use std::{ collections::VecDeque, fmt, future::Future, io, mem, net, pin::Pin, rc::Rc, task::{Context, Poll}, }; use actix_codec::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, Decoder as _, Encoder as _, Framed, FramedParts}; use actix_rt::time::sleep_until; use actix_service::Service; use bitflags::bitflags; use bytes::{Buf, BytesMut}; use futures_core::ready; use pin_project_lite::pin_project; use tracing::{error, trace}; use crate::{ body::{BodySize, BoxBody, MessageBody}, config::ServiceConfig, error::{DispatchError, ParseError, PayloadError}, service::HttpFlow, Error, Extensions, OnConnectData, Request, Response, StatusCode, }; use super::{ codec::Codec, decoder::MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, payload::{Payload, PayloadSender, PayloadStatus}, timer::TimerState, Message, MessageType, }; const LW_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 1024; const HW_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 1024 * 8; const MAX_PIPELINED_MESSAGES: usize = 16; bitflags! { pub struct Flags: u8 { /// Set when stream is read for first time. const STARTED = 0b0000_0001; /// Set when full request-response cycle has occurred. const FINISHED = 0b0000_0010; /// Set if connection is in keep-alive (inactive) state. const KEEP_ALIVE = 0b0000_0100; /// Set if in shutdown procedure. const SHUTDOWN = 0b0000_1000; /// Set if read-half is disconnected. const READ_DISCONNECT = 0b0001_0000; /// Set if write-half is disconnected. const WRITE_DISCONNECT = 0b0010_0000; } } // there's 2 versions of Dispatcher state because of: // // // tl;dr: pin-project-lite doesn't play well with other attribute macros #[cfg(not(test))] pin_project! { /// Dispatcher for HTTP/1.1 protocol pub struct Dispatcher where S: Service, S::Error: Into>, B: MessageBody, X: Service, X::Error: Into>, U: Service<(Request, Framed), Response = ()>, U::Error: fmt::Display, { #[pin] inner: DispatcherState, } } #[cfg(test)] pin_project! { /// Dispatcher for HTTP/1.1 protocol pub struct Dispatcher where S: Service, S::Error: Into>, B: MessageBody, X: Service, X::Error: Into>, U: Service<(Request, Framed), Response = ()>, U::Error: fmt::Display, { #[pin] pub(super) inner: DispatcherState, // used in tests pub(super) poll_count: u64, } } pin_project! { #[project = DispatcherStateProj] pub(super) enum DispatcherState where S: Service, S::Error: Into>, B: MessageBody, X: Service, X::Error: Into>, U: Service<(Request, Framed), Response = ()>, U::Error: fmt::Display, { Normal { #[pin] inner: InnerDispatcher }, Upgrade { #[pin] fut: U::Future }, } } pin_project! { #[project = InnerDispatcherProj] pub(super) struct InnerDispatcher where S: Service, S::Error: Into>, B: MessageBody, X: Service, X::Error: Into>, U: Service<(Request, Framed), Response = ()>, U::Error: fmt::Display, { flow: Rc>, pub(super) flags: Flags, peer_addr: Option, conn_data: Option>, config: ServiceConfig, error: Option, #[pin] pub(super) state: State, // when Some(_) dispatcher is in state of receiving request payload payload: Option, messages: VecDeque, head_timer: TimerState, ka_timer: TimerState, shutdown_timer: TimerState, pub(super) io: Option, read_buf: BytesMut, write_buf: BytesMut, codec: Codec, } } enum DispatcherMessage { Item(Request), Upgrade(Request), Error(Response<()>), } pin_project! { #[project = StateProj] pub(super) enum State where S: Service, X: Service, B: MessageBody, { None, ExpectCall { #[pin] fut: X::Future }, ServiceCall { #[pin] fut: S::Future }, SendPayload { #[pin] body: B }, SendErrorPayload { #[pin] body: BoxBody }, } } impl State where S: Service, X: Service, B: MessageBody, { pub(super) fn is_none(&self) -> bool { matches!(self, State::None) } } impl fmt::Debug for State where S: Service, X: Service, B: MessageBody, { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::None => write!