//! Task-notifying counter. use core::{cell::Cell, fmt, task}; use std::rc::Rc; use local_waker::LocalWaker; /// Simple counter with ability to notify task on reaching specific number /// /// Counter could be cloned, total n-count is shared across all clones. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Counter(Rc); impl Counter { /// Create `Counter` instance with max value. pub fn new(capacity: usize) -> Self { Counter(Rc::new(CounterInner { capacity, count: Cell::new(0), task: LocalWaker::new(), })) } /// Create new counter guard, incrementing the counter. pub fn get(&self) -> CounterGuard { CounterGuard::new(self.0.clone()) } /// Returns true if counter is below capacity. Otherwise, register to wake task when it is. pub fn available(&self, cx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> bool { self.0.available(cx) } /// Get total number of acquired guards. pub fn total(&self) -> usize { self.0.count.get() } } struct CounterInner { count: Cell, capacity: usize, task: LocalWaker, } impl CounterInner { fn inc(&self) { self.count.set(self.count.get() + 1); } fn dec(&self) { let num = self.count.get(); self.count.set(num - 1); if num == self.capacity { self.task.wake(); } } fn available(&self, cx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> bool { if self.count.get() < self.capacity { true } else { self.task.register(cx.waker()); false } } } impl fmt::Debug for CounterInner { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Counter") .field("count", &self.count.get()) .field("capacity", &self.capacity) .field("task", &self.task) .finish() } } /// An RAII structure that keeps the underlying counter incremented until this guard is dropped. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CounterGuard(Rc); impl CounterGuard { fn new(inner: Rc) -> Self { inner.inc(); CounterGuard(inner) } } impl Unpin for CounterGuard {} impl Drop for CounterGuard { fn drop(&mut self) { self.0.dec(); } }