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synced 2024-11-30 18:44:35 +01:00
792 lines
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792 lines
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use std::{io, mem};
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use log::Level::Debug;
use futures::{Async, Poll, Future, Stream};
use futures::unsync::oneshot;
use body::{Body, BodyStream};
use context::{Frame, ActorHttpContext};
use error::Error;
use header::ContentEncoding;
use handler::{Reply, ReplyItem};
use httprequest::HttpRequest;
use httpresponse::HttpResponse;
use middleware::{Middleware, Finished, Started, Response};
use application::Inner;
use server::{Writer, WriterState, HttpHandlerTask};
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub(crate) enum HandlerType {
pub(crate) trait PipelineHandler<S> {
fn encoding(&self) -> ContentEncoding;
fn handle(&mut self, req: HttpRequest<S>, htype: HandlerType) -> Reply;
pub(crate) struct Pipeline<S, H>(PipelineInfo<S>, PipelineState<S, H>);
enum PipelineState<S, H> {
Starting(StartMiddlewares<S, H>),
Handler(WaitingResponse<S, H>),
RunMiddlewares(RunMiddlewares<S, H>),
Response(ProcessResponse<S, H>),
Finishing(FinishingMiddlewares<S, H>),
Completed(Completed<S, H>),
impl<S: 'static, H: PipelineHandler<S>> PipelineState<S, H> {
fn is_response(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
PipelineState::Response(_) => true,
_ => false,
fn poll(&mut self, info: &mut PipelineInfo<S>) -> Option<PipelineState<S, H>> {
match *self {
PipelineState::Starting(ref mut state) => state.poll(info),
PipelineState::Handler(ref mut state) => state.poll(info),
PipelineState::RunMiddlewares(ref mut state) => state.poll(info),
PipelineState::Finishing(ref mut state) => state.poll(info),
PipelineState::Completed(ref mut state) => state.poll(info),
PipelineState::Response(_) | PipelineState::None | PipelineState::Error => None,
struct PipelineInfo<S> {
req: HttpRequest<S>,
count: u16,
mws: Rc<Vec<Box<Middleware<S>>>>,
context: Option<Box<ActorHttpContext>>,
error: Option<Error>,
disconnected: Option<bool>,
encoding: ContentEncoding,
impl<S> PipelineInfo<S> {
fn new(req: HttpRequest<S>) -> PipelineInfo<S> {
PipelineInfo {
count: 0,
mws: Rc::new(Vec::new()),
error: None,
context: None,
disconnected: None,
encoding: ContentEncoding::Auto,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(mut_from_ref))]
fn req_mut(&self) -> &mut HttpRequest<S> {
fn poll_context(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Error> {
if let Some(ref mut context) = self.context {
match context.poll() {
Err(err) => Err(err),
Ok(Async::NotReady) => Ok(Async::NotReady),
Ok(Async::Ready(_)) => Ok(Async::Ready(())),
} else {
impl<S: 'static, H: PipelineHandler<S>> Pipeline<S, H> {
pub fn new(req: HttpRequest<S>,
mws: Rc<Vec<Box<Middleware<S>>>>,
handler: Rc<UnsafeCell<H>>, htype: HandlerType) -> Pipeline<S, H>
let mut info = PipelineInfo {
req, mws,
count: 0,
error: None,
context: None,
disconnected: None,
encoding: unsafe{&*handler.get()}.encoding(),
let state = StartMiddlewares::init(&mut info, handler, htype);
Pipeline(info, state)
impl Pipeline<(), Inner<()>> {
pub fn error<R: Into<HttpResponse>>(err: R) -> Box<HttpHandlerTask> {
Box::new(Pipeline::<(), Inner<()>>(
PipelineInfo::new(HttpRequest::default()), ProcessResponse::init(err.into())))
impl<S: 'static, H> Pipeline<S, H> {
fn is_done(&self) -> bool {
match self.1 {
PipelineState::None | PipelineState::Error
| PipelineState::Starting(_) | PipelineState::Handler(_)
| PipelineState::RunMiddlewares(_) | PipelineState::Response(_) => true,
PipelineState::Finishing(_) | PipelineState::Completed(_) => false,
impl<S: 'static, H: PipelineHandler<S>> HttpHandlerTask for Pipeline<S, H> {
fn disconnected(&mut self) {
self.0.disconnected = Some(true);
fn poll_io(&mut self, io: &mut Writer) -> Poll<bool, Error> {
let info: &mut PipelineInfo<_> = unsafe{ mem::transmute(&mut self.0) };
loop {
if self.1.is_response() {
