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//! Route match predicates
use actix_http::http::{self, header, HttpTryFrom};
use crate::request::HttpRequest;
/// Trait defines resource predicate.
/// Predicate can modify request object. It is also possible to
/// to store extra attributes on request by using `Extensions` container,
/// Extensions container available via `HttpRequest::extensions()` method.
pub trait Filter {
/// Check if request matches predicate
fn check(&self, request: &HttpRequest) -> bool;
/// Return filter that matches if any of supplied filters.
/// ```rust,ignore
/// # extern crate actix_web;
/// use actix_web2::{filter, App, HttpResponse};
/// fn main() {
/// App::new().resource("/index.html", |r| {
/// r.route()
/// .filter(pred::Any(pred::Get()).or(pred::Post()))
/// .f(|r| HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed())
/// });
/// }
/// ```
pub fn Any<F: Filter + 'static>(filter: F) -> AnyFilter {
/// Matches if any of supplied filters matche.
pub struct AnyFilter(Vec<Box<Filter>>);
impl AnyFilter {
/// Add filter to a list of filters to check
pub fn or<F: Filter + 'static>(mut self, filter: F) -> Self {
impl Filter for AnyFilter {
fn check(&self, req: &HttpRequest) -> bool {
for p in &self.0 {
if p.check(req) {
return true;
/// Return filter that matches if all of supplied filters match.
/// ```rust,ignore
/// # extern crate actix_web;
/// use actix_web::{pred, App, HttpResponse};
/// fn main() {
/// App::new().resource("/index.html", |r| {
/// r.route()
/// .filter(
/// pred::All(pred::Get())
/// .and(pred::Header("content-type", "text/plain")),
/// )
/// .f(|_| HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed())
/// });
/// }
/// ```
pub fn All<F: Filter + 'static>(filter: F) -> AllFilter {
/// Matches if all of supplied filters matche.
pub struct AllFilter(Vec<Box<Filter>>);
impl AllFilter {
/// Add new predicate to list of predicates to check
pub fn and<F: Filter + 'static>(mut self, filter: F) -> Self {
impl Filter for AllFilter {
fn check(&self, request: &HttpRequest) -> bool {
for p in &self.0 {
if !p.check(request) {
return false;
/// Return predicate that matches if supplied predicate does not match.
pub fn Not<F: Filter + 'static>(filter: F) -> NotFilter {
pub struct NotFilter(Box<Filter>);
impl Filter for NotFilter {
fn check(&self, request: &HttpRequest) -> bool {
/// Http method predicate
pub struct MethodFilter(http::Method);
impl Filter for MethodFilter {
fn check(&self, request: &HttpRequest) -> bool {
request.method() == self.0
/// Predicate to match *GET* http method
pub fn Get() -> MethodFilter {
/// Predicate to match *POST* http method
pub fn Post() -> MethodFilter {
/// Predicate to match *PUT* http method
pub fn Put() -> MethodFilter {
/// Predicate to match *DELETE* http method
pub fn Delete() -> MethodFilter {
/// Predicate to match *HEAD* http method
pub fn Head() -> MethodFilter {
/// Predicate to match *OPTIONS* http method
pub fn Options() -> MethodFilter {
/// Predicate to match *CONNECT* http method
pub fn Connect() -> MethodFilter {
/// Predicate to match *PATCH* http method
pub fn Patch() -> MethodFilter {
/// Predicate to match *TRACE* http method
pub fn Trace() -> MethodFilter {
/// Predicate to match specified http method
pub fn Method(method: http::Method) -> MethodFilter {
/// Return predicate that matches if request contains specified header and
/// value.
pub fn Header(name: &'static str, value: &'static str) -> HeaderFilter {
pub struct HeaderFilter(header::HeaderName, header::HeaderValue);
impl Filter for HeaderFilter {
fn check(&self, req: &HttpRequest) -> bool {
if let Some(val) = req.headers().get(&self.0) {
return val == self.1;
/// Return predicate that matches if request contains specified Host name.
