use std::{fmt, net::IpAddr, rc::Rc, time::Duration}; use actix_http::{ error::HttpError, header::{self, HeaderMap, HeaderName, TryIntoHeaderPair}, Uri, }; use actix_rt::net::{ActixStream, TcpStream}; use actix_service::{boxed, Service}; use base64::prelude::*; use crate::{ client::{ ClientConfig, ConnectInfo, Connector, ConnectorService, TcpConnectError, TcpConnection, }, connect::DefaultConnector, error::SendRequestError, middleware::{NestTransform, Redirect, Transform}, Client, ConnectRequest, ConnectResponse, }; /// An HTTP Client builder /// /// This type can be used to construct an instance of `Client` through a /// builder-like pattern. pub struct ClientBuilder { max_http_version: Option, stream_window_size: Option, conn_window_size: Option, fundamental_headers: bool, default_headers: HeaderMap, timeout: Option, connector: Connector, middleware: M, local_address: Option, max_redirects: u8, } impl ClientBuilder { #[allow(clippy::new_ret_no_self)] pub fn new() -> ClientBuilder< impl Service< ConnectInfo, Response = TcpConnection, Error = TcpConnectError, > + Clone, (), > { ClientBuilder { max_http_version: None, stream_window_size: None, conn_window_size: None, fundamental_headers: true, default_headers: HeaderMap::new(), timeout: Some(Duration::from_secs(5)), connector: Connector::new(), middleware: (), local_address: None, max_redirects: 10, } } } impl ClientBuilder where S: Service, Response = TcpConnection, Error = TcpConnectError> + Clone + 'static, Io: ActixStream + fmt::Debug + 'static, { /// Use custom connector service. pub fn connector(self, connector: Connector) -> ClientBuilder where S1: Service, Response = TcpConnection, Error = TcpConnectError> + Clone + 'static, Io1: ActixStream + fmt::Debug + 'static, { ClientBuilder { middleware: self.middleware, fundamental_headers: self.fundamental_headers, default_headers: self.default_headers, timeout: self.timeout, local_address: self.local_address, connector, max_http_version: self.max_http_version, stream_window_size: self.stream_window_size, conn_window_size: self.conn_window_size, max_redirects: self.max_redirects, } } /// Set request timeout /// /// Request timeout is the total time before a response must be received. /// Default value is 5 seconds. pub fn timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self { self.timeout = Some(timeout); self } /// Disable request timeout. pub fn disable_timeout(mut self) -> Self { self.timeout = None; self } /// Set local IP Address the connector would use for establishing connection. pub fn local_address(mut self, addr: IpAddr) -> Self { self.local_address = Some(addr); self } /// Maximum supported HTTP major version. /// /// Supported versions are HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2. pub fn max_http_version(mut self, val: http::Version) -> Self { self.max_http_version = Some(val); self } /// Do not follow redirects. /// /// Redirects are allowed by default. pub fn disable_redirects(mut self) -> Self { self.max_redirects = 0; self } /// Set max number of redirects. /// /// Max redirects is set to 10 by default. pub fn max_redirects(mut self, num: u8) -> Self { self.max_redirects = num; self } /// Indicates the initial window size (in octets) for /// HTTP2 stream-level flow control for received data. /// /// The default value is 65,535 and is good for APIs, but not for big objects. pub fn initial_window_size(mut self, size: u32) -> Self { self.stream_window_size = Some(size); self } /// Indicates the initial window size (in octets) for /// HTTP2 connection-level flow control for received data. /// /// The default value is 65,535 and is good for APIs, but not for big objects. pub fn initial_connection_window_size(mut self, size: u32) -> Self { self.conn_window_size = Some(size); self } /// Do not add fundamental default request headers. /// /// By default `Date` and `User-Agent` headers are set. pub fn no_default_headers(mut self) -> Self { self.fundamental_headers = false; self } /// Add default header. /// /// Headers added by this method get added to every request unless overridden by other methods. /// /// # Panics /// Panics if header name or value is invalid. pub fn add_default_header(mut self, header: impl TryIntoHeaderPair) -> Self { match header.try_into_pair() { Ok((key, value)) => self.default_headers.append(key, value), Err(err) => panic!("Header error: {:?}", err.into()), } self } #[doc(hidden)] #[deprecated(since = "3.0.0", note = "Prefer `add_default_header((key, value))`.")] pub fn header(mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Self where HeaderName: TryFrom, >::Error: fmt::Debug + Into, V: header::TryIntoHeaderValue, V::Error: fmt::Debug, { match HeaderName::try_from(key) { Ok(key) => match value.try_into_value() { Ok(value) => { self.default_headers.append(key, value); } Err(err) => log::error!("Header value error: {:?}", err), }, Err(err) => log::error!("Header name error: {:?}", err), } self } /// Set client wide HTTP basic authorization header pub fn basic_auth(self, username: N, password: Option<&str>) -> Self where N: fmt::Display, { let auth = match password { Some(password) => format!("{}:{}", username, password), None => format!("{}:", username), }; self.add_default_header(( header::AUTHORIZATION, format!("Basic {}", BASE64_STANDARD.encode(auth)), )) } /// Set client wide HTTP bearer authentication header pub fn bearer_auth(self, token: T) -> Self where T: fmt::Display, { self.add_default_header((header::AUTHORIZATION, format!("Bearer {}", token))) } /// Registers middleware, in the form of a middleware component (type), that runs during inbound /// and/or outbound processing in the request life-cycle (request -> response), /// modifying request/response as necessary, across all requests managed by the `Client`. pub fn wrap(self, mw: M1) -> ClientBuilder> where M: Transform, M1: Transform, { ClientBuilder { middleware: NestTransform::new(self.middleware, mw), fundamental_headers: self.fundamental_headers, max_http_version: self.max_http_version, stream_window_size: self.stream_window_size, conn_window_size: self.conn_window_size, default_headers: self.default_headers, timeout: self.timeout, connector: self.connector, local_address: self.local_address, max_redirects: self.max_redirects, } } /// Finish build process and create `Client` instance. pub fn finish(self) -> Client where M: Transform>, ConnectRequest> + 'static, M::Transform: Service, { let max_redirects = self.max_redirects; if max_redirects > 0 { self.wrap(Redirect::new().max_redirect_times(max_redirects)) ._finish() } else { self._finish() } } fn _finish(self) -> Client where M: Transform>, ConnectRequest> + 'static, M::Transform: Service, { let mut connector = self.connector; if let Some(val) = self.max_http_version { connector = connector.max_http_version(val); }; if let Some(val) = self.conn_window_size { connector = connector.initial_connection_window_size(val) }; if let Some(val) = self.stream_window_size { connector = connector.initial_window_size(val) }; if let Some(val) = self.local_address { connector = connector.local_address(val); } let connector = DefaultConnector::new(connector.finish()); let connector = boxed::rc_service(self.middleware.new_transform(connector)); Client(ClientConfig { default_headers: Rc::new(self.default_headers), timeout: self.timeout, connector, }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn client_basic_auth() { let client = ClientBuilder::new().basic_auth("username", Some("password")); assert_eq!( client .default_headers .get(header::AUTHORIZATION) .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap(), "Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=" ); let client = ClientBuilder::new().basic_auth("username", None); assert_eq!( client .default_headers .get(header::AUTHORIZATION) .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap(), "Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6" ); } #[test] fn client_bearer_auth() { let client = ClientBuilder::new().bearer_auth("someS3cr3tAutht0k3n"); assert_eq!( client .default_headers .get(header::AUTHORIZATION) .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap(), "Bearer someS3cr3tAutht0k3n" ); } }