searchState.loadedDescShard("actix_web", 0, "Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web …\nThe top-level builder for an Actix Web application.\nAllows overriding status code and headers for a Responder.\nCombines two extractor or responder types into a single …\nContains the error value\nThe associated error which can be returned.\nA type that implements FromRequest is called an extractor …\nFuture that resolves to a Self.\nThe interface for request handlers.\nTrait that implements general purpose operations on HTTP …\nAn incoming request.\nAn outgoing response.\nAn HTTP response builder.\nAn HTTP Server.\nA value of type L.\nContains the success value\nA collection of Routes that respond to the same path …\nTrait implemented by types that can be converted to an …\nA convenience Result for Actix Web operations.\nA value of type R.\nA request handler with guards.\nA collection of Routes, Resources, or other services that …\nType of message payload stream\nAdd a cookie to this response.\nAdd a “removal” cookie to the response that matches …\nReturns addresses of bound sockets.\nReturns addresses of bound sockets and the scheme for it.\nReturns a reference to the application’s connection …\nSet application (root level) data.\nAdd resource data.\nAdd scope data.\nRetrieves a piece of application state.\nAppend a header, keeping any that were set with an …\nAppend header to the final response.\nSets the maximum number of pending connections.\nResolves socket address(es) and binds server to created …\nResolves socket address(es) and binds server to created …\nResolves socket address(es) and binds server to created …\nResolves socket address(es) and binds server to created …\nResolves socket address(es) and binds server to created …\nResolves socket address(es) and binds server to created …\nResolves socket address(es) and binds server to created …\nOpens Unix Domain Socket (UDS) from uds path and binds …\nTraits and structures to aid consuming and writing HTTP …\nSet a body and build the HttpResponse.\nReturns a reference to this response’s body.\nConstructs a response builder with specific HTTP status.\nCheck if request has chunked transfer encoding.\nSets server connection shutdown timeout.\nSets server client timeout for first request.\nRun external configuration as part of the application …\nRun external configuration as part of the scope building …\nReturns a reference a piece of connection data set in an …\nCreates route handler with actix_web::guard::Connect.\nReturns connection info for the current request.\nSet response content type.\nRead the request content type. If request did not contain …\nAdd a cookie to the response.\nReturn request cookie.\nGet an iterator for the cookies set by this response.\nLoad request cookies.\nWraps responder to allow alteration of its response.\nWraps responder to allow alteration of its response.\nAdd application (root) data after wrapping in Data<T>.\nAdd resource data after wrapping in Data<T>.\nAdd scope data after wrapping in Data<T>.\nAdd application data factory that resolves asynchronously.\nDefault service that is invoked when no matching resource …\nSets the default service to be used if no matching route …\nDefault service to be used if no matching resource could …\nRemove all cookies with the given name from this response.\nAdds a DELETE route.\nCreates route handler with actix_web::guard::Delete.\nLower-level types and re-exports.\nDisables signal handling.\nDrops body and returns new response.\nGet content type encoding.\nError and Result module\nThe source error for this response\nReturns a reference to the request-local data/extensions …\nReturns a reference to the response-local data/extensions …\nReturns reference to the response-local data/extensions …\nReturns a mutable reference to the request-local …\nReturns a mutable reference to the response-local …\nReturns reference to the response-local data/extensions …\nRegister an external resource.\nCreate a Self from request head asynchronously.\nCreate a Self from request head asynchronously.\nSet an empty body and build the HttpResponse.\nForce close connection, even if it is marked as keep-alive\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCreate an error response.\nCreate a Self from request parts asynchronously.\nAdds a GET route.\nCreates route handler with actix_web::guard::Get.\nRoute guards.\nAdd match guard to a resource.\nAdd guard to the route.\nAdd match guard to a scope.\nAdds a HEAD route.\nReturns a reference to response head.\nThis method returns reference to the request head\nCreates route handler with actix_web::guard::Head.\nReturns a mutable reference to response head.\nRead the message headers.\nGet the headers from the response\nReturns request’s headers.\nGet a mutable reference to the headers\nVarious HTTP related types.\nInsert a header, replacing any that were set with an …\nInsert (override) header in the final response.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nReturns the response body, dropping all other parts.\nReturns split head and body.\nSet a JSON body and build the HttpResponse.\nSet connection type to KeepAlive\nKeep-alive status for this connection\nSets server keep-alive preference.\nBinds to existing listener for accepting incoming …\nBinds to existing listener for accepting incoming …\nBinds to existing listener for accepting incoming TLS …\nBinds to existing listener for accepting incoming TLS …\nBinds to existing listener for accepting incoming TLS …\nBinds to existing listener for accepting incoming TLS …\nBinds to existing listener for accepting incoming TLS …\nBinds to existing Unix Domain Socket (UDS) listener.\nMarks async main function as the Actix Web system …\nMap the current body type to another using a closure, …\nMap the current body to a type-erased BoxBody.\nMap the current body type B to EitherBody::Left(B).\nMap the current body type B to EitherBody::Right(B).\nReturns a reference to the URL parameters container.\nThe resource name that matched the path. Useful for …\nThe resource definition pattern that matched the path. …\nSets the per-worker maximum concurrent TLS connection …\nSets the per-worker maximum number of concurrent …\nSet a body and build the HttpResponse.\nAdd method guard to the route.\nRead the Request method.\nA collection of common middleware.\nConvert the request content type to a known mime type.\nSet resource name.\nCreate application builder. Application can be configured …\nConstructs new resource that matches a path pattern.\nCreate response builder\nConstructs a response.\nCreate new route which matches any request.\nCreate a new scope\nCreate new HTTP server with application factory\nDisable chunked transfer encoding for HTTP/1.1 streaming …\nSets function that will be called once before each …\nCreates route handler with actix_web::guard::Options.\nAdds a PATCH route.\nCreates route handler with actix_web::guard::Patch.\nThe target path of this request.\nReturns peer socket address.\nAdds a POST route.\nCreates route handler with actix_web::guard::Post.\nAdds a PUT route.\nCreates route handler with actix_web::guard::Put.\nThe query string in the URL.\nSet the custom reason for the response.\nGet a reference to a ResourceMap of current application.\nConvert self to HttpResponse.\nConfigure route for a specific path.\nRegister a new route.\nConfigure route for a specific path.\nCreates resource handler, allowing multiple HTTP method …\nCreates resource handler, allowing multiple HTTP methods …\nA selection of re-exports from tokio and actix-rt.\nStart listening for incoming connections.\nSets server host name.\nRegister HTTP service.\nSet raw service to be constructed and called as the …\nRegister HTTP service.\nMacro to help register different types of services at the …\nSets new body.\nSets timeout for graceful worker shutdown of workers.\nSet HTTP status code of this response.\nGet the response status code\nSet the StatusCode for this response\nSet a streaming body and build the HttpResponse.\nFlags the System to exit after server shutdown.\nThis method construct new HttpResponseBuilder\nMessage payload stream\nVarious helpers for Actix applications to use during …\nMarks async test functions to use the Actix Web system …\nSets TLS handshake timeout.\nRegister a new route and add handler. This route matches …\nSet handler function, use request extractors for …\nAdds a TRACE route.\nCreates route handler with actix_web::guard::Trace.\nSet connection type to Upgrade\nConnection upgrade status\nRequest’s uri.\nGenerates URL for a named resource.\nGenerate URL for named resource\nRead the Request Version.\nEssentials helper functions and types for application …\nConstructs a response with body\nOverride a status code for the Responder’s response.\nSets max number of threads for each worker’s blocking …\nSets number of workers to start (per bind address).\nRegisters an app-wide middleware.\nRegisters a resource middleware.\nRegisters a route middleware.\nRegisters a scope-wide middleware.\nRegisters an app-wide function middleware.\nRegisters a resource function middleware.\nRegisters a scope-wide function middleware.\nError type returned from to_bytes_limited when body …\nBody size hint.\nStreaming response wrapper.\nA boxed message body with boxed errors.\nAn “either” type specialized for body types.\nThe type of error that will be returned if streaming body …\nA body of type L.\nAn interface for types that can be used as a response body.\nBody type for responses that forbid payloads.\nImplicitly empty body.\nA body of type R.\nKnown size body.\nKnown sized streaming response wrapper.\nUnknown size body.\nEquivalent to BodySize::Sized(0);\nReturns a mutable pinned reference to the inner message …\nWraps this body into a BoxBody.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nReturns true if size hint indicates omitted or empty body.\nCreates new EitherBody using left variant.\nBoxes body type, erasing type information.\nCreates new EitherBody left variant with a boxed right …\nConstructs new “none” body.\nAttempt to pull out the next chunk of body bytes.\nAttempts to pull out the next value of the underlying …\nAttempts to pull out the next value of the underlying …\nCreates new EitherBody using right variant.\nBody size hint.\nCollects all the bytes produced by body.\nCollects the bytes produced by body, up to limit bytes.\nTry to convert into the complete chunk of body bytes.\nRepresentation of an HTTP cookie.\nStructure that follows the builder pattern for building …\nA collection of cookies that tracks its modifications.\nExpiration for a “permanent” cookie at a specific …\nIterator over the changes to a cookie jar.\nWrapper around Cookie whose Display implementation either …\nThe cookie’s name was empty.\nA cookie’s expiration: either session or a date-time.\nIterator over all of the cookies in a jar.\nA cryptographic master key for use with Signed and/or …\nAn error indicating an issue with generating or …\nThe “Lax” SameSite attribute.\nThe cookie did not contain a name/value pair.\nThe “None” SameSite attribute.\nEnum corresponding to a parsing error.\nA child cookie jar that provides authenticated encryption …\nThe SameSite cookie attribute.\nExpiration for a “session” cookie. Browsers define the …\nA child cookie jar that authenticates its cookies.\nThe “Strict” SameSite attribute.\nToo few bytes (.0) were provided to generate a key.\nDecoding the cookie’s name or value resulted in invalid …\nAdds cookie to the parent jar. The cookie’s value is …\nAdds cookie to the parent jar. The cookie’s value is …\nAdds cookie to this jar. If a cookie with the same name …\nAdds an “original” cookie to parent jar. The cookie’…\nAdds an “original” cookie to this jar. The cookie’s …\nAdds an “original” cookie to this jar. If an original …\nReturns a description of this error as a string\nCreates a new CookieBuilder instance from the given key …\nReturns the inner OffsetDateTime if self is a DateTime.\nAuthenticates and decrypts cookie, returning the plaintext …\nReturns an iterator over cookies that represent the …\nDerives new signing/encryption keys from a master key.\nSets the domain field in the cookie being built.\nReturns the Domain of the cookie if one was specified.\nReturns the Domain of self as a string slice of the raw …\nPercent-encode the name and value pair.\nWraps self in an encoded Display: a cost-free wrapper …\nReturns the raw bytes of a key suitable for encrypting …\nSets the expires field in the cookie being built.\nReturns the Expiration of the cookie if one was specified.\nReturns the expiration date-time of the cookie if one was …\nFinishes building and returns the built Cookie.\nFormats the cookie self as a Set-Cookie header value.\nRemoves cookie from this jar completely. This method …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCreates a new Key from a 512-bit cryptographically random …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nGenerates signing/encryption keys from a secure, random …\nReturns a reference to the Cookie inside this jar with the …\nReturns a reference to the Cookie inside this jar with the …\nReturns a reference to the Cookie inside this jar with the …\nSets the http_only field in the cookie being built.