(f, "State::None"), Self::ExpectCall { .. } => { f.debug_struct("State::ExpectCall").finish_non_exhaustive() } Self::ServiceCall { .. } => { f.debug_struct("State::ServiceCall").finish_non_exhaustive() } Self::SendPayload { .. } => { f.debug_struct("State::SendPayload").finish_non_exhaustive() } Self::SendErrorPayload { .. } => f .debug_struct("State::SendErrorPayload") .finish_non_exhaustive(), } } } #[derive(Debug)] enum PollResponse { Upgrade(Request), DoNothing, DrainWriteBuf, } impl Dispatcher where T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin, S: Service, S::Error: Into>, S::Response: Into>, B: MessageBody, X: Service, X::Error: Into>, U: Service<(Request, Framed), Response = ()>, U::Error: fmt::Display, { /// Create HTTP/1 dispatcher. pub(crate) fn new( io: T, flow: Rc>, config: ServiceConfig, peer_addr: Option, conn_data: OnConnectData, ) -> Self { Dispatcher { inner: DispatcherState::Normal { inner: InnerDispatcher { flow, flags: Flags::empty(), peer_addr, conn_data:, config: config.clone(), error: None, state: State::None, payload: None, messages: VecDeque::new(), head_timer: TimerState::new(config.client_request_deadline().is_some()), ka_timer: TimerState::new(config.keep_alive().enabled()), shutdown_timer: TimerState::new( config.client_disconnect_deadline().is_some(), ), io: Some(io), read_buf: BytesMut::with_capacity(HW_BUFFER_SIZE), write_buf: BytesMut::with_capacity(HW_BUFFER_SIZE), codec: Codec::new(config), }, }, #[cfg(test)] poll_count: 0, } } } impl InnerDispatcher where T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin, S: Service, S::Error: Into>, S::Response: Into>, B: MessageBody, X: Service, X::Error: Into>, U: Service<(Request, Framed), Response = ()>, U::Error: fmt::Display, { fn can_read(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> bool { if self.flags.contains(Flags::READ_DISCONNECT) { false } else if let Some(ref info) = self.payload { info.need_read(cx) == PayloadStatus::Read } else { true } } fn client_disconnected(self: Pin<&mut Self>) { let this = self.project(); this.flags .insert(Flags::READ_DISCONNECT | Flags::WRITE_DISCONNECT); if let Some(mut payload) = this.payload.take() { payload.set_error(PayloadError::Incomplete(None)); } } fn poll_flush(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll> { let InnerDispatcherProj { io, write_buf, .. } = self.project(); let mut io = Pin::new(io.as_mut().unwrap()); let len = write_buf.len(); let mut written = 0; while written < len { match io.as_mut().poll_write(cx, &write_buf[written..])? { Poll::Ready(0) => { error!("write zero; closing"); return Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::WriteZero, ""))); } Poll::Ready(n) => written += n, Poll::Pending => { write_buf.advance(written); return Poll::Pending; } } } // everything has written to I/O; clear buffer write_buf.clear(); // flush the I/O and check if get blocked io.poll_flush(cx) } fn send_response_inner( self: Pin<&mut Self>, res: Response<()>, body: &impl MessageBody, ) -> Result { let this = self.project(); let size = body.size(); this.codec .encode(Message::Item((res, size)), this.write_buf) .map_err(|err| { if let Some(mut payload) = this.payload.take() { payload.set_error(PayloadError::Incomplete(None)); } DispatchError::Io(err) })?; Ok(size) } fn send_response( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, res: Response<()>, body: B, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError> { let size = self.as_mut().send_response_inner(res, &body)?; let mut this = self.project(); this.state.set(match size { BodySize::None | BodySize::Sized(0) => { this.flags.insert(Flags::FINISHED); State::None } _ => State::SendPayload { body }, }); Ok(()) } fn send_error_response( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, res: Response<()>, body: BoxBody, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError> { let size = self.as_mut().send_response_inner(res, &body)?; let mut this = self.project(); this.state.set(match size { BodySize::None | BodySize::Sized(0) => { this.flags.insert(Flags::FINISHED); State::None } _ => State::SendErrorPayload { body }, }); Ok(()) } fn send_continue(self: Pin<&mut Self>) { self.project() .write_buf .extend_from_slice(b"HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n"); } fn poll_response( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, ) -> Result { 'res: loop { let mut this = self.as_mut().project(); match this.state.as_mut().project() { // no future is in InnerDispatcher state; pop next message