use std::cell::{Ref, RefCell, RefMut}; use std::rc::Rc; use std::{fmt, net}; use actix_http::http::{HeaderMap, Method, Uri, Version}; use actix_http::{Error, Extensions, HttpMessage, Message, Payload, RequestHead}; use actix_router::{Path, Url}; use crate::config::AppConfig; use crate::data::Data; use crate::error::UrlGenerationError; use crate::extract::FromRequest; use crate::info::ConnectionInfo; use crate::rmap::ResourceMap; #[derive(Clone)] /// An HTTP Request pub struct HttpRequest(pub(crate) Rc<HttpRequestInner>); pub(crate) struct HttpRequestInner { pub(crate) head: Message<RequestHead>, pub(crate) path: Path<Url>, pub(crate) payload: Payload, pub(crate) app_data: Rc<Extensions>, rmap: Rc<ResourceMap>, config: AppConfig, pool: &'static HttpRequestPool, } impl HttpRequest { #[inline] pub(crate) fn new( path: Path<Url>, head: Message<RequestHead>, payload: Payload, rmap: Rc<ResourceMap>, config: AppConfig, app_data: Rc<Extensions>, pool: &'static HttpRequestPool, ) -> HttpRequest { HttpRequest(Rc::new(HttpRequestInner { head, path, payload, rmap, config, app_data, pool, })) } } impl HttpRequest { /// This method returns reference to the request head #[inline] pub fn head(&self) -> &RequestHead { &self.0.head } /// This method returns muttable reference to the request head. /// panics if multiple references of http request exists. #[inline] pub(crate) fn head_mut(&mut self) -> &mut RequestHead { &mut Rc::get_mut(&mut self.0).unwrap().head } /// Request's uri. #[inline] pub fn uri(&self) -> &Uri { &self.head().uri } /// Read the Request method. #[inline] pub fn method(&self) -> &Method { &self.head().method } /// Read the Request Version. #[inline] pub fn version(&self) -> Version { self.head().version } #[inline] /// Returns request's headers. pub fn headers(&self) -> &HeaderMap { &self.head().headers } /// The target path of this Request. #[inline] pub fn path(&self) -> &str { self.head().uri.path() } /// The query string in the URL. /// /// E.g., id=10 #[inline] pub fn query_string(&self) -> &str { if let Some(query) = self.uri().query().as_ref() { query } else { "" } } /// Get a reference to the Path parameters. /// /// Params is a container for url parameters. /// A variable segment is specified in the form `{identifier}`, /// where the identifier can be used later in a request handler to /// access the matched value for that segment. #[inline] pub fn match_info(&self) -> &Path<Url> { &self.0.path } #[inline] pub(crate) fn match_info_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Path<Url> { &mut Rc::get_mut(&mut self.0).unwrap().path } /// Request extensions #[inline] pub fn extensions(&self) -> Ref<Extensions> { self.head().extensions() } /// Mutable reference to a the request's extensions #[inline] pub fn extensions_mut(&self) -> RefMut<Extensions> { self.head().extensions_mut() } /// Generate url for named resource /// /// ```rust /// # extern crate actix_web; /// # use actix_web::{web, App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse}; /// # /// fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse { /// let url = req.url_for("foo", &["1", "2", "3"]); // <- generate url for "foo" resource /// HttpResponse::Ok().into() /// } /// /// fn main() { /// let app = App::new() /// .service(web::resource("/test/{one}/{two}/{three}") /// .name("foo") // <- set resource name, then it could be used in `url_for` /// .route(web::get().to(|| HttpResponse::Ok())) /// ); /// } /// ``` pub fn url_for<U, I>( &self, name: &str, elements: U, ) -> Result<url::Url, UrlGenerationError> where U: IntoIterator<Item = I>, I: AsRef<str>, { self.0.rmap.url_for(&self, name, elements) } /// Generate url for named resource /// /// This method is similar to `HttpRequest::url_for()` but it can be used /// for urls that do not contain variable parts. pub fn url_for_static(&self, name: &str) -> Result<url::Url, UrlGenerationError> { const NO_PARAMS: [&str; 0] = []; self.url_for(name, &NO_PARAMS) } #[inline] /// Get a reference to