//! Client connection pooling keyed on the authority part of the connection URI. use std::{ cell::RefCell, collections::{HashMap, VecDeque}, future::Future, io, ops::Deref, pin::Pin, rc::Rc, sync::Arc, task::{Context, Poll}, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use actix_codec::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, ReadBuf}; use actix_http::Protocol; use actix_rt::time::{sleep, Sleep}; use actix_service::Service; use futures_core::future::LocalBoxFuture; use futures_util::FutureExt as _; use http::uri::Authority; use pin_project_lite::pin_project; use tokio::sync::{OwnedSemaphorePermit, Semaphore}; use super::{ config::ConnectorConfig, connection::{ConnectionInnerType, ConnectionIo, ConnectionType, H2ConnectionInner}, error::ConnectError, h2proto::handshake, Connect, }; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct Key { authority: Authority, } impl From for Key { fn from(authority: Authority) -> Key { Key { authority } } } /// Connections pool to reuse I/O per [`Authority`]. #[doc(hidden)] pub struct ConnectionPool where Io: AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'static, { connector: S, inner: ConnectionPoolInner, } /// Wrapper type for check the ref count of Rc. pub struct ConnectionPoolInner(Rc>) where Io: AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'static; impl ConnectionPoolInner where Io: AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'static, { fn new(config: ConnectorConfig) -> Self { let permits = Arc::new(Semaphore::new(config.limit)); let available = RefCell::new(HashMap::new()); Self(Rc::new(ConnectionPoolInnerPriv { config, available, permits, })) } /// Spawns a graceful shutdown task for the underlying I/O with a timeout. fn close(&self, conn: ConnectionInnerType) { if let Some(timeout) = self.config.disconnect_timeout { if let ConnectionInnerType::H1(io) = conn { actix_rt::spawn(CloseConnection::new(io, timeout)); } } } } impl Clone for ConnectionPoolInner where Io: AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'static, { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self(Rc::clone(&self.0)) } } impl Deref for ConnectionPoolInner where Io: AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'static, { type Target = ConnectionPoolInnerPriv; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl Drop for ConnectionPoolInner where Io: AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'static, { fn drop(&mut self) { // When strong count is one it means the pool is dropped // remove and drop all Io types. if Rc::strong_count(&self.0) == 1 { self.permits.close(); std::mem::take(&mut *self.available.borrow_mut()) .into_iter() .for_each(|(_, conns)| { conns.into_iter().for_each(|pooled| self.close(pooled.conn)) }); } } } pub struct ConnectionPoolInnerPriv where Io: AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'static, { config: ConnectorConfig, available: RefCell>>>, permits: Arc, } impl ConnectionPool where Io: AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'static, { /// Construct a new connection pool. /// /// [`super::config::ConnectorConfig`]'s `limit` is used as the max permits allowed for /// in-flight connections. /// /// The pool can only have equal to `limit` amount of requests spawning/using Io type /// concurrently. /// /// Any requests beyond limit would be wait in fifo order and get notified in async manner /// by [`tokio::sync::Semaphore`] pub(crate) fn new(connector: S, config: ConnectorConfig) -> Self { let inner = ConnectionPoolInner::new(config); Self { connector, inner } } } impl Service for ConnectionPool where S: Service + Clone + 'static, Io: ConnectionIo, { type Response = ConnectionType; type Error = ConnectError; type Future = LocalBoxFuture<'static, Result>; actix_service::forward_ready!(connector); fn call(&self, req: Connect) -> Self::Future { let connector = self.connector.clone(); let inner = self.inner.clone(); Box::pin(async move { let key = if let Some(authority) = req.uri.authority() { authority.clone().into() } else { return Err(ConnectError::Unresolved); }; // acquire an owned permit and carry it with connection let permit = Arc::clone(&inner.permits) .acquire_owned() .await .map_err(|_| { ConnectError::Io(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "failed to acquire semaphore on client connection pool", )) })?; let conn = { let mut conn = None; // check if there is idle connection for given key. let mut map = inner.available.borrow_mut(); if let Some(conns) = map.get_mut(&key) { let now = Instant::now(); while let Some(mut c) = conns.pop_front() { let config = &inner.config; let idle_dur = now - c.used; let age = now - c.created; let conn_ineligible = idle_dur > config.conn_keep_alive || age > config.conn_lifetime; if conn_ineligible { // drop connections that are too old inner.close(c.conn); } else { // check if the connection is still usable if let ConnectionInnerType::H1(ref mut io) = c.conn { let check = ConnectionCheckFuture { io }; match check.now_or_never().expect( "ConnectionCheckFuture must never yield with Poll::Pending.", ) { ConnectionState::Tainted => { inner.close(c.conn); continue; } ConnectionState::Skip => continue, ConnectionState::Live => conn = Some(c), } } else { conn = Some(c); } break; } } }; conn }; // construct acquired. It's used to put Io type back to pool/ close the Io type. // permit is carried with the whole lifecycle of Acquired. let acquired = Acquired { key, inner, permit }; // match the connection and spawn new one if did not get anything. match conn { Some(conn) => Ok(ConnectionType::from_pool(conn.conn, conn.created, acquired)), None => { let (io, proto) = connector.call(req).await?; // NOTE: remove when http3 is added in support. assert!