use std::{collections::HashSet, convert::TryFrom}; use actix_router::ResourceDef; use proc_macro::TokenStream; use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream as TokenStream2}; use quote::{quote, ToTokens, TokenStreamExt}; use syn::{parse_macro_input, AttributeArgs, Ident, LitStr, Meta, NestedMeta, Path}; macro_rules! method_type { ( $($variant:ident, $upper:ident, $lower:ident,)+ ) => { #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum MethodType { $( $variant, )+ } impl MethodType { fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str { match self { $(Self::$variant => stringify!($variant),)+ } } fn parse(method: &str) -> Result { match method { $(stringify!($upper) => Ok(Self::$variant),)+ _ => Err(format!("Unexpected HTTP method: `{}`", method)), } } fn from_path(method: &Path) -> Result { match () { $(_ if method.is_ident(stringify!($lower)) => Ok(Self::$variant),)+ _ => Err(()), } } } }; } method_type! { Get, GET, get, Post, POST, post, Put, PUT, put, Delete, DELETE, delete, Head, HEAD, head, Connect, CONNECT, connect, Options, OPTIONS, options, Trace, TRACE, trace, Patch, PATCH, patch, } impl ToTokens for MethodType { fn to_tokens(&self, stream: &mut TokenStream2) { let ident = Ident::new(self.as_str(), Span::call_site()); stream.append(ident); } } impl TryFrom<&syn::LitStr> for MethodType { type Error = syn::Error; fn try_from(value: &syn::LitStr) -> Result { Self::parse(value.value().as_str()) .map_err(|message| syn::Error::new_spanned(value, message)) } } struct Args { path: syn::LitStr, resource_name: Option, guards: Vec, wrappers: Vec, methods: HashSet, } impl Args { fn new(args: AttributeArgs, method: Option) -> syn::Result { let mut path = None; let mut resource_name = None; let mut guards = Vec::new(); let mut wrappers = Vec::new(); let mut methods = HashSet::new(); if args.is_empty() { return Err(syn::Error::new( Span::call_site(), format!( r#"invalid service definition, expected #[{}("")]"#, method .map_or("route", |it| it.as_str()) .to_ascii_lowercase() ), )); } let is_route_macro = method.is_none(); if let Some(method) = method { methods.insert(method); } for arg in args { match arg { NestedMeta::Lit(syn::Lit::Str(lit)) => match path { None => { let _ = ResourceDef::new(lit.value()); path = Some(lit); } _ => { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned( lit, "Multiple paths specified! Should be only one!", )); } }, NestedMeta::Meta(syn::Meta::NameValue(nv)) => { if nv.path.is_ident("name") { if let syn::Lit::Str(lit) = nv.lit { resource_name = Some(lit); } else { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned( nv.lit, "Attribute name expects literal string!", )); } } else if nv.path.is_ident("guard") { if let syn::Lit::Str(lit) = nv.lit { guards.push(lit.parse::()?); } else { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned( nv.lit, "Attribute guard expects literal string!", )); } } else if nv.path.is_ident("wrap") { if let syn::Lit::Str(lit) = nv.lit { wrappers.push(lit.parse()?); } else { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned( nv.lit, "Attribute wrap expects type", )); } } else if nv.path.is_ident("method") { if !is_route_macro { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned( &nv, "HTTP method forbidden here. To handle multiple methods, use `route` instead", )); } else if let syn::Lit::Str(ref lit) = nv.lit { let method = MethodType::try_from(lit)?; if !methods.insert(method) { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned( &nv.lit, format!( "HTTP method defined more than once: `{}`", lit.value() ), )); } } else { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned( nv.lit, "Attribute method expects literal string!", )); } } else { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned( nv.path, "Unknown attribute key is specified. Allowed: guard, method and wrap", )); } } arg => { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(arg, "Unknown attribute.")); } } } Ok(Args { path: path.unwrap(), resource_name, guards, wrappers, methods, }) } } pub struct Route { /// Name of the handler function being annotated. name: syn::Ident, /// Args passed to routing macro. /// /// When using `#[routes]`, this will contain args for each specific routing macro. args: Vec, /// AST of the handler function being annotated. ast: syn::ItemFn, /// The doc comment attributes to copy to generated struct, if any. doc_attributes: Vec, } impl Route { pub fn new( args: AttributeArgs, ast: syn::ItemFn, method: Option, ) -> syn::Result { let name = ast.sig.ident.clone(); // Try and pull out the doc comments so that we can reapply them to the generated struct. // Note that multi line doc comments are converted to multiple doc attributes. let doc_attributes = ast .attrs .iter() .filter(|attr| attr.path.is_ident("doc")) .cloned() .collect(); let args = Args::new(args, method)?; if args.methods.is_empty() { return Err(syn::Error::new( Span::call_site(), "The #[route(..)] macro requires at least one `method` attribute", )); } if matches!