Trait actix_web::actix::actix::StreamHandler [−]
pub trait StreamHandler<I, E>: Actor + Actor { fn handle(&mut self, item: I, ctx: &mut Self::Context); fn started(&mut self, ctx: &mut Self::Context) { ... } fn error(&mut self, err: E, ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Running { ... } fn finished(&mut self, ctx: &mut Self::Context) { ... } fn add_stream<S>(fut: S, ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> SpawnHandle
E: 'static,
I: 'static,
S: Stream<Item = I, Error = E> + 'static,
Self::Context: AsyncContext<Self>, { ... } }
Stream handler
This is helper trait that allows to handle Stream
a similar way as normal actor messages.
When stream resolves to a next item, handle()
method of this trait
get called. If stream produces error, error()
method get called.
Depends on result of the error()
method, actor could continue to
process stream items or stop stream processing.
When stream completes, finished()
method get called. By default
method stops actor execution.
Required Methods
fn handle(&mut self, item: I, ctx: &mut Self::Context)
Method is called for every message received by this Actor
Provided Methods
fn started(&mut self, ctx: &mut Self::Context)
Method is called when stream get polled first time.
fn error(&mut self, err: E, ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Running
Method is called when stream emits error.
If this method returns ErrorAction::Continue
stream processing
continues otherwise stream processing stops. Default method
implementation returns ErrorAction::Stop
fn finished(&mut self, ctx: &mut Self::Context)
Method is called when stream finishes.
By default this method stops actor execution.
fn add_stream<S>(fut: S, ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> SpawnHandle where
E: 'static,
I: 'static,
S: Stream<Item = I, Error = E> + 'static,
Self::Context: AsyncContext<Self>,
E: 'static,
I: 'static,
S: Stream<Item = I, Error = E> + 'static,
Self::Context: AsyncContext<Self>,
This method register stream to an actor context and
allows to handle Stream
in similar way as normal actor messages.
use actix::prelude::*; use futures::stream::once; #[derive(Message)] struct Ping; struct MyActor; impl StreamHandler<Ping, io::Error> for MyActor { fn handle(&mut self, item: Ping, ctx: &mut Context<MyActor>) { println!("PING"); } fn finished(&mut self, ctx: &mut Self::Context) { println!("finished"); } } impl Actor for MyActor { type Context = Context<Self>; fn started(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context<Self>) { // add stream Self::add_stream(once::<Ping, io::Error>(Ok(Ping)), ctx); } }