mirror of https://github.com/fafhrd91/actix-net synced 2025-02-23 15:23:02 +01:00

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//! Framed dispatcher service and related utilities
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
use std::{fmt, mem};
use actix_codec::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, Decoder, Encoder, Framed};
use actix_service::{IntoService, Service};
use futures::{Future, FutureExt, Stream};
use log::debug;
use crate::mpsc;
type Request<U> = <U as Decoder>::Item;
type Response<U> = <U as Encoder>::Item;
/// Framed transport errors
pub enum DispatcherError<E, U: Encoder + Decoder> {
Encoder(<U as Encoder>::Error),
Decoder(<U as Decoder>::Error),
impl<E, U: Encoder + Decoder> From<E> for DispatcherError<E, U> {
fn from(err: E) -> Self {
impl<E, U: Encoder + Decoder> fmt::Debug for DispatcherError<E, U>
E: fmt::Debug,
<U as Encoder>::Error: fmt::Debug,
<U as Decoder>::Error: fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
DispatcherError::Service(ref e) => write!(fmt, "DispatcherError::Service({:?})", e),
DispatcherError::Encoder(ref e) => write!(fmt, "DispatcherError::Encoder({:?})", e),
DispatcherError::Decoder(ref e) => write!(fmt, "DispatcherError::Decoder({:?})", e),
impl<E, U: Encoder + Decoder> fmt::Display for DispatcherError<E, U>
E: fmt::Display,
<U as Encoder>::Error: fmt::Debug,
<U as Decoder>::Error: fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
DispatcherError::Service(ref e) => write!(fmt, "{}", e),
DispatcherError::Encoder(ref e) => write!(fmt, "{:?}", e),
DispatcherError::Decoder(ref e) => write!(fmt, "{:?}", e),
pub enum Message<T> {
/// FramedTransport - is a future that reads frames from Framed object
/// and pass then to the service.
pub struct Dispatcher<S, T, U>
S: Service<Request = Request<U>, Response = Response<U>>,
S::Error: 'static,
S::Future: 'static,
T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
U: Encoder + Decoder,
<U as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<U as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
service: S,
state: State<S, U>,
framed: Framed<T, U>,
rx: mpsc::Receiver<Result<Message<<U as Encoder>::Item>, S::Error>>,
tx: mpsc::Sender<Result<Message<<U as Encoder>::Item>, S::Error>>,
enum State<S: Service, U: Encoder + Decoder> {
Error(DispatcherError<S::Error, U>),
FramedError(DispatcherError<S::Error, U>),
impl<S: Service, U: Encoder + Decoder> State<S, U> {
fn take_error(&mut self) -> DispatcherError<S::Error, U> {
match mem::replace(self, State::Processing) {
State::Error(err) => err,
_ => panic!(),
fn take_framed_error(&mut self) -> DispatcherError<S::Error, U> {
match mem::replace(self, State::Processing) {
State::FramedError(err) => err,
_ => panic!(),
impl<S, T, U> Dispatcher<S, T, U>
S: Service<Request = Request<U>, Response = Response<U>>,
S::Error: 'static,
S::Future: 'static,
T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
U: Decoder + Encoder,
<U as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<U as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
pub fn new<F: IntoService<S>>(framed: Framed<T, U>, service: F) -> Self {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
Dispatcher {
service: service.into_service(),
state: State::Processing,
/// Construct new `Dispatcher` instance with customer `mpsc::Receiver`
pub fn with_rx<F: IntoService<S>>(
framed: Framed<T, U>,
service: F,
rx: mpsc::Receiver<Result<Message<<U as Encoder>::Item>, S::Error>>,
) -> Self {
let tx = rx.sender();
Dispatcher {
service: service.into_service(),
state: State::Processing,
/// Get sink
pub fn get_sink(&self) -> mpsc::Sender<Result<Message<<U as Encoder>::Item>, S::Error>> {
/// Get reference to a service wrapped by `Dispatcher` instance.
pub fn get_ref(&self) -> &S {
/// Get mutable reference to a service wrapped by `Dispatcher` instance.
pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut S {
&mut self.service
/// Get reference to a framed instance wrapped by `Dispatcher`
/// instance.
pub fn get_framed(&self) -> &Framed<T, U> {
/// Get mutable reference to a framed instance wrapped by `Dispatcher` instance.
pub fn get_framed_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Framed<T, U> {
&mut self.framed
fn poll_read(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> bool
S: Service<Request = Request<U>, Response = Response<U>>,
S::Error: 'static,
S::Future: 'static,
T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
U: Decoder + Encoder,
<U as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<U as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
loop {
match self.service.poll_ready(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(_)) => {
let item = match self.framed.next_item(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(el))) => el,
Poll::Ready(Some(Err(err))) => {
self.state = State::FramedError(DispatcherError::Decoder(err));
return true;
Poll::Pending => return false,
Poll::Ready(None) => {
self.state = State::Stopping;
return true;
let tx = self.tx.clone();
actix_rt::spawn(self.service.call(item).map(move |item| {
let _ = tx.send(item.map(Message::Item));
Poll::Pending => return false,
Poll::Ready(Err(err)) => {
self.state = State::Error(DispatcherError::Service(err));
return true;
/// write to framed object
fn poll_write(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> bool
S: Service<Request = Request<U>, Response = Response<U>>,
S::Error: 'static,
S::Future: 'static,
T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
U: Decoder + Encoder,
<U as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<U as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
loop {
while !self.framed.is_write_buf_full() {
match Pin::new(&mut self.rx).poll_next(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(Message::Item(msg)))) => {
if let Err(err) = self.framed.write(msg) {
self.state = State::FramedError(DispatcherError::Encoder(err));
return true;
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(Message::Close))) => {
self.state = State::FlushAndStop;
return true;
Poll::Ready(Some(Err(err))) => {
self.state = State::Error(DispatcherError::Service(err));
return true;
Poll::Ready(None) | Poll::Pending => break,
if !self.framed.is_write_buf_empty() {
match self.framed.flush(cx) {
Poll::Pending => break,
Poll::Ready(Ok(_)) => (),
Poll::Ready(Err(err)) => {
debug!("Error sending data: {:?}", err);
self.state = State::FramedError(DispatcherError::Encoder(err));
return true;
} else {
impl<S, T, U> Future for Dispatcher<S, T, U>
S: Service<Request = Request<U>, Response = Response<U>>,
S::Error: 'static,
S::Future: 'static,
T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
U: Decoder + Encoder,
<U as Encoder>::Item: 'static,
<U as Encoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
<U as Decoder>::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
type Output = Result<(), DispatcherError<S::Error, U>>;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
loop {
let this = self.as_mut().project();
return match this.state {
State::Processing => {
if self.poll_read(cx) || self.poll_write(cx) {
} else {
State::Error(_) => {
// flush write buffer
if !self.framed.is_write_buf_empty() {
if let Poll::Pending = self.framed.flush(cx) {
return Poll::Pending;
State::FlushAndStop => {
if !this.framed.is_write_buf_empty() {
match this.framed.flush(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Err(err)) => {
debug!("Error sending data: {:?}", err);
Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending,
Poll::Ready(Ok(_)) => Poll::Ready(Ok(())),
} else {
State::FramedError(_) => Poll::Ready(Err(this.state.take_framed_error())),
State::Stopping => Poll::Ready(Ok(())),