\nReturns whether this cookie was marked HttpOnly or not. …\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nConverts self into a Cookie with a static lifetime with as …\nReturns true if self is an Expiration::DateTime.\nReturns true if self is SameSite::Lax and false otherwise.\nReturns true if self is SameSite::None and false otherwise.\nReturns true if self is an Expiration::Session.\nReturns true if self is SameSite::Strict and false …\nReturns an iterator over all of the cookies present in …\nMakes self a “permanent” cookie by extending its …\nMake self a “removal” cookie by clearing its value, …\nApplied f to the inner OffsetDateTime if self is a DateTime…\nReturns the raw bytes of the master key. Guaranteed to be …\nSets the max_age field in the cookie being built.\nReturns the specified max-age of the cookie if one was …\nReturns the name of self.\nReturns the name of self as a string slice of the raw …\nReturns the name and value of self as a tuple of …\nCreates a new Cookie with the given name and an empty …\nCreates a new CookieBuilder instance from the given name …\nCreates an empty cookie jar.\nCreates a new Cookie with the given name and value.\nParses a Cookie from the given HTTP cookie header value …\nParses a Cookie from the given HTTP cookie header value …\nSets the path field in the cookie being built.\nReturns the Path of the cookie if one was specified.\nReturns the Path of self as a string slice of the raw …\nMakes the cookie being built ‘permanent’ by extending …\nReturns a read-only PrivateJar with self as its parent jar …\nReturns a read/write PrivateJar with self as its parent …\nRemoves cookie from the parent jar.\nRemoves cookie from the parent jar.\nRemoves cookie from this jar. If an original cookie with …\nRemoves all delta cookies, i.e. all cookies not added via …\nSets the same_site field in the cookie being built.\nReturns the SameSite attribute of this cookie if one was …\nSets the secure field in the cookie being built.\nReturns whether this cookie was marked Secure or not. …\nSets the domain of self to domain.\nSets the expires field of self to time. If time is None, an\nSets the value of http_only in self to value. If value is …\nSets the value of max_age in self to value. If value is …\nSets the name of self to name.\nSets the path of self to path.\nSets the value of same_site in self to value. If value is …\nSets the value of secure in self to value. If value is None…\nSets the value of self to value.\nReturns a read-only SignedJar with self as its parent jar …\nReturns a read/write SignedJar with self as its parent jar …\nReturns the raw bytes of a key suitable for signing …\nOnly display the name and value.\nWraps self in a stripped Display]: a cost-free wrapper …\nA fallible version of Key::from().\nAttempts to generate signing/encryption keys from a …\nUnsets the domain of self.\nUnsets the expires of self.\nUnsets the path of self.\nReturns the value of self.\nReturns the value of self as a string slice of the raw …\nVerifies the authenticity and integrity of cookie, …\nEquivalent to 1.days().\nDate in the proleptic Gregorian calendar.\nA span of time with nanosecond precision.\nContains the error value\nA unified error type for anything returned by a method in …\nEquivalent to 1.hours().\nA measurement of a monotonically non-decreasing clock. …\nThe maximum valid Date.\nThe maximum possible duration. Adding any positive …\nThe largest value that can be represented by …\nEquivalent to 1.microseconds().\nCreate a Time that is exactly midnight.\nEquivalent to 1.milliseconds().\nThe minimum valid Date.\nThe minimum possible duration. Adding any negative …\nThe smallest value that can be represented by …\nEquivalent to 1.minutes().\nMonths of the year.\nEquivalent to 1.nanoseconds().\nA PrimitiveDateTime with a UtcOffset.\nContains the success value\nCombined date and time.\nAn alias for std::result::Result with a generic error from …\nEquivalent to 1.seconds().\nThe clock time within a given date. Nanosecond precision.\nMidnight, 1 January, 1970 (UTC).\nA UtcOffset that is UTC.\nAn offset from UTC.\nEquivalent to 1.weeks().\nDays of the week.\nEquivalent to 0.seconds().\nGet the absolute value of the duration.\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nAdd the sub-day time of the Duration to the Time. Wraps on …\nAdd the sub-day time of the std::time::Duration to the Time…\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nGet the clock hour, minute, and second.\nGet the clock hour, minute, and second.\nObtain the UTC offset as its hours, minutes, and seconds. …\nGet the clock hour, minute, second, and microsecond.\nGet the clock hour, minute, second, and microsecond.\nGet the clock hour, minute, second, and millisecond.\nGet the clock hour, minute, second, and millisecond.\nGet the clock hour, minute, second, and nanosecond.\nGet the clock hour, minute, second, and nanosecond.\nGet the number of fractional seconds in the duration.\nGet the number of fractional seconds in the duration.\nAssuming that the existing PrimitiveDateTime represents a …\nAssuming that the existing PrimitiveDateTime represents a …\nComputes self + duration, returning None if an overflow …\nComputes self + rhs, returning None if an overflow …\nReturns Some(t) where t is the time self + duration if t …\nComputes self + duration, returning None if an overflow …\nComputes self + duration, returning None if an overflow …\nComputes self + duration, returning None if an overflow …\nComputes self / rhs, returning None if rhs == 0 or if the …\nComputes self * rhs, returning None if an overflow …\nComputes -self, returning None if the result would …\nCreates a new Duration from the specified number of seconds\nCreates a new Duration from the specified number of seconds\nComputes self - duration, returning None if an overflow …\nComputes self - rhs, returning None if an overflow …\nReturns Some(t) where t is the time self - duration if t …\nComputes self - duration, returning None if an overflow …\nComputes self - duration, returning None if an overflow …\nComputes self - duration, returning None if an overflow …\nConvert the OffsetDateTime from the current UtcOffset to …\nConversion between units of time.\nGet the Date in the stored offset.\nGet the Date component of the PrimitiveDateTime.\nGet the day of the month.\nGet the day of the date in the stored offset.\nGet the day of the date.\nCreate a new Duration with the given number of days. …\nReturns the amount of time elapsed since this instant was …\nVarious error types returned by methods in the time crate.\nExtension traits.\nFormat the Date using the provided format description.\nFormat the OffsetDateTime using the provided format …\nFormat the PrimitiveDateTime using the provided format …\nFormat the Time using the provided format description.\nFormat the UtcOffset using the provided format description.\nDescription of how types should be formatted and parsed.\nFormat the Date using the provided format description.\nFormat the OffsetDateTime using the provided format …\nFormat the PrimitiveDateTime using the provided format …\nFormat the Time using the provided format description.\nFormat the UtcOffset using the provided format description.\nFormatting for various types.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nAttempt to create a Date from the year, month, and day.\nAttempt to create a Time from the hour, minute, and second.\nCreate a UtcOffset representing an offset by the number of …\nAttempt to create a Time from the hour, minute, second, …\nAttempt to create a Time from the hour, minute, second, …\nAttempt to create a Time from the hour, minute, second, …\nAttempt to create a Date from the ISO year, week, and …\nCreate a Date from the Julian day.\nAttempt to create a Date from the year and ordinal day …\nCreate an OffsetDateTime from the provided Unix timestamp. …\nConstruct an OffsetDateTime from the provided Unix …\nCreate a UtcOffset representing an offset by the number of …\nGet the clock hour in the stored offset.\nGet the clock hour.\nGet the clock hour.\nCreate a new Duration with the given number of hours. …\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nObtain the inner std::time::Instant.\nCheck if a duration is negative.\nCheck if the offset is negative, or west of UTC.\nCheck if a duration is positive.\nCheck if the offset is positive, or east of UTC.\nCheck if the offset is exactly UTC.\nCheck if a duration is exactly zero.\nGet the ISO week number.\nGet the ISO week number of the date in the stored offset.\nGet the ISO week number.\nMacros to construct statically known values.\nGet the microseconds within the second in the stored …\nGet the microseconds within the second.\nGet the microseconds within the second.\nCreate a new Duration with the given number of …\nCreate a PrimitiveDateTime using the existing date. The …\nGet the milliseconds within the second in the stored …\nGet the milliseconds within the second.\nGet the milliseconds within the second.\nCreate a new Duration with the given number of …\nGet the minute within the hour in the stored offset.\nGet the minute within the hour.\nGet the minute within the hour.\nCreate a new Duration with the given number of minutes. …\nObtain the number of minutes past the hour the offset is …\nGet the week number where week 1 begins on the first …\nGet the week number where week 1 begins on the first …\nGet the week number where week 1 begins on the first …\nGet the month.\nGet the month of the date in the stored offset.\nGet the month of the date.\nGet the nanoseconds within the second in the stored offset.\nGet the nanoseconds within the second.\nGet the nanoseconds within the second.\nCreate a new Duration with the given number of nanoseconds.\nCreate a new Duration with the provided seconds and …\nCreate a new PrimitiveDateTime from the provided Date and …\nCreate a new OffsetDateTime with the given Date, Time, and …\nCreate a new OffsetDateTime with the given Date and Time …\nGet the next month.\nGet the next weekday.\nGet the next calendar date.\nCalculates the first occurrence of a weekday that is …\nReturns an Instant corresponding to “now”.\nCreate a new OffsetDateTime with the current date and time …\nGet n-th next month.\nGet n-th next day.\nCalculates the nth occurrence of a weekday that is …\nGet n-th previous month.\nGet n-th previous day.\nCalculates the nth occurrence of a weekday that is …\nGet the zero-indexed number of days from Monday.\nGet the zero-indexed number of days from Sunday.\nGet the one-indexed number of days from Monday.\nGet the one-indexed number of days from Sunday.\nGet the UtcOffset.\nGet the day of the year.\nGet the day of the year of the date in the stored offset.\nGet the day of the year.\nParse a Date from the input using the provided format …\nParse an OffsetDateTime from the input using the provided …\nParse a PrimitiveDateTime from the input using the …\nParse a Time from the input using the provided format …\nParse a UtcOffset from the input using the provided format …\nParsing for various types.\nCalculates the first occurrence of a weekday that is …\nGet the previous month.\nGet the previous weekday.\nGet the previous calendar date.\nReplace the date, which is assumed to be in the stored …\nReplace the date, preserving the time.\nReplace the date and time, which are assumed to be in the …\nReplace the day of the month.\nReplace the day of the month.\nReplace the day of the month.\nReplace the clock hour.\nReplace the clock hour.\nReplace the clock hour.\nReplace the microseconds within the second.\nReplace the microseconds within the second.\nReplace the microseconds within the second.\nReplace the milliseconds within the second.\nReplace the milliseconds within the second.\nReplace the milliseconds within the second.\nReplace the minutes within the hour.\nReplace the minutes within the hour.\nReplace the minutes within the hour.\nReplace the month of the year.\nReplace the month of the year.\nReplace the month of the year.\nReplace the nanoseconds within the second.\nReplace the nanoseconds within the second.\nReplace the nanoseconds within the second.\nReplace the offset. The date and time components remain …\nReplace the day of the year.\nReplace the day of the year.\nReplace the day of the year.\nReplace the seconds within the minute.\nReplace the seconds within the minute.\nReplace the seconds within the minute.\nReplace the time, which is assumed to be in the stored …\nReplace the time, preserving the date.\nReplace the year. The month and day will be unchanged.\nReplace the year. The month and day will be unchanged.\nReplace the year. The month and day will be unchanged.\nComputes self + duration, saturating value on overflow.\nComputes self + rhs, saturating if an overflow occurred.