use crate::ResourcePath; #[allow(dead_code)] const GEN_DELIMS: &[u8] = b":/?#[]@"; #[allow(dead_code)] const SUB_DELIMS_WITHOUT_QS: &[u8] = b"!$'()*,"; #[allow(dead_code)] const SUB_DELIMS: &[u8] = b"!$'()*,+?=;"; #[allow(dead_code)] const RESERVED: &[u8] = b":/?#[]@!$'()*,+?=;"; #[allow(dead_code)] const UNRESERVED: &[u8] = b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 -._~"; const ALLOWED: &[u8] = b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 -._~ !$'()*,"; const QS: &[u8] = b"+&=;b"; thread_local! { static DEFAULT_QUOTER: Quoter = Quoter::new(b"@:", b"%/+"); } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] pub struct Url { uri: http::Uri, path: Option, } impl Url { #[inline] pub fn new(uri: http::Uri) -> Url { let path = DEFAULT_QUOTER.with(|q| q.requote(uri.path().as_bytes())); Url { uri, path } } #[inline] pub fn with_quoter(uri: http::Uri, quoter: &Quoter) -> Url { Url { path: quoter.requote(uri.path().as_bytes()), uri, } } #[inline] pub fn uri(&self) -> &http::Uri { &self.uri } #[inline] pub fn path(&self) -> &str { match self.path { Some(ref path) => path, _ => self.uri.path(), } } #[inline] pub fn update(&mut self, uri: &http::Uri) { self.uri = uri.clone(); self.path = DEFAULT_QUOTER.with(|q| q.requote(uri.path().as_bytes())); } #[inline] pub fn update_with_quoter(&mut self, uri: &http::Uri, quoter: &Quoter) { self.uri = uri.clone(); self.path = quoter.requote(uri.path().as_bytes()); } } impl ResourcePath for Url { #[inline] fn path(&self) -> &str { self.path() } } /// A quoter pub struct Quoter { /// Simple bit-map of safe values in the 0-127 ASCII range. safe_table: [u8; 16], /// Simple bit-map of protected values in the 0-127 ASCII range. protected_table: [u8; 16], } impl Quoter { pub fn new(safe: &[u8], protected: &[u8]) -> Quoter { let mut quoter = Quoter { safe_table: [0; 16], protected_table: [0; 16], }; // prepare safe table for ch in 0..128 { if ALLOWED.contains(&ch) { set_bit(&mut quoter.safe_table, ch); } if QS.contains(&ch) { set_bit(&mut quoter.safe_table, ch); } } for &ch in safe { set_bit(&mut quoter.safe_table, ch) } // prepare protected table for &ch in protected { set_bit(&mut quoter.safe_table, ch); set_bit(&mut quoter.protected_table, ch); } quoter } /// Re-quotes... ? /// /// Returns `None` when no modification to the original string was required. pub fn requote(&self, val: &[u8]) -> Option { let mut has_pct = 0; let mut pct = [b'%', 0, 0]; let mut idx = 0; let mut cloned: Option> = None; let len = val.len(); while idx < len { let ch = val[idx]; if has_pct != 0 { pct[has_pct] = val[idx]; has_pct += 1; if has_pct == 3 { has_pct = 0; let buf = cloned.as_mut().unwrap(); if let Some(ch) = hex_pair_to_char(pct[1], pct[2]) { if ch < 128 { if bit_at(&self.protected_table, ch) { buf.extend_from_slice(&pct); idx += 1; continue; } if bit_at(&self.safe_table, ch) { buf.push(ch); idx += 1; continue; } } buf.push(ch); } else { buf.extend_from_slice(&pct[..]); } } } else if ch == b'%' { has_pct = 1; if cloned.is_none() { let mut c = Vec::with_capacity(len); c.extend_from_slice(&val[..idx]); cloned = Some(c); } } else if let Some(ref mut cloned) = cloned { cloned.push(ch) } idx += 1; }|data| String::from_utf8_lossy(&data).into_owned()) } } /// Converts an ASCII character in the hex-encoded set (`0-9`, `A-F`, `a-f`) to its integer /// representation from `0x0`–`0xF`. /// /// - `0x30 ('0') => 0x0` /// - `0x39 ('9') => 0x9` /// - `0x41 ('a') => 0xA` /// - `0x61 ('A') => 0xA` /// - `0x46 ('f') => 0xF` /// - `0x66 ('F') => 0xF` fn from_ascii_hex(v: u8) -> Option { match v { b'0'..=b'9' => Some(v - 0x30), // ord('0') == 0x30 b'A'..=b'F' => Some(v - 0x41 + 10), // ord('A') == 0x41 b'a'..