//! Integration testing tools for Actix Web applications. //! //! The main integration testing tool is [`TestServer`]. It spawns a real HTTP server on an //! unused port and provides methods that use a real HTTP client. Therefore, it is much closer to //! real-world cases than using `init_service`, which skips HTTP encoding and decoding. //! //! # Examples //! ``` //! use actix_web::{get, web, test, App, HttpResponse, Error, Responder}; //! //! #[get("/")] //! async fn my_handler() -> Result { //! Ok(HttpResponse::Ok()) //! } //! //! #[actix_rt::test] //! async fn test_example() { //! let srv = actix_test::start(|| //! App::new().service(my_handler) //! ); //! //! let req = srv.get("/"); //! let res = req.send().await.unwrap(); //! //! assert!(res.status().is_success()); //! } //! ``` #[cfg(feature = "openssl")] extern crate tls_openssl as openssl; #[cfg(feature = "rustls")] extern crate tls_rustls as rustls; use std::{error::Error as StdError, fmt, net, thread, time::Duration}; use actix_codec::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, Framed}; pub use actix_http::test::TestBuffer; use actix_http::{ http::{HeaderMap, Method}, ws, HttpService, Request, Response, }; use actix_service::{map_config, IntoServiceFactory, ServiceFactory, ServiceFactoryExt as _}; use actix_web::{ dev::{AppConfig, MessageBody, Server, ServerHandle, Service}, rt::{self, System}, web, Error, }; use awc::{error::PayloadError, Client, ClientRequest, ClientResponse, Connector}; use futures_core::Stream; pub use actix_http_test::unused_addr; pub use actix_web::test::{ call_service, default_service, init_service, load_stream, ok_service, read_body, read_body_json, read_response, read_response_json, TestRequest, }; use tokio::sync::mpsc; /// Start default [`TestServer`]. /// /// # Examples /// ``` /// use actix_web::{get, web, test, App, HttpResponse, Error, Responder}; /// /// #[get("/")] /// async fn my_handler() -> Result { /// Ok(HttpResponse::Ok()) /// } /// /// #[actix_web::test] /// async fn test_example() { /// let srv = actix_test::start(|| /// App::new().service(my_handler) /// ); /// /// let req = srv.get("/"); /// let res = req.send().await.unwrap(); /// /// assert!(res.status().is_success()); /// } /// ``` pub fn start(factory: F) -> TestServer where F: Fn() -> I + Send + Clone + 'static, I: IntoServiceFactory, S: ServiceFactory + 'static, S::Error: Into + 'static, S::InitError: fmt::Debug, S::Response: Into> + 'static, >::Future: 'static, B: MessageBody + 'static, B::Error: Into>, { start_with(TestServerConfig::default(), factory) } /// Start test server with custom configuration /// /// Check [`TestServerConfig`] docs for configuration options. /// /// # Examples /// ``` /// use actix_web::{get, web, test, App, HttpResponse, Error, Responder}; /// /// #[get("/")] /// async fn my_handler() -> Result { /// Ok(HttpResponse::Ok()) /// } /// /// #[actix_web::test] /// async fn test_example() { /// let srv = actix_test::start_with(actix_test::config().h1(), || /// App::new().service(my_handler) /// ); /// /// let req = srv.get("/"); /// let res = req.send().await.unwrap(); /// /// assert!(res.status().is_success()); /// } /// ``` pub fn start_with(cfg: TestServerConfig, factory: F) -> TestServer where F: Fn() -> I + Send + Clone + 'static, I: IntoServiceFactory, S: ServiceFactory + 'static, S::Error: Into + 'static, S::InitError: fmt::Debug, S::Response: Into> + 'static, >::Future: 'static, B: MessageBody + 'static, B::Error: Into>, { // for sending handles and server info back from the spawned thread let (started_tx, started_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); // for signaling the shutdown of spawned server and system let (thread_stop_tx, thread_stop_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let tls = match cfg.stream { StreamType::Tcp => false, #[cfg(feature = "openssl")] StreamType::Openssl(_) => true, #[cfg(feature = "rustls")] StreamType::Rustls(_) => true, }; // run server in separate orphaned thread thread::spawn(move || { let sys = rt::System::new(); let tcp = net::TcpListener::bind("").unwrap(); let local_addr = tcp.local_addr().unwrap(); let factory = factory.clone(); let srv_cfg = cfg.clone(); let timeout = cfg.client_timeout; let builder = Server::build().workers(1).disable_signals().system_exit(); let srv = match srv_cfg.stream { StreamType::Tcp => match srv_cfg.tp { HttpVer::Http1 => builder.listen("test", tcp, move || { let app_cfg = AppConfig::__priv_test_new(false, local_addr.to_string(), local_addr); let