use std::{ future::Future, io, mem, pin::Pin, rc::Rc, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}, Arc, }, task::{Context, Poll}, time::Duration, }; use actix_rt::{ spawn, time::{sleep, Instant, Sleep}, Arbiter, ArbiterHandle, System, }; use futures_core::{future::LocalBoxFuture, ready}; use log::{error, info, trace}; use tokio::sync::{ mpsc::{unbounded_channel, UnboundedReceiver, UnboundedSender}, oneshot, }; use crate::{ service::{BoxedServerService, InternalServiceFactory}, socket::MioStream, waker_queue::{WakerInterest, WakerQueue}, }; /// Stop worker message. Returns `true` on successful graceful shutdown /// and `false` if some connections still alive when shutdown execute. pub(crate) struct Stop { graceful: bool, tx: oneshot::Sender, } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct Conn { pub io: MioStream, pub token: usize, } /// Create accept and server worker handles. fn handle_pair( idx: usize, conn_tx: UnboundedSender, stop_tx: UnboundedSender, counter: Counter, ) -> (WorkerHandleAccept, WorkerHandleServer) { let accept = WorkerHandleAccept { idx, conn_tx, counter, }; let server = WorkerHandleServer { idx, stop_tx }; (accept, server) } /// counter: Arc field is owned by `Accept` thread and `ServerWorker` thread. /// /// `Accept` would increment the counter and `ServerWorker` would decrement it. /// /// # Atomic Ordering: /// /// `Accept` always look into it's cached `Availability` field for `ServerWorker` state. /// It lazily increment counter after successful dispatching new work to `ServerWorker`. /// On reaching counter limit `Accept` update it's cached `Availability` and mark worker as /// unable to accept any work. /// /// `ServerWorker` always decrement the counter when every work received from `Accept` is done. /// On reaching counter limit worker would use `mio::Waker` and `WakerQueue` to wake up `Accept` /// and notify it to update cached `Availability` again to mark worker as able to accept work again. /// /// Hence, a wake up would only happen after `Accept` increment it to limit. /// And a decrement to limit always wake up `Accept`. #[derive(Clone)] pub(crate) struct Counter { counter: Arc, limit: usize, } impl Counter { pub(crate) fn new(limit: usize) -> Self { Self { counter: Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(1)), limit, } } /// Increment counter by 1 and return true when hitting limit #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn inc(&self) -> bool { self.counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed) != self.limit } /// Decrement counter by 1 and return true if crossing limit. #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn dec(&self) -> bool { self.counter.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed) == self.limit } pub(crate) fn total(&self) -> usize { self.counter.load(Ordering::SeqCst) - 1 } } pub(crate) struct WorkerCounter { idx: usize, inner: Rc<(WakerQueue, Counter)>, } impl Clone for WorkerCounter { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self { idx: self.idx, inner: self.inner.clone(), } } } impl WorkerCounter { pub(crate) fn new(idx: usize, waker_queue: WakerQueue, counter: Counter) -> Self { Self { idx, inner: Rc::new((waker_queue, counter)), } } #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn guard(&self) -> WorkerCounterGuard { WorkerCounterGuard(self.clone()) } fn total(&self) -> usize { } } pub(crate) struct WorkerCounterGuard(WorkerCounter); impl Drop for WorkerCounterGuard { fn drop(&mut self) { let (waker_queue, counter) = &*self.0.inner; if counter.dec() { waker_queue.wake(WakerInterest::WorkerAvailable(self.0.idx)); } } } /// Handle to worker that can send connection message to worker and share the availability of worker /// to other threads. /// /// Held by [Accept](crate::accept::Accept). pub(crate) struct WorkerHandleAccept { idx: usize, conn_tx: UnboundedSender, counter: Counter, } impl WorkerHandleAccept { #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn idx(&self) -> usize { self.idx } #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn send(&self, conn: Conn) -> Result<(), Conn> { self.conn_tx.send(conn).map_err(|msg| msg.0) } #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn inc_counter(&self) -> bool { } } /// Handle to worker than can send stop message to worker. /// /// Held by [ServerBuilder](crate::builder::ServerBuilder). #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct WorkerHandleServer { pub(crate) idx: usize, stop_tx: UnboundedSender, } impl WorkerHandleServer { pub(crate) fn stop(&self, graceful: bool) -> oneshot::Receiver { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let _ = self.stop_tx.send(Stop { graceful, tx }); rx } } /// Service worker. /// /// Worker accepts Socket objects via unbounded channel and starts stream processing. pub(crate) struct ServerWorker { // UnboundedReceiver should always be the first field. // It must be dropped as soon as ServerWorker dropping. conn_rx: UnboundedReceiver, stop_rx: UnboundedReceiver, counter: WorkerCounter, services: Box<[WorkerService]>, factories: Box<[Box]>, state: WorkerState, shutdown_timeout: Duration, } struct WorkerService { factory_idx: usize, status: WorkerServiceStatus, service: BoxedServerService, } impl WorkerService { fn created(&mut self, service: BoxedServerService) { self.service = service; self.status = WorkerServiceStatus::Unavailable; } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] enum WorkerServiceStatus { Available, Unavailable, Failed, Restarting, Stopping, Stopped, } impl Default for WorkerServiceStatus { fn default() -> Self { Self::Unavailable } } /// Config for worker behavior passed down from server builder. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub(crate) struct ServerWorkerConfig { shutdown_timeout: Duration, max_blocking_threads: usize, max_concurrent_connections: usize, } impl Default for ServerWorkerConfig { fn default() -> Self { // 512 is the default max blocking thread count of tokio runtime. let max_blocking_threads = std::cmp::max(512 / num_cpus::get(), 1); Self { shutdown_timeout: Duration::from_secs(30), max_blocking_threads, max_concurrent_connections: 25600, } } } impl ServerWorkerConfig { pub(crate) fn max_blocking_threads(&mut self, num: usize) { self.max_blocking_threads = num; } pub(crate) fn max_concurrent_connections(&mut self, num: usize) { self.max_concurrent_connections = num; } pub(crate) fn shutdown_timeout(&mut self, dur: Duration) { self.shutdown_timeout = dur; } } impl ServerWorker { pub(crate) fn start( idx: usize, factories: Vec>, waker_queue: WakerQueue, config: ServerWorkerConfig, ) -> io::Result<(WorkerHandleAccept, WorkerHandleServer)> { trace!("starting server worker {}", idx); let (tx1, conn_rx) = unbounded_channel(); let (tx2, stop_rx) = unbounded_channel(); let counter = Counter::new(config.max_concurrent_connections); let pair = handle_pair(idx, tx1, tx2, counter.clone()); // get actix system context if it is set let actix_system = System::try_current(); // get tokio runtime handle if it is set let tokio_handle = tokio::runtime::Handle::try_current().ok(); // service factories initialization channel let (factory_tx, factory_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel::>(1); // outline of following code: // // if system exists // if uring enabled // start arbiter using uring method // else // start arbiter with regular tokio // else // if uring enabled // start uring in spawned thread // else // start regular tokio in spawned thread // every worker runs in it's own thread and tokio runtime. // use a custom tokio runtime builder to change the settings of runtime. match (actix_system, tokio_handle) { (None, None) => { panic!("No runtime detected. Start a Tokio (or Actix) runtime."); } // no actix system (None, Some(rt_handle)) => { std::thread::Builder::new() .name(format!("actix-server worker {}", idx)) .spawn(move || { let (worker_stopped_tx, worker_stopped_rx) = oneshot::channel(); // local set for running service init futures and worker services let ls = tokio::task::LocalSet::new(); // init services using existing Tokio runtime (so probably on main thread) let services = rt_handle.block_on(ls.run_until(async { let mut services = Vec::new(); for (idx, factory) in factories.iter().enumerate() { match factory.create().await { Ok((token, svc)) => services.push((idx, token, svc)), Err(err) => { error!