(ast.sig.output, syn::ReturnType::Default) { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned( ast, "Function has no return type. Cannot be used as handler", )); } Ok(Self { name, args: vec![args], ast, doc_attributes, }) } fn multiple(args: Vec, ast: syn::ItemFn) -> syn::Result { let name = ast.sig.ident.clone(); // Try and pull out the doc comments so that we can reapply them to the generated struct. // Note that multi line doc comments are converted to multiple doc attributes. let doc_attributes = ast .attrs .iter() .filter(|attr| attr.path.is_ident("doc")) .cloned() .collect(); if matches!(ast.sig.output, syn::ReturnType::Default) { return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned( ast, "Function has no return type. Cannot be used as handler", )); } Ok(Self { name, args, ast, doc_attributes, }) } } impl ToTokens for Route { fn to_tokens(&self, output: &mut TokenStream2) { let Self { name, ast, args, doc_attributes, } = self; let registrations: TokenStream2 = args .iter() .map(|args| { let Args { path, resource_name, guards, wrappers, methods, } = args; let resource_name = resource_name .as_ref() .map_or_else(|| name.to_string(), LitStr::value); let method_guards = { let mut others = methods.iter(); // unwrapping since length is checked to be at least one let first =; if methods.len() > 1 { quote! { .guard( ::actix_web::guard::Any(::actix_web::guard::#first()) #(.or(::actix_web::guard::#others()))* ) } } else { quote! { .guard(::actix_web::guard::#first()) } } }; quote! { let __resource = ::actix_web::Resource::new(#path) .name(#resource_name) #method_guards #(.guard(::actix_web::guard::fn_guard(#guards)))* #(.wrap(#wrappers))* .to(#name); ::actix_web::dev::HttpServiceFactory::register(__resource, __config); } }) .collect(); let stream = quote! { #(#doc_attributes)* #[allow(non_camel_case_types, missing_docs)] pub struct #name; impl ::actix_web::dev::HttpServiceFactory for #name { fn register(self, __config: &mut actix_web::dev::AppService) { #ast #registrations } } }; output.extend(stream); } } pub(crate) fn with_method( method: Option, args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream, ) -> TokenStream { let args = parse_macro_input!(args as syn::AttributeArgs); let ast = match syn::parse::(input.clone()) { Ok(ast) => ast, // on parse error, make IDEs happy; see fn docs Err(err) => return input_and_compile_error(input, err), }; match Route::new(args, ast, method) { Ok(route) => route.into_token_stream().into(), // on macro related error, make IDEs happy; see fn docs Err(err) => input_and_compile_error(input, err), } } pub(crate) fn with_methods(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let mut ast = match syn::parse::(input.clone()) { Ok(ast) => ast, // on parse error, make IDEs happy; see fn docs Err(err) => return input_and_compile_error(input, err), }; let (methods, others) = ast .attrs .into_iter() .map(|attr| match MethodType::from_path(&attr.path) { Ok(method) => Ok((method, attr)), Err(_) => Err(attr), }) .partition::, _>(Result::is_ok); ast.attrs = others.into_iter().map(Result::unwrap_err).collect(); let methods = match methods .into_iter() .map(Result::unwrap) .map(|(method, attr)| { attr.parse_meta().and_then(|args| { if let Meta::List(args) = args { Args::new(args.nested.into_iter().collect(), Some(method)) } else { Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(attr, "Invalid input for macro")) } }) }) .collect::, _>>() { Ok(methods) if methods.is_empty() => return input_and_compile_error( input, syn::Error::new( Span::call_site(), "The #[routes] macro requires at least one `#[(..)]` attribute.", ), ), Ok(methods) => methods, Err(err) => return input_and_compile_error(input, err), }; match Route::multiple(methods, ast) { Ok(route) => route.into_token_stream().into(), // on macro related error, make IDEs happy; see fn docs Err(err) => input_and_compile_error(input, err), } } /// Converts the error to a token stream and appends it to the original input. /// /// Returning the original input in addition to the error is good for IDEs which can gracefully /// recover and show more precise errors within the macro body. /// /// See for more info. fn input_and_compile_error(mut item: TokenStream, err: syn::Error) -> TokenStream { let compile_err = TokenStream::from(err.to_compile_error()); item.extend(compile_err); item }