use std::{ collections::VecDeque, fmt, future::Future, io, mem, net, pin::Pin, rc::Rc, task::{Context, Poll}, }; use actix_codec::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, Decoder, Encoder, Framed, FramedParts}; use actix_rt::time::{sleep_until, Instant, Sleep}; use actix_service::Service; use bitflags::bitflags; use bytes::{Buf, BytesMut}; use futures_core::ready; use log::{error, trace}; use pin_project_lite::pin_project; use crate::{ body::{BodySize, BoxBody, MessageBody}, config::ServiceConfig, error::{DispatchError, ParseError, PayloadError}, service::HttpFlow, Error, Extensions, OnConnectData, Request, Response, StatusCode, }; use super::{ codec::Codec, decoder::MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, payload::{Payload, PayloadSender, PayloadStatus}, Message, MessageType, }; const LW_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 1024; const HW_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 1024 * 8; const MAX_PIPELINED_MESSAGES: usize = 16; bitflags! { pub struct Flags: u8 { const STARTED = 0b0000_0001; const KEEPALIVE = 0b0000_0010; const SHUTDOWN = 0b0000_0100; const READ_DISCONNECT = 0b0000_1000; const WRITE_DISCONNECT = 0b0001_0000; } } // there's 2 versions of Dispatcher state because of: // // // tl;dr: pin-project-lite doesn't play well with other attribute macros #[cfg(not(test))] pin_project! { /// Dispatcher for HTTP/1.1 protocol pub struct Dispatcher where S: Service, S::Error: Into>, B: MessageBody, X: Service, X::Error: Into>, U: Service<(Request, Framed), Response = ()>, U::Error: fmt::Display, { #[pin] inner: DispatcherState, } } #[cfg(test)] pin_project! { /// Dispatcher for HTTP/1.1 protocol pub struct Dispatcher where S: Service, S::Error: Into>, B: MessageBody, X: Service, X::Error: Into>, U: Service<(Request, Framed), Response = ()>, U::Error: fmt::Display, { #[pin] inner: DispatcherState, // used in tests poll_count: u64, } } pin_project! { #[project = DispatcherStateProj] enum DispatcherState where S: Service, S::Error: Into>, B: MessageBody, X: Service, X::Error: Into>, U: Service<(Request, Framed), Response = ()>, U::Error: fmt::Display, { Normal { #[pin] inner: InnerDispatcher }, Upgrade { #[pin] fut: U::Future }, } } pin_project! { #[project = InnerDispatcherProj] struct InnerDispatcher where S: Service, S::Error: Into>, B: MessageBody, X: Service, X::Error: Into>, U: Service<(Request, Framed), Response = ()>, U::Error: fmt::Display, { flow: Rc>, flags: Flags, peer_addr: Option, conn_data: Option>, error: Option, #[pin] state: State, payload: Option, messages: VecDeque, ka_expire: Instant, #[pin] ka_timer: Option, io: Option, read_buf: BytesMut, write_buf: BytesMut, codec: Codec, } } enum DispatcherMessage { Item(Request), Upgrade(Request), Error(Response<()>), } pin_project! { #[project = StateProj] enum State where S: Service, X: Service, B: MessageBody, { None, ExpectCall { #[pin] fut: X::Future }, ServiceCall { #[pin] fut: S::Future }, SendPayload { #[pin] body: B }, SendErrorPayload { #[pin] body: BoxBody }, } } impl State where S: Service, X: Service, B: MessageBody, { fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { matches!(self, State::None) } } enum PollResponse { Upgrade(Request), DoNothing, DrainWriteBuf, } impl Dispatcher where T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin, S: Service, S::Error: Into>, S::Response: Into>, B: MessageBody, X: Service, X::Error: Into>, U: Service<(Request, Framed), Response = ()>, U::Error: fmt::Display, { /// Create HTTP/1 dispatcher. pub(crate) fn new( io: T, flow: Rc>, config: ServiceConfig, peer_addr: Option, conn_data: OnConnectData, ) -> Self { let flags = if config.keep_alive_enabled() { Flags::KEEPALIVE } else { Flags::empty() }; // keep-alive timer let (ka_expire, ka_timer) = match config.keep_alive_timer() { Some(delay) => (delay.deadline(), Some(delay)), None => (, None), }; Dispatcher { inner: DispatcherState::Normal { inner: InnerDispatcher { flow, flags, peer_addr, conn_data:, error: None, state: State::None, payload: None, messages: VecDeque::new(), ka_expire, ka_timer, io: Some(io), read_buf: BytesMut::with_capacity(HW_BUFFER_SIZE), write_buf: BytesMut::with_capacity(HW_BUFFER_SIZE), codec: Codec::new(config), }, }, #[cfg(test)] poll_count: 0, } } } impl InnerDispatcher where T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin, S: Service, S::Error: Into>, S::Response: Into>, B: MessageBody, X: Service, X::Error: Into>, U: Service<(Request, Framed), Response = ()>, U::Error: fmt::Display, { fn can_read(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> bool { if self.flags.contains(Flags::READ_DISCONNECT) { false } else if let Some(ref info) = self.payload { info.need_read(cx) == PayloadStatus::Read } else { true } } // if checked is set to true, delay disconnect until all tasks have finished. fn client_disconnected(self: Pin<&mut Self>) { let this = self.project(); this.flags .insert(Flags::READ_DISCONNECT | Flags::WRITE_DISCONNECT); if let Some(mut payload) = this.payload.take() { payload.set_error(PayloadError::Incomplete(None)); } } fn poll_flush(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll> { let InnerDispatcherProj { io, write_buf, .. } = self.project(); let mut io = Pin::new(io.as_mut().unwrap()); let len = write_buf.len(); let mut written = 0; while written < len { match io.as_mut().poll_write(cx, &write_buf[written..])? { Poll::Ready(0) => { return Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::WriteZero, ""))) } Poll::Ready(n) => written += n, Poll::Pending => { write_buf.advance(written); return Poll::Pending; } } } // everything has written to io. clear buffer. write_buf.clear(); // flush the io and check if get blocked. io.poll_flush(cx) } fn send_response_inner( self: Pin<&mut Self>, message: Response<()>, body: &impl MessageBody, ) -> Result { let size = body.size(); let this = self.project(); this.codec .encode(Message::Item((message, size)), this.write_buf) .map_err(|err| { if let Some(mut payload) = this.payload.take() { payload.set_error(PayloadError::Incomplete(None)); } DispatchError::Io(err) })?; this.flags.set(Flags::KEEPALIVE, this.codec.keepalive()); Ok(size) } fn send_response( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, message: Response<()>, body: B, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError> { let size = self.as_mut().send_response_inner(message, &body)?; let state = match size { BodySize::None | BodySize::Sized(0) => State::None, _ => State::SendPayload { body }, }; self.project().state.set(state); Ok(()) } fn send_error_response( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, message: Response<()>, body: BoxBody, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError> { let size = self.as_mut().send_response_inner(message, &body)?; let state = match size { BodySize::None | BodySize::Sized(0) => State::None, _ => State::SendErrorPayload { body }, }; self.project().state.set(state); Ok(()) } fn send_continue(self: Pin<&mut Self>) { self.project() .write_buf .extend_from_slice(b"HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n"); } fn poll_response( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, ) -> Result { 'res: loop { let mut this = self.as_mut().project(); match this.state.as_mut().project() { // no future is in InnerDispatcher state. pop next message. StateProj::None => match this.messages.pop_front() { // handle request message. Some(DispatcherMessage::Item(req)) => { // Handle `EXPECT: 100-Continue` header if req.head().expect() { // set InnerDispatcher state and continue loop to poll it. let fut =; this.state.set(State::ExpectCall { fut }); } else { // the same as expect call. let fut =; this.state.set(State::ServiceCall { fut }); }; } // handle error message. Some(DispatcherMessage::Error(res)) => { // send_response would update InnerDispatcher state to SendPayload or // None(If response body is empty). // continue loop to poll it. self.as_mut().send_error_response(res, BoxBody::new(()))?; } // return with upgrade request and poll it exclusively. Some(DispatcherMessage::Upgrade(req)) => { return Ok(PollResponse::Upgrade(req)); } // all messages are dealt with. None => return Ok(PollResponse::DoNothing), }, StateProj::ServiceCall { fut } => match fut.poll(cx) { // service call resolved. send response. Poll::Ready(Ok(res)) => { let (res, body) = res.into().replace_body(()); self.as_mut().send_response(res, body)?; } // send