StateProj::None => match this.messages.pop_front() { // handle request message Some(DispatcherMessage::Item(req)) => { // Handle `EXPECT: 100-Continue` header if req.head().expect() { // set InnerDispatcher state and continue loop to poll it let fut =; this.state.set(State::ExpectCall { fut }); } else { // set InnerDispatcher state and continue loop to poll it let fut =; this.state.set(State::ServiceCall { fut }); }; } // handle error message Some(DispatcherMessage::Error(res)) => { // send_response would update InnerDispatcher state to SendPayload or None // (If response body is empty) // continue loop to poll it self.as_mut().send_error_response(res, BoxBody::new(()))?; } // return with upgrade request and poll it exclusively Some(DispatcherMessage::Upgrade(req)) => { return Ok(PollResponse::Upgrade(req)) } // all messages are dealt with None => { // start keep-alive if last request allowed it this.flags.set(Flags::KEEP_ALIVE, this.codec.keep_alive()); return Ok(PollResponse::DoNothing); } }, StateProj::ServiceCall { fut } => { match fut.poll(cx) { // service call resolved. send response. Poll::Ready(Ok(res)) => { let (res, body) = res.into().replace_body(()); self.as_mut().send_response(res, body)?; } // send service call error as response Poll::Ready(Err(err)) => { let res: Response = err.into(); let (res, body) = res.replace_body(()); self.as_mut().send_error_response(res, body)?; } // service call pending and could be waiting for more chunk messages // (pipeline message limit and/or payload can_read limit) Poll::Pending => { // no new message is decoded and no new payload is fed // nothing to do except waiting for new incoming data from client if !self.as_mut().poll_request(cx)? { return Ok(PollResponse::DoNothing); } // else loop } } } StateProj::SendPayload { mut body } => { // keep populate writer buffer until buffer size limit hit, // get blocked or finished. while this.write_buf.len() < super::payload::MAX_BUFFER_SIZE { match body.as_mut().poll_next(cx) { Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(item))) => { this.codec .encode(Message::Chunk(Some(item)), this.write_buf)?; } Poll::Ready(None) => { this.codec.encode(Message::Chunk(None), this.write_buf)?; // payload stream finished. // set state to None and handle next message this.state.set(State::None); this.flags.insert(Flags::FINISHED); continue 'res; } Poll::Ready(Some(Err(err))) => { this.flags.insert(Flags::FINISHED); return Err(DispatchError::Body(err.into())); } Poll::Pending => return Ok(PollResponse::DoNothing), } } // buffer is beyond max size // return and try to write the whole buffer to I/O stream. return Ok(PollResponse::DrainWriteBuf); } StateProj::SendErrorPayload { mut body } => { // TODO: de-dupe impl with SendPayload // keep populate writer buffer until buffer size limit hit, // get blocked or finished. while this.write_buf.len() < super::payload::MAX_BUFFER_SIZE { match body.as_mut().poll_next(cx) { Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(item))) => { this.codec .encode(Message::Chunk(Some(item)), this.write_buf)?; } Poll::Ready(None) => { this.codec.encode(Message::Chunk(None), this.write_buf)?; // payload stream finished // set state to None and handle next message this.state.set(State::None); this.flags.insert(Flags::FINISHED); continue 'res; } Poll::Ready(Some(Err(err))) => { this.flags.insert(Flags::FINISHED); return Err(DispatchError::Body( Error::new_body().with_cause(err).into(), )); } Poll::Pending => return Ok(PollResponse::DoNothing), } } // buffer is beyond max size // return and try to write the whole buffer to stream return Ok(PollResponse::DrainWriteBuf); } StateProj::ExpectCall { fut } => { trace!