Duration) -> LowResTime { LowResTime(Cell::new(Inner::new(resolution))) } pub fn timer(&self) -> LowResTimeService { LowResTimeService(self.0.clone()) } } impl Default for LowResTime { fn default() -> Self { LowResTime(Cell::new(Inner::new(Duration::from_secs(1)))) } } impl NewService<()> for LowResTime { type Response = Instant; type Error = Void; type InitError = Void; type Service = LowResTimeService; type Future = FutureResult; fn new_service(&self, _: &()) -> Self::Future { ok(self.timer()) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct LowResTimeService(Cell); impl LowResTimeService { pub fn with(resolution: Duration) -> LowResTimeService { LowResTimeService(Cell::new(Inner::new(resolution))) } /// Get current time. This function has to be called from /// future's poll method, otherwise it panics. pub fn now(&self) -> Instant { let cur = self.0.get_ref().current; if let Some(cur) = cur { cur } else { let now = Instant::now(); let mut inner = self.0.clone(); let interval = { let mut b = inner.get_mut(); b.current = Some(now); b.resolution }; tokio_current_thread::spawn(sleep(interval).map_err(|_| panic!()).and_then( move |_| { inner.get_mut().current.take(); Ok(()) }, )); now } } } impl Service<()> for LowResTimeService { type Response = Instant; type Error = Void; type Future = FutureResult; fn poll_ready(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Self::Error> { Ok(Async::Ready(())) } fn call(&mut self, _: ()) -> Self::Future { ok( } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct SystemTime(Cell); #[derive(Debug)] struct SystemTimeInner { resolution: Duration, current: Option, } impl SystemTimeInner { fn new(resolution: Duration) -> Self { SystemTimeInner { resolution, current: None, } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct SystemTimeService(Cell); impl SystemTimeService { pub fn with(resolution: Duration) -> SystemTimeService { SystemTimeService(Cell::new(SystemTimeInner::new(resolution))) } /// Get current time. This function has to be called from /// future's poll method, otherwise it panics. pub fn now(&self) -> time::SystemTime { let cur = self.0.get_ref().current; if let Some(cur) = cur { cur } else { let now = time::SystemTime::now(); let mut inner = self.0.clone(); let interval = { let mut b = inner.get_mut(); b.current = Some(now); b.resolution }; tokio_current_thread::spawn(sleep(interval).map_err(|_| panic!()).and_then( move |_| { inner.get_mut().current.take(); Ok(()) }, )); now } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use futures::future; use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime}; /// State Under Test: Two calls of `SystemTimeService::now()` return the same value if they are done within resolution interval of `SystemTimeService`. /// /// Expected Behavior: Two back-to-back calls of `SystemTimeService::now()` return the same value. #[test] fn system_time_service_time_does_not_immediately_change() { let resolution = Duration::from_millis(50); let _ = actix_rt::System::new("test").block_on(future::lazy(|| { let time_service = SystemTimeService::with(resolution); assert_eq!(,; Ok::<(), ()>(()) })); } /// State Under Test: Two calls of `LowResTimeService::now()` return the same value if they are done within resolution interval of `SystemTimeService`. /// /// Expected Behavior: Two back-to-back calls of `LowResTimeService::now()` return the same value. #[test] fn lowres_time_service_time_does_not_immediately_change() { let resolution = Duration::from_millis(50); let _ = actix_rt::System::new("test").block_on(future::lazy(|| { let time_service = LowResTimeService::with(resolution); assert_eq!(,; Ok::<(), ()>(()) })); } /// State Under Test: `SystemTimeService::now()` updates returned value every resolution period. /// /// Expected Behavior: Two calls of `LowResTimeService::now()` made in subsequent resolution interval return different values /// and second value is greater than the first one at least by a resolution interval. #[test] fn system_time_service_time_updates_after_resolution_interval() { let resolution = Duration::from_millis(100); let wait_time = Duration::from_millis(150); let _ = actix_rt::System::new("test").block_on(future::lazy(|| { let time_service = SystemTimeService::with(resolution); let first_time = time_service .now() .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .unwrap(); sleep(wait_time).then(move |_| { let second_time = time_service .now() .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .unwrap(); assert!(second_time - first_time >= wait_time); Ok::<(), ()>(()) }) })); } /// State Under Test: `LowResTimeService::now()` updates returned value every resolution period. /// /// Expected Behavior: Two calls of `LowResTimeService::now()` made in subsequent resolution interval return different values /// and second value is greater than the first one at least by a resolution interval. #[test] fn lowres_time_service_time_updates_after_resolution_interval() { let resolution = Duration::from_millis(100); let wait_time = Duration::from_millis(150); let _ = actix_rt::System::new("test").block_on(future::lazy(|| { let time_service = LowResTimeService::with(resolution); let first_time =; sleep(wait_time).then(move |_| { let second_time =; assert!(second_time - first_time >= wait_time); Ok::<(), ()>(()) }) })); } }