fac = factory() .into_factory() .map_err(|err| err.into().error_response()); HttpService::build() .client_timeout(timeout) .h1(map_config(fac, move |_| app_cfg.clone())) .tcp() }), HttpVer::Http2 => builder.listen("test", tcp, move || { let app_cfg = AppConfig::__priv_test_new(false, local_addr.to_string(), local_addr); let fac = factory() .into_factory() .map_err(|err| err.into().error_response()); HttpService::build() .client_timeout(timeout) .h2(map_config(fac, move |_| app_cfg.clone())) .tcp() }), HttpVer::Both => builder.listen("test", tcp, move || { let app_cfg = AppConfig::__priv_test_new(false, local_addr.to_string(), local_addr); let fac = factory() .into_factory() .map_err(|err| err.into().error_response()); HttpService::build() .client_timeout(timeout) .finish(map_config(fac, move |_| app_cfg.clone())) .tcp() }), }, #[cfg(feature = "openssl")] StreamType::Openssl(acceptor) => match cfg.tp { HttpVer::Http1 => builder.listen("test", tcp, move || { let app_cfg = AppConfig::__priv_test_new(false, local_addr.to_string(), local_addr); let fac = factory() .into_factory() .map_err(|err| err.into().error_response()); HttpService::build() .client_timeout(timeout) .h1(map_config(fac, move |_| app_cfg.clone())) .openssl(acceptor.clone()) }), HttpVer::Http2 => builder.listen("test", tcp, move || { let app_cfg = AppConfig::__priv_test_new(false, local_addr.to_string(), local_addr); let fac = factory() .into_factory() .map_err(|err| err.into().error_response()); HttpService::build() .client_timeout(timeout) .h2(map_config(fac, move |_| app_cfg.clone())) .openssl(acceptor.clone()) }), HttpVer::Both => builder.listen("test", tcp, move || { let app_cfg = AppConfig::__priv_test_new(false, local_addr.to_string(), local_addr); let fac = factory() .into_factory() .map_err(|err| err.into().error_response()); HttpService::build() .client_timeout(timeout) .finish(map_config(fac, move |_| app_cfg.clone())) .openssl(acceptor.clone()) }), }, #[cfg(feature = "rustls")] StreamType::Rustls(config) => match cfg.tp { HttpVer::Http1 => builder.listen("test", tcp, move || { let app_cfg = AppConfig::__priv_test_new(false, local_addr.to_string(), local_addr); let fac = factory() .into_factory() .map_err(|err| err.into().error_response()); HttpService::build() .client_timeout(timeout) .h1(map_config(fac, move |_| app_cfg.clone())) .rustls(config.clone()) }), HttpVer::Http2 => builder.listen("test", tcp, move || { let app_cfg = AppConfig::__priv_test_new(false, local_addr.to_string(), local_addr); let fac = factory() .into_factory() .map_err(|err| err.into().error_response()); HttpService::build() .client_timeout(timeout) .h2(map_config(fac, move |_| app_cfg.clone())) .rustls(config.clone()) }), HttpVer::Both => builder.listen("test", tcp, move || { let app_cfg = AppConfig::__priv_test_new(false, local_addr.to_string(), local_addr); let fac = factory() .into_factory() .map_err(|err| err.into().error_response()); HttpService::build() .client_timeout(timeout) .finish(map_config(fac, move |_| app_cfg.clone())) .rustls(config.clone()) }), }, } .expect("test server could not be created"); let srv = srv.run(); started_tx .send((System::current(), srv.handle(), local_addr)) .unwrap(); // drive server loop sys.block_on(srv).unwrap(); // start system event loop sys.run().unwrap(); // notify TestServer that server and system have shut down // all thread managed resources should be dropped at this point let _ = thread_stop_tx.send(()); }); let (system, server, addr) = started_rx.recv().unwrap(); let client = { let connector = { #[cfg(feature = "openssl")] { use openssl::ssl::{SslConnector, SslMethod, SslVerifyMode}; let mut builder = SslConnector::builder(SslMethod::tls()).unwrap(); builder.set_verify(SslVerifyMode::NONE); let _ = builder .set_alpn_protos(b"\x02h2\x08http/1.1") .map_err(|e| log::error!("Can not set alpn protocol: {:?