let state = mem::replace(&mut self.1, PipelineState::None);
if let PipelineState::Response(st) = state {
match st.poll_io(io, info) {
Ok(state) => {
self.1 = state;
if let Some(error) = self.0.error.take() {
return Err(error)
} else {
return Ok(Async::Ready(self.is_done()))
Err(state) => {
self.1 = state;
return Ok(Async::NotReady);
match self.1 {
PipelineState::None =>
return Ok(Async::Ready(true)),
PipelineState::Error =>
return Err(io::Error::new(
io::ErrorKind::Other, "Internal error").into()),
_ => (),
match self.1.poll(info) {
Some(state) => self.1 = state,
None => return Ok(Async::NotReady),
fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Error> {
let info: &mut PipelineInfo<_> = unsafe{ mem::transmute(&mut self.0) };
loop {
match self.1 {
PipelineState::None | PipelineState::Error => {
return Ok(Async::Ready(()))
_ => (),
if let Some(state) = self.1.poll(info) {
self.1 = state;
} else {
return Ok(Async::NotReady);
type Fut = Box<Future<Item=Option<HttpResponse>, Error=Error>>;
/// Middlewares start executor
struct StartMiddlewares<S, H> {
hnd: Rc<UnsafeCell<H>>,
htype: HandlerType,
fut: Option<Fut>,
_s: PhantomData<S>,
impl<S: 'static, H: PipelineHandler<S>> StartMiddlewares<S, H> {
fn init(info: &mut PipelineInfo<S>, hnd: Rc<UnsafeCell<H>>, htype: HandlerType)
-> PipelineState<S, H>
// execute middlewares, we need this stage because middlewares could be non-async
// and we can move to next state immediately
let len = info.mws.len() as u16;
loop {
if info.count == len {
let reply = unsafe{&mut *hnd.get()}.handle(info.req.clone(), htype);
return WaitingResponse::init(info, reply)
} else {
match info.mws[info.count as usize].start(&mut info.req) {
Ok(Started::Done) =>
info.count += 1,
Ok(Started::Response(resp)) =>
return RunMiddlewares::init(info, resp),
Ok(Started::Future(mut fut)) =>
match fut.poll() {
Ok(Async::NotReady) =>
return PipelineState::Starting(StartMiddlewares {
hnd, htype,
fut: Some(fut),
_s: PhantomData}),
Ok(Async::Ready(resp)) => {
if let Some(resp) = resp {
return RunMiddlewares::init(info, resp);
info.count += 1;
Err(err) =>
return ProcessResponse::init(err.into()),
Err(err) =>
return ProcessResponse::init(err.into()),
fn poll(&mut self, info: &mut PipelineInfo<S>) -> Option<PipelineState<S, H>> {
let len = info.mws.len() as u16;
'outer: loop {
match self.fut.as_mut().unwrap().poll() {
Ok(Async::NotReady) => return None,
Ok(Async::Ready(resp)) => {
info.count += 1;
if let Some(resp) = resp {
return Some(RunMiddlewares::init(info, resp));
if info.count == len {
let reply = unsafe{
&mut *self.hnd.get()}.handle(info.req.clone(), self.htype);
return Some(WaitingResponse::init(info, reply));
} else {
loop {
match info.mws[info.count as usize].start(info.req_mut()) {
Ok(Started::Done) =>
info.count += 1,
Ok(Started::Response(resp)) => {
return Some(RunMiddlewares::init(info, resp));
Ok(Started::Future(fut)) => {
self.fut = Some(fut);
continue 'outer
Err(err) =>
return Some(ProcessResponse::init(err.into()))
Err(err) =>
return Some(ProcessResponse::init(err.into()))
// waiting for response
struct WaitingResponse<S, H> {
fut: Box<Future<Item=HttpResponse, Error=Error>>,
_s: PhantomData<S>,
_h: PhantomData<H>,
impl<S: 'static, H> WaitingResponse<S, H> {
fn init(info: &mut PipelineInfo<S>, reply: Reply) -> PipelineState<S, H> {
match reply.into() {
ReplyItem::Message(resp) =>
RunMiddlewares::init(info, resp),
ReplyItem::Future(fut) =>
WaitingResponse { fut, _s: PhantomData, _h: PhantomData }),
fn poll(&mut self, info: &mut PipelineInfo<S>) -> Option<PipelineState<S, H>> {
match self.fut.poll() {
Ok(Async::NotReady) => None,
Ok(Async::Ready(response)) =>
Some(RunMiddlewares::init(info, response)),
Err(err) =>
/// Middlewares response executor
struct RunMiddlewares<S, H> {
curr: usize,
fut: Option<Box<Future<Item=HttpResponse, Error=Error>>>,
_s: PhantomData<S>,
_h: PhantomData<H>,
impl<S: 'static, H> RunMiddlewares<S, H> {
fn init(info: &mut PipelineInfo<S>, mut resp: HttpResponse) -> PipelineState<S, H> {
if info.count == 0 {