(" calling expect service"); match fut.poll(cx) { // expect resolved. write continue to buffer and set InnerDispatcher state // to service call. Poll::Ready(Ok(req)) => { this.write_buf .extend_from_slice(b"HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n"); let fut =; this.state.set(State::ServiceCall { fut }); } // send expect error as response Poll::Ready(Err(err)) => { let res: Response = err.into(); let (res, body) = res.replace_body(()); self.as_mut().send_error_response(res, body)?; } // expect must be solved before progress can be made. Poll::Pending => return Ok(PollResponse::DoNothing), } } } } } fn handle_request( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, req: Request, cx: &mut Context<'_>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError> { // initialize dispatcher state { let mut this = self.as_mut().project(); // Handle `EXPECT: 100-Continue` header if req.head().expect() { // set dispatcher state to call expect handler let fut =; this.state.set(State::ExpectCall { fut }); } else { // set dispatcher state to call service handler let fut =; this.state.set(State::ServiceCall { fut }); }; }; // eagerly poll the future once (or twice if expect is resolved immediately). loop { match self.as_mut().project().state.project() { StateProj::ExpectCall { fut } => { match fut.poll(cx) { // expect is resolved; continue loop and poll the service call branch. Poll::Ready(Ok(req)) => { self.as_mut().send_continue(); let mut this = self.as_mut().project(); let fut =; this.state.set(State::ServiceCall { fut }); continue; } // future is error; send response and return a result // on success to notify the dispatcher a new state is set and the outer loop // should be continued Poll::Ready(Err(err)) => { let res: Response = err.into(); let (res, body) = res.replace_body(()); return self.send_error_response(res, body); } // future is pending; return Ok(()) to notify that a new state is // set and the outer loop should be continue. Poll::Pending => return Ok(()), } } StateProj::ServiceCall { fut } => { // return no matter the service call future's result. return match fut.poll(cx) { // Future is resolved. Send response and return a result. On success // to notify the dispatcher a new state is set and the outer loop // should be continue. Poll::Ready(Ok(res)) => { let (res, body) = res.into().replace_body(()); self.as_mut().send_response(res, body) } // see the comment on ExpectCall state branch's Pending Poll::Pending => Ok(()), // see the comment on ExpectCall state branch's Ready(Err(_)) Poll::Ready(Err(err)) => { let res: Response = err.into(); let (res, body) = res.replace_body(()); self.as_mut().send_error_response(res, body) } }; } _ => { unreachable!( "State must be set to ServiceCall or ExceptCall in handle_request" ) } } } } /// Process one incoming request. /// /// Returns true if any meaningful work was done. fn poll_request( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, ) -> Result { let pipeline_queue_full = self.messages.len() >= MAX_PIPELINED_MESSAGES; let can_not_read = !self.can_read(cx); // limit amount of non-processed requests if pipeline_queue_full || can_not_read { return Ok(false); } let mut this = self.as_mut().project(); let mut updated = false; // decode from read buf as many full requests as possible loop { match this.codec.decode(this.read_buf) { Ok(Some(msg)) => { updated = true; match msg { Message::Item(mut req) => { // head timer only applies to first request on connection this.head_timer.clear(line!()); req.head_mut().peer_addr = *this.peer_addr; req.conn_data = this.conn_data.as_ref().map(Rc::clone); match this.codec.message_type() { // request has no payload MessageType::None => {} // Request is upgradable. Add upgrade message and break. // Everything remaining in read buffer will be handed to // upgraded Request. MessageType::Stream if this.flow.upgrade.is_some() => { this.messages.push_back(DispatcherMessage::Upgrade(req)); break; } // request is not upgradable MessageType::Payload | MessageType::Stream => { // PayloadSender and Payload are smart pointers share the // same state. PayloadSender is attached to dispatcher and used // to sink new chunked request data to state. Payload is // attached to Request and passed to Service::call where the // state can be collected and consumed. let (sender, payload) = Payload::create(false); *req.payload() = crate::Payload::H1 { payload }; *this.payload = Some(sender); } } // handle request early when no future in InnerDispatcher state. if this.state.is_none() { self.as_mut().handle_request(req, cx)?; this = self.as_mut().project(); } else { this.messages.push_back(DispatcherMessage::Item(req)); } } Message::Chunk(Some(chunk)) => { if let Some(ref mut payload) = this.payload { payload.feed_data(chunk); } else { error!