use std::{ cell::{Ref, RefCell, RefMut}, fmt, net, rc::Rc, str, }; use actix_http::{Message, RequestHead}; use actix_router::{Path, Url}; use actix_utils::future::{ok, Ready}; #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] use cookie::{Cookie, ParseError as CookieParseError}; use smallvec::SmallVec; use crate::{ app_service::AppInitServiceState, config::AppConfig, dev::{Extensions, Payload}, error::UrlGenerationError, http::{header::HeaderMap, Method, Uri, Version}, info::ConnectionInfo, rmap::ResourceMap, Error, FromRequest, HttpMessage, }; #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] struct Cookies(Vec<Cookie<'static>>); /// An incoming request. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct HttpRequest { /// # Invariant /// `Rc<HttpRequestInner>` is used exclusively and NO `Weak<HttpRequestInner>` /// is allowed anywhere in the code. Weak pointer is purposely ignored when /// doing `Rc`'s ref counter check. Expect panics if this invariant is violated. pub(crate) inner: Rc<HttpRequestInner>, } pub(crate) struct HttpRequestInner { pub(crate) head: Message<RequestHead>, pub(crate) path: Path<Url>, pub(crate) app_data: SmallVec<[Rc<Extensions>; 4]>, pub(crate) conn_data: Option<Rc<Extensions>>, pub(crate) extensions: Rc<RefCell<Extensions>>, app_state: Rc<AppInitServiceState>, } impl HttpRequest { #[inline] pub(crate) fn new( path: Path<Url>, head: Message<RequestHead>, app_state: Rc<AppInitServiceState>, app_data: Rc<Extensions>, conn_data: Option<Rc<Extensions>>, extensions: Rc<RefCell<Extensions>>, ) -> HttpRequest { let mut data = SmallVec::<[Rc<Extensions>; 4]>::new(); data.push(app_data); HttpRequest { inner: Rc::new(HttpRequestInner { head, path, app_state, app_data: data, conn_data, extensions, }), } } } impl HttpRequest { /// This method returns reference to the request head #[inline] pub fn head(&self) -> &RequestHead { &self.inner.head } /// This method returns mutable reference to the request head. /// panics if multiple references of HTTP request exists. #[inline] pub(crate) fn head_mut(&mut self) -> &mut RequestHead { &mut Rc::get_mut(&mut self.inner).unwrap().head } /// Request's uri. #[inline] pub fn uri(&self) -> &Uri { &self.head().uri } /// Read the Request method. #[inline] pub fn method(&self) -> &Method { &self.head().method } /// Read the Request Version. #[inline] pub fn version(&self) -> Version { self.head().version } #[inline] /// Returns request's headers. pub fn headers(&self) -> &HeaderMap { &self.head().headers } /// The target path of this request. #[inline] pub fn path(&self) -> &str { self.head().uri.path() } /// The query string in the URL. /// /// Example: `id=10` #[inline] pub fn query_string(&self) -> &str { self.uri().query().unwrap_or_default() } /// Returns a reference to the URL parameters container. /// /// A URL parameter is specified in the form `{identifier}`, where the identifier can be used /// later in a request handler to access the matched value for that parameter. /// /// # Percent Encoding and URL Parameters /// Because each URL parameter is able to capture multiple path segments, both `["%2F", "%25"]` /// found in the request URI are not decoded into `["/", "%"]` in order to preserve path /// segment boundaries. If a url parameter is expected to contain these characters, then it is /// on the user to decode them. #[inline] pub fn match_info(&self) -> &Path<Url> { &self.inner.path } /// Returns a mutable reference to the URL parameters container. /// /// # Panics /// Panics if this `HttpRequest` has been cloned. #[inline] pub(crate) fn match_info_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Path<Url> { &mut Rc::get_mut(&mut self.inner).unwrap().path } /// The resource definition pattern that matched the path. Useful for logging and metrics. /// /// For example, when a resource with pattern `/user/{id}/profile` is defined and a call is made /// to `/user/123/profile` this function would return `Some("/user/{id}/profile")`. /// /// Returns a None when no resource is fully matched, including default services. #[inline] pub fn match_pattern(&self) -> Option<String> { self.resource_map().match_pattern(self.path()) } /// The resource name that matched the path. Useful for logging and metrics. /// /// Returns a None when no resource is fully matched, including default services. #[inline] pub fn match_name(&self) -> Option<&str> { self.resource_map().match_name(self.path()) } /// Returns a reference a piece of connection data set in an [on-connect] callback. /// /// ```ignore /// let