return ProcessResponse::init(resp);
let mut curr = 0;
let len = info.mws.len();
loop {
resp = match info.mws[curr].response(info.req_mut(), resp) {
Err(err) => {
info.count = (curr + 1) as u16;
return ProcessResponse::init(err.into())
Ok(Response::Done(r)) => {
curr += 1;
if curr == len {
return ProcessResponse::init(r)
} else {
Ok(Response::Future(fut)) => {
return PipelineState::RunMiddlewares(
RunMiddlewares { curr, fut: Some(fut),
_s: PhantomData, _h: PhantomData })
fn poll(&mut self, info: &mut PipelineInfo<S>) -> Option<PipelineState<S, H>> {
let len = info.mws.len();
loop {
// poll latest fut
let mut resp = match self.fut.as_mut().unwrap().poll() {
Ok(Async::NotReady) => {
return None
Ok(Async::Ready(resp)) => {
self.curr += 1;
Err(err) =>
return Some(ProcessResponse::init(err.into())),
loop {
if self.curr == len {
return Some(ProcessResponse::init(resp));
} else {
match info.mws[self.curr].response(info.req_mut(), resp) {
Err(err) =>
return Some(ProcessResponse::init(err.into())),
Ok(Response::Done(r)) => {
self.curr += 1;
resp = r
Ok(Response::Future(fut)) => {
self.fut = Some(fut);
struct ProcessResponse<S, H> {
resp: HttpResponse,
iostate: IOState,
running: RunningState,
drain: Option<oneshot::Sender<()>>,
_s: PhantomData<S>,
_h: PhantomData<H>,
enum RunningState {
impl RunningState {
fn pause(&mut self) {
if *self != RunningState::Done {
*self = RunningState::Paused
fn resume(&mut self) {
if *self != RunningState::Done {
*self = RunningState::Running
enum IOState {
impl<S: 'static, H> ProcessResponse<S, H> {
fn init(resp: HttpResponse) -> PipelineState<S, H> {
ProcessResponse{ resp,
iostate: IOState::Response,
running: RunningState::Running,
drain: None, _s: PhantomData, _h: PhantomData})
fn poll_io(mut self, io: &mut Writer, info: &mut PipelineInfo<S>)
-> Result<PipelineState<S, H>, PipelineState<S, H>>
loop {
if self.drain.is_none() && self.running != RunningState::Paused {
// if task is paused, write buffer is probably full
'inner: loop {
let result = match mem::replace(&mut self.iostate, IOState::Done) {
IOState::Response => {
let encoding = self.resp.content_encoding().unwrap_or(info.encoding);
let result = match io.start(info.req_mut().get_inner(),
&mut self.resp, encoding)
Ok(res) => res,
Err(err) => {
info.error = Some(err.into());
return Ok(FinishingMiddlewares::init(info, self.resp))
if let Some(err) = self.resp.error() {
if self.resp.status().is_server_error() {
error!("Error occured during request handling: {}", err);
} else {
warn!("Error occured during request handling: {}", err);
if log_enabled!(Debug) {
debug!("{:?}", err);
// always poll stream or actor for the first time
match self.resp.replace_body(Body::Empty) {
Body::Streaming(stream) => {
self.iostate = IOState::Payload(stream);
continue 'inner
Body::Actor(ctx) => {
self.iostate = IOState::Actor(ctx);
continue 'inner
_ => (),
IOState::Payload(mut body) => {
match body.poll() {
Ok(Async::Ready(None)) => {
if let Err(err) = io.write_eof() {
info.error = Some(err.into());
return Ok(FinishingMiddlewares::init(info, self.resp))
Ok(Async::Ready(Some(chunk))) => {
self.iostate = IOState::Payload(body);
match io.write(chunk.into()) {
Err(err) => {
info.error = Some(err.into());
return Ok(FinishingMiddlewares::init(info, self.resp))
Ok(result) => result
Ok(Async::NotReady) => {
self.iostate = IOState::Payload(body);
Err(err) => {
info.error = Some(err);
return Ok(FinishingMiddlewares::init(info, self.resp))
IOState::Actor(mut ctx) => {
if info.disconnected.take().is_some() {
match ctx.poll() {
Ok(Async::Ready(Some(vec))) => {
if vec.is_empty() {
self.iostate = IOState::Actor(ctx);
let mut res = None;
for frame in vec {
match frame {
Frame::Chunk(None) => {
info.context = Some(ctx);
if let Err(err) = io.write_eof() {
info.error = Some(err.into());
return Ok(
FinishingMiddlewares::init(info, self.resp))
break 'inner
Frame::Chunk(Some(chunk)) => {
match io.write(chunk) {
Err(err) => {
info.error = Some(err.into());
return Ok(
FinishingMiddlewares::init(info, self.resp))
