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searchState.loadedDescShard("actix_web", 0, "Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web \nThe top-level builder for an Actix Web application.\nAllows overriding status code and headers for a <code>Responder</code>.\nCombines two extractor or responder types into a single \nContains the error value\nThe associated error which can be returned.\nA type that implements <code>FromRequest</code> is called an <strong>extractor</strong> \nFuture that resolves to a <code>Self</code>.\nThe interface for request handlers.\nTrait that implements general purpose operations on HTTP \nAn incoming request.\nAn outgoing response.\nAn HTTP response builder.\nAn HTTP Server.\nA value of type <code>L</code>.\nContains the success value\nA collection of <code>Route</code>s that respond to the same path \nTrait implemented by types that can be converted to an \nA convenience <code>Result</code> for Actix Web operations.\nA value of type <code>R</code>.\nA request handler with guards.\nA collection of <code>Route</code>s, <code>Resource</code>s, or other services that \nType of message payload stream\nAdd a cookie to this response.\nAdd a removal cookie to the response that matches \nReturns addresses of bound sockets.\nReturns addresses of bound sockets and the scheme for it.\nReturns a reference to the applications connection \nSet application (root level) data.\nAdd resource data.\nAdd scope data.\nRetrieves a piece of application state.\nAppend a header, keeping any that were set with an \nAppend header to the final response.\nSets the maximum number of pending connections.\nResolves socket address(es) and binds server to created \nResolves socket address(es) and binds server to created \nResolves socket address(es) and binds server to created \nResolves socket address(es) and binds server to created \nResolves socket address(es) and binds server to created \nResolves socket address(es) and binds server to created \nResolves socket address(es) and binds server to created \nOpens Unix Domain Socket (UDS) from <code>uds</code> path and binds \nTraits and structures to aid consuming and writing HTTP \nSet a body and build the <code>HttpResponse</code>.\nReturns a reference to this responses body.\nConstructs a response builder with specific HTTP status.\nCheck if request has chunked transfer encoding.\nSets server connection shutdown timeout.\nSets server client timeout for first request.\nRun external configuration as part of the application \nRun external configuration as part of the scope building \nReturns a reference a piece of connection data set in an \nCreates route handler with <code>actix_web::guard::Connect</code>.\nReturns connection info for the current request.\nSet response content type.\nRead the request content type. If request did not contain \nAdd a cookie to the response.\nReturn request cookie.\nGet an iterator for the cookies set by this response.\nLoad request cookies.\nWraps responder to allow alteration of its response.\nWraps responder to allow alteration of its response.\nAdd application (root) data after wrapping in <code>Data&lt;T&gt;</code>.\nAdd resource data after wrapping in <code>Data&lt;T&gt;</code>.\nAdd scope data after wrapping in <code>Data&lt;T&gt;</code>.\nAdd application data factory that resolves asynchronously.\nDefault service that is invoked when no matching resource \nSets the default service to be used if no matching route \nDefault service to be used if no matching resource could \nRemove all cookies with the given name from this response.\nAdds a DELETE route.\nCreates route handler with <code>actix_web::guard::Delete</code>.\nLower-level types and re-exports.\nDisables signal handling.\nDrops body and returns new response.\nGet content type encoding.\nError and Result module\nThe source <code>error</code> for this response\nReturns a reference to the request-local data/extensions \nReturns a reference to the response-local data/extensions \nReturns reference to the response-local d