mirror of https://github.com/fafhrd91/actix-net synced 2024-12-18 21:13:12 +01:00
2019-11-18 18:28:54 +06:00

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use std::future::Future;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
use actix_codec::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, Decoder, Encoder};
use actix_service::{IntoService, IntoServiceFactory, Service, ServiceFactory};
use either::Either;
use futures::future::{FutureExt, LocalBoxFuture};
use crate::connect::{Connect, ConnectResult};
use crate::dispatcher::FramedDispatcher;
use crate::error::ServiceError;
use crate::item::Item;
use crate::state::State;
type RequestItem<S, U> = Item<S, U>;
type ResponseItem<U> = Option<<U as Encoder>::Item>;
/// Service builder - structure that follows the builder pattern
/// for building instances for framed services.
pub struct Builder<St, Codec>(PhantomData<(St, Codec)>);
impl<St, Codec> Builder<St, Codec> {
pub fn new() -> Builder<St, Codec> {
/// Construct framed handler service with specified connect service
pub fn service<Io, C, F>(self, connect: F) -> ServiceBuilder<St, C, Io, Codec>
F: IntoService<C>,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
C: Service<Request = Connect<Io>, Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>>,
Codec: Decoder + Encoder + Unpin,
ServiceBuilder {
connect: connect.into_service(),
disconnect: None,
_t: PhantomData,
/// Construct framed handler new service with specified connect service
pub fn factory<Io, C, F>(self, connect: F) -> NewServiceBuilder<St, C, Io, Codec>
F: IntoServiceFactory<C>,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
C: ServiceFactory<
Config = (),
Request = Connect<Io>,
Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>,
C::Error: 'static,
C::Future: 'static,
Codec: Decoder + Encoder + Unpin,
NewServiceBuilder {
connect: connect.into_factory(),
disconnect: None,
_t: PhantomData,
pub struct ServiceBuilder<St, C, Io, Codec> {
connect: C,
disconnect: Option<Rc<dyn Fn(&mut St, bool)>>,
_t: PhantomData<(St, Io, Codec)>,
impl<St, C, Io, Codec> ServiceBuilder<St, C, Io, Codec>
St: 'static,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
C: Service<Request = Connect<Io>, Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>>,
C::Error: 'static,
C::Future: Unpin,
Codec: Decoder + Encoder + Unpin,
<Codec as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<Codec as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
/// Callback to execute on disconnect
/// Second parameter indicates error occured during disconnect.
pub fn disconnect<F, Out>(mut self, disconnect: F) -> Self
F: Fn(&mut St, bool) + 'static,
self.disconnect = Some(Rc::new(disconnect));
/// Provide stream items handler service and construct service factory.
pub fn finish<F, T>(self, service: F) -> FramedServiceImpl<St, C, T, Io, Codec>
F: IntoServiceFactory<T>,
T: ServiceFactory<
Config = St,
Request = RequestItem<St, Codec>,
Response = ResponseItem<Codec>,
Error = C::Error,
InitError = C::Error,
> + 'static,
T::Future: Unpin,
T::Service: Unpin,
<T::Service as Service>::Future: Unpin + 'static,
FramedServiceImpl {
connect: self.connect,
handler: Rc::new(service.into_factory()),
disconnect: self.disconnect.clone(),
_t: PhantomData,
pub struct NewServiceBuilder<St, C, Io, Codec> {
connect: C,
disconnect: Option<Rc<dyn Fn(&mut St, bool)>>,
_t: PhantomData<(St, Io, Codec)>,
impl<St, C, Io, Codec> NewServiceBuilder<St, C, Io, Codec>
St: 'static,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
C: ServiceFactory<
Config = (),
Request = Connect<Io>,
Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>,
C::Error: 'static,
C::Future: Unpin + 'static,
<C::Service as Service>::Future: Unpin,
Codec: Decoder + Encoder + Unpin,
<Codec as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<Codec as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
/// Callback to execute on disconnect
/// Second parameter indicates error occured during disconnect.
