#!/bin/sh set -euo pipefail bold="\033[1m" reset="\033[0m" unreleased_for() { DIR=$1 CARGO_MANIFEST=$DIR/Cargo.toml CHANGELOG_FILE=$DIR/CHANGES.md # get current version PACKAGE_NAME="$(sed -nE 's/^name ?= ?"([^"]+)"$/\1/ p' "$CARGO_MANIFEST" | head -n 1)" CURRENT_VERSION="$(sed -nE 's/^version ?= ?"([^"]+)"$/\1/ p' "$CARGO_MANIFEST")" CHANGE_CHUNK_FILE="$(mktemp)" # get changelog chunk and save to temp file cat "$CHANGELOG_FILE" | # skip up to unreleased heading sed '1,/Unreleased/ d' | # take up to previous version heading sed "/$CURRENT_VERSION/ q" | # drop last line sed '$d' \ >"$CHANGE_CHUNK_FILE" # if word count of changelog chunk is 0 then exit if [ "$(wc -w "$CHANGE_CHUNK_FILE" | awk '{ print $1 }')" = "0" ]; then return 0; fi echo "${bold}# ${PACKAGE_NAME}${reset} since ${bold}v$CURRENT_VERSION${reset}" cat "$CHANGE_CHUNK_FILE" } for f in $(fd --absolute-path CHANGES.md); do unreleased_for $(dirname $f) done