\nComputes self + duration, saturating value on overflow.\nComputes self + duration, saturating value on overflow.\nComputes self * rhs, saturating if an overflow occurred.\nCreates a new Duration from the specified number of seconds\nCreates a new Duration from the specified number of seconds\nComputes self - duration, saturating value on overflow.\nComputes self - rhs, saturating if an overflow occurred.\nComputes self - duration, saturating value on overflow.\nComputes self - duration, saturating value on overflow.\nGet the second within the minute in the stored offset.\nGet the second within the minute.\nGet the second within the minute.\nCreate a new Duration with the given number of seconds.\nCreates a new Duration from the specified number of …\nCreates a new Duration from the specified number of …\nObtain the number of seconds past the minute the offset is …\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nSubtract two Times, returning the Duration between. This …\nSubtract the sub-day time of the std::time::Duration from …\nSubtract the sub-day time of the Duration from the Time. …\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nPanics\nGet the number of microseconds past the number of whole …\nGet the number of milliseconds past the number of whole …\nGet the number of nanoseconds past the number of whole …\nGet the week number where week 1 begins on the first …\nGet the week number where week 1 begins on the first …\nGet the week number where week 1 begins on the first …\nGet the Time in the stored offset.\nGet the Time component of the PrimitiveDateTime.\nRuns a closure, returning the duration of time it took to …\nGet the year, month, and day.\nGet the year, month, and day.\nGet the year, month, and day.\nGet the clock hour, minute, and second.\nGet the clock hour, minute, second, and microsecond.\nGet the clock hour, minute, second, and millisecond.\nGet the clock hour, minute, second, and nanosecond.\nGet the ISO 8601 year, week number, and weekday.\nGet the ISO 8601 year, week number, and weekday.\nGet the ISO 8601 year, week number, and weekday.\nGet the Julian day for the date.\nGet the Julian day for the date. The time is not taken …\nGet the Julian day for the date. The time is not taken …\nConvert the OffsetDateTime from the current UtcOffset to …\nGet the year and ordinal day number.\nGet the year and ordinal day number.\nGet the year and ordinal day number.\nGet the Unix timestamp.\nGet the Unix timestamp in nanoseconds.\nConvert the existing Duration to a std::time::Duration and …\nUtility functions.\nGet the weekday.\nGet the weekday of the date in the stored offset.\nGet the weekday.\nCreate a new Duration with the given number of weeks. …\nGet the number of whole days in the duration.\nGet the number of whole hours in the duration.\nObtain the number of whole hours the offset is from UTC. A …\nGet the number of whole microseconds in the duration.\nGet the number of whole milliseconds in the duration.\nGet the number of whole minutes in the duration.\nObtain the number of whole minutes the offset is from UTC. …\nGet the number of nanoseconds in the duration.\nGet the number of whole seconds in the duration.\nObtain the number of whole seconds the offset is from UTC. …\nGet the number of whole weeks in the duration.\nAttempt to create a PrimitiveDateTime using the existing …\nAttempt to create a PrimitiveDateTime using the existing …\nAttempt to create a PrimitiveDateTime using the existing …\nAttempt to create a PrimitiveDateTime using the existing …\nCreate a PrimitiveDateTime using the existing date and the …\nGet the year of the date.\nGet the year of the date in the stored offset.\nGet the year of the date.\nA unit of time representing exactly one day.\nA unit of time representing exactly one hour.\nA unit of time representing exactly one microsecond.\nA unit of time representing exactly one millisecond.\nA unit of time representing exactly one minute.\nA unit of time representing exactly one nanosecond.\nA unit of time representing exactly one second.\nA unit of time representing exactly one week.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nObtain the number of times Nanosecond can fit into T. If T …\nObtain the number of times Microsecond can fit into T. If T…\nObtain the number of times Millisecond can fit into T. If T…\nObtain the number of times Second can fit into T. If T is …\nObtain the number of times Minute can fit into T. If T is …\nObtain the number of times Hour can fit into T. If T is …\nObtain the number of times Day can fit into T. If T is …\nObtain the number of times Week can fit into T. If T is …\nAn error type indicating that a component provided to a …\nSome component contained an invalid value for the type.\nAn error type indicating that a conversion failed because …\nAn error type indicating that a TryFrom call failed …\nA unified error type for anything returned by a method in …\nSomething was expected, but not found.\nAn error occurred when formatting.\nThe Parsed did not include enough information to construct …\nThe type being formatted does not contain sufficient …\nThe component named has a value that cannot be formatted …\nA dynamic component was not valid.\nA component name is not valid.\nThe format description provided was not valid.\nA string literal was not what was expected.\nA modifier is not valid.\nAn error type indicating that a FromStr call failed …\nA component name is missing.\nA required modifier is missing.\nCertain behavior is not supported in the given context.\nAn error that occurred at some stage of parsing.\nAn error that occurred while parsing the input into a …\nA value of std::io::Error was returned internally.\nAn error that occurred when converting a Parsed to another …\nThere was a bracket pair that was opened but not closed.\nThe input should have ended, but there were characters …\nThe input was expected to have ended, but there are …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nWhether the value’s permitted range is conditional, i.e. …\nObtain the name of the component whose value was out of …\nThe context in which the behavior is not supported.\nThe zero-based index of the opening bracket.\nThe zero-based index the component name starts at.\nThe zero-based index the modifier starts at.\nThe zero-based index where the component name should start.\nThe zero-based index of the component.\nThe zero-based index the item was expected to be found at.\nThe zero-based index the error occurred at.\nThe name of the invalid component name.\nThe name of the modifier that is missing.\nThe value of the invalid modifier.\nWhat was expected to be present, but wasn’t.\nThe behavior that is not supported.\nAn extension trait for std::time::Instant that adds …\nCreate Durations from numeric literals.\nCreate std::time::Durations from numeric literals.\nPanics\nReturns Some(t) where t is the time …\nReturns Some(t) where t is the time …\nCreate a Duration from the number of days.\nCreate a Duration from the number of hours.\nCreate a Duration from the number of microseconds.\nCreate a Duration from the number of milliseconds.\nCreate a Duration from the number of minutes.\nCreate a Duration from the number of nanoseconds.\nCreate a Duration from the number of seconds.\nReturns the amount of time elapsed from another instant to …\nCreate a std::time::Duration from the number of days.\nCreate a std::time::Duration from the number of hours.\nCreate a std::time::Duration from the number of …\nCreate a std::time::Duration from the number of …\nCreate a std::time::Duration from the number of minutes.\nCreate a std::time::Duration from the number of …\nCreate a std::time::Duration from the number of seconds.\nCreate a std::time::Duration from the number of weeks.\nPanics\nCreate a Duration from the number of weeks.\nA complete description of how to format and parse a type.\nA component of a larger format description.\nA minimal representation of a single non-literal item.\nA minimal representation of a single non-literal item.\nA minimal representation of a single non-literal item.\nA series of literals or components that collectively form …\nA series of literals or components that collectively form …\nA series of literals or components that collectively form …\nDay of the month.\nThe end of input. Parsing this component will fail if …\nA series of FormatItems where, when parsing, the first …\nA series of FormatItems where, when parsing, the first …\nA series of FormatItems where, when parsing, the first …\nA complete description of how to format and parse a type.\nHour of the day.\nA number of bytes to ignore when parsing. This has no …\nBytes that are formatted as-is.\nBytes that are formatted as-is.\nBytes that are formatted as-is.\nMinute within the hour.\nMonth of the year.\nHour of the UTC offset.\nMinute within the hour of the UTC offset.\nSecond within the minute of the UTC offset.\nA FormatItem that may or may not be present when parsing. …\nA FormatItem that may or may not be present when parsing. …\nA FormatItem that may or may not be present when parsing. …\nOrdinal day of the year.\nA complete description of how to format and parse a type.\nAM/PM part of the time.\nSecond within the minute.\nSubsecond within the second.\nA Unix timestamp.\nWeek within the year.\nDay of the week.\nYear of the date.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nVarious modifiers for components.\nParse a sequence of items from the format description.\nParse a sequence of items from the format description.\nParse a sequence of items from the format description.\nWell-known formats, typically standards.\nDay of the month.\nExactly eight digits.\nThe end of input.\nExactly five digits.\nExactly four digits.\nThe full value of the year.\nHour of the day.\nIgnore some number of bytes.\nWeek 1 is the week that contains January 4.\nOnly the last two digits of the year.\nThe long form of the month name (e.g. “January”).\nThe long form of the weekday (e.g. “Monday”).\nMicroseconds since the Unix epoch.\nMilliseconds since the Unix epoch.\nMinute within the hour.\nA numerical representation using Monday as the first day …\nWeek 1 begins on the first Monday of the calendar year.\nMonth of the year.\nThe representation of a month.\nNanoseconds since the Unix epoch.\nExactly nine digits.\nThere is no padding. This can result in a width below the …\nThe number of the month (January is 1, December is 12).\nHour of the UTC offset.\nMinute within the hour of the UTC offset.\nSecond within the minute of the UTC offset.\nExactly one digit.\nAny number of digits (up to nine) that is at least one. …\nOrdinal day of the year.\nType of padding to ensure a minimum width.\nAM/PM part of the time.\nSecond within the minute.\nSeconds since the Unix epoch.\nExactly seven digits.\nThe short form of the month name (e.g. “Jan”).\nThe short form of the weekday (e.g. “Mon”).\nExactly six digits.\nA space character ( ) should be used as padding.\nSubsecond within the second.\nThe number of digits present in a subsecond representation.\nA numerical representation using Sunday as the first day …\nWeek 1 begins on the first Sunday of the calendar year.\nExactly three digits.\nExactly two digits.\nA Unix timestamp.\nThe precision of a Unix timestamp.\nWeek within the year.\nThe representation used for the week number.\nDay of the week.\nThe representation used for the day of the week.\nYear of the date.\nThe representation used for a year value.\nA zero character (0) should be used as padding.\nIs the value case sensitive when parsing?\nIs the value case sensitive when parsing?\nIs the value case sensitive when parsing?\nCreate an instance of Ignore with the provided number of …\nThe number of bytes to ignore.\nCreates a modifier that indicates the value is padded with …\nCreates an instance of this type that indicates the value …\nCreates a modifier that indicates the value is padded with …\nCreates a modifier that indicates the value uses the Long …\nCreates a modifier that indicates that the value is padded …\nCreates a modifier that indicates the value uses the Full …\nCreates a modifier that indicates the value is padded with …\nCreates a modifier that indicates the value is padded with …\nCreates a modifier that indicates the value uses the …\nCreates a modifier that indicates the value is padded with …\nCreates a modifier that indicates the stringified value …\nCreates a modifier that indicates the value only uses a …\nCreates a modifier that indicates the value is padded with …\nCreates a modifier that indicates the value is padded with …\nCreates a modifier that indicates the value represents the …\nCreates a modifier used to represent the end of input.\nHow many digits are present in the component?\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nIs the hour displayed using a 12 or 24-hour clock?\nIs the period uppercase or lowercase?\nWhether the value is based on the ISO week number or the …\nWhen using a numerical representation, should it be zero …\nThe padding to obtain the minimum width.