("Can not start worker: {:?}", err); return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("can not start server service {}", idx), )); } } } Ok(services) })); let services = match services { Ok(services) => { factory_tx.send(Ok(())).unwrap(); services } Err(err) => { factory_tx.send(Err(err)).unwrap(); return; } }; let worker_services = wrap_worker_services(services); let worker_fut = async move { // spawn to make sure ServerWorker runs as non boxed future. spawn(async move { ServerWorker { conn_rx, stop_rx, services: worker_services.into_boxed_slice(), counter: WorkerCounter::new(idx, waker_queue, counter), factories: factories.into_boxed_slice(), state: WorkerState::default(), shutdown_timeout: config.shutdown_timeout, } .await; // wake up outermost task waiting for shutdown worker_stopped_tx.send(()).unwrap(); }); worker_stopped_rx.await.unwrap(); }; #[cfg(all(target_os = "linux", feature = "io-uring"))] { // TODO: pass max blocking thread config when tokio-uring enable configuration // on building runtime. let _ = config.max_blocking_threads; tokio_uring::start(worker_fut); } #[cfg(not(all(target_os = "linux", feature = "io-uring")))] { let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread() .enable_all() .max_blocking_threads(config.max_blocking_threads) .build() .unwrap(); rt.block_on(ls.run_until(worker_fut)); } }) .expect("cannot spawn server worker thread"); } // with actix system (Some(_sys), _) => { #[cfg(all(target_os = "linux", feature = "io-uring"))] let arbiter = { // TODO: pass max blocking thread config when tokio-uring enable configuration // on building runtime. let _ = config.max_blocking_threads; Arbiter::new() }; #[cfg(not(all(target_os = "linux", feature = "io-uring")))] let arbiter = { Arbiter::with_tokio_rt(move || { tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread() .enable_all() .max_blocking_threads(config.max_blocking_threads) .build() .unwrap() }) }; arbiter.spawn(async move { // spawn_local to run !Send future tasks. spawn(async move { let mut services = Vec::new(); for (idx, factory) in factories.iter().enumerate() { match factory.create().await { Ok((token, svc)) => services.push((idx, token, svc)), Err(err) => { error!("Can not start worker: {:?}", err); Arbiter::current().stop(); factory_tx .send(Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("can not start server service {}", idx), ))) .unwrap(); return; } } } factory_tx.send(Ok(())).unwrap(); let worker_services = wrap_worker_services(services); // spawn to make sure ServerWorker runs as non boxed future. spawn(ServerWorker { conn_rx, stop_rx, services: worker_services.into_boxed_slice(), counter: WorkerCounter::new(idx, waker_queue, counter), factories: factories.into_boxed_slice(), state: Default::default(), shutdown_timeout: config.shutdown_timeout, }); }); }); } }; // wait for service factories initialization factory_rx.recv().unwrap()?; Ok(pair) } fn restart_service(&mut self, idx: usize, factory_id: usize) { let factory = &self.factories[factory_id]; trace!("Service {:?} failed, restarting",;[idx].status = WorkerServiceStatus::Restarting; self.state = WorkerState::Restarting(Restart { factory_id, token: idx, fut: factory.create(), }); } fn shutdown(&mut self, force: bool) { .iter_mut() .filter(|srv| srv.status == WorkerServiceStatus::Available) .for_each(|srv| { srv.status = if force { WorkerServiceStatus::Stopped } else { WorkerServiceStatus::Stopping }; }); } fn check_readiness(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Result { let mut ready = true; for (idx, srv) in { if srv.status == WorkerServiceStatus::Available || srv.status == WorkerServiceStatus::Unavailable { match srv.service.poll_ready(cx) { Poll::Ready(Ok(_)) => { if srv.status == WorkerServiceStatus::Unavailable { trace!( "Service {:?} is available", self.factories[srv.factory_idx].name(idx) ); srv.status = WorkerServiceStatus::Available; } } Poll::Pending => { ready = false; if srv.status == WorkerServiceStatus::Available { trace!( "Service {:?} is unavailable", self.factories[srv.factory_idx].name(idx) ); srv.status = WorkerServiceStatus::Unavailable; } } Poll::Ready(Err(_)) => { error!