//! A UTF-8 encoded read-only string using Bytes as storage. #![no_std] #![deny(rust_2018_idioms, nonstandard_style)] #![warn(future_incompatible, missing_docs)] extern crate alloc; use alloc::{ boxed::Box, string::{String, ToString}, vec::Vec, }; use core::{borrow::Borrow, convert::TryFrom, fmt, hash, ops, str}; use bytes::Bytes; /// An immutable UTF-8 encoded string with [`Bytes`] as a storage. #[derive(Clone, Default, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub struct ByteString(Bytes); impl ByteString { /// Creates a new empty `ByteString`. pub const fn new() -> Self { ByteString(Bytes::new()) } /// Get a reference to the underlying `Bytes` object. pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &Bytes { &self.0 } /// Unwraps this `ByteString` into the underlying `Bytes` object. pub fn into_bytes(self) -> Bytes { self.0 } /// Creates a new `ByteString` from a `&'static str`. pub const fn from_static(src: &'static str) -> ByteString { Self(Bytes::from_static(src.as_bytes())) } /// Creates a new `ByteString` from a Bytes. /// /// # Safety /// This function is unsafe because it does not check the bytes passed to it are valid UTF-8. /// If this constraint is violated, it may cause memory unsafety issues with future users of /// the `ByteString`, as we assume that `ByteString`s are valid UTF-8. However, the most likely /// issue is that the data gets corrupted. pub const unsafe fn from_bytes_unchecked(src: Bytes) -> ByteString { Self(src) } /// Returns a new byte string that is equivalent to the given `subset`. /// /// When processing a `ByteString` buffer with other tools, one often gets a `&str` which is in /// fact a slice of the original `ByteString`; i.e., a subset of it. This function turns that /// `&str` into another `ByteString`, as if one had sliced the `ByteString` with the offsets /// that correspond to `subset`. /// /// Corresponds to [`Bytes::slice_ref`]. /// /// This operation is `O(1)`. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if `subset` is not a sub-slice of this byte string. /// /// Note that strings which are only subsets from an equality perspective do not uphold this /// requirement; see examples. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// # use bytestring::ByteString; /// let string = ByteString::from_static(" foo "); /// let subset = string.trim(); /// let substring = string.slice_ref(subset); /// assert_eq!(substring, "foo"); /// ``` /// /// ```should_panic /// # use bytestring::ByteString; /// // panics because the given slice is not derived from the original byte string, despite /// // being a logical subset of the string /// ByteString::from_static("foo bar").slice_ref("foo"); /// ``` pub fn slice_ref(&self, subset: &str) -> Self { Self(self.0.slice_ref(subset.as_bytes())) } } impl PartialEq for ByteString { fn eq(&self, other: &str) -> bool { &self[..] == other } } impl> PartialEq for ByteString { fn eq(&self, other: &T) -> bool { &self[..] == other.as_ref() } } impl AsRef for ByteString { fn as_ref(&self) -> &ByteString { self } } impl AsRef<[u8]> for ByteString { fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] { self.0.as_ref() } } impl AsRef for ByteString { fn as_ref(&self) -> &str { self } } impl hash::Hash for ByteString { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { (**self).hash(state); } } impl ops::Deref for ByteString { type Target = str; #[inline] fn deref(&self) -> &str { let bytes = self.0.as_ref(); // SAFETY: UTF-8 validity is guaranteed during construction. unsafe { str::from_utf8_unchecked(bytes) } } } impl Borrow for ByteString { fn borrow(&self) -> &str { self } } impl From for ByteString { #[inline] fn from(value: String) -> Self { Self(Bytes::from(value)) } } impl From<&str> for ByteString { #[inline] fn from(value: &str) -> Self { Self(Bytes::copy_from_slice(value.as_ref())) } } impl From> for ByteString { #[inline] fn from(value: Box) -> Self { Self(Bytes::from(value.into_boxed_bytes())) } } impl From for String { #[inline] fn from(value: ByteString) -> Self { value.to_string() } } impl TryFrom<&[u8]> for ByteString { type Error = str::Utf8Error; #[inline] fn try_from(value: &[u8]) -> Result { let _ = str::from_utf8(value)?; Ok(ByteString(Bytes::copy_from_slice(value))) } } impl TryFrom> for ByteString { type Error = str::Utf8Error; #[inline] fn try_from(value: Vec) -> Result { let buf = String::from_utf8(value).map_err(|err| err.utf8_error())?; Ok(ByteString(Bytes::from(buf))) } } impl TryFrom for ByteString { type Error = str::Utf8Error; #[inline] fn try_from(value: Bytes) -> Result { let _ = str::from_utf8(value.as_ref())?; Ok(ByteString(value)) } } impl TryFrom for ByteString { type Error = str::Utf8Error; #[inline] fn try_from(value: bytes::BytesMut) -> Result { let _ = str::from_utf8(&value)?; Ok(ByteString(value.freeze())) } } macro_rules! array_impls { ($($len:expr)+) => { $( impl TryFrom<[u8; $len]> for ByteString { type Error = str::Utf8Error; #[inline] fn try_from(value: [u8; $len]) -> Result { ByteString::try_from(&value[..]) } } impl TryFrom<&[u8; $len]> for ByteString { type Error = str::Utf8Error; #[inline] fn try_from(value: &[u8; $len]) -> Result { ByteString::try_from(&value[..]) } } )+ } } array_impls!