a `ResourceMap` of current application. pub fn resource_map(&self) -> &ResourceMap { &self.0.rmap } /// Peer socket address /// /// Peer address is actual socket address, if proxy is used in front of /// actix http server, then peer address would be address of this proxy. /// /// To get client connection information `.connection_info()` should be used. #[inline] pub fn peer_addr(&self) -> Option<net::SocketAddr> { self.head().peer_addr } /// Get *ConnectionInfo* for the current request. /// /// This method panics if request's extensions container is already /// borrowed. #[inline] pub fn connection_info(&self) -> Ref<ConnectionInfo> { ConnectionInfo::get(self.head(), &*self.app_config()) } /// App config #[inline] pub fn app_config(&self) -> &AppConfig { &self.0.config } /// Get an application data stored with `App::data()` method during /// application configuration. pub fn app_data<T: 'static>(&self) -> Option<&T> { if let Some(st) = self.0.app_data.get::<Data<T>>() { Some(&st) } else { None } } /// Get an application data stored with `App::data()` method during /// application configuration. pub fn get_app_data<T: 'static>(&self) -> Option<Data<T>> { if let Some(st) = self.0.app_data.get::<Data<T>>() { Some(st.clone()) } else { None } } } impl HttpMessage for HttpRequest { type Stream = (); #[inline] /// Returns Request's headers. fn headers(&self) -> &HeaderMap { &self.head().headers } /// Request extensions #[inline] fn extensions(&self) -> Ref<Extensions> { self.0.head.extensions() } /// Mutable reference to a the request's extensions #[inline] fn extensions_mut(&self) -> RefMut<Extensions> { self.0.head.extensions_mut() } #[inline] fn take_payload(&mut self) -> Payload<Self::Stream> { Payload::None } } impl Drop for HttpRequest { fn drop(&mut self) { if Rc::strong_count(&self.0) == 1 { let v = &mut self.0.pool.0.borrow_mut(); if v.len() < 128 { self.extensions_mut().clear(); v.push(self.0.clone()); } } } } /// It is possible to get `HttpRequest` as an extractor handler parameter /// /// ## Example /// /// ```rust /// # #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; /// use actix_web::{web, App, HttpRequest}; /// /// /// extract `Thing` from request /// fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> String { /// format!("Got thing: {:?}", req) /// } /// /// fn main() { /// let app = App::new().service( /// web::resource("/users/{first}").route( /// web::get().to(index)) /// ); /// } /// ``` impl FromRequest for HttpRequest { type Config = (); type Error = Error; type Future = Result<Self, Error>; #[inline] fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, _: &mut Payload) -> Self::Future { Ok(req.clone()) } } impl fmt::Debug for HttpRequest { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { writeln!( f, "\nHttpRequest {:?} {}:{}", self.0.head.version, self.0.head.method, self.path() )?; if !self.query_string().is_empty() { writeln!(f, " query: ?{:?}", self.query_string())?; } if !self.match_info().is_empty() { writeln!(f, " params: {:?}", self.match_info())?; } writeln!(f, " headers:")?; for (key, val) in self.headers().iter() { writeln!(f, " {:?}: {:?}", key, val)?; } Ok(()) } } /// Request's objects pool pub(crate) struct HttpRequestPool(RefCell<Vec<Rc<HttpRequestInner>>>); impl HttpRequestPool { pub(crate) fn create() -> &'static HttpRequestPool { let pool = HttpRequestPool(RefCell::new(Vec::with_capacity(128))); Box::leak(Box::new(pool)) } /// Get message from the pool #[inline] pub(crate) fn get_request(&self) -> Option<HttpRequest> { if let Some(inner) = self.0.borrow_mut().pop() { Some(HttpRequest(inner)) } else { None } } pub(crate) fn clear(&self) { self.0.borrow_mut().clear() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::dev::{ResourceDef, ResourceMap}; use crate::http::{header, StatusCode}; use crate::test::{call_service, init_service, TestRequest}; use crate::{web, App, HttpResponse}; #[test] fn test_debug() { let req = TestRequest::with_header("content-type", "text/plain").to_http_request(); let dbg = format!