service call error as response Poll::Ready(Err(err)) => { let res: Response = err.into(); let (res, body) = res.replace_body(()); self.as_mut().send_error_response(res, body)?; } // service call pending and could be waiting for more chunk messages. // (pipeline message limit and/or payload can_read limit) Poll::Pending => { // no new message is decoded and no new payload is feed. // nothing to do except waiting for new incoming data from client. if !self.as_mut().poll_request(cx)? { return Ok(PollResponse::DoNothing); } // otherwise keep loop. } }, StateProj::SendPayload { mut body } => { // keep populate writer buffer until buffer size limit hit, // get blocked or finished. while this.write_buf.len() < super::payload::MAX_BUFFER_SIZE { match body.as_mut().poll_next(cx) { Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(item))) => { this.codec .encode(Message::Chunk(Some(item)), this.write_buf)?; } Poll::Ready(None) => { this.codec.encode(Message::Chunk(None), this.write_buf)?; // payload stream finished. // set state to None and handle next message this.state.set(State::None); continue 'res; } Poll::Ready(Some(Err(err))) => { return Err(DispatchError::Body(err.into())) } Poll::Pending => return Ok(PollResponse::DoNothing), } } // buffer is beyond max size. // return and try to write the whole buffer to io stream. return Ok(PollResponse::DrainWriteBuf); } StateProj::SendErrorPayload { mut body } => { // TODO: de-dupe impl with SendPayload // keep populate writer buffer until buffer size limit hit, // get blocked or finished. while this.write_buf.len() < super::payload::MAX_BUFFER_SIZE { match body.as_mut().poll_next(cx) { Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(item))) => { this.codec .encode(Message::Chunk(Some(item)), this.write_buf)?; } Poll::Ready(None) => { this.codec.encode(Message::Chunk(None), this.write_buf)?; // payload stream finished. // set state to None and handle next message this.state.set(State::None); continue 'res; } Poll::Ready(Some(Err(err))) => { return Err(DispatchError::Body( Error::new_body().with_cause(err).into(), )) } Poll::Pending => return Ok(PollResponse::DoNothing), } } // buffer is beyond max size. // return and try to write the whole buffer to io stream. return Ok(PollResponse::DrainWriteBuf); } StateProj::ExpectCall { fut } => match fut.poll(cx) { // expect resolved. write continue to buffer and set InnerDispatcher state // to service call. Poll::Ready(Ok(req)) => { this.write_buf .extend_from_slice(b"HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n"); let fut =; this.state.set(State::ServiceCall { fut }); } // send expect error as response Poll::Ready(Err(err)) => { let res: Response = err.into(); let (res, body) = res.replace_body(()); self.as_mut().send_error_response(res, body)?; } // expect must be solved before progress can be made. Poll::Pending => return Ok(PollResponse::DoNothing), }, } } } fn handle_request( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, req: Request, cx: &mut Context<'_>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError> { // Handle `EXPECT: 100-Continue` header let mut this = self.as_mut().project(); if req.head().expect() { // set dispatcher state so the future is pinned. let fut =; this.state.set(State::ExpectCall { fut }); } else { // the same as above. let fut =; this.state.set(State::ServiceCall { fut }); }; // eagerly poll the future for once(or twice if expect is resolved immediately). loop { match self.as_mut().project().state.project() { StateProj::ExpectCall { fut } => { match fut.poll(cx) { // expect is resolved. continue loop and poll the service call branch. Poll::Ready(Ok(req)) => { self.as_mut().send_continue(); let mut this = self.as_mut().project(); let fut =; this.state.set(State::ServiceCall { fut }); continue; } // future is pending. return Ok(()) to notify that a new state is // set and the outer loop should be continue. Poll::Pending => return Ok(()), // future is error. send response and return a result. On success // to notify the dispatcher a new state is set and the outer loop // should be continue. Poll::Ready(Err(err)) => { let res: Response = err.into(); let (res, body) = res.replace_body(()); return