\nThe padding to obtain the minimum width.\nThe padding to obtain the minimum width.\nThe padding to obtain the minimum width.\nThe padding to obtain the minimum width.\nThe padding to obtain the minimum width.\nThe padding to obtain the minimum width.\nThe padding to obtain the minimum width.\nThe padding to obtain the minimum width.\nThe padding to obtain the minimum width.\nThe padding to obtain the minimum width.\nThe precision of the timestamp.\nWhat form of representation should be used?\nWhat form of representation should be used?\nWhat kind of representation should be used?\nWhat kind of representation should be used?\nWhether the + sign is present when a positive year …\nWhether the + sign is present on positive values.\nWhether the + sign must be present for a non-negative …\nAn Iso8601 that handles only the date, but is otherwise …\nAn Iso8601 that handles the date and time, but is …\nAn Iso8601 that handles the date, time, and UTC offset. …\nAn Iso8601 with the default configuration.\nThe format described in ISO 8601.\nAn Iso8601 that handles only the UTC offset, but is …\nAn Iso8601 that can only be used for parsing. Using this …\nThe format described in RFC 2822.\nThe format described in RFC 3339.\nAn Iso8601 that handles only the time, but is otherwise …\nAn Iso8601 that handles the time and UTC offset, but is …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nThe format described in ISO 8601.\nUse the year-month-day format.\nConfiguration for Iso8601.\nA configuration for the Iso8601 format.\nFormat only the date.\nWhich format to use for the date.\nFormat the date and time.\nFormat the date, time, and UTC offset.\nAn encoded Config that can be used as a const parameter to …\nWhich components to format.\nFormat the hour only. Minutes, seconds, and nanoseconds …\nFormat only the offset hour. Requires the offset minute to …\nThe format described in ISO 8601.\nFormat the hour and minute. Seconds and nanoseconds will …\nFormat both the offset hour and minute.\nThe configuration can only be used for parsing. Using this …\nFormat only the UTC offset.\nThe precision for the UTC offset.\nUse the week-ordinal format.\nFormat the hour, minute, and second. Nanoseconds will be …\nFormat only the time.\nFormat the time and UTC offset.\nThe precision and number of decimal digits present for the …\nUse the year-week-weekday format.\nEncode the configuration, permitting it to be used as a …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nSet the format used for the date.\nSet whether the format the date, time, and/or UTC offset.\nSet the precision for the UTC offset.\nSet the precision and number of decimal digits present for …\nSet whether the format contains separators (such as - or :…\nSet whether the year is six digits.\nA type that describes a format.\nA type that can be parsed.\nAll information parsed.\nObtain the day component.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nObtain the hour_12 component.\nObtain the hour_12_is_pm component.\nObtain the hour_24 component.\nCalls U::from(self).\nObtain the iso_week_number component.\nObtain the iso_year component.\nObtain the iso_year_last_two component.\nObtain the minute component.\nObtain the monday_week_number component.\nObtain the month component.\nCreate a new instance of Parsed with no information known.\nObtain the offset_hour component.\nObtain the offset_minute component.\nObtain the offset_second component.\nObtain the ordinal component.\nParse a single component, mutating the struct. The …\nParse a single BorrowedFormatItem or OwnedFormatItem, …\nParse a sequence of BorrowedFormatItems or OwnedFormatItem…\nParse a literal byte sequence. The remaining input is …\nObtain the second component.\nSet the set_day component.\nSet the set_hour_12 component.\nSet the set_hour_12_is_pm component.\nSet the set_hour_24 component.\nSet the set_iso_week_number component.\nSet the set_iso_year component.\nSet the set_iso_year_last_two component.\nSet the set_minute component.\nSet the set_monday_week_number component.\nSet the set_month component.\nSet the set_offset_hour component.\nSet the set_offset_minute_signed component.\nSet the set_offset_second_signed component.\nSet the set_ordinal component.\nSet the set_second component.\nSet the set_subsecond component.\nSet the set_sunday_week_number component.\nSet the set_unix_timestamp_nanos component.\nSet the set_weekday component.\nSet the set_year component.\nSet the set_year_last_two component.\nObtain the subsecond component.\nObtain the sunday_week_number component.\nObtain the unix_timestamp_nanos component.\nObtain the weekday component.\nSet the day component and return self.\nSet the hour_12 component and return self.\nSet the hour_12_is_pm component and return self.\nSet the hour_24 component and return self.\nSet the iso_week_number component and return self.\nSet the iso_year component and return self.\nSet the iso_year_last_two component and return self.\nSet the minute component and return self.\nSet the monday_week_number component and return self.\nSet the month component and return self.\nSet the offset_hour component and return self.\nSet the offset_minute component and return self.\nSet the offset_second component and return self.\nSet the ordinal component and return self.\nSet the second component and return self.\nSet the subsecond component and return self.\nSet the sunday_week_number component and return self.\nSet the unix_timestamp_nanos component and return self.\nSet the weekday component and return self.\nSet the year component and return self.\nSet the year_last_two component and return self.\nObtain the year component.\nObtain the year_last_two component.\nGet the number of calendar days in a given year.\nGet the number of days in the month of a given year.\nReturns if the provided year is a leap year in the …\nGet the number of weeks in the ISO year.\nApplication connection config.\nApplication configuration\nService factory configuration.\nHTTP connection information.\nErrors produced by the service.\nErrors produced by the service when polling readiness or …\nErrors produced by the created services.\nA type map for request extensions.\nThe future response value.\nThe future response value.\nThe future of the Service instance.g\nErrors produced while building a transform service.\nErrors potentially raised while building a service.\nFuture that resolves to some T when parsed from a JSON …\nResource path match information.\nA streaming payload.\nExtractor for peer’s socket address.\nStream that reads request line by line.\nDescribes the set of paths that match to a resource.\nAn HTTP response.\nResponses produced by the service.\nResponses given by the service.\nResponses given by the created services.\nGeneral purpose TCP server that runs services receiving …\nServer handle.\nAn asynchronous operation from Request to a Response.\nThe kind of Service created by this factory.\nFactory for creating Services.\nA service level request wrapper.\nA service level response wrapper.\nDefines the interface of a service factory that wraps …\nThe TransformService value created by this factory\nFuture that resolves to some T when parsed from a URL …\nAdds a (possibly nested) resource.\nAdd data container to request’s resolution set.\nAn implementation of poll_ready that always signals …\nCounterpart to HttpRequest::app_config.\nCounterpart to HttpRequest::app_data.\nReturns full path as a string.\nConstructs a new response with status 400 Bad Request.\nReturns a reference to the body of this response.\nCreate server build.\nConstructs a new response builder.\nProcess the request and return the response asynchronously.\nIs to uppercase headers with Camel-Case. Default is false\nCollects dynamic segment values into resource.\nCollects dynamic segment values into resource after …\nGet response body chunking state\nGet response body chunking state\nClear the Extensions of all inserted extensions.\nReturns reference to configuration.\nCounterpart to HttpRequest::conn_data.\nReturns a reference to connection info.\nConnection type\nCheck if map contains an item of a given type.\nReturn request cookie.\nReturn request cookies.\nReturns the default AppConfig. Note: The included socket …\nReturns default handler factory.\nDrops body and returns new response.\nCreate ServiceResponse from this request and given error.\nCreate service response for error\nRequest contains EXPECT header.\nExtends self with the items from another Extensions.\nReturns a reference to the request-local data/extensions …\nReturns a mutable reference to the request-local …\nDerives a type from this request using an extractor.\nTries to match path to this resource, returning the …\nSet a service factory implementation and generate web …\nCreate ServiceFactory for function that can produce …\nCreate ServiceFactory for function that can act as a …\nAn implementation of poll_ready that forwards readiness …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCreate service response from the error\nConstruct decoder based on headers.\nConstruct request from parts.\nConstruct ServiceRequest with no payload from given …\nGet matched parameter by name without type conversion\nGet a reference to an item of a given type.\nReturns mutable reference to inner path instance.\nGet a mutable reference to an item of a given type.\nReturns reference to inner path instance.\nAdd match guard to a web service.\nCreates a context object for use with a routing guard.\nGet a Server handle that can be used issue commands and …\nReturns true if there is a resource that would match path.\nReturns a reference to the head of this response.\nReturns a reference to the request head.\nReturns a mutable reference to the head of this response.\nReturns a mutable reference to the request head.\nReturns a reference to response headers.\nReturns a reference to request headers.\nReturns response’s headers.\nRead the message headers.\nRead the message headers.\nReturns a mutable reference to response headers.\nReturns a mutable reference to request headers.\nReturns mutable response’s headers.\nMutable reference to the message headers.\nMutable reference to the message headers.\nServer host name.\nHostname of the request.\nReturns a numeric resource ID.\nInsert an item into the map.\nConstructs a new response with status 500 Internal Server …\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nReturns the response body, dropping all other parts.\nConsumes the response and returns its body.\nUnwrap into inner SocketAddr value.\nReturns split head and body.\nDeconstruct ServiceRequest into inner parts.\nDestructures ServiceResponse into request and response …\nCreate ServiceResponse from this request and given …\nCreate service response\nCheck if there are any matched patterns.\nReturns true if path matches this resource.\nReturns true if pattern type is prefix.\nCheck if root is being configured\nReturn iterator to items in parameter container.\nJoins two resources.\nReturns true if keep-alive is enabled.\nCheck if keep-alive is enabled\nSet maximum accepted payload size. The default limit is …\nSet maximum accepted payload size. The default limit is …\nSet maximum accepted payload size. The default limit is …\nDeserializes matching parameters to a specified type U.\nReturns the socket address of the local half of this TCP …\nMap the current body type to another using a closure, …\nMap the current body type to another using a closure. …\nMap the current body to a type-erased BoxBody.\nCounterpart to HttpRequest::match_info.\nReturns a mutable reference to the path match information.\nCounterpart to HttpRequest::match_name.\nReturns the name of the route that matches the given path …\nCounterpart to HttpRequest::match_pattern.\nReturns the full resource pattern matched against a path …\nReturns the request method.\nReturns resource definition name, if set.\nSet service name.\nConstructs a new resource definition from patterns.\nConstructs a new response with default body.\nCreate service response instance\nCreate new WebService instance.\nCreate a new future to decode a URL encoded request …\nCreate a new future to decode a JSON request payload.\nCreate a new stream to read request line by line.\nConstruct a decoder.\nCreates an empty Extensions.\nCreate new instance of ResponseHead type\nCreates a container node in the ResourceMap tree.\nCreate and return a new service asynchronously.\nCreates and returns a new Transform component, …\nSet no chunking for payload\nConstructs a new response with status 404 Not Found.\nConstructs a new response with status 200 OK.\nReturns immutable accessors to inner parts.\nReturns mutable accessors to inner parts.\nReturns path.\nReturns request path.\nReturns the pattern string that generated the resource …\nReturns iterator of pattern strings that generated the …\nPause accepting incoming connections.\nReturns peer’s socket address.\nReturns serialized IP address of the peer connection.