#![allow(unused_variables)] extern crate actix; extern crate actix_web; extern crate env_logger; extern crate futures; use actix_web::*; use futures::stream::{once, Once}; /// somple handle fn index(req: &mut HttpRequest, _payload: Payload, state: &()) -> HttpResponse { println!("{:?}", req); httpcodes::HTTPOk.into() } /// somple handle fn index_async(req: &mut HttpRequest, _payload: Payload, state: &()) -> Once<actix_web::Frame, ()> { println!("{:?}", req); once(Ok(HttpResponse::builder(StatusCode::OK) .content_type("text/html") .body(format!("Hello {}!", req.match_info().get("name").unwrap())) .unwrap() .into())) } /// handle with path parameters like `/name/{name}/` fn with_param(req: &mut HttpRequest, _payload: Payload, state: &()) -> HandlerResult<HttpResponse> { println!("{:?}", req); Ok(HttpResponse::builder(StatusCode::OK) .content_type("test/plain") .body(format!("Hello {}!", req.match_info().get("name").unwrap()))?) } fn main() { ::std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "actix_web=info"); let _ = env_logger::init(); let sys = actix::System::new("ws-example"); HttpServer::new( Application::default("/") // enable logger .middleware(Logger::new(None)) // register simple handler, handle all methods .handler("/index.html", index) // with path parameters .resource("/user/{name}/", |r| r.handler(Method::GET, with_param)) // async handler .resource("/async/{name}", |r| r.async(Method::GET, index_async)) // redirect .resource("/", |r| r.handler(Method::GET, |req, _, _| { println!("{:?}", req); Ok(httpcodes::HTTPFound .builder() .header("LOCATION", "/index.html") .body(Body::Empty)?) })) // static files .route_handler("/static", StaticFiles::new("examples/static/", true))) .serve::<_, ()>("").unwrap(); println!("Started http server:"); let _ = sys.run(); }