self.send_error_response(res, body); } } } StateProj::ServiceCall { fut } => { // return no matter the service call future's result. return match fut.poll(cx) { // future is resolved. send response and return a result. On success // to notify the dispatcher a new state is set and the outer loop // should be continue. Poll::Ready(Ok(res)) => { let (res, body) = res.into().replace_body(()); self.send_response(res, body) } // see the comment on ExpectCall state branch's Pending. Poll::Pending => Ok(()), // see the comment on ExpectCall state branch's Ready(Err(err)). Poll::Ready(Err(err)) => { let res: Response = err.into(); let (res, body) = res.replace_body(()); self.send_error_response(res, body) } }; } _ => { unreachable!( "State must be set to ServiceCall or ExceptCall in handle_request" ) } } } } /// Process one incoming request. fn poll_request( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, ) -> Result { // limit amount of non-processed requests if self.messages.len() >= MAX_PIPELINED_MESSAGES || !self.can_read(cx) { return Ok(false); } let mut updated = false; let mut this = self.as_mut().project(); loop { match this.codec.decode(this.read_buf) { Ok(Some(msg)) => { updated = true; this.flags.insert(Flags::STARTED); match msg { Message::Item(mut req) => { req.head_mut().peer_addr = *this.peer_addr; req.conn_data = this.conn_data.as_ref().map(Rc::clone); match this.codec.message_type() { // Request is upgradable. add upgrade message and break. // everything remain in read buffer would be handed to // upgraded Request. MessageType::Stream if this.flow.upgrade.is_some() => { this.messages.push_back(DispatcherMessage::Upgrade(req)); break; } // Request is not upgradable. MessageType::Payload | MessageType::Stream => { /* PayloadSender and Payload are smart pointers share the same state. PayloadSender is attached to dispatcher and used to sink new chunked request data to state. Payload is attached to Request and passed to Service::call where the state can be collected and consumed. */ let (sender, payload) = Payload::create(false); let (req1, _) = req.replace_payload(crate::Payload::H1 { payload }); req = req1; *this.payload = Some(sender); } // Request has no payload. MessageType::None => {} } // handle request early when no future in InnerDispatcher state. if this.state.is_empty() { self.as_mut().handle_request(req, cx)?; this = self.as_mut().project(); } else { this.messages.push_back(DispatcherMessage::Item(req)); } } Message::Chunk(Some(chunk)) => { if let Some(ref mut payload) = this.payload { payload.feed_data(chunk); } else { error!("Internal server error: unexpected payload chunk"); this.flags.insert(Flags::READ_DISCONNECT); this.messages.push_back(DispatcherMessage::Error( Response::internal_server_error().drop_body(), )); *this.error = Some(DispatchError::InternalError); break; } } Message::Chunk(None) => { if let Some(mut payload) = this.payload.take() { payload.feed_eof(); } else { error!("Internal server error: unexpected eof"); this.flags.insert(Flags::READ_DISCONNECT); this.messages.push_back(DispatcherMessage::Error( Response::internal_server_error().drop_body(), )); *this.error = Some(DispatchError::InternalError); break; } } } } // decode is partial and buffer is not full yet. // break and wait for more read. Ok(None) => break, Err(ParseError::Io(err)) => { self.as_mut().client_disconnected(); this = self.as_mut().project(); *this.error = Some(DispatchError::Io(err)); break; } Err(ParseError::TooLarge) => { if let Some(mut payload) = this.payload.take() { payload.set_error(PayloadError::Overflow); } // Requests overflow buffer size should be responded with 431 this.messages .push_back(DispatcherMessage::Error(Response::with_body( StatusCode::REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE, (), ))); this.flags.insert(Flags::READ_DISCONNECT); *this.error = Some(ParseError::TooLarge.into()); break; } Err(err) => { if let Some(mut payload) = this.payload.take() { payload.set_error(PayloadError::EncodingCorrupted); } // Malformed requests should be responded with 400 this.messages.push_back(DispatcherMessage::Error( Response::bad_request().drop_body(), )); this.flags.insert(Flags::READ_DISCONNECT); *this.error = Some(err.into()); break; } } } if updated && this.ka_timer.is_some() { if let Some(expire) = this.codec.config().keep_alive_expire() { *this.ka_expire = expire; } } Ok(updated) } /// keep-alive timer fn poll_keepalive( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError> { let mut this = self.as_mut().project(); // when a branch is not explicit return early it's meant to fall through // and return as Ok(()) match this.ka_timer.as_mut().as_pin_mut() { None => { // conditionally go into shutdown timeout if this.flags.contains(Flags::SHUTDOWN) { if let Some(deadline) = this.codec.config().client_disconnect_timer() { // write client disconnect time out and poll again to // go into Some> branch this.ka_timer.set(Some(sleep_until(deadline))); return self.poll_keepalive(cx); } } } Some(mut timer) => { // only operate when keep-alive timer is resolved. if timer.as_mut().poll(cx).is_ready() { // got timeout during shutdown, drop connection if this.flags.contains(Flags::SHUTDOWN) { return Err(DispatchError::DisconnectTimeout); // exceed deadline. check for any outstanding tasks } else if timer.deadline() >= *this.ka_expire { // have no task at hand. if this.state.is_empty() && this.write_buf.is_empty() { if this.flags.contains(Flags::STARTED) { trace!("Keep-alive timeout, close connection"); this.flags.insert(Flags::SHUTDOWN); // start shutdown timeout if let Some(deadline) = this.codec.config().client_disconnect_timer() { timer.as_mut().reset(deadline); let _ = timer.poll(cx); } else { // no shutdown timeout, drop socket this.flags.insert(Flags::WRITE_DISCONNECT); } } else { // timeout on first request (slow request) return 408 trace!("Slow request timeout"); let _ = self.as_mut().send_error_response( Response::with_body(StatusCode::REQUEST_TIMEOUT, ()), BoxBody::new(()), ); this = self.project(); this.flags.insert(Flags::STARTED | Flags::SHUTDOWN); } // still have unfinished task. try to reset and register keep-alive. } else if let Some(deadline) = this.codec.config().keep_alive_expire() { timer.as_mut().reset(deadline); let _ = timer.poll(cx); } // timer resolved but still have not met the keep-alive expire deadline. // reset and register for later wakeup. } else { timer.as_mut().reset(*this.ka_expire); let _ = timer.poll(cx); } } } } Ok(()) } /// Returns true when io stream can be disconnected after write to it. /// /// It covers these conditions: /// - `std::io::ErrorKind::ConnectionReset` after partial read. /// - all data read done. #[inline(always)] fn read_available( self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, ) -> Result { let this = self.project(); if this.flags.contains(Flags::READ_DISCONNECT) { return Ok(false); }; let mut io = Pin::new(; let mut read_some = false; loop { // Return early when read buf exceed decoder's max buffer size. if this.read_buf.len() >= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE { // At this point it's not known IO stream is still scheduled to be waked up so // force wake up dispatcher just in case. // // Reason: // AsyncRead mostly would only have guarantee wake up when the poll_read // return Poll::Pending. // // Case: // When read_buf is beyond max buffer size the early return could be successfully // be parsed as a new Request. This case would not generate ParseError::TooLarge and // at this point IO stream is not fully read to Pending and would result in // dispatcher stuck until timeout (KA) // // Note: // This is a perf choice to reduce branch on ::decode. // // A Request head too large to parse is only checked on // `httparse::Status::Partial` condition. if this.payload.is_none() { // When dispatcher has a payload the responsibility of wake up it would be shift // to h1::payload::Payload. // // Reason: // Self wake up when there is payload would waste poll and/or result in // over read. // // Case: // When payload is (partial) dropped by user there is no need to do // read anymore. At this case read_buf could always remain beyond // MAX_BUFFER_SIZE and self wake up would be busy poll dispatcher and // waste resources. cx.waker().wake_by_ref(); } return Ok(false); } // grow buffer if necessary. let remaining = this.read_buf.capacity() - this.read_buf.len(); if remaining < LW_BUFFER_SIZE { this.read_buf.reserve(HW_BUFFER_SIZE - remaining); } match actix_codec::poll_read_buf(io.as_mut(), cx, this.read_buf) { Poll::Ready(Ok(n)) => { if n == 0 { return Ok(true); } read_some = true; } Poll::Pending => return Ok(false), Poll::Ready(Err(err)) => { return match err.kind() { io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => Ok(false), io::ErrorKind::ConnectionReset if read_some => Ok(true), _ => Err(DispatchError::Io(err)), } } } } } /// call upgrade service with request. fn upgrade(self: Pin<&mut Self>, req: Request) -> U::Future { let this = self.project(); let mut parts = FramedParts::with_read_buf(, mem::take(this.codec), mem::take(this.read_buf), ); parts.write_buf = mem::take(this.write_buf); let framed = Framed::from_parts(parts); this.flow.upgrade.as_ref().unwrap().call((req, framed)) } } impl Future for Dispatcher where T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin, S: Service, S::Error: Into>, S::Response: Into>, B: MessageBody, X: Service, X::Error: Into>, U: Service<(Request, Framed), Response = ()>, U::Error: fmt::Display, { type Output = Result<(), DispatchError>; #[inline] fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { let this = self.as_mut().project(); #[cfg(test)] { *this.poll_count += 1; } match this.inner.project() { DispatcherStateProj::Normal { mut inner } => { inner.as_mut().poll_keepalive(cx)?; if inner.flags.contains(Flags::SHUTDOWN) { if inner.flags.contains(Flags::WRITE_DISCONNECT) { Poll::Ready(Ok(())) } else { // flush buffer and wait on blocked. ready!(inner.as_mut().poll_flush(cx))?; Pin::new(inner.project().io.as_mut().unwrap()) .poll_shutdown(cx) .map_err(DispatchError::from) } } else { // read from io stream and fill read buffer. let should_disconnect = inner.as_mut().read_available(cx)?; inner.as_mut().poll_request(cx)?; // io stream should to be closed. if should_disconnect { let inner = inner.as_mut().project(); inner.flags.insert(Flags::READ_DISCONNECT); if let Some(mut payload) = inner.payload.take() { payload.feed_eof(); } }; loop { // poll_response and populate write buffer. // drain indicate if write buffer should be emptied before next run. let drain = match inner.as_mut().poll_response(cx)? { PollResponse::DrainWriteBuf => true, PollResponse::DoNothing => false, // upgrade request and goes Upgrade variant of DispatcherState. PollResponse::Upgrade(req) => { let upgrade = inner.upgrade(req); self.as_mut() .project() .inner .set(DispatcherState::Upgrade { fut: upgrade }); return self.poll(cx); } }; // we didn't get WouldBlock from write operation, // so data get written to kernel completely (macOS) // and we have to write again otherwise response can get stuck // // TODO: what? is WouldBlock good or bad? // want to find a reference for this macOS behavior if inner.as_mut().poll_flush(cx)?.is_pending() || !drain { break; } } // client is gone if inner.flags.contains(Flags::WRITE_DISCONNECT) { return Poll::Ready(Ok(())); } let is_empty = inner.state.is_empty(); let inner_p = inner.as_mut().project(); // read half is closed and we do not processing any responses if inner_p.flags.contains(Flags::READ_DISCONNECT) && is_empty { inner_p.flags.insert(Flags::SHUTDOWN); } // keep-alive and stream errors if is_empty && inner_p.write_buf.is_empty() { if let Some(err) = inner_p.error.take() { Poll::Ready(Err(err)) } // disconnect if keep-alive is not enabled else if inner_p.flags.contains(Flags::STARTED) && !inner_p.flags.intersects(Flags::KEEPALIVE) { inner_p.flags.insert(Flags::SHUTDOWN); self.poll(cx) } // disconnect if shutdown else if inner_p.flags.contains(Flags::SHUTDOWN) { self.poll(cx) } else { Poll::Pending } } else { Poll::Pending } } } DispatcherStateProj::Upgrade { fut: upgrade } => upgrade.poll(cx).map_err(|err| { error!("Upgrade handler error: {}", err); DispatchError::Upgrade }), } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::str; use actix_service::fn_service; use actix_utils::future::{ready, Ready}; use bytes::Bytes; use futures_util::future::lazy; use super::*; use crate::{ error::Error, h1::{ExpectHandler, UpgradeHandler}, test::{TestBuffer, TestSeqBuffer}, HttpMessage, KeepAlive, Method, }; fn find_slice(haystack: &[u8], needle: &[u8], from: usize) -> Option { haystack[from..] .windows(needle.len()) .position(|window| window == needle) } fn stabilize_date_header(payload: &mut [u8]) { let mut from = 0; while let Some(pos) = find_slice(payload, b"date", from) { payload[(from + pos)..