\nWill only be None when called in unit tests unless set …\nReturns Ready when the service is able to process requests.\nConstructs a new resource definition using a pattern that …\nReturns matched parameter by name.\nCounterpart to HttpRequest::query_string.\nReal IP (remote address) of client that initiated request.\nGet custom reason for the response\nRegister HTTP service.\nRemove an item from the map of a given type.\nReturns immutable accessor to inner HttpRequest.\nReturns reference to original request.\nReset state.\nReturns a reference to the application’s resource map. …\nAssembles full resource path from iterator of dynamic …\nAssembles resource path from map of dynamic segment values.\nReturns reference to response.\nReturns mutable reference to response.\nResume accepting incoming connections.\nConstructs a new resource definition using a string …\nScheme of the request.\nReturns true if connection is secure (i.e., running over …\nReturns number of interpolated segments.\nSet new path.\nSets new body.\nSet true to send headers which are formatted as Camel-Case.\nSets the flag that controls whether to send headers …\nSet connection type of the message\nSet connection type of the message\nSet numeric resource ID.\nAssigns a new name to the resource.\nSet request payload.\nSkip first n chars in path.\nReturns the status code of this response.\nReturns response status code.\nReturns a mutable reference the status code of this …\nStop incoming connection processing, stop all workers and …\nTakes current payload and replaces it with None value\nReturns unprocessed part of the path.\nReturns true if connection upgrade is enabled.\nConnection upgrade status\nCheck upgrade status of this message\nReturns URI.\nReturns the request URI.\nGenerate URL for named resource.\nReturns the request version.\nConstructs a new response with given body.\nLength as reported by Content-Length header, if present.\nAn error representing a problem running a blocking task on …\nBody streaming error.\nCan not decode chunked transfer encoding.\nContent type error.\nContent type error\nA set of error that can occur during parsing content type.\nContentType error.\nDeserialize error\nDeserialize error\nQuery deserialize error.\nDisconnect timeout. Makes sense for TLS streams.\nA set of errors that can occur during dispatching HTTP …\nEncoding error.\nContent encoding stream corruption.\nPayload size is bigger than allowed. (default: 256kB)\nContains the error value\nGeneral purpose Actix Web error.\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a GONE …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a LOCKED…\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHelper function that wraps any error and generates a …\nHTTP/2 error.\nHandler dropped payload before reading EOF.\nAn invalid Header.\nHTTP/2 payload error.\nA generic “error” for HTTP connections\nA message reached EOF, but is not complete.\nA payload reached EOF, but is not complete.\nWraps errors to alter the generated response status code.\nInternal error.\nAn I/O error that occurred while trying to read or write …\nGeneric I/O error.\nAn io::Error that occurred while trying to read or write …\nA set of errors that can occur during parsing json payloads\nLine limit exceeded.\nAn invalid Method, such as GE.T.\nNot all URL parameters covered.\nContains the success value\nPayload size is larger than allowed. (default limit: …\nPayload size is bigger than allowed but no content length …\nPayload reached size limit.\nPayload size is bigger than allowed & content length …\nParse error.\nRequest parse error.\nA set of errors that can occur during parsing HTTP streams.\nURL parse error.\nCan not parse content type.\nA set of errors that can occur during parsing request paths\nPayload error.\nPayload error\nPayload error.\nA set of errors that can occur during payload parsing.\nA set of errors that can occur during parsing query …\nError type returned when reading body as lines.\nResource not found.\nErrors that can generate responses.\nA convenience Result for Actix Web operations.\nSerialize error.\nSerialize error\nService error.\nThe first request did not complete within the specified …\nAn invalid Status, such as 1337 ELITE.\nA timeout occurred waiting for an IO event.\nA message head is too large to be reasonable.\nUnknown content encoding.\nPayload size is now known.\nPayload length is unknown.\nUpgrade service error.\nAn invalid Uri, such as exam ple.domain.\nErrors which can occur when attempting to generate …\nA set of errors that can occur during parsing urlencoded …\nParsing a field as string failed.\nAn invalid HttpVersion, such as HTP/1.1\nSimilar to as_response_error but downcasts.\nReturns the reference to the underlying ResponseError.\nDowncasts a generic body to a mutable specific type.\nDowncasts generic body to a specific type.\nShortcut for creating an HttpResponse.\nCreates full response for error.\nCreates full response for error.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nConstructs an InternalError with pre-defined response.\nReturn a reference to the lower level, inner error.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nReturn true if the underlying error has the same type as T.\nConstructs an InternalError with given status code.\nReturns appropriate status code for error.\nReturns appropriate status code for error.\nA guard that verifies that an Accept header is present and …\nCreates a guard that matches if all added guards match.\nA collection of guards that match if the conjunction of …\nCreates a guard that matches if any added guards match.\nA collection of guards that match if the disjunction of …\nCreates a guard that matches the CONNECT request method.\nCreates a guard that matches the DELETE request method.\nCreates a guard that matches the GET request method.\nInterface for routing guards.\nProvides access to request parts that are useful during …\nCreates a guard that matches the HEAD request method.\nCreates a guard that matches if request contains given …\nCreates a guard that matches requests targeting a specific …\nCreates a guard that matches a specified HTTP method.\nWraps a guard and inverts the outcome of its Guard …\nCreates a guard that matches the OPTIONS request method.\nCreates a guard that matches the PATCH request method.\nCreates a guard that matches the POST request method.\nCreates a guard that matches the PUT request method.\nCreates a guard that matches the TRACE request method.\nAdds new guard to the collection of guards to check.\nReturns true if predicate condition is met for a given …\nCreates a guard using the given function.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns reference to the request head.\nExtracts a typed header from the request.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nAllows */* in the Accept header to pass the guard check.\nConstructs new Acceptable guard with the given mime …\nAdds new guard to the collection of guards to check.\nReturns reference to the request-local data/extensions …\nReturns mutable reference to the request-local …\n202 Accepted [RFC7231, Section 6.3.3]\n208 Already Reported [RFC5842]\n502 Bad Gateway [RFC7231, Section 6.6.3]\n400 Bad Request [RFC7231, Section 6.5.1]\n409 Conflict [RFC7231, Section 6.5.8]\nCONNECT\n100 Continue [RFC7231, Section 6.2.1]\n201 Created [RFC7231, Section 6.3.2]\nClose connection after response.\nRepresents various types of connection\nDELETE\nKeep-alive is disabled.\n417 Expectation Failed [RFC7231, Section 6.5.14]\n424 Failed Dependency [RFC4918]\n403 Forbidden [RFC7231, Section 6.5.3]\n302 Found [RFC7231, Section 6.4.3]\n504 Gateway Timeout [RFC7231, Section 6.6.5]\nGET\n410 Gone [RFC7231, Section 6.5.9]\nHEAD\nHTTP/0.9\nHTTP/1.0\nHTTP/1.1\nHTTP/2.0\nHTTP/3.0\n505 HTTP Version Not Supported [RFC7231, Section 6.6.6]\n418 I’m a teapot [curiously not registered by IANA but …\n226 IM Used [RFC3229]\n507 Insufficient Storage [RFC4918]\n500 Internal Server Error [RFC7231, Section 6.6.1]\nConnection keep-alive config.\nKeep connection alive after response.\n411 Length Required [RFC7231, Section 6.5.10]\n423 Locked [RFC4918]\n508 Loop Detected [RFC5842]\n405 Method Not Allowed [RFC7231, Section 6.5.5]\n421 Misdirected Request RFC7540, Section 9.1.2\n301 Moved Permanently [RFC7231, Section 6.4.2]\n300 Multiple Choices [RFC7231, Section 6.4.1]\n207 Multi-Status [RFC4918]\nThe Request Method (VERB)\n511 Network Authentication Required [RFC6585]\n203 Non-Authoritative Information [RFC7231, Section 6.3.4]\n406 Not Acceptable [RFC7231, Section 6.5.6]\n510 Not Extended [RFC2774]\n404 Not Found [RFC7231, Section 6.5.4]\n501 Not Implemented [RFC7231, Section 6.6.2]\n304 Not Modified [RFC7232, Section 4.1]\n204 No Content [RFC7231, Section 6.3.5]\n200 OK [RFC7231, Section 6.3.1]\nOPTIONS\nRely on OS to shutdown TCP connection.\n206 Partial Content [RFC7233, Section 4.1]\nPATCH\n413 Payload Too Large [RFC7231, Section 6.5.11]\n402 Payment Required [RFC7231, Section 6.5.2]\n308 Permanent Redirect [RFC7238]\nPOST\n412 Precondition Failed [RFC7232, Section 4.2]\n428 Precondition Required [RFC6585]\n102 Processing [RFC2518]\n407 Proxy Authentication Required [RFC7235, Section 3.2]\nPUT\n416 Range Not Satisfiable [RFC7233, Section 4.4]\n431 Request Header Fields Too Large [RFC6585]\n408 Request Timeout [RFC7231, Section 6.5.7]\n205 Reset Content [RFC7231, Section 6.3.6]\n303 See Other [RFC7231, Section 6.4.4]\n503 Service Unavailable [RFC7231, Section 6.6.4]\n101 Switching Protocols [RFC7231, Section 6.2.2]\nAn HTTP status code (status-code in RFC 7230 et al.).\n307 Temporary Redirect [RFC7231, Section 6.4.7]\n429 Too Many Requests [RFC6585]\nTRACE\nKeep-alive duration.\n401 Unauthorized [RFC7235, Section 3.1]\n451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons [RFC7725]\n422 Unprocessable Entity [RFC4918]\n415 Unsupported Media Type [RFC7231, Section 6.5.13]\n426 Upgrade Required [RFC7231, Section 6.5.15]\n414 URI Too Long [RFC7231, Section 6.5.12]\n305 Use Proxy [RFC7231, Section 6.4.5]\nConnection is upgraded to different type.\nThe URI component of a request.\n506 Variant Also Negotiates [RFC2295]\nRepresents a version of the HTTP spec.\nReturn a &str representation of the HTTP method\nReturns a &str representation of the StatusCode\nReturns the u16 corresponding to this StatusCode.\nGet the authority of this Uri.\nCreates a new builder-style object to manufacture a Uri.\nGet the standardised reason-phrase for this status code.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nConverts a slice of bytes to an HTTP method.\nConverts a &u8 to a status code\nAttempt to convert a Bytes buffer to a Uri.\nAttempt to convert a Parts into a Uri.\nConvert a Uri from a static string.\nConverts a u16 to a status code.\nA Collection of Header implementations for common HTTP …\nGet the host of this Uri.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nConvert a Uri into Parts.\nCheck if status is within 400-499.\nWhether a method is considered “idempotent”, meaning …\nCheck if status is within 100-199.\nCheck if status is within 300-399.\nWhether a method is considered “safe”, meaning the …\nCheck if status is within 500-599.\nCheck if status is within 200-299.\nGet the path of this Uri.\nReturns the path & query components of the Uri\nGet the port part of this Uri.\nGet the port of this Uri as a u16.\nGet the query string of this Uri, starting after the ?.\nGet the scheme of this Uri.\nGet the scheme of this Uri as a &str.\nURI component of request and response lines\nAdvertises which content types the client is able to …\nAdvertises which character set the client is able to …\nAdvertises which content encoding the client is able to …\nAdvertises which languages the client is able to …\nMarker used by the server to advertise partial request …\nPreflight response indicating if the response to the …\nPreflight response indicating permitted HTTP headers.\nPreflight header response indicating permitted access …\nIndicates whether the response can be shared with …\nIndicates which headers can be exposed as part of the …\nIndicates how long the results of a preflight request can …\nInforms the server which HTTP headers will be used when an …\nInforms the server know which HTTP method will be used …\nIndicates the time in seconds the object has been in a …\nLists the set of methods support by a resource.\nAdvertises the availability of alternate services to …\nContains the credentials to authenticate a user agent with …\nAccept header, defined in RFC 7231 §5.3.2.\nAccept-Charset header, defined in RFC 7231 §5.3.3.\nAccept-Encoding header, defined in RFC 7231\nAccept-Language header, defined in RFC 7231 §5.3.5\nAllow header, defined in RFC 7231 §7.4.1\nAny value is a match\nAny value is a match\nA wildcard value.\nSealed trait implemented for types that can be effectively …\nAttachment implies that the recipient should prompt the …\nBig5\nA format using the Brotli algorithm.\nA range of bytes to fetch.\nByte range\nByte range.