2017-11-04 09:07:44 -07:00
use std::{io, cmp};
use bytes::{Bytes, BytesMut};
use futures::{Async, Poll};
use http2::{Reason, SendStream};
use http2::server::Respond;
use http::{Version, HttpTryFrom, Response};
use http::header::{HeaderValue, CONNECTION, CONTENT_TYPE,
use date;
use body::Body;
use httprequest::HttpRequest;
use httpresponse::HttpResponse;
use h1writer::{Writer, WriterState};
const CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 16_384;
const MAX_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 65_536; // max buffer size 64k
pub(crate) struct H2Writer {
respond: Respond<Bytes>,
stream: Option<SendStream<Bytes>>,
buffer: BytesMut,
started: bool,
encoder: Encoder,
disconnected: bool,
eof: bool,
impl H2Writer {
pub fn new(respond: Respond<Bytes>) -> H2Writer {
H2Writer {
respond: respond,
stream: None,
buffer: BytesMut::new(),
started: false,
encoder: Encoder::length(0),
disconnected: false,
eof: true,
pub fn reset(&mut self, reason: Reason) {
if let Some(mut stream) = self.stream.take() {
fn write_to_stream(&mut self) -> Result<WriterState, io::Error> {
if !self.started {
return Ok(WriterState::Done)
if let Some(ref mut stream) = self.stream {
if self.buffer.is_empty() {
if self.eof {
let _ = stream.send_data(Bytes::new(), true);
return Ok(WriterState::Done)
loop {
match stream.poll_capacity() {
Ok(Async::NotReady) => {
if self.buffer.len() > MAX_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE {
return Ok(WriterState::Pause)
} else {
return Ok(WriterState::Done)
Ok(Async::Ready(None)) => {
return Ok(WriterState::Done)
Ok(Async::Ready(Some(cap))) => {
let len = self.buffer.len();
let bytes = self.buffer.split_to(cmp::min(cap, len));
let eof = self.buffer.is_empty() && self.eof;
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if let Err(err) = stream.send_data(bytes.freeze(), eof) {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err))
} else if !self.buffer.is_empty() {
let cap = cmp::min(self.buffer.len(), CHUNK_SIZE);
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} else {
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return Ok(WriterState::Done)
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Err(_) => {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, ""))
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impl Writer for H2Writer {
fn start(&mut self, _: &mut HttpRequest, msg: &mut HttpResponse)
-> Result<WriterState, io::Error>
trace!("Prepare message status={:?}", msg);
// prepare response
self.started = true;
let body = msg.replace_body(Body::Empty);
// http2 specific
match body {
Body::Empty => {
if msg.chunked() {
error!("Chunked transfer is enabled but body is set to Empty");
msg.headers.insert(CONTENT_LENGTH, HeaderValue::from_static("0"));
self.encoder = Encoder::length(0);
Body::Length(n) => {
if msg.chunked() {
error!("Chunked transfer is enabled but body with specific length is specified");
self.eof = false;
HeaderValue::from_str(format!("{}", n).as_str()).unwrap());
self.encoder = Encoder::length(n);
Body::Binary(ref bytes) => {
self.eof = false;
HeaderValue::from_str(format!("{}", bytes.len()).as_str()).unwrap());
self.encoder = Encoder::length(0);
_ => {
self.eof = false;
self.encoder = Encoder::eof();
// using http::h1::date is quite a lot faster than generating
// a unique Date header each time like req/s goes up about 10%
if !msg.headers.contains_key(DATE) {
let mut bytes = BytesMut::with_capacity(29);
date::extend(&mut bytes);
msg.headers.insert(DATE, HeaderValue::try_from(bytes.freeze()).unwrap());
// default content-type
if !msg.headers.contains_key(CONTENT_TYPE) {
CONTENT_TYPE, HeaderValue::from_static("application/octet-stream"));
let mut resp = Response::new(());
*resp.status_mut() = msg.status;
*resp.version_mut() = Version::HTTP_2;
for (key, value) in msg.headers().iter() {
resp.headers_mut().insert(key, value.clone());
match self.respond.send_response(resp, self.eof) {
Ok(stream) => {
self.stream = Some(stream);
Err(_) => {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "err"))
if let Body::Binary(ref bytes) = body {
self.eof = true;
if let Some(ref mut stream) = self.stream {
stream.reserve_capacity(cmp::min(self.buffer.len(), CHUNK_SIZE));
return Ok(WriterState::Done)
fn write(&mut self, payload: &[u8]) -> Result<WriterState, io::Error> {
if !self.disconnected {
if self.started {
// TODO: add warning, write after EOF
self.encoder.encode(&mut self.buffer, payload);
} else {
// might be response for EXCEPT
if self.buffer.len() > MAX_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE {
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} else {
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fn write_eof(&mut self) -> Result<WriterState, io::Error> {
self.eof = true;
if !self.encoder.encode_eof(&mut self.buffer) {
"Last payload item, but eof is not reached"))
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} else if self.buffer.len() > MAX_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE {
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} else {
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fn poll_complete(&mut self) -> Poll<(), io::Error> {
match self.write_to_stream() {
Ok(WriterState::Done) => Ok(Async::Ready(())),
Ok(WriterState::Pause) => Ok(Async::NotReady),
Err(err) => Err(err)
/// Encoders to handle different Transfer-Encodings.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct Encoder {
kind: Kind,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
enum Kind {
/// An Encoder for when Content-Length is set.
/// Enforces that the body is not longer than the Content-Length header.
/// An Encoder for when Content-Length is not known.
/// Appliction decides when to stop writing.
impl Encoder {
pub fn eof() -> Encoder {
Encoder {
kind: Kind::Eof,
pub fn length(len: u64) -> Encoder {
Encoder {
kind: Kind::Length(len),
/// Encode message. Return `EOF` state of encoder
pub fn encode(&mut self, dst: &mut BytesMut, msg: &[u8]) -> bool {
match self.kind {
Kind::Eof => {
Kind::Length(ref mut remaining) => {
if msg.is_empty() {
return *remaining == 0
let max = cmp::min(*remaining, msg.len() as u64);
trace!("sized write = {}", max);
dst.extend(msg[..max as usize].as_ref());
*remaining -= max as u64;
trace!("encoded {} bytes, remaining = {}", max, remaining);
*remaining == 0
/// Encode eof. Return `EOF` state of encoder
pub fn encode_eof(&mut self, _dst: &mut BytesMut) -> bool {
match self.kind {
Kind::Eof => true,
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Kind::Length(ref mut remaining) => *remaining == 0
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