pub fn disconnect<F>(mut self, disconnect: F) -> Self
F: Fn(&mut St, bool) + 'static,
self.disconnect = Some(Rc::new(disconnect));
pub fn finish<F, T, Cfg>(self, service: F) -> FramedService<St, C, T, Io, Codec, Cfg>
F: IntoServiceFactory<T>,
T: ServiceFactory<
Config = St,
Request = RequestItem<St, Codec>,
Response = ResponseItem<Codec>,
Error = C::Error,
InitError = C::Error,
> + 'static,
T::Future: Unpin,
T::Service: Unpin,
<T::Service as Service>::Future: Unpin + 'static,
FramedService {
connect: self.connect,
handler: Rc::new(service.into_factory()),
disconnect: self.disconnect,
_t: PhantomData,
pub struct FramedService<St, C, T, Io, Codec, Cfg> {
connect: C,
handler: Rc<T>,
disconnect: Option<Rc<dyn Fn(&mut St, bool)>>,
_t: PhantomData<(St, Io, Codec, Cfg)>,
impl<St, C, T, Io, Codec, Cfg> ServiceFactory for FramedService<St, C, T, Io, Codec, Cfg>
St: 'static,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
C: ServiceFactory<
Config = (),
Request = Connect<Io>,
Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>,
C::Error: 'static,
C::Future: Unpin + 'static,
<C::Service as Service>::Future: Unpin,
T: ServiceFactory<
Config = St,
Request = RequestItem<St, Codec>,
Response = ResponseItem<Codec>,
Error = C::Error,
InitError = C::Error,
> + 'static,
T::Future: Unpin,
T::Service: Unpin,
<T::Service as Service>::Future: Unpin + 'static,
Codec: Decoder + Encoder + Unpin,
<Codec as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<Codec as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
type Config = Cfg;
type Request = Io;
type Response = ();
type Error = ServiceError<C::Error, Codec>;
type InitError = C::InitError;
type Service = FramedServiceImpl<St, C::Service, T, Io, Codec>;
type Future = LocalBoxFuture<'static, Result<Self::Service, Self::InitError>>;
fn new_service(&self, _: &Cfg) -> Self::Future {
let handler = self.handler.clone();
let disconnect = self.disconnect.clone();
// create connect service and then create service impl
.map(move |result| {
result.map(move |connect| FramedServiceImpl {
_t: PhantomData,
pub struct FramedServiceImpl<St, C, T, Io, Codec> {
connect: C,
handler: Rc<T>,
disconnect: Option<Rc<dyn Fn(&mut St, bool)>>,
_t: PhantomData<(St, Io, Codec)>,
impl<St, C, T, Io, Codec> Service for FramedServiceImpl<St, C, T, Io, Codec>
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
C: Service<Request = Connect<Io>, Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>>,
C::Error: 'static,
C::Future: Unpin,
T: ServiceFactory<
Config = St,
Request = RequestItem<St, Codec>,
Response = ResponseItem<Codec>,
Error = C::Error,
InitError = C::Error,
T::Future: Unpin,
T::Service: Unpin,
<T::Service as Service>::Future: Unpin + 'static,
Codec: Decoder + Encoder + Unpin,
<Codec as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<Codec as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
type Request = Io;
type Response = ();
type Error = ServiceError<C::Error, Codec>;
type Future = FramedServiceImplResponse<St, Io, Codec, C, T>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
self.connect.poll_ready(cx).map_err(|e| e.into())
fn call(&mut self, req: Io) -> Self::Future {
FramedServiceImplResponse {
inner: FramedServiceImplResponseInner::Connect(
pub struct FramedServiceImplResponse<St, Io, Codec, C, T>
C: Service<Request = Connect<Io>, Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>>,
C::Error: 'static,
C::Future: Unpin,
T: ServiceFactory<
Config = St,
Request = RequestItem<St, Codec>,
Response = ResponseItem<Codec>,
Error = C::Error,
InitError = C::Error,
T::Future: Unpin,
T::Service: Unpin,
<T::Service as Service>::Future: Unpin + 'static,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
Codec: Encoder + Decoder + Unpin,
<Codec as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<Codec as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
inner: FramedServiceImplResponseInner<St, Io, Codec, C, T>,
