//! Simple echo websocket server. //! Open `http://localhost:8080/ws/index.html` in browser //! or [python console client](https://github.com/actix/actix-web/blob/master/examples/websocket-client.py) //! could be used for testing. #![allow(unused_variables)] extern crate actix; extern crate actix_web; extern crate env_logger; use actix::prelude::*; use actix_web::{ http, middleware, server, fs, ws, App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Error}; /// do websocket handshake and start `MyWebSocket` actor fn ws_index(r: HttpRequest) -> Result { ws::start(r, MyWebSocket) } /// websocket connection is long running connection, it easier /// to handle with an actor struct MyWebSocket; impl Actor for MyWebSocket { type Context = ws::WebsocketContext; } /// Handler for `ws::Message` impl StreamHandler for MyWebSocket { fn handle(&mut self, msg: ws::Message, ctx: &mut Self::Context) { // process websocket messages println!("WS: {:?}", msg); match msg { ws::Message::Ping(msg) => ctx.pong(&msg), ws::Message::Text(text) => ctx.text(text), ws::Message::Binary(bin) => ctx.binary(bin), ws::Message::Close(_) => { ctx.stop(); } _ => (), } } } fn main() { ::std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "actix_web=info"); env_logger::init(); let sys = actix::System::new("ws-example"); server::new( || App::new() // enable logger .middleware(middleware::Logger::default()) // websocket route .resource("/ws/", |r| r.method(http::Method::GET).f(ws_index)) // static files .handler("/", fs::StaticFiles::new("../static/", true) .index_file("index.html"))) // start http server on .bind("").unwrap() .start(); println!("Started http server:"); let _ = sys.run(); }