\nSpecifies directives for caching mechanisms in both …\nResponse header field that indicates how caches have …\nResponse header field that allows origin servers to …\nControls whether or not the network connection stays open …\nIndicates if the content is expected to be displayed …\nUsed to compress the media-type.\nUsed to describe the languages intended for the audience.\nIndicates the size of the entity-body.\nIndicates an alternate location for the returned data.\nIndicates where in a full body message a partial message …\nAllows controlling resources the user agent is allowed to …\nAllows experimenting with policies by monitoring their …\nUsed to indicate the media type of the resource.\nContains stored HTTP cookies previously sent by the server …\nResponse header that prevents a document from loading any …\nResponse header that allows you to ensure a top-level …\nResponse header that conveys a desire that the browser …\nCache-Control header, defined in RFC 7234 §5.2.\nCacheControl contains a list of these directives.\nA MIME character set.\nA Content-Disposition header. It is compatible to be used …\nRepresents a supported content encoding.\nContent-Language header, defined in RFC 7231 §\nContent-Length header, defined in RFC 9110 §8.6.\nContent-Range header, defined in RFC 7233 §4.2\nContent-Range header, defined in RFC 7233 §4.2\nContent-Type header, defined in RFC 9110 §8.3.\nContains the date and time at which the message was …\nIndicates the client’s tracking preference.\nDate header, defined in RFC 7231 §\nThe date when the client retrieved the resource.\nA format using the zlib structure with deflate algorithm.\nParameter in ContentDisposition.\nThe implied disposition of the content of the HTTP body.\nIdentifier for a specific version of a resource.\nETag header, defined in RFC 7232 §2.3\nIndicates expectations that need to be fulfilled by the …\nContains the date/time after which the response is …\nA value to represent an encoding used in the …\nAn entity tag, defined in [RFC 7232 §2.3].\nThe entity-tag the client has of the resource.\nThe type returned in the event of a conversion error.\nEUC-JP\nEUC-KR\nExpires header, defined in RFC 7234 §5.3\nAn arbitrary charset specified as a string\nExtension type. Should be handled by recipients the same …\nThe value part of an extended parameter consisting of …\nExtension directives. Optionally include an argument.\nContains information from the client-facing side of proxy …\nContains an Internet email address for a human user who …\nA plain file name.\nAn extended file name. It must not exist for …\nUsed in multipart/form-data as defined in RFC 7578 to …\nAll bytes starting from x, inclusive.\nAll bytes from x to y, inclusive.\nGB2312\nGzip algorithm.\nSpecifies the domain name of the server and (optionally) …\nAn interface for types that already represent a valid …\nA multi-map of HTTP headers.\nRepresents an HTTP header field name\nRepresents an HTTP header field value.\nA timestamp with HTTP-style formatting and parsing.\nMakes a request conditional based on the E-Tag.\nMakes a request conditional based on the modification date.\nMakes a request conditional based on the E-Tag.\nMakes a request conditional based on range.\nMakes the request conditional based on the last …\nIndicates the no-op identity encoding.\nIf-Match header, defined in RFC 7232 §3.1\nIf-Modified-Since header, defined in RFC 7232 §3.3\nIf-None-Match header, defined in RFC 7232 §3.2\nIf-Range header, defined in RFC 7233 §3.2\nIf-Unmodified-Since header, defined in RFC 7232 §3.4\nInline implies default processing.\nA possible error when converting a HeaderName from another …\nA possible error when converting a HeaderValue from a …\nISO-2022-JP\nISO-2022-JP-2\nISO-2022-KR\nISO-8859-1\nISO-8859-10\nISO-8859-2\nISO-8859-3\nISO-8859-4\nISO-8859-5\nISO-8859-6\nISO-8859-6-E\nISO-8859-6-I\nISO-8859-7\nISO-8859-8\nISO-8859-8-E\nISO-8859-8-I\nISO-8859-9\nOnly the listed items are a match\nOnly the listed items are a match\nA supported content encoding. See ContentEncoding for …\nKOI8-R\nContent-Types that are acceptable for the response.\nAllows the server to point an interested client to another …\nIndicates the URL to redirect a page to.\nA language tag as described in RFC 5646.\nThe last y bytes, inclusive.\nLast-Modified header, defined in RFC 7232 §2.2\nThe maximum quality value, equivalent to q=1.0.\nIndicates the max number of intermediaries the request …\nThe minimum, non-zero quality value, equivalent to q=0.001.\n“max-age=delta”\n“max-stale=delta”\n“min-fresh=delta”\n“must-revalidate”\nFor DispositionType::FormData (i.e. multipart/form-data), …\n“no-cache”\n“no-store”\n“no-transform”\nIndicates where a fetch originates from.\n“only-if-cached”\nResponse header that provides a mechanism to allow and …\nHTTP/1.0 header usually used for backwards compatibility.\nDefines the authentication method that should be used to …\nContains the credentials to authenticate a user agent to a …\nAssociates a specific cryptographic public key with a …\nSends reports of pinning violation to the report-uri …\nA wrapper for types used in header values where wildcard (*…\n“private”\n“proxy-revalidate”\n“public”\nRepresents a quality used in q-factor values.\nRepresents an item with a quality value as defined in RFC …\nIndicates the part of a document that the server should …\nContains the address of the previous web page from which a …\nGoverns which referrer information should be included with …\nInforms the web browser that the current page or frame …\nThe Retry-After response HTTP header indicates how long …\nRange header, defined in RFC 7233 §3.1\nThe |Sec-WebSocket-Accept| header field is used in the …\nThe |Sec-WebSocket-Extensions| header field is used in the …\nThe |Sec-WebSocket-Key| header field is used in the …\nThe |Sec-WebSocket-Protocol| header field is used in the …\nThe |Sec-WebSocket-Version| header field is used in the …\nContains information about the software used by the origin …\nUsed to send cookies from the server to the user agent.\n“s-maxage=delta”\nTells the client to communicate with HTTPS instead of …\nShift_JIS\nA valid T.\nInforms the server of transfer encodings willing to be …\nAllows the sender to include additional fields at the end …\nSpecifies the form of encoding used to safely transfer the …\nA possible error when converting a HeaderValue to a string …\nAn interface for types that can be converted into a …\nAn interface for types that can be converted into a …\nUsed as part of the exchange to upgrade the protocol.\nSends a signal to the server expressing the client’s …\nContains a string that allows identifying the requesting …\nAn unrecognized regular parameter as defined in RFC 5987 …\nSome other encoding that is less common, can be any string.\nAn unrecognized extended parameter as defined in RFC 5987 …\nCustom range, with unit not registered at IANA\nCustom range, with unit not registered at IANA.\nUS ASCII\nDetermines how to match future requests with cached …\nAdded by proxies to track routing.\nGeneral HTTP header contains information about possible …\nDefines the authentication method that should be used to …\nMarker used by the server to indicate that the MIME types …\nControls DNS prefetching.\nRequest header (de-facto standard) for identifying the …\nRequest header (de-facto standard) for identifying the …\nRequest header (de-facto standard) for identifying the …\nIndicates whether or not a browser should be allowed to …\nStop pages from loading when an XSS attack is detected.\nThe zero quality value, equivalent to q=0.0.\nZstd algorithm.\nAppends a name-value pair to the map.\nConverts a HeaderValue to a byte slice.\nReturns the filename if applicable.\nReturns the filename* if applicable.\nReturns the name if applicable.\nReturn the serialization of this language tag.\nReturns a str representation of the header.\nConvert content encoding to string.\nReturns the value of the unrecognized regular parameter if …\nReturns the value of the unrecognized extended parameter …\nConstructs a Content-Disposition header suitable for …\nConstructs a common byte range header.\nConstructs a byte range header with multiple subranges.\nReturns the canonical version of the language tag following\nReturns the number of single-value headers the map can …\nThe character set that is used to encode the value to a …\nClears the map, removing all name-value pairs.\nReturns true if the map contains a value for the specified …\nThe disposition type\nClears the map, returning all name-value sets as an …\nPerforms a case-insensitive comparison of the string …\nPerforms a case-insensitive comparison of the string …\nReturn the extended language subtags.\nIterate on the extended language subtags.\nReturn the extension subtags.\nIterate on the extension subtags.\nFormat an array into a comma-delimited string.\nConstructs a Content-Type: application/www-form-url-encoded…\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nConverts a slice of bytes to an HTTP header name.\nAttempt to convert a byte slice to a HeaderValue.\nReads a comma-delimited raw header into a Vec.\nConverts a slice of bytes to an HTTP header name.\nAttempt to convert a Bytes buffer to a HeaderValue.\nConvert a Bytes directly into a HeaderValue without …\nConverts a HeaderName into a HeaderValue\nReads a single string when parsing a header.\nParse a raw Content-Disposition header value.\nConverts a static string to a HTTP header name.\nConvert a static string to a HeaderValue.\nAttempt to convert a string to a HeaderValue.\nReturn the primary language subtag and its extended …\nReturns a reference to the first value associated with a …\nReturns an iterator over all values associated with a …\nReturn the value of filename if exists.\nReturn the value of filename* if exists.\nReturns a mutable reference to the first value associated …\nReturn the value of name if exists.\nReturn the value of the parameter which the name matches.\nReturn the value of the extended parameter which the name …\nConstruct Accept: text/html.\nConstructs a Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 header.\nPercent encode a sequence of bytes with a character set …\nConstruct Accept: image/*.\nInserts (overrides) a name-value pair in the map.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nReturns Content-Length value.\nConsumes the container, returning the value in the Specific…\nReturn the serialization of this language tag.\nReturns true if preference is the any/wildcard (*) value.\nReturns true if type is Attachment.\nReturns true if the HeaderValue has a length of zero bytes.\nReturns true if the map contains no elements.\nReturns true if type is Ext and the disp_type matches.\nReturns true if the parameter is Filename.\nReturns true if the parameter is FilenameExt.\nReturns true if type is FormData.\nReturns true if type is Inline.\nChecks if it is a language range, meaning that there are …\nReturns true if the parameter is Name.\nReturns true if the value represents sensitive data.\nReturns true if preference is the specific item (T) …\nReturns true if the parameter is Unknown and the name …\nReturns true if the parameter is UnknownExt and the name …\nCheck if the language tag is valid according to RFC 5646.\nReturns reference to value in Specific variant, if it is …\nThe wrapped contents of the field.\nAn iterator over all name-value pairs.\nConstructs a Content-Type: image/jpeg header.\nConstruct Accept: application/json.\nConstructs a Content-Type: application/json header.\nAn iterator over all contained header names.\nThe human language details of the value, if available.\nReturns the length of self.\nReturns the number of values stored in the map.\nReturns the number of keys stored in the map.\nA multi-value HeaderMap and its iterators.\nMatches language tags. The first language acts as a …\nConstructs a new QualityItem from an item, using the …\nConstructs a new QualityItem from an item, using the …\nReturns the name of the header field.\nSelects the most acceptable encoding according to client …\nCreate an empty HeaderMap.\nConstructs a new QualityItem from an item and a quality …\nConstructs a new EntityTag.\nConstructs a new strong EntityTag.\nConstructs a new weak EntityTag.\nCreate a date instance set to the current system time\nConstructs a Content-Type: application/octet-stream header.\nDisposition parameters\nParse the header from a HTTP message.\nCreate a LanguageTag from its serialization.\nParses extended header parameter values (ext-value), as …\nConstructs a Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 …\nConstructs a Content-Type: image/png header.\nExtracts the most preferable mime type, accounting for …\nExtracts the most preferable encoding, accounting for …\nExtracts the most preferable language, accounting for …\nReturn the primary language subtag.\nReturn the private use subtags.\nIterate on the private use subtags.\nConvenience function to create a Quality from an f32 …\nThe quality (client or server preference) for the value.