use std::{ thread, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use actix_rt::{Arbiter, System}; #[test] fn await_for_timer() { let time = Duration::from_secs(1); let instant = Instant::now(); actix_rt::System::new("test_wait_timer").block_on(async move { tokio::time::sleep(time).await; }); assert!( instant.elapsed() >= time, "Block on should poll awaited future to completion" ); } #[test] fn join_another_arbiter() { let time = Duration::from_secs(1); let instant = Instant::now(); actix_rt::System::new("test_join_another_arbiter").block_on(async move { let mut arbiter = actix_rt::Arbiter::new(); arbiter.spawn(Box::pin(async move { tokio::time::sleep(time).await; actix_rt::Arbiter::current().stop(); })); arbiter.join().unwrap(); }); assert!( instant.elapsed() >= time, "Join on another arbiter should complete only when it calls stop" ); let instant = Instant::now(); actix_rt::System::new("test_join_another_arbiter").block_on(async move { let mut arbiter = actix_rt::Arbiter::new(); arbiter.spawn_fn(move || { actix_rt::spawn(async move { tokio::time::sleep(time).await; actix_rt::Arbiter::current().stop(); }); }); arbiter.join().unwrap(); }); assert!( instant.elapsed() >= time, "Join on a arbiter that has used actix_rt::spawn should wait for said future" ); let instant = Instant::now(); actix_rt::System::new("test_join_another_arbiter").block_on(async move { let mut arbiter = actix_rt::Arbiter::new(); arbiter.spawn(Box::pin(async move { tokio::time::sleep(time).await; actix_rt::Arbiter::current().stop(); })); arbiter.stop(); arbiter.join().unwrap(); }); assert!( instant.elapsed() < time, "Premature stop of arbiter should conclude regardless of it's current state" ); } #[test] fn non_static_block_on() { let string = String::from("test_str"); let str = string.as_str(); let sys = actix_rt::System::new("borrow some"); sys.block_on(async { actix_rt::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1)).await; assert_eq!("test_str", str); }); let rt = actix_rt::Runtime::new().unwrap(); rt.block_on(async { actix_rt::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1)).await; assert_eq!("test_str", str); }); actix_rt::System::run(|| { assert_eq!("test_str", str); actix_rt::System::current().stop(); }) .unwrap(); } #[test] fn wait_for_spawns() { let rt = actix_rt::Runtime::new().unwrap(); let handle = rt.spawn(async { println!("running on the runtime"); // assertion panic is caught at task boundary assert_eq!(1, 2); }); assert!(rt.block_on(handle).is_err()); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn arbiter_drop_panic_fn() { let _ = System::new("test-system"); let mut arbiter = Arbiter::new(); arbiter.spawn_fn(|| panic!("test")); arbiter.join().unwrap(); } #[test] fn arbiter_drop_no_panic_fut() { use futures_util::future::lazy; let _ = System::new("test-system"); let mut arbiter = Arbiter::new(); arbiter.spawn(lazy(|_| panic!("test"))); let arb = arbiter.clone(); let thread = thread::spawn(move || { thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)); arb.stop(); }); arbiter.join().unwrap(); thread.join().unwrap(); }