opt_t = req.conn_data::<PeerCertificate>(); /// ``` /// /// [on-connect]: crate::HttpServer::on_connect pub fn conn_data<T: 'static>(&self) -> Option<&T> { self.inner .conn_data .as_deref() .and_then(|container| container.get::<T>()) } /// Generates URL for a named resource. /// /// This substitutes in sequence all URL parameters that appear in the resource itself and in /// parent [scopes](crate::web::scope), if any. /// /// It is worth noting that the characters `['/', '%']` are not escaped and therefore a single /// URL parameter may expand into multiple path segments and `elements` can be percent-encoded /// beforehand without worrying about double encoding. Any other character that is not valid in /// a URL path context is escaped using percent-encoding. /// /// # Examples /// ``` /// # use actix_web::{web, App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse}; /// fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse { /// let url = req.url_for("foo", &["1", "2", "3"]); // <- generate URL for "foo" resource /// HttpResponse::Ok().into() /// } /// /// let app = App::new() /// .service(web::resource("/test/{one}/{two}/{three}") /// .name("foo") // <- set resource name so it can be used in `url_for` /// .route(web::get().to(|| HttpResponse::Ok())) /// ); /// ``` pub fn url_for<U, I>(&self, name: &str, elements: U) -> Result<url::Url, UrlGenerationError> where U: IntoIterator<Item = I>, I: AsRef<str>, { self.resource_map().url_for(self, name, elements) } /// Generate URL for named resource /// /// This method is similar to `HttpRequest::url_for()` but it can be used /// for urls that do not contain variable parts. pub fn url_for_static(&self, name: &str) -> Result<url::Url, UrlGenerationError> { const NO_PARAMS: [&str; 0] = []; self.url_for(name, &NO_PARAMS) } /// Get a reference to a `ResourceMap` of current application. #[inline] pub fn resource_map(&self) -> &ResourceMap { self.app_state().rmap() } /// Returns peer socket address. /// /// Peer address is the directly connected peer's socket address. If a proxy is used in front of /// the Actix Web server, then it would be address of this proxy. /// /// For expanded client connection information, use [`connection_info`] instead. /// /// Will only return None when called in unit tests unless [`TestRequest::peer_addr`] is used. /// /// [`TestRequest::peer_addr`]: crate::test::TestRequest::peer_addr /// [`connection_info`]: Self::connection_info #[inline] pub fn peer_addr(&self) -> Option<net::SocketAddr> { self.head().peer_addr } /// Returns connection info for the current request. /// /// The return type, [`ConnectionInfo`], can also be used as an extractor. /// /// # Panics /// Panics if request's extensions container is already borrowed. #[inline] pub fn connection_info(&self) -> Ref<'_, ConnectionInfo> { if !self.extensions().contains::<ConnectionInfo>() { let info = ConnectionInfo::new(self.head(), &*self.app_config()); self.extensions_mut().insert(info); } Ref::map(self.extensions(), |data| data.get().unwrap()) } /// App config #[inline] pub fn app_config(&self) -> &AppConfig { self.app_state().config() } /// Retrieves a piece of application state. /// /// Extracts any object stored with [`App::app_data()`](crate::App::app_data) (or the /// counterpart methods on [`Scope`](crate::Scope::app_data) and /// [`Resource`](crate::Resource::app_data)) during application configuration. /// /// Since the Actix Web router layers application data, the returned object will reference the /// "closest" instance of the type. For example, if an `App` stores a `u32`, a nested `Scope` /// also stores a `u32`, and the delegated request handler falls within that `Scope`, then /// calling `.app_data::<u32>()` on an `HttpRequest` within that handler will return the /// `Scope`'s instance. However, using the same router set up and a request that does not get /// captured by the `Scope`, `.app_data::<u32>()` would return the `App`'s instance. /// /// If the state was stored using the [`Data`] wrapper, then it must also be retrieved using /// this same type. /// /// See also the [`Data`] extractor. /// /// # Examples /// ```no_run /// # use actix_web::{test::TestRequest, web::Data}; /// # let req = TestRequest::default().to_http_request(); /// # type T = u32; /// let opt_t: Option<&Data<T>> = req.app_data::<Data<T>>(); /// ``` /// /// [`Data`]: crate::web::Data #[doc(alias = "state")] pub fn app_data<T: 'static>(&self) -> Option<&T> { for container in self.inner.app_data.iter().rev() { if let Some(data) = container.get::<T>() { return