\nReturns a sorted list of mime types from highest to lowest …\nReturns a sorted list of encodings from highest to lowest …\nReturns a sorted list of languages from highest to lowest …\nReturn the region subtag.\nRemoves all headers for a particular header name from the …\nReserves capacity for at least additional more headers to …\nRetains only the headers specified by the predicate.\nReturn the script subtag.\nMark that the header value represents sensitive …\nSets tag.\nConstruct Accept: */*.\nFor strong comparison two entity-tags are equivalent if …\nReturns the inverse of strong_eq().\nReturns tag.\nConstruct Accept: text/*.\nConvert content encoding to header value.\nGiven the full length of the entity, attempt to normalize …\nYields a &str slice if the HeaderValue only contains …\nTry to convert value to a HeaderValue.\nCheck if the language tag is “valid” according to RFC …\nThe parameter value, as expressed in octets.\nReturn the variant subtags.\nIterate on the variant subtags.\nWeakness indicator for the tag\nFor weak comparison two entity-tags are equivalent if …\nReturns inverse of weak_eq().\nCreate an empty HeaderMap with the specified capacity.\nConstructs a Content-Type: text/xml header.\nConstructs a new QualityItem from an item, using zero …\nTotal length of the instance, can be omitted if unknown\nFirst and last bytes of the range, omitted if request …\nother-range-resp\nother-range-unit\nIterator over drained name-value pairs.\nA multi-map of HTTP headers.\nIterator over owned name-value pairs.\nIterator over borrowed name-value pairs.\nIterator over all names in the map.\nIterator over removed, owned values with the same …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nReturns true if iterator contains no elements, without …\nRepresents the authority component of a URI.\nA builder for Uris.\nHTTP protocol scheme\nHTTP protocol over TLS.\nAn error resulting from a failed attempt to construct a …\nAn error resulting from a failed attempt to construct a …\nThe various parts of a URI.\nRepresents the path component of a URI\nThe port component of a URI.\nRepresents the scheme component of a URI\nThe URI component of a request.\nReturns the port number as a str.\nReturn a str representation of the authority\nReturns the path and query as a string component.\nReturn a str representation of the scheme\nReturns the port number as a u16.\nSet the Authority for this URI.\nThe authority component of a URI\nConsumes this builder, and tries to construct a valid Uri …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nAttempt to convert a Bytes buffer to a Authority.\nAttempt to convert a Bytes buffer to a PathAndQuery.\nAttempt to convert an Authority from a static string.\nConvert a PathAndQuery from a static string.\nGet the host of this Authority.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCreates a new default instance of Builder to construct a …\nReturns the path component\nSet the PathAndQuery for this URI.\nThe origin-form component of a URI\nGet the port part of this Authority.\nGet the port of this Authority as a u16.\nReturns the query string component\nSet the Scheme for this URI.\nThe scheme component of a URI\nAlways add a trailing slash to the end of the path.\nMiddleware for enabling any middleware to be used in …\nMiddleware for compressing response payloads.\nMiddleware for conditionally enabling other middleware.\nMiddleware for setting default response headers.\nReturn type for ErrorHandlers custom handlers.\nMiddleware for registering custom status code based error …\nA future that resolves to an HTTP response.\nMiddleware for logging request and response summaries to …\nOnly merge any present multiple trailing slashes.\nMiddleware for normalizing a request’s path so that …\nImmediate HTTP response.\nDetermines the behavior of the NormalizePath middleware.\nTrim trailing slashes from the end of the path.\nAdds a header to the default set.\nAdds a default Content-Type header if response does not …\nRegister a function that receives a ServiceRequest and …\nRegister a function that receives a ServiceResponse and …\nCreate Logger middleware with format:\nRegister a default error handler.\nRegister a handler on which to fall back for client error …\nRegister a handler on which to fall back for server error …\nIgnore and do not log access info for specified path.\nIgnore and do not log access info for paths that match …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nRegister error handler for specified status code.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nSets the logging target to target.\nWrap a middleware to give it broader compatibility.\nConstruct new ErrorHandlers instance.\nConstructs an empty DefaultHeaders middleware.\nCreate Logger middleware with the specified format.\nCreate new NormalizePath middleware with the specified …\nConstructs a new NormalizePath middleware with trim …\nA Tokio-based runtime proxy.\nA manager for a per-thread distributed async runtime.\nRunner that keeps a System’s event loop alive until stop …\nGet handle to a the System’s initial Arbiter.\nRuns the provided future, blocking the current thread …\nRuns the provided future, blocking the current thread …\nGet current running system.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nNumeric system identifier.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCheck if there is a System registered on the current …\nTCP/UDP/Unix bindings (mostly Tokio re-exports).\nReturns a new runtime initialized with default …\nCreate a new system.\nPins a value on the stack.\nStarts event loop and will return once System is stopped.\nRuns the event loop until stopped, returning the exit code.\nAsynchronous signal handling (Tokio re-exports).\nSpawns a future on the current thread as a new task.\nOffload a future onto the single-threaded runtime.\nStop the system (with code 0).\nStop the system with a given exit code.\nTask management (Tokio re-exports).\nUtilities for tracking time (Tokio re-exports).\nRetrieves a reference to the underlying Tokio runtime …\nTry to get current running system.\nReturns a Ready representing readiness for all operations.\nReturns the empty Ready set.\nReturns a Ready representing error readiness.\nReturns a Ready representing priority readiness.\nReturns a Ready representing readable readiness.\nReturns a Ready representing read closed readiness.\nDescribes the readiness state of an I/O resources.\nA TCP socket server, listening for connections.\nA TCP socket that has not yet been converted to a TcpStream…\nA TCP stream between a local and a remote socket.\nA UDP socket.\nAn I/O object representing a Unix datagram socket.\nA Unix socket which can accept connections from other Unix …\nA structure representing a connected Unix socket.\nReturns a Ready representing writable readiness.\nReturns a Ready representing write closed readiness.\nAccepts a new incoming connection from this listener.\nAccepts a new incoming connection to this listener.\nReads or writes from the socket using a user-provided IO …\nReads or writes from the socket using a user-provided IO …\nReads or writes from the socket using a user-provided IO …\nReads or writes from the socket using a user-provided IO …\nCreates a new TcpListener, which will be bound to the …\nBinds the socket to the given address.\nThis function will create a new UDP socket and attempt to …\nCreates a new UnixDatagram bound to the specified path.\nCreates a new UnixListener bound to the specified path.\nSets the value for the SO_BINDTODEVICE option on this …\nSets the value for the SO_BINDTODEVICE option on this …\nGets the value of the SO_BROADCAST option for this socket.\nEstablishes a TCP connection with a peer at the specified …\nOpens a TCP connection to a remote host.\nConnects the UDP socket setting the default destination …\nConnects the socket to the specified address.\nConnects to the socket named by path.\nGets the value for the SO_BINDTODEVICE option on this …\nGets the value for the SO_BINDTODEVICE option on this …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nConverts a RawFd to a TcpSocket.\nCreates new TcpListener from a std::net::TcpListener.\nCreates new TcpStream from a std::net::TcpStream.\nCreates new UdpSocket from a previously bound …\nCreates new UnixDatagram from a …\nCreates new UnixListener from a …\nCreates new UnixStream from a …\nConverts a std::net::TcpStream into a TcpSocket. The …\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nSplits a TcpStream into a read half and a write half, …\nSplits a UnixStream into a read half and a write half, …\nTurns a tokio::net::TcpListener into a …\nTurns a tokio::net::TcpStream into a std::net::TcpStream.\nTurns a tokio::net::UdpSocket into a std::net::UdpSocket.\nTurns a tokio::net::UnixDatagram into a …\nTurns a tokio::net::UnixListener into a …\nTurns a tokio::net::UnixStream into a …\nReturns true if Ready is the empty set.\nReturns true if the value includes error readiness.\nReturns true if the value includes priority readiness.\nReturns true if the value includes read-closed readiness.\nReturns true if the value includes readable.\nReturns true if the value includes writable readiness.\nReturns true if the value includes write-closed readiness.\nExecutes an operation of the IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP type.\nExecutes an operation of the IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP type.\nGets the value of the SO_KEEPALIVE option on this socket.\nExecutes an operation of the IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP type.\nExecutes an operation of the IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP type.\nReads the linger duration for this socket by getting the …\nReads the linger duration for this socket by getting the …\nConverts the socket into a TcpListener.\nReturns the local address that this listener is bound to.\nGets the local address of this socket.\nReturns the local address that this stream is bound to.\nReturns the local address that this socket is bound to.\nReturns the local address that this socket is bound to.\nReturns the local socket address of this listener.\nReturns the socket address of the local half of this …\nGets the value of the IP_MULTICAST_LOOP option for this …\nGets the value of the IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP option for this …\nGets the value of the IP_MULTICAST_TTL option for this …\nCreates a new socket configured for IPv4.\nCreates a new socket configured for IPv6.\nGets the value of the TCP_NODELAY option on this socket.\nGets the value of the TCP_NODELAY option on this socket.\nCreates an unnamed pair of connected sockets.\nCreates an unnamed pair of connected sockets.\nReceives data on the socket from the remote address to …\nReceives data from the socket, without removing it from …\nRetrieve the sender of the data at the head of the input …\nReturns the remote address that this stream is connected …\nReturns the socket address of the remote peer this socket …\nReturns the address of this socket’s peer.\nReturns the socket address of the remote half of this …\nReturns effective credentials of the process which called …\nPolls to accept a new incoming connection to this listener.\nPolls to accept a new incoming connection to this listener.\nAttempts to receive data on the socket, without removing …\nReceives data from the socket, without removing it from …\nRetrieve the sender of the data at the head of the input …\nPolls for read readiness.\nPolls for read readiness.\nAttempts to receive a single datagram message on the …\nAttempts to receive a single datagram message on the …\nAttempts to receive a single datagram on the socket.\nAttempts to receive a single datagram on the specified …\nPolls for read/receive readiness.\nPolls for read/receive readiness.\nAttempts to send data on the socket to the remote address …\nAttempts to send data on the socket to the remote address …\nPolls for write/send readiness.\nPolls for write/send readiness.\nAttempts to send data on the socket to a given address.\nAttempts to send data to the specified address.\nPolls for write readiness.\nPolls for write readiness.\nWaits for the socket to become readable.\nWaits for the socket to become readable.\nWaits for the socket to become readable.\nWaits for the socket to become readable.\nWaits for any of the requested ready states.\nWaits for any of the requested ready states.\nWaits for any of the requested ready states.\nWaits for any of the requested ready states.\nReceives a single datagram message on the socket from the …\nReceives data from the socket.\nReceives a single datagram message on the socket from the …\nReceives data from the socket from the address to which it …\nReceives a single datagram message on the socket, …\nReceives from the socket, advances the buffer’s internal …\nReturns the size of the TCP receive buffer for this socket.\nReceives a single datagram message on the socket. On …\nReceives data from the socket.