}", e)); Connector::new() .conn_lifetime(Duration::from_secs(0)) .timeout(Duration::from_millis(30000)) .ssl(builder.build()) } #[cfg(not(feature = "openssl"))] { Connector::new() .conn_lifetime(Duration::from_secs(0)) .timeout(Duration::from_millis(30000)) } }; Client::builder().connector(connector).finish() }; TestServer { server, thread_stop_rx, client, system, addr, tls, } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] enum HttpVer { Http1, Http2, Both, } #[derive(Clone)] enum StreamType { Tcp, #[cfg(feature = "openssl")] Openssl(openssl::ssl::SslAcceptor), #[cfg(feature = "rustls")] Rustls(rustls::ServerConfig), } /// Create default test server config. pub fn config() -> TestServerConfig { TestServerConfig::default() } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct TestServerConfig { tp: HttpVer, stream: StreamType, client_timeout: u64, } impl Default for TestServerConfig { fn default() -> Self { TestServerConfig::new() } } impl TestServerConfig { /// Create default server configuration pub(crate) fn new() -> TestServerConfig { TestServerConfig { tp: HttpVer::Both, stream: StreamType::Tcp, client_timeout: 5000, } } /// Accept HTTP/1.1 only. pub fn h1(mut self) -> Self { self.tp = HttpVer::Http1; self } /// Accept HTTP/2 only. pub fn h2(mut self) -> Self { self.tp = HttpVer::Http2; self } /// Accept secure connections via OpenSSL. #[cfg(feature = "openssl")] pub fn openssl(mut self, acceptor: openssl::ssl::SslAcceptor) -> Self { self.stream = StreamType::Openssl(acceptor); self } /// Accept secure connections via Rustls. #[cfg(feature = "rustls")] pub fn rustls(mut self, config: rustls::ServerConfig) -> Self { self.stream = StreamType::Rustls(config); self } /// Set client timeout in milliseconds for first request. pub fn client_timeout(mut self, val: u64) -> Self { self.client_timeout = val; self } } /// A basic HTTP server controller that simplifies the process of writing integration tests for /// Actix Web applications. /// /// See [`start`] for usage example. pub struct TestServer { server: ServerHandle, thread_stop_rx: mpsc::Receiver<()>, client: awc::Client, system: rt::System, addr: net::SocketAddr, tls: bool, } impl TestServer { /// Construct test server url pub fn addr(&self) -> net::SocketAddr { self.addr } /// Construct test server url pub fn url(&self, uri: &str) -> String { let scheme = if self.tls { "https" } else { "http" }; if uri.starts_with('/') { format!("{}://localhost:{}{}", scheme, self.addr.port(), uri) } else { format!("{}://localhost:{}/{}", scheme, self.addr.port(), uri) } } /// Create `GET` request. pub fn get(&self, path: impl AsRef) -> ClientRequest { self.client.get(self.url(path.as_ref()).as_str()) } /// Create `POST` request. pub fn post(&self, path: impl AsRef) -> ClientRequest { self.client.post(self.url(path.as_ref()).as_str()) } /// Create `HEAD` request. pub fn head(&self, path: impl AsRef) -> ClientRequest { self.client.head(self.url(path.as_ref()).as_str()) } /// Create `PUT` request. pub fn put(&self, path: impl AsRef) -> ClientRequest { self.client.put(self.url(path.as_ref()).as_str()) } /// Create `PATCH` request. pub fn patch(&self, path: impl AsRef) -> ClientRequest { self.client.patch(self.url(path.as_ref()).as_str()) } /// Create `DELETE` request. pub fn delete(&self, path: impl AsRef) -> ClientRequest { self.client.delete(self.url(path.as_ref()).as_str()) } /// Create `OPTIONS` request. pub fn options(&self, path: impl AsRef) -> ClientRequest { self.client.options(self.url(path.as_ref()).as_str()) } /// Connect request with given method and path. pub fn request(&self, method: Method, path: impl AsRef) -> ClientRequest { self.client.request(method, path.as_ref()) } pub async fn load_body( &mut self, mut response: ClientResponse, ) -> Result where S: Stream> + Unpin + 'static, { response.body().limit(10_485_760).await } /// Connect to WebSocket server at a given path. pub async fn ws_at( &mut self, path: &str, ) -> Result, awc::error::WsClientError> { let url = self.url(path); let connect = self.client.ws(url).connect(); connect.await.map(|(_, framed)| framed) } /// Connect to a WebSocket server. pub async fn ws( &mut self, ) -> Result, awc::error::WsClientError> { self.ws_at("/").await } /// Get default HeaderMap of Client. /// /// Returns Some(&mut HeaderMap) when Client object is unique /// (No other clone of client exists at the same time). pub fn client_headers(&mut self) -> Option<&mut HeaderMap> { self.client.headers() } /// Stop HTTP server. /// /// Waits for spawned `Server` and `System` to shutdown (force) shutdown. pub async fn stop(mut self) { // signal server to stop self.server.stop(false).await; // also signal system to stop // though this is handled by `ServerBuilder::exit_system` too self.system.stop(); // wait for thread to be stopped but don't care about result let _ = self.thread_stop_rx.recv().await; } } impl Drop for TestServer { fn drop(&mut self) { // calls in this Drop impl should be enough to shut down the server, system, and thread // without needing to await anything // signal server to stop let _ = self.server.stop(true); // signal system to stop self.system.stop(); } }