Some(data); } } None } #[inline] fn app_state(&self) -> &AppInitServiceState { &*self.inner.app_state } /// Load request cookies. #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] pub fn cookies(&self) -> Result<Ref<'_, Vec<Cookie<'static>>>, CookieParseError> { use actix_http::header::COOKIE; if self.extensions().get::<Cookies>().is_none() { let mut cookies = Vec::new(); for hdr in self.headers().get_all(COOKIE) { let s = str::from_utf8(hdr.as_bytes()).map_err(CookieParseError::from)?; for cookie_str in s.split(';').map(|s| s.trim()) { if !cookie_str.is_empty() { cookies.push(Cookie::parse_encoded(cookie_str)?.into_owned()); } } } self.extensions_mut().insert(Cookies(cookies)); } Ok(Ref::map(self.extensions(), |ext| { &ext.get::<Cookies>().unwrap().0 })) } /// Return request cookie. #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] pub fn cookie(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Cookie<'static>> { if let Ok(cookies) = self.cookies() { for cookie in cookies.iter() { if == name { return Some(cookie.to_owned()); } } } None } } impl HttpMessage for HttpRequest { type Stream = (); #[inline] fn headers(&self) -> &HeaderMap { &self.head().headers } #[inline] fn extensions(&self) -> Ref<'_, Extensions> { self.inner.extensions.borrow() } #[inline] fn extensions_mut(&self) -> RefMut<'_, Extensions> { self.inner.extensions.borrow_mut() } #[inline] fn take_payload(&mut self) -> Payload<Self::Stream> { Payload::None } } impl Drop for HttpRequest { fn drop(&mut self) { // if possible, contribute to current worker's HttpRequest allocation pool // This relies on no weak references to inner existing anywhere within the codebase. if let Some(inner) = Rc::get_mut(&mut self.inner) { if inner.app_state.pool().is_available() { // clear additional app_data and keep the root one for reuse. inner.app_data.truncate(1); // Inner is borrowed mut here and; get req data mutably to reduce borrow check. Also // we know the req_data Rc will not have any cloned at this point to unwrap is okay. Rc::get_mut(&mut inner.extensions) .unwrap() .get_mut() .clear(); // a re-borrow of pool is necessary here. let req = Rc::clone(&self.inner); self.app_state().pool().push(req); } } } } /// It is possible to get `HttpRequest` as an extractor handler parameter /// /// # Examples /// ``` /// use actix_web::{web, App, HttpRequest}; /// use serde::Deserialize; /// /// /// extract `Thing` from request /// async fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> String { /// format!("Got thing: {:?}", req) /// } /// /// fn main() { /// let app = App::new().service( /// web::resource("/users/{first}").route( /// web::get().to(index)) /// ); /// } /// ``` impl FromRequest for HttpRequest { type Error = Error; type Future = Ready<Result<Self, Error>>; #[inline] fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, _: &mut Payload) -> Self::Future { ok(req.clone()) } } impl fmt::Debug for HttpRequest { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { writeln!( f, "\nHttpRequest {:?} {}:{}", self.inner.head.version, self.inner.head.method, self.path() )?; if !self.query_string().is_empty() { writeln!(f, " query: ?{:?}", self.query_string())?; } if !self.match_info().is_empty() { writeln!(f, " params: {:?}", self.match_info())?; } writeln!(f, " headers:")?; for (key, val) in self.headers().iter() { writeln!(f, " {:?}: {:?}", key, val)?; } Ok(()) } } /// Slab-allocated `HttpRequest` Pool /// /// Since request processing may yield for asynchronous events to complete, a worker may have many /// requests in-flight at any time. Pooling requests like this amortizes the performance and memory /// costs of allocating and de-allocating HttpRequest objects as frequently as they otherwise would. /// /// Request objects are added when they are dropped (see `<HttpRequest as Drop>::drop`) and re-used /// in `<AppInitService as Service>::call` when there are available objects in the list. /// /// The pool's default capacity is 128 items. pub(crate) struct HttpRequestPool { inner: RefCell<Vec<Rc<HttpRequestInner>>>, cap: usize, } impl Default for HttpRequestPool { fn default() -> Self { Self::with_capacity(128) } } impl HttpRequestPool { pub(crate) fn with_capacity(cap: usize) -> Self { HttpRequestPool { inner: RefCell::new(Vec::with_capacity(cap)), cap, } } /// Re-use a previously allocated (but now completed/discarded) HttpRequest object. #[inline] pub(crate) fn pop(&self) -> Option<HttpRequest> { self.inner .borrow_mut() .pop() .map(|inner| HttpRequest { inner }) } /// Check if the