Ok(result) => res = Some(result),
Frame::Drain(fut) => self.drain = Some(fut),
self.iostate = IOState::Actor(ctx);
if self.drain.is_some() {
break 'inner
Ok(Async::Ready(None)) => {
Ok(Async::NotReady) => {
self.iostate = IOState::Actor(ctx);
Err(err) => {
info.error = Some(err);
return Ok(FinishingMiddlewares::init(info, self.resp))
IOState::Done => break,
match result {
WriterState::Pause => {
WriterState::Done => {
// flush io but only if we need to
if self.running == RunningState::Paused || self.drain.is_some() {
match io.poll_completed(false) {
Ok(Async::Ready(_)) => {
// resolve drain futures
if let Some(tx) = self.drain.take() {
let _ = tx.send(());
// restart io processing
Ok(Async::NotReady) =>
return Err(PipelineState::Response(self)),
Err(err) => {
info.error = Some(err.into());
return Ok(FinishingMiddlewares::init(info, self.resp))
// response is completed
match self.iostate {
IOState::Done => {
match io.write_eof() {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(err) => {
info.error = Some(err.into());
return Ok(FinishingMiddlewares::init(info, self.resp))
Ok(FinishingMiddlewares::init(info, self.resp))
_ => Err(PipelineState::Response(self)),
/// Middlewares start executor
struct FinishingMiddlewares<S, H> {
resp: HttpResponse,
fut: Option<Box<Future<Item=(), Error=Error>>>,
_s: PhantomData<S>,
_h: PhantomData<H>,
impl<S: 'static, H> FinishingMiddlewares<S, H> {
fn init(info: &mut PipelineInfo<S>, resp: HttpResponse) -> PipelineState<S, H> {
if info.count == 0 {
} else {
let mut state = FinishingMiddlewares{resp, fut: None,
_s: PhantomData, _h: PhantomData};
if let Some(st) = state.poll(info) {
} else {
fn poll(&mut self, info: &mut PipelineInfo<S>) -> Option<PipelineState<S, H>> {
loop {
// poll latest fut
let not_ready = if let Some(ref mut fut) = self.fut {
match fut.poll() {
Ok(Async::NotReady) => {
Ok(Async::Ready(())) => {
Err(err) => {
error!("Middleware finish error: {}", err);
} else {
if not_ready {
return None;
self.fut = None;
info.count -= 1;
match info.mws[info.count as usize].finish(info.req_mut(), &self.resp) {
Finished::Done => {
if info.count == 0 {
return Some(Completed::init(info))
Finished::Future(fut) => {
self.fut = Some(fut);
struct Completed<S, H>(PhantomData<S>, PhantomData<H>);
impl<S, H> Completed<S, H> {
fn init(info: &mut PipelineInfo<S>) -> PipelineState<S, H> {
if let Some(ref err) = info.error {
error!("Error occurred during request handling: {}", err);
if info.context.is_none() {
} else {
PipelineState::Completed(Completed(PhantomData, PhantomData))
fn poll(&mut self, info: &mut PipelineInfo<S>) -> Option<PipelineState<S, H>> {
match info.poll_context() {
Ok(Async::NotReady) => None,
Ok(Async::Ready(())) => Some(PipelineState::None),
Err(_) => Some(PipelineState::Error),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use actix::*;
use context::HttpContext;
use tokio_core::reactor::Core;
use futures::future::{lazy, result};
impl<S, H> PipelineState<S, H> {
fn is_none(&self) -> Option<bool> {
if let PipelineState::None = *self { Some(true) } else { None }
fn completed(self) -> Option<Completed<S, H>> {
if let PipelineState::Completed(c) = self { Some(c) } else { None }
struct MyActor;
impl Actor for MyActor {
type Context = HttpContext<MyActor>;
fn test_completed() {
Core::new().unwrap().run(lazy(|| {
let mut info = PipelineInfo::new(HttpRequest::default());
Completed::<(), Inner<()>>::init(&mut info).is_none().unwrap();
let req = HttpRequest::default();
let mut ctx = HttpContext::new(req.clone(), MyActor);
let addr: Addr<Unsync, _> = ctx.address();
let mut info = PipelineInfo::new(req);
info.context = Some(Box::new(ctx));
let mut state = Completed::<(), Inner<()>>::init(&mut info).completed().unwrap();
assert!(state.poll(&mut info).is_none());
let pp = Pipeline(info, PipelineState::Completed(state));
let Pipeline(mut info, st) = pp;
let mut st = st.completed().unwrap();
assert!(st.poll(&mut info).unwrap().is_none().unwrap());
result(Ok::<_, ()>(()))