impl<St, Io, Codec, C, T> Unpin for FramedServiceImplResponse<St, Io, Codec, C, T>
C: Service<Request = Connect<Io>, Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>>,
C::Future: Unpin,
C::Error: 'static,
T: ServiceFactory<
Config = St,
Request = RequestItem<St, Codec>,
Response = ResponseItem<Codec>,
Error = C::Error,
InitError = C::Error,
T::Future: Unpin,
T::Service: Unpin,
<T::Service as Service>::Future: Unpin + 'static,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
Codec: Encoder + Decoder + Unpin,
<Codec as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<Codec as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
impl<St, Io, Codec, C, T> Future for FramedServiceImplResponse<St, Io, Codec, C, T>
C: Service<Request = Connect<Io>, Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>>,
C::Future: Unpin,
C::Error: 'static,
T: ServiceFactory<
Config = St,
Request = RequestItem<St, Codec>,
Response = ResponseItem<Codec>,
Error = C::Error,
InitError = C::Error,
T::Future: Unpin,
T::Service: Unpin,
<T::Service as Service>::Future: Unpin + 'static,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
Codec: Encoder + Decoder + Unpin,
<Codec as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<Codec as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
type Output = Result<(), ServiceError<C::Error, Codec>>;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let this = self.get_mut();
loop {
match this.inner.poll(cx) {
Either::Left(new) => this.inner = new,
Either::Right(poll) => return poll,
enum FramedServiceImplResponseInner<St, Io, Codec, C, T>
C: Service<Request = Connect<Io>, Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>>,
C::Future: Unpin,
C::Error: 'static,
T: ServiceFactory<
Config = St,
Request = RequestItem<St, Codec>,
Response = ResponseItem<Codec>,
Error = C::Error,
InitError = C::Error,
T::Future: Unpin,
T::Service: Unpin,
<T::Service as Service>::Future: Unpin + 'static,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
Codec: Encoder + Decoder + Unpin,
<Codec as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<Codec as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
Connect(C::Future, Rc<T>, Option<Rc<dyn Fn(&mut St, bool)>>),
Option<ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>>,
Option<Rc<dyn Fn(&mut St, bool)>>,
Dispatcher(FramedDispatcher<St, T::Service, Io, Codec>),
impl<St, Io, Codec, C, T> FramedServiceImplResponseInner<St, Io, Codec, C, T>
C: Service<Request = Connect<Io>, Response = ConnectResult<Io, St, Codec>>,
C::Future: Unpin,
C::Error: 'static,
T: ServiceFactory<
Config = St,
Request = RequestItem<St, Codec>,
Response = ResponseItem<Codec>,
Error = C::Error,
InitError = C::Error,
T::Future: Unpin,
T::Service: Unpin,
<T::Service as Service>::Future: Unpin + 'static,
Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
Codec: Encoder + Decoder + Unpin,
<Codec as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<Codec as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
fn poll(
&mut self,
cx: &mut Context,
) -> Either<
FramedServiceImplResponseInner<St, Io, Codec, C, T>,
Poll<Result<(), ServiceError<C::Error, Codec>>>,
> {
match self {
ref mut fut,
ref handler,
ref mut disconnect,
) => match Pin::new(fut).poll(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(res)) => Either::Left(FramedServiceImplResponseInner::Handler(
Poll::Pending => Either::Right(Poll::Pending),
Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => Either::Right(Poll::Ready(Err(e.into()))),
ref mut fut,
ref mut res,
ref mut disconnect,
) => match Pin::new(fut).poll(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(handler)) => {
let res = res.take().unwrap();
Poll::Pending => Either::Right(Poll::Pending),
Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => Either::Right(Poll::Ready(Err(e.into()))),
FramedServiceImplResponseInner::Dispatcher(ref mut fut) => {