pool still has capacity for request storage. #[inline] pub(crate) fn is_available(&self) -> bool { self.inner.borrow_mut().len() < self.cap } /// Push a request to pool. #[inline] pub(crate) fn push(&self, req: Rc<HttpRequestInner>) { self.inner.borrow_mut().push(req); } /// Clears all allocated HttpRequest objects. pub(crate) fn clear(&self) { self.inner.borrow_mut().clear() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use actix_service::Service; use bytes::Bytes; use super::*; use crate::dev::{ResourceDef, ResourceMap}; use crate::http::{header, StatusCode}; use crate::test::{call_service, init_service, read_body, TestRequest}; use crate::{web, App, HttpResponse}; #[test] fn test_debug() { let req = TestRequest::default() .insert_header(("content-type", "text/plain")) .to_http_request(); let dbg = format!("{:?}", req); assert!(dbg.contains("HttpRequest")); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] fn test_no_request_cookies() { let req = TestRequest::default().to_http_request(); assert!(req.cookies().unwrap().is_empty()); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] fn test_request_cookies() { let req = TestRequest::default() .append_header((header::COOKIE, "cookie1=value1")) .append_header((header::COOKIE, "cookie2=value2")) .to_http_request(); { let cookies = req.cookies().unwrap(); assert_eq!(cookies.len(), 2); assert_eq!(cookies[0].name(), "cookie1"); assert_eq!(cookies[0].value(), "value1"); assert_eq!(cookies[1].name(), "cookie2"); assert_eq!(cookies[1].value(), "value2"); } let cookie = req.cookie("cookie1"); assert!(cookie.is_some()); let cookie = cookie.unwrap(); assert_eq!(, "cookie1"); assert_eq!(cookie.value(), "value1"); let cookie = req.cookie("cookie-unknown"); assert!(cookie.is_none()); } #[test] fn test_request_query() { let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/?id=test").to_http_request(); assert_eq!(req.query_string(), "id=test"); } #[test] fn test_url_for() { let mut res = ResourceDef::new("/user/{name}.{ext}"); res.set_name("index"); let mut rmap = ResourceMap::new(ResourceDef::prefix("")); rmap.add(&mut res, None); assert!(rmap.has_resource("/user/test.html")); assert!(!rmap.has_resource("/test/unknown")); let req = TestRequest::default() .insert_header((header::HOST, "")) .rmap(rmap) .to_http_request(); assert_eq!( req.url_for("unknown", &["test"]), Err(UrlGenerationError::ResourceNotFound) ); assert_eq!( req.url_for("index", &["test"]), Err(UrlGenerationError::NotEnoughElements) ); let url = req.url_for("index", &["test", "html"]); assert_eq!( url.ok().unwrap().as_str(), "" ); } #[test] fn test_url_for_static() { let mut rdef = ResourceDef::new("/index.html"); rdef.set_name("index"); let mut rmap = ResourceMap::new(ResourceDef::prefix("")); rmap.add(&mut rdef, None); assert!(rmap.has_resource("/index.html")); let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/test") .insert_header((header::HOST, "")) .rmap(rmap) .to_http_request(); let url = req.url_for_static("index"); assert_eq!( url.ok().unwrap().as_str(), "" ); } #[test] fn test_match_name() { let mut rdef = ResourceDef::new("/index.html"); rdef.set_name("index"); let mut rmap = ResourceMap::new(ResourceDef::prefix("")); rmap.add(&mut rdef, None); assert!(rmap.has_resource("/index.html")); let req = TestRequest::default() .uri("/index.html") .rmap(rmap) .to_http_request(); assert_eq!(req.match_name(), Some("index")); } #[test] fn test_url_for_external() { let mut rdef = ResourceDef::new("{video_id}"); rdef.set_name("youtube"); let mut rmap = ResourceMap::new(ResourceDef::prefix("")); rmap.add(&mut rdef, None); let req = TestRequest::default().rmap(rmap).to_http_request(); let url = req.url_for("youtube", &["oHg5SJYRHA0"]); assert_eq!( url.ok().unwrap().as_str(), "" ); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_drop_http_request_pool() { let srv = init_service(App::new().service(web::resource("/").to( |req: HttpRequest| { HttpResponse::Ok() .insert_header(("pool_cap", req.app_state().pool().cap)) .finish() }, ))) .await; let req = TestRequest::default().to_request(); let resp = call_service(&srv, req).await; drop(srv); assert_eq!(resp.headers().get("pool_cap").unwrap(), "128"); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_data() { let srv = init_service(App::new().app_data(10usize).service(web::resource("/").to( |req: HttpRequest| { if req.app_data::<usize>().is_some() { HttpResponse::Ok() } else { HttpResponse::BadRequest() } }, ))) .await; let req = TestRequest::default().to_request(); let resp = call_service(&srv, req).await; assert_eq!