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synced 2025-03-28 01:34:01 +01:00
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//! A Collection of Header implementations for common HTTP Headers.
//! ## Mime Types
//! Several header fields use MIME values for their contents. Keeping with the strongly-typed theme,
//! the [mime] crate is used in such headers as [`ContentType`] and [`Accept`].
use std::fmt;
use bytes::{Bytes, BytesMut};
// re-export from actix-http
// - header name / value types
// - relevant traits for converting to header name / value
// - all const header names
// - header map
// - the few typed headers from actix-http
// - header parsing utils
pub use actix_http::http::header::*;
mod accept_charset;
// mod accept_encoding;
mod accept;
mod accept_language;
mod allow;
mod any_or_some;
mod cache_control;
mod content_disposition;
mod content_language;
mod content_range;
mod content_type;
mod date;
mod encoding;
mod entity;
mod etag;
mod expires;
mod if_match;
mod if_modified_since;
mod if_none_match;
mod if_range;
mod if_unmodified_since;
mod last_modified;
mod macros;
// mod range;
pub(crate) use macros::common_header_test;
pub(crate) use macros::{common_header, common_header_test_module};
pub use self::accept_charset::AcceptCharset;
//pub use self::accept_encoding::AcceptEncoding;
pub use self::accept::Accept;
pub use self::accept_language::AcceptLanguage;
pub use self::allow::Allow;
pub use self::any_or_some::AnyOrSome;
pub use self::cache_control::{CacheControl, CacheDirective};
pub use self::content_disposition::{ContentDisposition, DispositionParam, DispositionType};
pub use self::content_language::ContentLanguage;
pub use self::content_range::{ContentRange, ContentRangeSpec};
pub use self::content_type::ContentType;
pub use self::date::Date;
pub use self::encoding::Encoding;
pub use self::entity::EntityTag;
pub use self::etag::ETag;
pub use self::expires::Expires;
pub use self::if_match::IfMatch;
pub use self::if_modified_since::IfModifiedSince;
pub use self::if_none_match::IfNoneMatch;
pub use self::if_range::IfRange;
pub use self::if_unmodified_since::IfUnmodifiedSince;
pub use self::last_modified::LastModified;
//pub use self::range::{Range, ByteRangeSpec};
/// Format writer ([`fmt::Write`]) for a [`BytesMut`].
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct Writer {
buf: BytesMut,
impl Writer {
pub fn new() -> Writer {
pub fn take(&mut self) -> Bytes {
impl fmt::Write for Writer {
fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
fn write_fmt(&mut self, args: fmt::Arguments<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::write(self, args)