/// ```rust,ignore
/// # extern crate actix_web;
/// use actix_web::{pred, App, HttpResponse};
/// fn main() {
/// App::new().resource("/index.html", |r| {
/// r.route()
/// .filter(pred::Host("www.rust-lang.org"))
/// .f(|_| HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed())
/// });
/// }
/// ```
pub fn Host<H: AsRef<str>>(host: H) -> HostFilter {
HostFilter(host.as_ref().to_string(), None)
pub struct HostFilter(String, Option<String>);
impl HostFilter {
/// Set reuest scheme to match
pub fn scheme<H: AsRef<str>>(&mut self, scheme: H) {
self.1 = Some(scheme.as_ref().to_string())
impl Filter for HostFilter {
fn check(&self, _req: &HttpRequest) -> bool {
// let info = req.connection_info();
// if let Some(ref scheme) = self.1 {
// self.0 == info.host() && scheme == info.scheme()
// } else {
// self.0 == info.host()
// }
// #[cfg(test)]
// mod tests {
// use actix_http::http::{header, Method};
// use actix_http::test::TestRequest;
// use super::*;
// #[test]
// fn test_header() {
// let req = TestRequest::with_header(
// header::HeaderValue::from_static("chunked"),
// )
// .finish();
// let pred = Header("transfer-encoding", "chunked");
// assert!(pred.check(&req, req.state()));
// let pred = Header("transfer-encoding", "other");
// assert!(!pred.check(&req, req.state()));
// let pred = Header("content-type", "other");
// assert!(!pred.check(&req, req.state()));
// }
// #[test]
// fn test_host() {
// let req = TestRequest::default()
// .header(
// header::HOST,
// header::HeaderValue::from_static("www.rust-lang.org"),
// )
// .finish();
// let pred = Host("www.rust-lang.org");
// assert!(pred.check(&req, req.state()));
// let pred = Host("localhost");
// assert!(!pred.check(&req, req.state()));
// }
// #[test]
// fn test_methods() {
// let req = TestRequest::default().finish();
// let req2 = TestRequest::default().method(Method::POST).finish();
// assert!(Get().check(&req, req.state()));
// assert!(!Get().check(&req2, req2.state()));
// assert!(Post().check(&req2, req2.state()));
// assert!(!Post().check(&req, req.state()));
// let r = TestRequest::default().method(Method::PUT).finish();
// assert!(Put().check(&r, r.state()));
// assert!(!Put().check(&req, req.state()));
// let r = TestRequest::default().method(Method::DELETE).finish();
// assert!(Delete().check(&r, r.state()));
// assert!(!Delete().check(&req, req.state()));
// let r = TestRequest::default().method(Method::HEAD).finish();
// assert!(Head().check(&r, r.state()));
// assert!(!Head().check(&req, req.state()));
// let r = TestRequest::default().method(Method::OPTIONS).finish();
// assert!(Options().check(&r, r.state()));
// assert!(!Options().check(&req, req.state()));
// let r = TestRequest::default().method(Method::CONNECT).finish();
// assert!(Connect().check(&r, r.state()));
// assert!(!Connect().check(&req, req.state()));
// let r = TestRequest::default().method(Method::PATCH).finish();
// assert!(Patch().check(&r, r.state()));
// assert!(!Patch().check(&req, req.state()));
// let r = TestRequest::default().method(Method::TRACE).finish();
// assert!(Trace().check(&r, r.state()));
// assert!(!Trace().check(&req, req.state()));
// }
// #[test]
// fn test_preds() {
// let r = TestRequest::default().method(Method::TRACE).finish();
// assert!(Not(Get()).check(&r, r.state()));
// assert!(!Not(Trace()).check(&r, r.state()));
// assert!(All(Trace()).and(Trace()).check(&r, r.state()));
// assert!(!All(Get()).and(Trace()).check(&r, r.state()));
// assert!(Any(Get()).or(Trace()).check(&r, r.state()));
// assert!(!Any(Get()).or(Get()).check(&r, r.state()));
// }
// }