(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32); impl fmt::Debug for ByteString { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { (**self).fmt(fmt) } } impl fmt::Display for ByteString { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { (**self).fmt(fmt) } } #[cfg(feature = "serde")] mod serde { use alloc::string::String; use serde::{ de::{Deserialize, Deserializer}, ser::{Serialize, Serializer}, }; use super::ByteString; impl Serialize for ByteString { #[inline] fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result where S: Serializer, { serializer.serialize_str(self.as_ref()) } } impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for ByteString { #[inline] fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'de>, { String::deserialize(deserializer).map(ByteString::from) } } #[cfg(test)] mod serde_impl_tests { use serde::de::DeserializeOwned; use static_assertions::assert_impl_all; use super::*; assert_impl_all!(ByteString: Serialize, DeserializeOwned); } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use alloc::{borrow::ToOwned, format, vec}; use core::{ hash::{Hash, Hasher}, panic::{RefUnwindSafe, UnwindSafe}, }; use ahash::AHasher; use static_assertions::assert_impl_all; use super::*; assert_impl_all!(ByteString: Send, Sync, Unpin, Sized); assert_impl_all!(ByteString: Clone, Default, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord); assert_impl_all!(ByteString: fmt::Debug, fmt::Display); assert_impl_all!(ByteString: UnwindSafe, RefUnwindSafe); #[test] fn eq() { let s: ByteString = ByteString::from_static("test"); assert_eq!(s, "test"); assert_eq!(s, *"test"); assert_eq!(s, "test".to_owned()); } #[test] fn new() { let _: ByteString = ByteString::new(); } #[test] fn as_bytes() { let buf = ByteString::new(); assert!(buf.as_bytes().is_empty()); let buf = ByteString::from("hello"); assert_eq!(buf.as_bytes(), "hello"); } #[test] fn from_bytes_unchecked() { let buf = unsafe { ByteString::from_bytes_unchecked(Bytes::new()) }; assert!(buf.is_empty()); let buf = unsafe { ByteString::from_bytes_unchecked(Bytes::from("hello")) }; assert_eq!(buf, "hello"); } #[test] fn as_ref() { let buf = ByteString::new(); let _: &ByteString = buf.as_ref(); let _: &[u8] = buf.as_ref(); } #[test] fn borrow() { let buf = ByteString::new(); let _: &str = buf.borrow(); } #[test] fn hash() { let mut hasher1 = AHasher::default(); "str".hash(&mut hasher1); let mut hasher2 = AHasher::default(); let s = ByteString::from_static("str"); s.hash(&mut hasher2); assert_eq!(hasher1.finish(), hasher2.finish()); } #[test] fn from_string() { let s: ByteString = "hello".to_owned().into(); assert_eq!(&s, "hello"); let t: &str = s.as_ref(); assert_eq!(t, "hello"); } #[test] fn from_str() { let _: ByteString = "str".into(); let _: ByteString = "str".to_owned().into_boxed_str().into(); } #[test] fn to_string() { let buf = ByteString::from("foo"); assert_eq!(String::from(buf), "foo"); } #[test] fn from_static_str() { static _S: ByteString = ByteString::from_static("hello"); let _ = ByteString::from_static("str"); } #[test] fn try_from_slice() { let _ = ByteString::try_from(b"nice bytes").unwrap(); } #[test] fn try_from_array() { assert_eq!( ByteString::try_from([b'h', b'i']).unwrap(), ByteString::from_static("hi") ); } #[test] fn try_from_vec() { let _ = ByteString::try_from(vec![b'f', b'o', b'o']).unwrap(); ByteString::try_from(vec![0, 159, 146, 150]).unwrap_err(); } #[test] fn try_from_bytes() { let _ = ByteString::try_from(Bytes::from_static(b"nice bytes")).unwrap(); } #[test] fn try_from_bytes_mut() { let _ = ByteString::try_from(bytes::BytesMut::from(&b"nice bytes"[..])).unwrap(); } #[test] fn display() { let buf = ByteString::from("bar"); assert_eq!(format!("{buf}"), "bar"); } #[test] fn debug() { let buf = ByteString::from("baz"); assert_eq!(format!("{buf:?}"), r#""baz""#); } #[cfg(feature = "serde")] #[test] fn serialize() { let s: ByteString = serde_json::from_str(r#""nice bytes""#).unwrap(); assert_eq!(s, "nice bytes"); } #[cfg(feature = "serde")] #[test] fn deserialize() { let s = serde_json::to_string(&ByteString::from_static("nice bytes")).unwrap(); assert_eq!(s, r#""nice bytes""#); } #[test] fn slice_ref() { let string = ByteString::from_static(" foo "); let subset = string.trim(); // subset is derived from original byte string let substring = string.slice_ref(subset); assert_eq!(substring, "foo"); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn slice_ref_catches_not_a_subset() { // panics because the given slice is not derived from the original byte string, despite // being a logical subset of the string ByteString::from_static("foo bar").slice_ref("foo"); } }