(proto != Protocol::Http3); if proto == Protocol::Http1 { Ok(ConnectionType::from_h1(io, Instant::now(), acquired)) } else { let config = &acquired.inner.config; let (sender, connection) = handshake(io, config).await?; let inner = H2ConnectionInner::new(sender, connection); Ok(ConnectionType::from_h2(inner, Instant::now(), acquired)) } } } }) } } /// Type for check the connection and determine if it's usable. struct ConnectionCheckFuture<'a, Io> { io: &'a mut Io, } enum ConnectionState { /// IO is pending and a new request would wake it. Live, /// IO unexpectedly has unread data and should be dropped. Tainted, /// IO should be skipped but not dropped. Skip, } impl Future for ConnectionCheckFuture<'_, Io> where Io: AsyncRead + Unpin, { type Output = ConnectionState; // this future is only used to get access to Context. // It should never return Poll::Pending. fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { let this = self.get_mut(); let mut buf = [0; 2]; let mut read_buf = ReadBuf::new(&mut buf); let state = match Pin::new(&mut this.io).poll_read(cx, &mut read_buf) { Poll::Ready(Ok(())) if !read_buf.filled().is_empty() => ConnectionState::Tainted, Poll::Pending => ConnectionState::Live, _ => ConnectionState::Skip, }; Poll::Ready(state) } } struct PooledConnection { conn: ConnectionInnerType, used: Instant, created: Instant, } pin_project! { #[project = CloseConnectionProj] struct CloseConnection { io: Io, #[pin] timeout: Sleep, } } impl CloseConnection where Io: AsyncWrite + Unpin, { fn new(io: Io, timeout: Duration) -> Self { CloseConnection { io, timeout: sleep(timeout), } } } impl Future for CloseConnection where Io: AsyncWrite + Unpin, { type Output = (); fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<()> { let this = self.project(); match this.timeout.poll(cx) { Poll::Ready(_) => Poll::Ready(()), Poll::Pending => Pin::new(this.io).poll_shutdown(cx).map(|_| ()), } } } pub struct Acquired where Io: AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'static, { /// authority key for identify connection. key: Key, /// handle to connection pool. inner: ConnectionPoolInner, /// permit for limit concurrent in-flight connection for a Client object. permit: OwnedSemaphorePermit, } impl Acquired { /// Close the IO. pub(super) fn close(&self, conn: ConnectionInnerType) { self.inner.close(conn); } /// Release IO back into pool. pub(super) fn release(&self, conn: ConnectionInnerType, created: Instant) { let Acquired { key, inner, .. } = self; inner .available .borrow_mut() .entry(key.clone()) .or_insert_with(VecDeque::new) .push_back(PooledConnection { conn, created, used: Instant::now(), }); let _ = &self.permit; } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use std::cell::Cell; use http::Uri; use super::*; /// A stream type that always returns pending on async read. /// /// Mocks an idle TCP stream that is ready to be used for client connections. struct TestStream(Rc>); impl Drop for TestStream { fn drop(&mut self) { self.0.set(self.0.get() - 1); } } impl AsyncRead for TestStream { fn poll_read( self: Pin<&mut Self>, _: &mut Context<'_>, _: &mut ReadBuf<'_>, ) -> Poll> { Poll::Pending } } impl AsyncWrite for TestStream { fn poll_write( self: Pin<&mut Self>, _: &mut Context<'_>, _: &[u8], ) -> Poll> { unimplemented!() } fn poll_flush(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll> { unimplemented!() } fn poll_shutdown(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll> { Poll::Ready(Ok(())) } } #[derive(Clone)] struct TestPoolConnector { generated: Rc>, } impl Service for TestPoolConnector { type Response = (TestStream, Protocol); type Error = ConnectError; type Future = LocalBoxFuture<'static, Result>; actix_service::always_ready!(); fn call(&self, _: Connect) -> Self::Future { self.generated.set(self.generated.get() + 1); let generated = self.generated.clone(); Box::pin(async { Ok((TestStream(generated), Protocol::Http1)) }) } } fn release(conn: ConnectionType) where T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'static, { match conn { ConnectionType::H1(mut conn) => conn.on_release(true), ConnectionType::H2(mut conn) => conn.on_release(false), } } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_pool_limit() { let connector = TestPoolConnector { generated: Rc::new(Cell::new(0)), }; let config = ConnectorConfig { limit: 1, ..Default::default() }; let pool = super::ConnectionPool::new(connector, config); let req = Connect { uri: Uri::from_static("http://localhost"), addr: None, }; let conn = pool.call(req.clone()).await.unwrap(); let waiting = Rc::new(Cell::new(true)); let waiting_clone = waiting.clone(); actix_rt::spawn(async move { actix_rt::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; waiting_clone.set(false); drop(conn); }); assert!