("{:?}", req); assert!(dbg.contains("HttpRequest")); } #[test] fn test_no_request_cookies() { let req = TestRequest::default().to_http_request(); assert!(req.cookies().unwrap().is_empty()); } #[test] fn test_request_cookies() { let req = TestRequest::default() .header(header::COOKIE, "cookie1=value1") .header(header::COOKIE, "cookie2=value2") .to_http_request(); { let cookies = req.cookies().unwrap(); assert_eq!(cookies.len(), 2); assert_eq!(cookies[0].name(), "cookie2"); assert_eq!(cookies[0].value(), "value2"); assert_eq!(cookies[1].name(), "cookie1"); assert_eq!(cookies[1].value(), "value1"); } let cookie = req.cookie("cookie1"); assert!(cookie.is_some()); let cookie = cookie.unwrap(); assert_eq!(, "cookie1"); assert_eq!(cookie.value(), "value1"); let cookie = req.cookie("cookie-unknown"); assert!(cookie.is_none()); } #[test] fn test_request_query() { let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/?id=test").to_http_request(); assert_eq!(req.query_string(), "id=test"); } #[test] fn test_url_for() { let mut res = ResourceDef::new("/user/{name}.{ext}"); *res.name_mut() = "index".to_string(); let mut rmap = ResourceMap::new(ResourceDef::new("")); rmap.add(&mut res, None); assert!(rmap.has_resource("/user/test.html")); assert!(!rmap.has_resource("/test/unknown")); let req = TestRequest::with_header(header::HOST, "") .rmap(rmap) .to_http_request(); assert_eq!( req.url_for("unknown", &["test"]), Err(UrlGenerationError::ResourceNotFound) ); assert_eq!( req.url_for("index", &["test"]), Err(UrlGenerationError::NotEnoughElements) ); let url = req.url_for("index", &["test", "html"]); assert_eq!( url.ok().unwrap().as_str(), "" ); } #[test] fn test_url_for_static() { let mut rdef = ResourceDef::new("/index.html"); *rdef.name_mut() = "index".to_string(); let mut rmap = ResourceMap::new(ResourceDef::new("")); rmap.add(&mut rdef, None); assert!(rmap.has_resource("/index.html")); let req = TestRequest::with_uri("/test") .header(header::HOST, "") .rmap(rmap) .to_http_request(); let url = req.url_for_static("index"); assert_eq!( url.ok().unwrap().as_str(), "" ); } #[test] fn test_url_for_external() { let mut rdef = ResourceDef::new("{video_id}"); *rdef.name_mut() = "youtube".to_string(); let mut rmap = ResourceMap::new(ResourceDef::new("")); rmap.add(&mut rdef, None); assert!(rmap.has_resource("")); let req = TestRequest::default().rmap(rmap).to_http_request(); let url = req.url_for("youtube", &["oHg5SJYRHA0"]); assert_eq!( url.ok().unwrap().as_str(), "" ); } #[test] fn test_app_data() { let mut srv = init_service(App::new().data(10usize).service( web::resource("/").to(|req: HttpRequest| { if req.app_data::<usize>().is_some() { HttpResponse::Ok() } else { HttpResponse::BadRequest() } }), )); let req = TestRequest::default().to_request(); let resp = call_service(&mut srv, req); assert_eq!(resp.status(), StatusCode::OK); let mut srv = init_service(App::new().data(10u32).service( web::resource("/").to(|req: HttpRequest| { if req.app_data::<usize>().is_some() { HttpResponse::Ok() } else { HttpResponse::BadRequest() } }), )); let req = TestRequest::default().to_request(); let resp = call_service(&mut srv, req); assert_eq!(resp.status(), StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST); } #[test] fn test_extensions_dropped() { struct Tracker { pub dropped: bool, } struct Foo { tracker: Rc<RefCell<Tracker>>, } impl Drop for Foo { fn drop(&mut self) { self.tracker.borrow_mut().dropped = true; } } let tracker = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Tracker { dropped: false })); { let tracker2 = Rc::clone(&tracker); let mut srv = init_service(App::new().data(10u32).service( web::resource("/").to(move |req: HttpRequest| { req.extensions_mut().insert(Foo { tracker: Rc::clone(&tracker2), }); HttpResponse::Ok() }), )); let req = TestRequest::default().to_request(); let resp = call_service(&mut srv, req); assert_eq!(resp.status(), StatusCode::OK); } assert!(tracker.borrow().dropped); } }