(resp.status(), StatusCode::OK); let srv = init_service(App::new().app_data(10u32).service(web::resource("/").to( |req: HttpRequest| { if req.app_data::<usize>().is_some() { HttpResponse::Ok() } else { HttpResponse::BadRequest() } }, ))) .await; let req = TestRequest::default().to_request(); let resp = call_service(&srv, req).await; assert_eq!(resp.status(), StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_cascading_data() { #[allow(dead_code)] fn echo_usize(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse { let num = req.app_data::<usize>().unwrap(); HttpResponse::Ok().body(num.to_string()) } let srv = init_service( App::new() .app_data(88usize) .service(web::resource("/").route(web::get().to(echo_usize))) .service( web::resource("/one") .app_data(1u32) .route(web::get().to(echo_usize)), ), ) .await; let req = TestRequest::get().uri("/").to_request(); let resp =; let body = read_body(resp).await; assert_eq!(body, Bytes::from_static(b"88")); let req = TestRequest::get().uri("/one").to_request(); let resp =; let body = read_body(resp).await; assert_eq!(body, Bytes::from_static(b"88")); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_overwrite_data() { #[allow(dead_code)] fn echo_usize(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse { let num = req.app_data::<usize>().unwrap(); HttpResponse::Ok().body(num.to_string()) } let srv = init_service( App::new() .app_data(88usize) .service(web::resource("/").route(web::get().to(echo_usize))) .service( web::resource("/one") .app_data(1usize) .route(web::get().to(echo_usize)), ), ) .await; let req = TestRequest::get().uri("/").to_request(); let resp =; let body = read_body(resp).await; assert_eq!(body, Bytes::from_static(b"88")); let req = TestRequest::get().uri("/one").to_request(); let resp =; let body = read_body(resp).await; assert_eq!(body, Bytes::from_static(b"1")); } // allow deprecated App::data #[allow(deprecated)] #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_extensions_dropped() { struct Tracker { pub dropped: bool, } struct Foo { tracker: Rc<RefCell<Tracker>>, } impl Drop for Foo { fn drop(&mut self) { self.tracker.borrow_mut().dropped = true; } } let tracker = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Tracker { dropped: false })); { let tracker2 = Rc::clone(&tracker); let srv = init_service(App::new().data(10u32).service(web::resource("/").to( move |req: HttpRequest| { req.extensions_mut().insert(Foo { tracker: Rc::clone(&tracker2), }); HttpResponse::Ok() }, ))) .await; let req = TestRequest::default().to_request(); let resp = call_service(&srv, req).await; assert_eq!(resp.status(), StatusCode::OK); } assert!(tracker.borrow().dropped); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn extract_path_pattern() { let srv = init_service( App::new().service( web::scope("/user/{id}") .service(web::resource("/profile").route(web::get().to( move |req: HttpRequest| { assert_eq!( req.match_pattern(), Some("/user/{id}/profile".to_owned()) ); HttpResponse::Ok().finish() }, ))) .default_service(web::to(move |req: HttpRequest| { assert!(req.match_pattern().is_none()); HttpResponse::Ok().finish() })), ), ) .await; let req = TestRequest::get().uri("/user/22/profile").to_request(); let res = call_service(&srv, req).await; assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK); let req = TestRequest::get().uri("/user/22/not-exist").to_request(); let res = call_service(&srv, req).await; assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn extract_path_pattern_complex() { let srv = init_service( App::new() .service(web::scope("/user").service(web::scope("/{id}").service( web::resource("").to(move |req: HttpRequest| { assert_eq!(req.match_pattern(), Some("/user/{id}".to_owned())); HttpResponse::Ok().finish() }), ))) .service(web::resource("/").to(move |req: HttpRequest| { assert_eq!(req.match_pattern(), Some("/".to_owned())); HttpResponse::Ok().finish() })) .default_service(web::to(move |req: HttpRequest| { assert!(req.match_pattern().is_none()); HttpResponse::Ok().finish() })), ) .await; let req = TestRequest::get().uri("/user/test").to_request(); let res = call_service(&srv, req).await; assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK); let req = TestRequest::get().uri("/").to_request(); let res = call_service(&srv, req).await; assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK); let req = TestRequest::get().uri("/not-exist").to_request(); let res = call_service(&srv, req).await; assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK); } }