(waiting.get()); let now = Instant::now(); let conn = pool.call(req).await.unwrap(); release(conn); assert!(!waiting.get()); assert!(now.elapsed() >= Duration::from_millis(100)); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_pool_keep_alive() { let generated = Rc::new(Cell::new(0)); let generated_clone = generated.clone(); let connector = TestPoolConnector { generated }; let config = ConnectorConfig { conn_keep_alive: Duration::from_secs(1), ..Default::default() }; let pool = super::ConnectionPool::new(connector, config); let req = Connect { uri: Uri::from_static("http://localhost"), addr: None, }; let conn = pool.call(req.clone()).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(1, generated_clone.get()); release(conn); let conn = pool.call(req.clone()).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(1, generated_clone.get()); release(conn); actix_rt::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1500)).await; actix_rt::task::yield_now().await; let conn = pool.call(req).await.unwrap(); // Note: spawned recycle connection is not ran yet. // This is tokio current thread runtime specific behavior. assert_eq!(2, generated_clone.get()); // yield task so the old connection is properly dropped. actix_rt::task::yield_now().await; assert_eq!(1, generated_clone.get()); release(conn); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_pool_lifetime() { let generated = Rc::new(Cell::new(0)); let generated_clone = generated.clone(); let connector = TestPoolConnector { generated }; let config = ConnectorConfig { conn_lifetime: Duration::from_secs(1), ..Default::default() }; let pool = super::ConnectionPool::new(connector, config); let req = Connect { uri: Uri::from_static("http://localhost"), addr: None, }; let conn = pool.call(req.clone()).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(1, generated_clone.get()); release(conn); let conn = pool.call(req.clone()).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(1, generated_clone.get()); release(conn); actix_rt::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1500)).await; actix_rt::task::yield_now().await; let conn = pool.call(req).await.unwrap(); // Note: spawned recycle connection is not ran yet. // This is tokio current thread runtime specific behavior. assert_eq!(2, generated_clone.get()); // yield task so the old connection is properly dropped. actix_rt::task::yield_now().await; assert_eq!(1, generated_clone.get()); release(conn); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_pool_authority_key() { let generated = Rc::new(Cell::new(0)); let generated_clone = generated.clone(); let connector = TestPoolConnector { generated }; let config = ConnectorConfig::default(); let pool = super::ConnectionPool::new(connector, config); let req = Connect { uri: Uri::from_static("https://crates.io"), addr: None, }; let conn = pool.call(req.clone()).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(1, generated_clone.get()); release(conn); let conn = pool.call(req).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(1, generated_clone.get()); release(conn); let req = Connect { uri: Uri::from_static("https://google.com"), addr: None, }; let conn = pool.call(req.clone()).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(2, generated_clone.get()); release(conn); let conn = pool.call(req).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(2, generated_clone.get()); release(conn); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_pool_drop() { let generated = Rc::new(Cell::new(0)); let generated_clone = generated.clone(); let connector = TestPoolConnector { generated }; let config = ConnectorConfig::default(); let pool = Rc::new(super::ConnectionPool::new(connector, config)); let req = Connect { uri: Uri::from_static("https://crates.io"), addr: None, }; let conn = pool.call(req.clone()).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(1, generated_clone.get()); release(conn); let req = Connect { uri: Uri::from_static("https://google.com"), addr: None, }; let conn = pool.call(req.clone()).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(2, generated_clone.get()); release(conn); let clone1 = pool.clone(); let clone2 = clone1.clone(); drop(clone2); for _ in 0..2 { actix_rt::task::yield_now().await; } assert_eq!(2, generated_clone.get()); drop(clone1); for _ in 0..2 { actix_rt::task::yield_now().await; } assert_eq!(2, generated_clone.get()); drop(pool); for _ in 0..2 { actix_rt::task::yield_now().await; } assert_eq!(0, generated_clone.get()); } }