(from + pos + 35)] .copy_from_slice(b"date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:34:56 UTC"); from += 35; } } fn ok_service( ) -> impl Service, Error = Error> { fn_service(|_req: Request| ready(Ok::<_, Error>(Response::ok()))) } fn echo_path_service( ) -> impl Service, Error = Error> { fn_service(|req: Request| { let path = req.path().as_bytes(); ready(Ok::<_, Error>( Response::ok().set_body(Bytes::copy_from_slice(path)), )) }) } fn echo_payload_service() -> impl Service, Error = Error> { fn_service(|mut req: Request| { Box::pin(async move { use futures_util::stream::StreamExt as _; let mut pl = req.take_payload(); let mut body = BytesMut::new(); while let Some(chunk) = { body.extend_from_slice(chunk.unwrap().chunk()) } Ok::<_, Error>(Response::ok().set_body(body.freeze())) }) }) } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_req_parse_err() { lazy(|cx| { let buf = TestBuffer::new("GET /test HTTP/1\r\n\r\n"); let services = HttpFlow::new(ok_service(), ExpectHandler, None); let h1 = Dispatcher::<_, _, _, _, UpgradeHandler>::new( buf, services, ServiceConfig::default(), None, OnConnectData::default(), ); actix_rt::pin!(h1); match h1.as_mut().poll(cx) { Poll::Pending => panic!(), Poll::Ready(res) => assert!(res.is_err()), } if let DispatcherStateProj::Normal { inner } = h1.project().inner.project() { assert!(inner.flags.contains(Flags::READ_DISCONNECT)); assert_eq!( &inner.project().io.take().unwrap().write_buf[..26], b"HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n" ); } }) .await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_pipelining() { lazy(|cx| { let buf = TestBuffer::new( "\ GET /abcd HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n\ GET /def HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n\ ", ); let cfg = ServiceConfig::new(KeepAlive::Disabled, 1, 1, false, None); let services = HttpFlow::new(echo_path_service(), ExpectHandler, None); let h1 = Dispatcher::<_, _, _, _, UpgradeHandler>::new( buf, services, cfg, None, OnConnectData::default(), ); actix_rt::pin!(h1); assert!(matches!(&h1.inner, DispatcherState::Normal { .. })); match h1.as_mut().poll(cx) { Poll::Pending => panic!("first poll should not be pending"), Poll::Ready(res) => assert!(res.is_ok()), } // polls: initial => shutdown assert_eq!(h1.poll_count, 2); if let DispatcherStateProj::Normal { inner } = h1.project().inner.project() { let res = &mut inner.project().io.take().unwrap().write_buf[..]; stabilize_date_header(res); let exp = b"\ HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\ content-length: 5\r\n\ connection: close\r\n\ date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:34:56 UTC\r\n\r\n\ /abcd\ HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\ content-length: 4\r\n\ connection: close\r\n\ date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:34:56 UTC\r\n\r\n\ /def\ "; assert_eq!(res.to_vec(), exp.to_vec()); } }) .await; lazy(|cx| { let buf = TestBuffer::new( "\ GET /abcd HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n\ GET /def HTTP/1\r\n\r\n\ ", ); let cfg = ServiceConfig::new(KeepAlive::Disabled, 1, 1, false, None); let services = HttpFlow::new(echo_path_service(), ExpectHandler, None); let h1 = Dispatcher::<_, _, _, _, UpgradeHandler>::new( buf, services, cfg, None, OnConnectData::default(), ); actix_rt::pin!(h1); assert!(matches!(&h1.inner, DispatcherState::Normal { .. })); match h1.as_mut().poll(cx) { Poll::Pending => panic!("first poll should not be pending"), Poll::Ready(res) => assert!(res.is_err()), } // polls: initial => shutdown assert_eq!(h1.poll_count, 1); if let DispatcherStateProj::Normal { inner } = h1.project().inner.project() { let res = &mut inner.project().io.take().unwrap().write_buf[..]; stabilize_date_header(res); let exp = b"\ HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\ content-length: 5\r\n\ connection: close\r\n\ date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:34:56 UTC\r\n\r\n\ /abcd\ HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n\ content-length: 0\r\n\ connection: close\r\n\ date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:34:56 UTC\r\n\r\n\ "; assert_eq!