( "Service {:?} readiness check returned error, restarting", self.factories[srv.factory_idx].name(idx) ); srv.status = WorkerServiceStatus::Failed; return Err((idx, srv.factory_idx)); } } } } Ok(ready) } } enum WorkerState { Available, Unavailable, Restarting(Restart), Shutdown(Shutdown), } struct Restart { factory_id: usize, token: usize, fut: LocalBoxFuture<'static, Result<(usize, BoxedServerService), ()>>, } /// State necessary for server shutdown. struct Shutdown { // Interval for checking the shutdown progress. timer: Pin>, /// Start time of shutdown. start_from: Instant, /// Notify caller of the shutdown outcome (graceful/force). tx: oneshot::Sender, } impl Default for WorkerState { fn default() -> Self { Self::Unavailable } } impl Drop for ServerWorker { fn drop(&mut self) { Arbiter::try_current().as_ref().map(ArbiterHandle::stop); } } impl Future for ServerWorker { type Output = (); fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { let this = self.as_mut().get_mut(); // `StopWorker` message handler if let Poll::Ready(Some(Stop { graceful, tx })) = Pin::new(&mut this.stop_rx).poll_recv(cx) { let num =; if num == 0 { info!("Shutting down idle worker"); let _ = tx.send(true); return Poll::Ready(()); } else if graceful { info!("Graceful worker shutdown; finishing {} connections", num); this.shutdown(false); this.state = WorkerState::Shutdown(Shutdown { timer: Box::pin(sleep(Duration::from_secs(1))), start_from: Instant::now(), tx, }); } else { info!("Force shutdown worker, closing {} connections", num); this.shutdown(true); let _ = tx.send(false); return Poll::Ready(()); } } match this.state { WorkerState::Unavailable => match this.check_readiness(cx) { Ok(true) => { this.state = WorkerState::Available; self.poll(cx) } Ok(false) => Poll::Pending, Err((token, idx)) => { this.restart_service(token, idx); self.poll(cx) } }, WorkerState::Restarting(ref mut restart) => { let factory_id = restart.factory_id; let token = restart.token; let (token_new, service) = ready!(restart.fut.as_mut().poll(cx)) .unwrap_or_else(|_| { panic!( "Can not restart {:?} service", this.factories[factory_id].name(token) ) }); assert_eq!(token, token_new); trace!( "Service {:?} has been restarted", this.factories[factory_id].name(token) );[token].created(service); this.state = WorkerState::Unavailable; self.poll(cx) } WorkerState::Shutdown(ref mut shutdown) => { // drop all pending connections in rx channel. while let Poll::Ready(Some(conn)) = Pin::new(&mut this.conn_rx).poll_recv(cx) { // WorkerCounterGuard is needed as Accept thread has incremented counter. // It's guard's job to decrement the counter together with drop of Conn. let guard = this.counter.guard(); drop((conn, guard)); } // wait for 1 second ready!(shutdown.timer.as_mut().poll(cx)); if == 0 { // graceful shutdown if let WorkerState::Shutdown(shutdown) = mem::take(&mut this.state) { let _ = shutdown.tx.send(true); } Poll::Ready(()) } else if shutdown.start_from.elapsed() >= this.shutdown_timeout { // timeout forceful shutdown if let WorkerState::Shutdown(shutdown) = mem::take(&mut this.state) { let _ = shutdown.tx.send(false); } Poll::Ready(()) } else { // reset timer and wait for 1 second let time = Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(1); shutdown.timer.as_mut().reset(time); shutdown.timer.as_mut().poll(cx) } } // actively poll stream and handle worker command WorkerState::Available => loop { match this.check_readiness(cx) { Ok(true) => {} Ok(false) => { trace!("Worker is unavailable"); this.state = WorkerState::Unavailable; return self.poll(cx); } Err((token, idx)) => { this.restart_service(token, idx); return self.poll(cx); } } // handle incoming io stream match ready!(Pin::new(&mut this.conn_rx).poll_recv(cx)) { Some(msg) => { let guard = this.counter.guard(); let _ =[msg.token],; } None => return Poll::Ready(()), }; }, } } } fn wrap_worker_services( services: Vec<(usize, usize, BoxedServerService)>, ) -> Vec { services .into_iter() .fold(Vec::new(), |mut services, (idx, token, service)| { assert_eq!(token, services.len()); services.push(WorkerService { factory_idx: idx, service, status: WorkerServiceStatus::Unavailable, }); services }) }