searchState.loadedDescShard("actix_web_codegen", 0, "Routing and runtime macros for Actix Web.\nCreates route handler with actix_web::guard::Connect.\nCreates route handler with actix_web::guard::Delete.\nCreates route handler with actix_web::guard::Get.\nCreates route handler with actix_web::guard::Head.\nMarks async main function as the Actix Web system …\nCreates route handler with actix_web::guard::Options.\nCreates route handler with actix_web::guard::Patch.\nCreates route handler with actix_web::guard::Post.\nCreates route handler with actix_web::guard::Put.\nCreates resource handler, allowing multiple HTTP method …\nCreates resource handler, allowing multiple HTTP methods …\nMarks async test functions to use the Actix Web system …\nCreates route handler with actix_web::guard::Trace.")