//! Header parsing utilities. use std::{fmt, str::FromStr}; use super::HeaderValue; use crate::{error::ParseError, header::HTTP_VALUE}; /// Reads a comma-delimited raw header into a Vec. #[inline] pub fn from_comma_delimited<'a, I, T>(all: I) -> Result, ParseError> where I: Iterator + 'a, T: FromStr, { let mut result = Vec::new(); for h in all { let s = h.to_str().map_err(|_| ParseError::Header)?; result.extend( s.split(',') .filter_map(|x| match x.trim() { "" => None, y => Some(y), }) .filter_map(|x| x.trim().parse().ok()), ) } Ok(result) } /// Reads a single string when parsing a header. #[inline] pub fn from_one_raw_str(val: Option<&HeaderValue>) -> Result { if let Some(line) = val { let line = line.to_str().map_err(|_| ParseError::Header)?; if !line.is_empty() { return T::from_str(line).or(Err(ParseError::Header)); } } Err(ParseError::Header) } /// Format an array into a comma-delimited string. #[inline] pub fn fmt_comma_delimited(f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>, parts: &[T]) -> fmt::Result where T: fmt::Display, { let mut iter = parts.iter(); if let Some(part) = iter.next() { fmt::Display::fmt(part, f)?; } for part in iter { f.write_str(", ")?; fmt::Display::fmt(part, f)?; } Ok(()) } /// Percent encode a sequence of bytes with a character set defined in /// #[inline] pub fn http_percent_encode(f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>, bytes: &[u8]) -> fmt::Result { let encoded = percent_encoding::percent_encode(bytes, HTTP_VALUE); fmt::Display::fmt(&encoded, f) }