("Internal server error: unexpected payload chunk"); this.flags.insert(Flags::READ_DISCONNECT); this.messages.push_back(DispatcherMessage::Error( Response::internal_server_error().drop_body(), )); *this.error = Some(DispatchError::InternalError); break; } } Message::Chunk(None) => { if let Some(mut payload) = this.payload.take() { payload.feed_eof(); } else { error!("Internal server error: unexpected eof"); this.flags.insert(Flags::READ_DISCONNECT); this.messages.push_back(DispatcherMessage::Error( Response::internal_server_error().drop_body(), )); *this.error = Some(DispatchError::InternalError); break; } } } } // decode is partial and buffer is not full yet // break and wait for more read Ok(None) => break, Err(ParseError::Io(err)) => { trace!("I/O error: {}", &err); self.as_mut().client_disconnected(); this = self.as_mut().project(); *this.error = Some(DispatchError::Io(err)); break; } Err(ParseError::TooLarge) => { trace!("request head was too big; returning 431 response"); if let Some(mut payload) = this.payload.take() { payload.set_error(PayloadError::Overflow); } // request heads that overflow buffer size return a 431 error this.messages .push_back(DispatcherMessage::Error(Response::with_body( StatusCode::REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE, (), ))); this.flags.insert(Flags::READ_DISCONNECT); *this.error = Some(ParseError::TooLarge.into()); break; } Err(err) => { trace!("parse error {}", &err); if let Some(mut payload) = this.payload.take() { payload.set_error(PayloadError::EncodingCorrupted); } // malformed requests should be responded with 400 this.messages.push_back(DispatcherMessage::Error( Response::bad_request().drop_body(), )); this.flags.insert(Flags::READ_DISCONNECT); *this.error = Some(err.into()); break; } } } Ok(updated) } fn poll_head_timer( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError> { let this = self.as_mut().project(); if let TimerState::Active { timer } = this.head_timer { if timer.as_mut().poll(cx).is_ready() { // timeout on first request (slow request) return 408 trace!("timed out on slow request; replying with 408 and closing connection"); let _ = self.as_mut().send_error_response( Response::with_body(StatusCode::REQUEST_TIMEOUT, ()), BoxBody::new(()), ); self.project().flags.insert(Flags::SHUTDOWN); } }; Ok(()) } fn poll_ka_timer( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError> { let this = self.as_mut().project(); if let TimerState::Active { timer } = this.ka_timer { debug_assert!( this.flags.contains(Flags::KEEP_ALIVE), "keep-alive flag should be set when timer is active", ); debug_assert!( this.state.is_none(), "dispatcher should not be in keep-alive phase if state is not none: {:?}", this.state, ); // Assert removed by @robjtede on account of issue #2655. There are cases where an I/O // flush can be pending after entering the keep-alive state causing the subsequent flush // wake up to panic here. This appears to be a Linux-only problem. Leaving original code // below for posterity because a simple and reliable test could not be found to trigger // the behavior. // debug_assert!( // this.write_buf.is_empty(), // "dispatcher should not be in keep-alive phase if write_buf is not empty", // ); // keep-alive timer has timed out if timer.as_mut().poll(cx).is_ready() { // no tasks at hand trace!("timer timed out; closing connection"); this.flags.insert(Flags::SHUTDOWN); if let Some(deadline) = this.config.client_disconnect_deadline() { // start shutdown timeout if enabled this.shutdown_timer .set_and_init(cx, sleep_until(deadline.into()), line!()); } else { // no shutdown timeout, drop socket this.flags.insert(Flags::WRITE_DISCONNECT); } } } Ok(()) } fn poll_shutdown_timer( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError> { let this = self.as_mut().project(); if let TimerState::Active { timer } = this.shutdown_timer { debug_assert!( this.flags.contains(Flags::SHUTDOWN), "shutdown flag should be set when timer is active", ); // timed-out during shutdown; drop connection if timer.as_mut().poll(cx).is_ready() { trace!