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//! A runtime implementation that runs everything on the current thread.
//! [`current_thread::Runtime`][rt] is similar to the primary
//! [`Runtime`][concurrent-rt] except that it runs all components on the current
//! thread instead of using a thread pool. This means that it is able to spawn
//! futures that do not implement `Send`.
//! Same as the default [`Runtime`][concurrent-rt], the
//! [`current_thread::Runtime`][rt] includes:
//! * A [reactor] to drive I/O resources.
//! * An [executor] to execute tasks that use these I/O resources.
//! * A [timer] for scheduling work to run after a set period of time.
//! Note that [`current_thread::Runtime`][rt] does not implement `Send` itself
//! and cannot be safely moved to other threads.
//! # Spawning from other threads
//! While [`current_thread::Runtime`][rt] does not implement `Send` and cannot
//! safely be moved to other threads, it provides a `Handle` that can be sent
//! to other threads and allows to spawn new tasks from there.
//! For example:
//! ```
//! # extern crate tokio;
//! # extern crate futures;
//! use tokio::runtime::current_thread::Runtime;
//! use tokio::prelude::*;
//! use std::thread;
//! # fn main() {
//! let mut runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
//! let handle = runtime.handle();
//! thread::spawn(move || {
//! handle.spawn(future::ok(()));
//! }).join().unwrap();
//! # /*
//! runtime.run().unwrap();
//! # */
//! # }
//! ```
//! # Examples
//! Creating a new `Runtime` and running a future `f` until its completion and
//! returning its result.
//! ```
//! use tokio::runtime::current_thread::Runtime;
//! use tokio::prelude::*;
//! let mut runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
//! // Use the runtime...
//! // runtime.block_on(f); // where f is a future
//! ```
//! [rt]: struct.Runtime.html
//! [concurrent-rt]: ../struct.Runtime.html
//! [chan]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1/futures/sync/mpsc/fn.channel.html
//! [reactor]: ../../reactor/struct.Reactor.html
//! [executor]: https://tokio.rs/docs/getting-started/runtime-model/#executors
//! [timer]: ../../timer/index.html
mod builder;
mod runtime;
pub use self::builder::Builder;
pub use self::runtime::{Runtime, Handle};
pub use tokio_current_thread::spawn;
pub use tokio_current_thread::TaskExecutor;
use futures::Future;
/// Run the provided future to completion using a runtime running on the current thread.
/// This first creates a new [`Runtime`], and calls [`Runtime::block_on`] with the provided future,
/// which blocks the current thread until the provided future completes. It then calls
/// [`Runtime::run`] to wait for any other spawned futures to resolve.
pub fn block_on_all<F>(future: F) -> Result<F::Item, F::Error>
F: Future,
let mut r = Runtime::new().expect("failed to start runtime on current thread");
let v = r.block_on(future)?;
r.run().expect("failed to resolve remaining futures");