=b'f' => Some(v - 0x61 + 10), // ord('a') == 0x61 _ => None, } } /// Decode a ASCII hex-encoded pair to an integer. /// /// Returns `None` if either portion of the decoded pair does not evaluate to a valid hex value. /// /// - `0x33 ('3'), 0x30 ('0') => 0x30 ('0')` /// - `0x34 ('4'), 0x31 ('1') => 0x41 ('A')` /// - `0x36 ('6'), 0x31 ('1') => 0x61 ('a')` fn hex_pair_to_char(d1: u8, d2: u8) -> Option { let (d_high, d_low) = (from_ascii_hex(d1)?, from_ascii_hex(d2)?); // left shift high nibble by 4 bits Some(d_high << 4 | d_low) } /// Sets bit in given bit-map to 1=true. /// /// # Panics /// Panics if `ch` index is out of bounds. fn set_bit(array: &mut [u8], ch: u8) { array[(ch >> 3) as usize] |= 0b1 << (ch & 0b111) } /// Returns true if bit to true in given bit-map. /// /// # Panics /// Panics if `ch` index is out of bounds. fn bit_at(array: &[u8], ch: u8) -> bool { array[(ch >> 3) as usize] & (0b1 << (ch & 0b111)) != 0 } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use http::Uri; use std::convert::TryFrom; use super::*; use crate::{Path, ResourceDef}; const PROTECTED: &[u8] = b"%/+"; fn match_url(pattern: &'static str, url: impl AsRef) -> Path { let re = ResourceDef::new(pattern); let uri = Uri::try_from(url.as_ref()).unwrap(); let mut path = Path::new(Url::new(uri)); assert!(re.capture_match_info(&mut path)); path } fn percent_encode(data: &[u8]) -> String { data.iter().map(|c| format!("%{:02X}", c)).collect() } #[test] fn parse_url() { let re = "/user/{id}/test"; let path = match_url(re, "/user/2345/test"); assert_eq!(path.get("id").unwrap(), "2345"); } #[test] fn protected_chars() { let re = "/user/{id}/test"; let encoded = percent_encode(PROTECTED); let path = match_url(re, format!("/user/{}/test", encoded)); // characters in captured segment remain unencoded assert_eq!(path.get("id").unwrap(), &encoded); // "%25" should never be decoded into '%' to guarantee the output is a valid // percent-encoded format let path = match_url(re, "/user/qwe%25/test"); assert_eq!(path.get("id").unwrap(), "qwe%25"); let path = match_url(re, "/user/qwe%25rty/test"); assert_eq!(path.get("id").unwrap(), "qwe%25rty"); } #[test] fn non_protected_ascii() { let non_protected_ascii = ('\u{0}'..='\u{7F}') .filter(|&c| c.is_ascii() && !PROTECTED.contains(&(c as u8))) .collect::(); let encoded = percent_encode(non_protected_ascii.as_bytes()); let path = match_url("/user/{id}/test", format!("/user/{}/test", encoded)); assert_eq!(path.get("id").unwrap(), &non_protected_ascii); } #[test] fn valid_utf8_multibyte() { let test = ('\u{FF00}'..='\u{FFFF}').collect::(); let encoded = percent_encode(test.as_bytes()); let path = match_url("/a/{id}/b", format!("/a/{}/b", &encoded)); assert_eq!(path.get("id").unwrap(), &test); } #[test] fn invalid_utf8() { let invalid_utf8 = percent_encode((0x80..=0xff).collect::>().as_slice()); let uri = Uri::try_from(format!("/{}", invalid_utf8)).unwrap(); let path = Path::new(Url::new(uri)); // We should always get a valid utf8 string assert!(String::from_utf8(path.path().as_bytes().to_owned()).is_ok()); } #[test] fn hex_encoding() { let hex = b"0123456789abcdefABCDEF"; for i in 0..256 { let c = i as u8; if hex.contains(&c) { assert!(from_ascii_hex(c).is_some()) } else { assert!(from_ascii_hex(c).is_none()) } } let expected = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, ]; for i in 0..hex.len() { assert_eq!(from_ascii_hex(hex[i]).unwrap(), expected[i]); } } #[test] fn custom_quoter() { let q = Quoter::new(b"", b"+"); assert_eq!(q.requote(b"/a%25c").unwrap(), "/a%c"); assert_eq!(q.requote(b"/a%2Bc").unwrap(), "/a%2Bc"); let q = Quoter::new(b"%+", b"/"); assert_eq!(q.requote(b"/a%25b%2Bc").unwrap(), "/a%b+c"); assert_eq!(q.requote(b"/a%2fb").unwrap(), "/a%2fb"); assert_eq!(q.requote(b"/a%2Fb").unwrap(), "/a%2Fb"); } #[test] fn quoter_no_modification() { let q = Quoter::new(b"", b""); assert_eq!(q.requote(b"/abc/../efg"), None); } }