("timed-out during shutdown"); return Err(DispatchError::DisconnectTimeout); } } Ok(()) } /// Poll head, keep-alive, and disconnect timer. fn poll_timers( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError> { self.as_mut().poll_head_timer(cx)?; self.as_mut().poll_ka_timer(cx)?; self.as_mut().poll_shutdown_timer(cx)?; Ok(()) } /// Returns true when I/O stream can be disconnected after write to it. /// /// It covers these conditions: /// - `std::io::ErrorKind::ConnectionReset` after partial read; /// - all data read done. #[inline(always)] // TODO: bench this inline fn read_available( self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, ) -> Result { let this = self.project(); if this.flags.contains(Flags::READ_DISCONNECT) { return Ok(false); }; let mut io = Pin::new(; let mut read_some = false; loop { // Return early when read buf exceed decoder's max buffer size. if this.read_buf.len() >= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE { // At this point it's not known IO stream is still scheduled to be waked up so // force wake up dispatcher just in case. // // Reason: // AsyncRead mostly would only have guarantee wake up when the poll_read // return Poll::Pending. // // Case: // When read_buf is beyond max buffer size the early return could be successfully // be parsed as a new Request. This case would not generate ParseError::TooLarge and // at this point IO stream is not fully read to Pending and would result in // dispatcher stuck until timeout (keep-alive). // // Note: // This is a perf choice to reduce branch on ::decode. // // A Request head too large to parse is only checked on `httparse::Status::Partial`. match this.payload { // When dispatcher has a payload the responsibility of wake ups is shifted to // `h1::payload::Payload` unless the payload is needing a read, in which case it // might not have access to the waker and could result in the dispatcher // getting stuck until timeout. // // Reason: // Self wake up when there is payload would waste poll and/or result in // over read. // // Case: // When payload is (partial) dropped by user there is no need to do // read anymore. At this case read_buf could always remain beyond // MAX_BUFFER_SIZE and self wake up would be busy poll dispatcher and // waste resources. Some(ref p) if p.need_read(cx) != PayloadStatus::Read => {} _ => cx.waker().wake_by_ref(), } return Ok(false); } // grow buffer if necessary. let remaining = this.read_buf.capacity() - this.read_buf.len(); if remaining < LW_BUFFER_SIZE { this.read_buf.reserve(HW_BUFFER_SIZE - remaining); } match actix_codec::poll_read_buf(io.as_mut(), cx, this.read_buf) { Poll::Ready(Ok(n)) => { this.flags.remove(Flags::FINISHED); if n == 0 { return Ok(true); } read_some = true; } Poll::Pending => { return Ok(false); } Poll::Ready(Err(err)) => { return match err.kind() { // convert WouldBlock error to the same as Pending return io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => Ok(false), // connection reset after partial read io::ErrorKind::ConnectionReset if read_some => Ok(true), _ => Err(DispatchError::Io(err)), }; } } } } /// call upgrade service with request. fn upgrade(self: Pin<&mut Self>, req: Request) -> U::Future { let this = self.project(); let mut parts = FramedParts::with_read_buf(, mem::take(this.codec), mem::take(this.read_buf), ); parts.write_buf = mem::take(this.write_buf); let framed = Framed::from_parts(parts); this.flow.upgrade.as_ref().unwrap().call((req, framed)) } } impl Future for Dispatcher where T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin, S: Service, S::Error: Into>, S::Response: Into>, B: MessageBody, X: Service, X::Error: Into>, U: Service<(Request, Framed), Response = ()>, U::Error: fmt::Display, { type Output = Result<(), DispatchError>; #[inline] fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { let this = self.as_mut().project(); #[cfg(test)] { *this.poll_count += 1; } match this.inner.project() { DispatcherStateProj::Upgrade { fut: upgrade } => upgrade.poll(cx).map_err(|err| { error!("Upgrade handler error: {}", err); DispatchError::Upgrade }), DispatcherStateProj::Normal { mut inner } => { trace!("start flags: {:?