\nRetrieves the value set for SO_REUSEADDR on this socket.\nAllows the socket to bind to an in-use port. Only …\nSends data on the socket to the remote address that the …\nSends data on the socket to the socket’s peer.\nReturns the size of the TCP send buffer for this socket.\nSends data on the socket to the given address. On success, …\nSends data on the socket to the specified address.\nSets the value of the SO_BROADCAST option for this socket.\nSets value for the SO_KEEPALIVE option on this socket.\nSets the linger duration of this socket by setting the …\nSets the linger duration of this socket by setting the …\nSets the value of the IP_MULTICAST_LOOP option for this …\nSets the value of the IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP option for this …\nSets the value of the IP_MULTICAST_TTL option for this …\nSets the value of the TCP_NODELAY option on this socket.\nSets the value of the TCP_NODELAY option on this socket.\nSets the size of the TCP receive buffer on this socket.\nAllows the socket to bind to an in-use address.\nAllows the socket to bind to an in-use port. Only …\nSets the size of the TCP send buffer on this socket.\nSets the value for the IP_TOS option on this socket.\nSets the value for the IP_TOS option on this socket.\nSets the value for the IP_TTL option on this socket.\nSets the value for the IP_TTL option on this socket.\nSets the value for the IP_TTL option on this socket.\nShuts down the read, write, or both halves of this …\nSplits a TcpStream into a read half and a write half, …\nSplits a UnixStream into a read half and a write half, …\nReturns the value of the SO_ERROR option.\nReturns the value of the SO_ERROR option.\nReturns the value of the SO_ERROR option.\nReturns the value of the SO_ERROR option.\nReturns the value of the SO_ERROR option.\nReturns the value of the SO_ERROR option.\nGets the value of the IP_TOS option for this socket.\nGets the value of the IP_TOS option for this socket.\nConsumes stream, returning the tokio I/O object.\nConsumes stream, returning the tokio I/O object.\nConsumes stream, returning the tokio I/O object.\nConsumes stream, returning the Tokio I/O object.\nConsumes stream, returning the tokio I/O object.\nConsumes stream, returning the tokio I/O object.\nTries to read or write from the socket using a …\nTries to read or write from the socket using a …\nTries to read or write from the socket using a …\nTries to read or write from the socket using a …\nTries to receive data on the socket without removing it …\nTry to retrieve the sender of the data at the head of the …\nTries to read data from the stream into the provided …\nTry to read data from the stream into the provided buffer, …\nTries to read data from the stream into the provided …\nTries to read data from the stream into the provided …\nTries to read data from the stream into the provided …\nTries to read data from the stream into the provided …\nTries to receive a single datagram message on the socket …\nTries to receive a datagram from the peer without waiting.\nTries to receive data from the stream into the provided …\nTries to read data from the stream into the provided …\nTries to receive a single datagram message on the socket. …\nTries to receive data from the socket without waiting.\nTries to receive a single datagram message on the socket. …\nTries to receive data from the socket without waiting.\nTries to send data on the socket to the remote address to …\nTries to send a datagram to the peer without waiting.\nTries to send data on the socket to the given address, but …\nTries to send a datagram to the peer without waiting.\nTry to write a buffer to the stream, returning how many …\nTries to write a buffer to the stream, returning how many …\nTries to write several buffers to the stream, returning …\nTries to write several buffers to the stream, returning …\nGets the value of the IP_TTL option for this socket.\nGets the value of the IP_TTL option for this socket.\nGets the value of the IP_TTL option for this socket.\nCreates a new UnixDatagram which is not bound to any …\nWaits for the socket to become writable.\nWaits for the socket to become writable.\nWaits for the socket to become writable.\nWaits for the socket to become writable.\nCompletes when a “ctrl-c” notification is sent to the …\nUnix specific signals (Tokio re-exports).\nAn listener for receiving a particular type of OS signal.\nRepresents the specific kind of signal to listen for.\nRepresents the SIGALRM signal.\nGet the signal’s numeric value.\nRepresents the SIGCHLD signal.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nAllows for listening to any valid OS signal.\nRepresents the SIGHUP signal.\nRepresents the SIGINT signal.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nRepresents the SIGIO signal.\nRepresents the SIGPIPE signal.\nPolls to receive the next signal notification event, …\nRepresents the SIGQUIT signal.\nReceives the next signal notification event.\nCreates a new listener which will receive notifications …\nRepresents the SIGTERM signal.\nRepresents the SIGUSR1 signal.\nRepresents the SIGUSR2 signal.\nRepresents the SIGWINCH signal.\nTask failed to execute to completion.\nAn owned permission to join on a task (await its …\nAbort the task associated with the handle.\nReturns a new AbortHandle that can be used to remotely …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nConsumes the join error, returning the object with which …\nReturns true if the error was caused by the task being …\nChecks if the task associated with this JoinHandle has …\nReturns true if the error was caused by the task panicking.\nRuns the provided closure on a thread where blocking is …\nConsumes the join error, returning the object with which …\nYields execution back to the Tokio runtime.\nA measurement of a monotonically nondecreasing clock. …\nInterval returned by interval and interval_at.\nFuture returned by sleep and sleep_until.\nFuture returned by timeout and timeout_at.\nReturns Some(t) where t is the time self + duration if t …\nReturns the amount of time elapsed from another instant to …\nReturns Some(t) where t is the time self - duration if t …\nReturns the instant at which the future will complete.\nReturns the amount of time elapsed from another instant to …\nReturns the amount of time elapsed since this instant was …\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nCreate a tokio::time::Instant from a std::time::Instant.\nGets a mutable reference to the underlying value in this …\nGets a reference to the underlying value in this timeout.\nCreates new Interval that yields with interval of period. …\nCreates new Interval that yields with interval of period …\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nConsumes this timeout, returning the underlying value.\nConvert the value into a std::time::Instant.\nReturns true if Sleep has elapsed.\nReturns the MissedTickBehavior strategy currently being …\nReturns an instant corresponding to “now”.\nReturns the period of the interval.\nPolls for the next instant in the interval to be reached.\nResets the interval to complete one period after the …\nResets the Sleep instance to a new deadline.\nResets the interval after the specified std::time::Duration…\nResets the interval to a crate::time::Instant deadline.\nResets the interval immediately.\nReturns the amount of time elapsed from another instant to …\nSets the MissedTickBehavior strategy that should be used.\nWaits until duration has elapsed.\nWaits until deadline is reached.\nCompletes when the next instant in the interval has been …\nRequires a Future to complete before the specified …\nAsync I/O test buffer.\nTest Request builder.\nInserts application data.\nAppends a header, keeping any that were set with an …\nHelper function that returns a response body of a …\nHelper function that returns a deserialized response body …\nCalls service and waits for response future completion.\nSets cookie for this request.\nConstructs test request with DELETE method.\nCreate new empty TestBuffer instance.\nAdd data to read buffer.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nConstructs test request with GET method.\nInitialize service from application builder instance.\nInserts a header, replacing any that were set with an …\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nSets method of this request.\nCreate new TestBuffer instance with initial read buffer.\nCreates service that always responds with 200 OK and no …\nSets request path pattern parameter.\nConstructs test request with PATCH method.\nSets peer address.\nConstructs test request with POST method.\nConstructs test request with PUT method.\nHelper function that returns a response body of a …\nHelper function that returns a deserialized response body …\nFinalizes request creation, calls service, and waits for …\nSerializes data to a URL encoded form and set it as the …\nSerializes data to JSON and set it as the request payload.\nSets request payload.\nCreates service that always responds with given status …\nFinalizes request creation and returns HttpRequest and …\nFinalizes request creation and returns HttpRequest …\nFinalizes request creation and returns Request instance.\nFinalizes request creation and returns ServiceRequest …\nFinalizes request creation and returns ServiceResponse …\nFallible version of call_and_read_body_json that allows …\nFallible version of call_service that allows testing …\nFallible version of read_body that allows testing …\nFallible version of read_body_json that allows testing …\nSets URI of this request.\nSets HTTP version of this request.\nConstructs test request and sets request URI.\nRead bytes from a buffer.\nA trait for values that provide sequential write access to …\nA cheaply cloneable and sliceable chunk of contiguous …\nA unique reference to a contiguous slice of memory.\nApplication data wrapper and extractor.\nCombines two extractor or responder types into a single …\nURL encoded payload extractor and responder.\nForm extractor configuration.\nExtract typed headers from the request.\nJSON extractor and responder.\nFuture that resolves to some T when parsed from a JSON …\nJson extractor configuration.\nA value of type L.\nExtract typed data from request path segments.\nPath extractor configuration\nExtract a request’s raw payload stream.\nConfiguration for request payloads.\nExtract typed information from the request’s query.\nQuery extractor configuration.\nStream that reads request line by line.\nAn HTTP service for redirecting one path to another path …\nRequest-local data extractor.\nA value of type R.\nEnables parts of app configuration to be declared …\nFuture that resolves to some T when parsed from a URL …\nAdvance the internal cursor of the Buf\nAdvance the internal cursor of the BufMut\nAdd arbitrary app data item.\nExecutes blocking function on a thread pool, returns …\nReturns the number of bytes the BytesMut can hold without …\nCreates an adaptor which will chain this buffer with …\nCreates an adapter which will chain this buffer with …\nReturns a slice starting at the current position and of …\nReturns a mutable slice starting at the current BufMut …\nFills dst with potentially multiple slices starting at self…\nClears the buffer, removing all data.\nClears the buffer, removing all data. Existing capacity is …\nRun external configuration as part of the application …\nSet predicate for allowed content types.\nSets whether or not the request must have a Content-Type …\nCreates Bytes instance from slice, by copying it.\nConsumes len bytes inside self and returns new instance of …\nCopies bytes from self into dst.\nAdd shared app data item.\nDefault service to be used if no matching resource could …\nCreates a new route with DELETE method guard.\nSet custom error handler\nSet custom error handler.\nSet custom error handler.\nSet custom error handler\nAppends given bytes to this BytesMut.\nRegister an external resource.\nConverts self into an immutable Bytes.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nDeserialize a T from the URL encoded query parameter …\nCreates a new Bytes from a static slice.\nCreates a new route with GET method guard.\nGets an IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating point …\nGets an IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating point …\nGets an IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating point …\nGets an IEEE754 double-precision (8 bytes) floating point …\nGets an IEEE754 double-precision (8 bytes) floating point …\nGets an IEEE754 double-precision (8 bytes) floating point …\nGets a signed 128 bit integer from self in big-endian byte …\nGets a signed 128 bit integer from self in little-endian …\nGets a signed 128 bit integer from self in native-endian …\nGets a signed 16 bit integer from self in big-endian byte …\nGets a signed 16 bit integer from self in little-endian …\nGets a signed 16 bit integer from self in native-endian …\nGets a signed 32 bit integer from self in big-endian byte …")