(res.to_vec(), exp.to_vec()); } }) .await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_expect() { lazy(|cx| { let mut buf = TestSeqBuffer::empty(); let cfg = ServiceConfig::new(KeepAlive::Disabled, 0, 0, false, None); let services = HttpFlow::new(echo_payload_service(), ExpectHandler, None); let h1 = Dispatcher::<_, _, _, _, UpgradeHandler>::new( buf.clone(), services, cfg, None, OnConnectData::default(), ); buf.extend_read_buf( "\ POST /upload HTTP/1.1\r\n\ Content-Length: 5\r\n\ Expect: 100-continue\r\n\ \r\n\ ", ); actix_rt::pin!(h1); assert!(h1.as_mut().poll(cx).is_pending()); assert!(matches!(&h1.inner, DispatcherState::Normal { .. })); // polls: manual assert_eq!(h1.poll_count, 1); eprintln!("poll count: {}", h1.poll_count); if let DispatcherState::Normal { ref inner } = h1.inner { let io =; let res = &io.write_buf()[..]; assert_eq!( str::from_utf8(res).unwrap(), "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n" ); } buf.extend_read_buf("12345"); assert!(h1.as_mut().poll(cx).is_ready()); // polls: manual manual shutdown assert_eq!(h1.poll_count, 3); if let DispatcherState::Normal { ref inner } = h1.inner { let io =; let mut res = (&io.write_buf()[..]).to_owned(); stabilize_date_header(&mut res); assert_eq!( str::from_utf8(&res).unwrap(), "\ HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\ \r\n\ HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\ content-length: 5\r\n\ connection: close\r\n\ date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:34:56 UTC\r\n\ \r\n\ 12345\ " ); } }) .await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_eager_expect() { lazy(|cx| { let mut buf = TestSeqBuffer::empty(); let cfg = ServiceConfig::new(KeepAlive::Disabled, 0, 0, false, None); let services = HttpFlow::new(echo_path_service(), ExpectHandler, None); let h1 = Dispatcher::<_, _, _, _, UpgradeHandler>::new( buf.clone(), services, cfg, None, OnConnectData::default(), ); buf.extend_read_buf( "\ POST /upload HTTP/1.1\r\n\ Content-Length: 5\r\n\ Expect: 100-continue\r\n\ \r\n\ ", ); actix_rt::pin!(h1); assert!(h1.as_mut().poll(cx).is_ready()); assert!(matches!(&h1.inner, DispatcherState::Normal { .. })); // polls: manual shutdown assert_eq!(h1.poll_count, 2); if let DispatcherState::Normal { ref inner } = h1.inner { let io =; let mut res = (&io.write_buf()[..]).to_owned(); stabilize_date_header(&mut res); // Despite the content-length header and even though the request payload has not // been sent, this test expects a complete service response since the payload // is not used at all. The service passed to dispatcher is path echo and doesn't // consume payload bytes. assert_eq!( str::from_utf8(&res).unwrap(), "\ HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\ \r\n\ HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\ content-length: 7\r\n\ connection: close\r\n\ date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:34:56 UTC\r\n\ \r\n\ /upload\ " ); } }) .await; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_upgrade() { struct TestUpgrade; impl Service<(Request, Framed)> for TestUpgrade { type Response = (); type Error = Error; type Future = Ready>; actix_service::always_ready!(); fn call(&self, (req, _framed): (Request, Framed)) -> Self::Future { assert_eq!(req.method(), Method::GET); assert!(req.upgrade()); assert_eq!(req.headers().get("upgrade").unwrap(), "websocket"); ready(Ok(())) } } lazy(|cx| { let mut buf = TestSeqBuffer::empty(); let cfg = ServiceConfig::new(KeepAlive::Disabled, 0, 0, false, None); let services = HttpFlow::new(ok_service(), ExpectHandler, Some(TestUpgrade)); let h1 = Dispatcher::<_, _, _, _, TestUpgrade>::new( buf.clone(), services, cfg, None, OnConnectData::default(), ); buf.extend_read_buf( "\ GET /ws HTTP/1.1\r\n\ Connection: Upgrade\r\n\ Upgrade: websocket\r\n\ \r\n\ ", ); actix_rt::pin!(h1); assert!(h1.as_mut().poll(cx).is_ready()); assert!(matches!(&h1.inner, DispatcherState::Upgrade { .. })); // polls: manual shutdown assert_eq!(h1.poll_count, 2); }) .await; } }