}", &inner.flags); trace_timer_states( "start", &inner.head_timer, &inner.ka_timer, &inner.shutdown_timer, ); inner.as_mut().poll_timers(cx)?; let poll = if inner.flags.contains(Flags::SHUTDOWN) { if inner.flags.contains(Flags::WRITE_DISCONNECT) { Poll::Ready(Ok(())) } else { // flush buffer and wait on blocked ready!(inner.as_mut().poll_flush(cx))?; Pin::new(inner.as_mut().project().io.as_mut().unwrap()) .poll_shutdown(cx) .map_err(DispatchError::from) } } else { // read from I/O stream and fill read buffer let should_disconnect = inner.as_mut().read_available(cx)?; // after reading something from stream, clear keep-alive timer if !inner.read_buf.is_empty() && inner.flags.contains(Flags::KEEP_ALIVE) { let inner = inner.as_mut().project(); inner.flags.remove(Flags::KEEP_ALIVE); inner.ka_timer.clear(line!()); } if !inner.flags.contains(Flags::STARTED) { inner.as_mut().project().flags.insert(Flags::STARTED); if let Some(deadline) = inner.config.client_request_deadline() { inner.as_mut().project().head_timer.set_and_init( cx, sleep_until(deadline.into()), line!(), ); } } inner.as_mut().poll_request(cx)?; if should_disconnect { // I/O stream should to be closed let inner = inner.as_mut().project(); inner.flags.insert(Flags::READ_DISCONNECT); if let Some(mut payload) = inner.payload.take() { payload.feed_eof(); } }; loop { // poll response to populate write buffer // drain indicates whether write buffer should be emptied before next run let drain = match inner.as_mut().poll_response(cx)? { PollResponse::DrainWriteBuf => true, PollResponse::DoNothing => { // KEEP_ALIVE is set in send_response_inner if client allows it // FINISHED is set after writing last chunk of response if inner.flags.contains(Flags::KEEP_ALIVE | Flags::FINISHED) { if let Some(timer) = inner.config.keep_alive_deadline() { inner.as_mut().project().ka_timer.set_and_init( cx, sleep_until(timer.into()), line!(), ); } } false } // upgrade request and goes Upgrade variant of DispatcherState. PollResponse::Upgrade(req) => { let upgrade = inner.upgrade(req); self.as_mut() .project() .inner .set(DispatcherState::Upgrade { fut: upgrade }); return self.poll(cx); } }; // we didn't get WouldBlock from write operation, so data get written to // kernel completely (macOS) and we have to write again otherwise response // can get stuck // // TODO: want to find a reference for this behavior // see introduced commit: 3872d3ba let flush_was_ready = inner.as_mut().poll_flush(cx)?.is_ready(); // this assert seems to always be true but not willing to commit to it until // we understand what Nikolay meant when writing the above comment // debug_assert!(flush_was_ready); if !flush_was_ready || !drain { break; } } // client is gone if inner.flags.contains(Flags::WRITE_DISCONNECT) { trace!("client is gone; disconnecting"); return Poll::Ready(Ok(())); } let inner_p = inner.as_mut().project(); let state_is_none = inner_p.state.is_none(); // read half is closed; we do not process any responses if inner_p.flags.contains(Flags::READ_DISCONNECT) && state_is_none { trace!("read half closed; start shutdown"); inner_p.flags.insert(Flags::SHUTDOWN); } // keep-alive and stream errors if state_is_none && inner_p.write_buf.is_empty() { if let Some(err) = inner_p.error.take() { error!("stream error: {}", &err); return Poll::Ready(Err(err)); } // disconnect if keep-alive is not enabled if inner_p.flags.contains(Flags::FINISHED) && !inner_p.flags.contains(Flags::KEEP_ALIVE) { inner_p.flags.remove(Flags::FINISHED); inner_p.flags.insert(Flags::SHUTDOWN); return self.poll(cx); } // disconnect if shutdown if inner_p.flags.contains(Flags::SHUTDOWN) { return self.poll(cx); } } trace_timer_states( "end", inner_p.head_timer, inner_p.ka_timer, inner_p.shutdown_timer, ); Poll::Pending }; trace!("end flags: {:?}", &inner.flags); poll } } } } #[allow(dead_code)] fn trace_timer_states( label: &str, head_timer: &TimerState, ka_timer: &TimerState, shutdown_timer: &TimerState, ) { trace!("{} timers:", label); if head_timer.is_enabled() { trace!(" head {}", &head_timer); } if ka_timer.is_enabled() { trace!(" keep-alive {}", &ka_timer); } if shutdown_timer.is_enabled() { trace!(" shutdown {}", &shutdown_timer); } }